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= 第8赛季预告 =
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= 第9赛季预告 =
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|+ 第9赛季预告

2024年3月10日 (日) 09:50的版本



开发者直播 #1

直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1903102606 (需翻墙)

  • 刺客的陷阱现在会显示图标在左上角(类似雇佣兵或召唤物的头像)
  • 网站与游戏内的聊天记录会保留下来(私服不用管)
  • 大黑和大马的难度从9个等级修改为3个等级(无符文,26#-29#,30#-33#)
  • 大黑和大马的掉率稍微提高(私服会有更大的提高)
  • 神殿效果可以影响到附近所有的玩家(比如:经验神殿等等)
  • 伤害加深(Deep Wounds)将被修复 (此前有一个伤害上限的BUG)
  • 腐化区域
    • 随机的区域被暂时升级到85场景并且提高了WSS的掉率
    • 一场游戏中,每15分钟,一个随机的区域被选中并“被腐化” (只有在地狱难度并完成巴尔任务后才会触发)
  • 注入之球 - 每个用于洗T图的材料之球可以先跟其它材料合成,变成一个“注入之球”,注入之球可以直接用来洗T图 (可以有效节省空间)

开发者直播 #2

直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1909176408 (需翻墙)

  • 赛季开荒时间确定 (9月 22)--私服预计9月10日
  • 增加一个选项用于锁定背包里面的护身符和装备 (防止意外卖店)
  • 新的冰冷/闪电投掷型药剂, 所有投掷型药剂现在可以对敌人造成对应的元素减抗(最高 -10%)
  • 双龙爪(Dragon Claw)在攻击的时候会触发2次充能效果(因为双龙爪一次攻击会打击2次)
  • 修复神龙摆尾(刺客)的伤害提示
  • 调整踢击(kick)的伤害来源于力量/敏捷(大部分基于力量,而不是纯粹基于力量)
  • 可以选择性的开启腰带剩余数量显示,会在腰带上面显示很小的图标 (用来代替原版的16格大方格腰带显示)--私服本身也加了剩余数量显示了,这次官方加上的话,私服这边就去掉
  • 刀盾(Blade Shield)不再消耗耐久度(意思是它调整为由“击中时”触发而不是原来的“攻击时”触发)并且少量增加它的范围
  • 新暗金物品 (制作中): 能量之 灵魂之矛 energy-themed ghost spear (由 AerinOboros 创意和设计)
  • 新暗金图 (制作中): "沉沦魔花园 fallen gardens",小的二层区域 "钻石之门 diamond gate" 包含一个BOSS (由 Alma 制作)

开发者直播 #3

直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1915286636 (需翻墙)

  • 法师串连冰枪技能扩散范围受鼠标指针距离影响(个人理解类似多重箭散布范围受到攻击时鼠标离人物远近的影响,越远散布越小)
  • 更新D2GL有更好的画面表现及新功能
  • 增加“H”快捷键从而提示PD2相关信息
  • 基德事件略微降低高级暗金出现的概率
  • 调整某些物品掉率包括PDE/PES
  • PVP场景由A5改为A1(原基德贩卖PK场卷轴改为安雅售卖)
  • 圣骑士新增技能“圣剑”代替原技能“转换”,同时有装备双手剑属性加成(不能使用圣盾技能)
    • 有几率“招架”类似刺客的武器格挡(无动画)
    • 同时有对恶魔/不死系伤害加成
  • 粉碎性打击(CB)对任何怪物不再有65%血量以下无效的限制,全程有效,但是对于超级恶魔BOSS实际效果有严重的缩减。
  • 亵渎技能的尸体存在16秒,防止太多尸体造成的BUG
  • 刺客龙爪技能不会被打断
  • 新增“喧嚣 Hustle”3孔(13# 18# 2#)盔甲符文之语,装备后提供速度爆发技能(改自D2R)
  • 新增“纯洁 Innocence”4孔(25# 20# 33# 15#)盔甲符文之语,装备后提供刺客的刃之盾发技能



开发者直播 #1

直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2085940286(需翻墙)

  • 赛季名称 -- 混沌: 4月12日 开始, 公测 4月8-10日, 封测 3月30日-4月7日(国服预计于3月31日开荒)
  • Crafting infusions will be staying, but will be treasure fallen event exclusive item
  • Treasure fallen loot table changes from crafting season (i.e. can drop higher runes) will stay minus puzzle pieces, but will no longer spawn in LoD
  • Next Hit Always Misses bug fixed (was common with Zeal and other melee attacks if put into hit recovery, block, etc; Sacrifice self-damage and Holy Sword block would automatically cause this NHAM bug)
  • Melee hit checks simplified: will do an initial target range check to move character into hit range, and then the secondary range check is more lenient if monster moves after initial target
  • Reduced volume level of main menu music
  • Reworked next hit delay to be on a per missile type for caster basis -- this means you can't next hit delay yourself if you use multiple skills to do damage (i.e. Twister and Tornado don't delay each other) and applies to other player's skills in game as well; may result in nerfs for skills that relied on damage increase to cover hit delays and/or additional Monster HP increases per player in multiplayer
  • Necro Poison Dagger now has a spread mechanic - if a monster dies while poisoned by Dagger, it will release a cloud upon death
  • Necro Poison Dagger poison cloud larger
  • Increased maximum sprite limit in game, will no longer have graphics go invisible when too much is on screen (aka Shenk Bug)
  • Added commands for player statistics: .kills of various types (.kills all - all monsters killed, .kills dclone, .kills maps, etc.), .played for time played, .deaths for death count; stats also will function on PlugY for single player
  • Top 3 99s, DClone Tier 2, Rathma Tier 2 all get account-wide aura with a lightning effect; all other 99s and DClone/Rathma Tier 2 will get a character-bound aura without lightning (these will also work in singleplayer and carry over to non-ladder as character-bound auras)
  • TBA changes to Dungeon Boss farming
  • Skills no longer have a cooldown when in town - summon QoL when starting a run
  • All permanent summons will carryover through games (i.e. not Ravens or Revives); Valks will reroll new armor between games; Iron Golem still undetermined on how that will function
  • Uber Tristram is no longer in D2GS code, now part of game -- will natively work in single player/PlugY, and can now fix bugs when seen in Tristram
  • Uber Tristram house cheese is gone, players and monsters can no longer go in the houses
  • Pally Charge now hits non-namelocked monsters; would do a ghost attack that would miss if a monster was not namelocked
  • Standard of Heroes now only dropped from Uber Ancients, no longer drops in Uber Tristram

开发者直播 #2

开发者直播 #3