Patch Notes:修订间差异

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''暂定'' 补丁说明(汉化): (感谢:孤行独狼)
''暂定'' 补丁说明(汉化): (感谢:孤行独狼)
Changes are being made during the closed beta and will be added to the patch notes when the open beta begins. So far, additional changes include:
* Open Wounds:
** Changed open wounds to be physical damage (damage is reduced by physical resistance and increased by physical pierce, etc.)
** Open Wounds now stacks 3 times on a target. Any further applies refreshes the duration (does not override damage).
** Open Wounds now lasts 5 seconds
** Open Wounds and Crushing Blow now get applied through melee splash
** Open wounds no longer has penalty vs. champion/boss monsters
** Increased open wounds from all sources
** Added the ability to proc open wounds from attacker takes damage (physical, not lightning)
** Added new affixes for open wounds and open wounds damage for jewels
** Added open wounds damage to magic/rare/crafted item affixes combined with open wounds chance
** Open Wounds in PVP now has the same damage multipliers as skills: 16% (Normal), 12% (Nightmare), 6% (Hell)
* Fend synergies increased from 12% -> 15%
* Lightning Strike synergies reduced from 12% -> 9%
* Sacrifice explosion radius reduced from 14 -> 10
* Sacrifice explosion increased overkill damage from 100% -> 150%
* Fist of the Heavens synergies increased from 10% -> 11%
* Werebear bonus damage per level increased from 12% -> 15%
* Rabies synergies reduced from 17% -> 14%
* Blade shield synergies increased from 8% -> 10%
* Blade dance base damage% increased from 60% -> 110%
* Blade dance base attack rating increased from 90% to 200%
* Blade dance attack rating per level increased from 6% to 15%
* Dark pact curse mastery and iron maiden synergy reduced from 18% to 15%
* Dark pact all curses synergy reduced from 12% to 10%
* Dark pact mana cost increase per level reduced from .25 to .125
* Curse mastery changed to apply a "curse cap" on the monster
** This means that a curse cast from a unit with increased max curses will allow other units to apply curses up to that limit
** For example, a necromancer player with 2 max curses casts a curse on a monster, if their mercenary casts a curse on the same monster it will stack up to the necromancer's max curse limit
* Um Rune in weapons changed to +10% chance of Open Wounds and Open Wounds deal 120 additional damage
* Reduced chance of spawning map events for white maps by 66% and magic maps by 33%
* A4 Dark mercenary now checks if its target has Amplify Damage. If it doesn't then have an increased chance (+25%) of casting Amplify Damage.
* A4 Dark mercenary now casts Amplify Damage at a reduced radius (flat 12yds)
* A4 Dark mercenary now has Curse Mastery lvl 11, allowing monsters affected by their Amplify Damage to receive an additional curse
* A4 Dark mercenary now has inherent Life per Kill same as A3 merc
* Reworked Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master equipment generation so that they will generate boots to increase their kick damage
* Fire claw rebalanced:
** Removed Lycanthropy and Firestorm synergies
** Redistributed synergy values into Molten Boulder and Armageddon
** Increased the base damage scaling on fire claws from 1/2/3/4/5 - 2/3/4/5/6  *to* 2/3/5/7/9 - 3/4/6/8/10
** Added scaling fire missile creation (was flat 6 fire missiles, now it is 4 + 1 per 4 base levels (8 total at level 20))
** Increased the range of fire claw fire missiles
* Lightning strike chain distance reduced from 20 -> 16
* Lightning strike max number of hits reduced from 12 -> 10
* Lightning strike synergies increased from 9% -> 10%
* Frozen orb base damage reduced from 100-110 to 80-90
* Frozen orb level 28+ scaling increased from 27-29 to 28-30
* Tiger strike can now be used with daggers (1h only)
* Venom no longer double dips on increase poison damage% (the poison damage% will be applied on _hit_ and not on casting venom)
* Venom no longer has scaling duration from poison damage%
* Venom now lasts 1.6 seconds at all levels (Total damage is the same from previous patch)
Gut siphon
* Added 12% chance to cast lvel 28 desecrate
* 6% chance to cast level 32 desecrate on striking increased to 9%
* 20-30% physical damage reduced to 15-25%
* Added 20% curse resistance
Spike thorn
* Reverted back to season 6 values
Akarat's Devotion
* 15% chance to cast level 35 blessed hammer on striking increased to 25%
* Added +10-20% Curse resistance
Wraith flight
* Added +10% curse resistance
Veil of steel
* Reverted back to season 6 values
Headhunter's glory
* Added 20-30% curse resistance
* Removed 25% faster run walk
Moser's blessed circle
* +25 to all resistance reduced to +20
* Added 10% curse resistance
Executioner's justice
* Added +20% curse resistance
Gavel of pain
* Added +10-20% curse resistance
Plague bearer
* +4-6 to rabies reduced to 3-5
* -20 to -25% enemy poison resistance reduced to -15 to -20%
* +2 life on hit removed
* Added +6 open wounds damage per second
* +33-66% open wounds removed
* Added +5 to Deep Wounds (Barbarian Only)
* Additional corpse explosion radius removed
* Added +20-30% curse resistance
* Magic damage taken reduced by 4-10 removed
* Added +20% curse resistance
* +200-260% enhanced damage increased to 220-280%
* Added 10-20% curse resistance
Aidan's scar
* 30% chance to cast level 20 amplify damage on striking changed to 25% to cast level 31
