Patch Notes:修订间差异

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  地图包含3个入口,这些入口通往不同的小型区域{隐秘下水道(Hidden Waterways),疯狂柱廊(Colonnades of Madness),顾问堤道(Counselor's Causeway)},这3个微型区域的尽头都将有一个出口,随机一个出口通向最终的BOSS:疯狂的扎尔(Zhar, the Mad)
  地图包含3个入口,这些入口通往不同的小型区域{隐秘下水道(Hidden Waterways),疯狂柱廊(Colonnades of Madness),顾问堤道(Counselor's Causeway)},这3个微型区域的尽头都将有一个出口,随机一个出口通向最终的BOSS:疯狂的扎尔(Zhar, the Mad)
*** '''Stygian Caverns''' uses an entirely new tileset reminiscient of the caves from Diablo I and has a second zone within it (Stronghold of Acheron) with the boss: Warlord of Blood
*** '''Stygian Caverns''' uses an entirely new tileset reminiscient of the caves from Diablo I and has a second zone within it (Stronghold of Acheron) with the boss: Warlord of Blood
“冥河洞穴(Stygian Caverns)”使用暗黑1中雷米尔洞穴(reminiscient of the caves)的全新主题,在里面有第二个区域“阿切隆要塞(Stronghold of Acheron)”,BOSS:鲜血督军(Warlord of Blood)将在里面出现
* Affix changes (for magic/rare/crafted items)
* Affix changes (for magic/rare/crafted items)
** Many weaker affixes won't appear on higher level items
** Many weaker affixes won't appear on higher level items