Patch Notes:修订间差异

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* New passive Barbarian skill "Deep Wounds" which increases the chance of inflicting open wounds and adds additional damage to open wounds, currently has Grim Ward as a synergy
* New passive Barbarian skill "Deep Wounds" which increases the chance of inflicting open wounds and adds additional damage to open wounds, currently has Grim Ward as a synergy
新的野蛮人被动技能“重伤”:可以增加撕开伤口的几率,并为撕开伤口附加额外的伤害。目前有恐怖图腾“Grim Ward”作为协同技能提供加成。
* Many items that have a chance of inflicting open wounds will have a new stat which adds additional damage to open wounds (reminder: enemies inflicted with open wounds take physical damage over 8 seconds)
* Many items that have a chance of inflicting open wounds will have a new stat which adds additional damage to open wounds (reminder: enemies inflicted with open wounds take physical damage over 8 seconds)
拥有“XX几率撕开伤口”属性的物品,现在将会额外拥有一个为撕开伤口(open wounds)附加额外伤害的属性。(说明:被撕开伤口的敌人将在8秒内持续受到物理伤害)
** Examples spoiled: [[The Meat Scraper]] (50% chance of OW; +[85-125] OW dps), [[Gut Siphon]] (33% chance of OW; +[350-400] OW dps), [[Messerschmidt's Reaver]] (20% chance of OW; +[250-300] OW dps)
** Examples spoiled: [[The Meat Scraper]] (50% chance of OW; +[85-125] OW dps), [[Gut Siphon]] (33% chance of OW; +[350-400] OW dps), [[Messerschmidt's Reaver]] (20% chance of OW; +[250-300] OW dps)
* New "curse resistance" stat which reduces the ''effectiveness'' of enemy curses (currently capped at 50%)
* New "curse resistance" stat which reduces the ''effectiveness'' of enemy curses (currently capped at 50%)
** Example spoiled: [[Templar's Might]] (curse resistance +20%)
** Example spoiled: [[Templar's Might]] (curse resistance +20%)