Zerae's resolve
* +200-250% enhanced damage increased to 220-270%
Ursa's Nightmare
* Increased maximum life +20-25% increased to 20-30%
Spirit shroud
* Added +10% curse resistance
* 10% chance to cast level 10 bone armor increased to level 15
Shadow dancers
* Added +10% curse resistance
Saracen's chance
* +60-80% enhanced damage reduced to +30-50%
* Added +10% curse resistance
The cat's eye
* +25 to dex increased to +25-35
====Lootfilter-Related Notes====
Mid-season S6 updates you might've missed (see [[Item Filtering]] for details on these):
* An update broke '''GEMLEVEL''' and replaced it with '''GEM''' (both work in s7)
* New '''MAPTIER''' condition
* New '''AUTOMOD''' condition (similar to '''PREFIX''' and '''SUFFIX''')
* New "between" operator '''~''' (tilde symbol) which can specify '''PREFIX''' and '''SUFFIX''' ranges ('''>''' and '''<''' didn't work well with them)
* New '''MULTI#,#''' condition for STAT values that have multiple layers (ctc effects, skill charges, skill groups, auras, reanimate effects)
* We realized '''%STAT-#%''' output keywords have been available all along (renamed to '''%STAT#%''' in s7)
* We realized '''CHARSTAT#''' conditions have been available all along
New s7 features and improvements:
* Hidden gold will now automatically be picked up
* Items names can now use '''%NL%''', so long as the item is identified and its quality is magic or greater
* Added Reload Config to the in-game settings menu
* Added '''EDEF''' which will filter Enhanced Defense
* Added '''EDAM''' which will filter Enhanced Damage
* Added '''GEMLEVEL''' (same as '''GEM''')
* Added '''SOCKETS''' (same as '''SOCK''')
* Added '''%MULTI#,#%''' output keyword, and alternatively-named keywords which each do part of what MULTI can do: '''%SK#%''', '''%OS#%''', '''%CLSK#%''', '''%TABSK#%'''
* Added output keywords for named stats: '''%DEF%''' and all "named attribute codes" except MAXDUR ('''%ED%''', '''%AR%''', '''%RES%''', '''%LIFE%''', '''%MFIND%''', etc.)
* Renamed '''%STAT-#%''' to '''%STAT#%''' (now matches the input condition)
* All valid conditions will now work with the 'between' ('''~''') operator
* Conditions with negative values should now work more intuitively (prior to this change, something like [REPLIFE>10] would also match items with negative Replenish Life, like Soul Drainer)
* Added '''EDEF''', '''EDAM''', '''FCR''', '''AR''', '''REPLIFE''', '''STAT3''' (vit), '''STAT60''' (life leech), '''STAT62''' (mana leech) to "'''+'''" operator (addition can be applied to them)
* Reworked '''PREFIX'''/'''SUFFIX'''/'''AUTOMOD''' to all start from ID 1. Previously the first PREFIX was 968 (Stout) but will now be 1. Likewise the first AUTOMOD (Fletcher's) was 1645 but will now be 1. This will prevent loot filters from needing updates every time a new PREFIX or SUFFIX is added
Item codes for new items:
* '''t51''' - Zhar's Sanctum (unique map by Alma, '''MAPID''' 176-180)
* '''t52''' - The Stygian Caverns (unique map by Aerlynn, '''MAPID''' 181 and 182)
* '''cm2f''' - Hellfire Ashes (stackable "Hellfire Torch" ingredient for Voidstone recipe, made by cubing the torch with a key)
* '''pvpp''' - Dueling Mana Potion (Super Mana Potion equivalent for PvP arenas only, sold by PvP vendors for 1 gold)
* '''iwss''' - Catalyst Shard (adds "Area contains a random event" to maps, drops from new "Altar of the Catalyst" map event, filterable with '''STAT500''')
Bug fixes:
* Fixed a bug with '''1H''' that prevented it from applying to Hand Axes
* Fixed a bug with '''EQ2''' using the wrong armor group (it incorrectly referred to '''ARMOR''' instead of '''CHEST''')
* Fixed a bug with '''EQUIPPED''' which caused items in the shared stash to be incorrectly considered "equipped"
* Fixed a bug with '''SHOP''' that would sometimes cause the condition to incorrectly return true
* Fixed a bug with '''GEM'''/'''GEMLEVEL''' that prevented unstacked flawless/perfect from filtering properly
* Fixed a bug with Enhanced Defense and Enhanced Damage sometimes returning 0
* Fixed an issue with '''MINDMG''', '''MAXDMG''', & STAT21-24 that would incorrectly filter on base min/max weapon damage instead of +min/+max damage bonuses
* Fixed a bug with '''PRICE''' that would cause the condition to incorrectly return false in certain cases
* Fixed an issue with '''SHOP''' that was incorrectly tagging other players items during inspection
Patch notes which may be relevant for lootfilter authors:
* White maps can now be stacked
* Ohm Rune 40% enhanced damage increased to 45%
* Um Rune +25% open wounds reduced to +10% in weapons, and also has +120 open wounds damage per second in weapons
* Zenith, Pride, Last Wish, Destruction, and Beast can all now be made in staves
* New skill: [[Deep Wounds]] in Barbarian passive skill tree (skill code '''SK368''')
* The Stygian Caverns will have a chance for items to drop corrupted
Beta issues (may or may not be fixed for s7):
* The new unique map names are the same as their bosses ("Zhar the Mad" and "Warlord of Blood") instead of what the areas are called: "Zhar’s Sanctum" and "Stygian Caverns"
* These characters currently don't display anything when HD text is enabled: ¬, ÷, ±, ¤, [ soft hyphen] (doesn't show up on wiki)
* These characters display correctly when HD text is enabled: · and ¸ (they still display "?" if HD text is disabled)

====Lootfilter-Related Notes====
====Lootfilter-Related Notes====