Patch Notes:修订间差异

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第162行: 第162行:
  虎击(Tiger Strike)从需要双持改回单手即可。
  虎击(Tiger Strike)从需要双持改回单手即可。
* Spirit of Barbs now has a synergy (Carrion Vine) for anyone who wants to invest more into thorns damage
* Spirit of Barbs now has a synergy (Carrion Vine) for anyone who wants to invest more into thorns damage
荆棘之灵(Spirit of Barbs)现在有太阳藤蔓(Carrion Vine)作为协同技能,那些想提高反弹伤害的玩家可以在此投入点数以获得提升
* Uber difficulty levels based on high runes (described in previous stream) are still being balanced, but have been adjusted to make difficulty level 1 (Vex) match the previous season's difficulty rather than difficulty level 4 (Sur) as was initially planned
* Uber difficulty levels based on high runes (described in previous stream) are still being balanced, but have been adjusted to make difficulty level 1 (Vex) match the previous season's difficulty rather than difficulty level 4 (Sur) as was initially planned
* Fury, Fend, and Zeal will now gain melee splash radius for different attacks per 3-hit sequence
* Fury, Fend, and Zeal will now gain melee splash radius for different attacks per 3-hit sequence
** Attack 2: +20% melee splash radius
** Attack 2: +20% melee splash radius
** Attack 3: +40% melee splash radius
** Attack 3: +40% melee splash radius
* Feral Rage will no longer add melee splash radius (since Fury does instead)
* Feral Rage will no longer add melee splash radius (since Fury does instead)
野性狂暴(Feral Rage)现在不再增加近战溅射范围{以狂怒连击(Fury)取代}
* New unique maps (both made by Aerlynn)
* New unique maps (both made by Aerlynn)
** can drop rarely or be gained via corruptions (map corruptions will sometimes tranform the map into a unique)
** can drop rarely or be gained via corruptions (map corruptions will sometimes tranform the map into a unique)
** 2 unique maps this season - both will be T3 maps and have one or more unique modifiers (in future seasons, additional unique maps will also be made at T1 and T2 levels)
** 2 unique maps this season - both will be T3 maps and have one or more unique modifiers (in future seasons, additional unique maps will also be made at T1 and T2 levels)
*** '''Zhar's Sanctum'''
*** '''Zhar's Sanctum'''
**** has 2 charm-themed modifiers: Map boss drops skill charms, Monsters have +[2-5]% chance of dropping additional charms
**** has 2 charm-themed modifiers: Map boss drops skill charms, Monsters have +[2-5]% chance of dropping additional charms
**** contains 3 portals that lead to smaller miniature map zones (Hidden Waterways, Colonnades of Madness, Counselor's Causeway) where each zone will have a portal at the end, and a random one will lead to the boss: Zhar, the Mad
**** contains 3 portals that lead to smaller miniature map zones (Hidden Waterways, Colonnades of Madness, Counselor's Causeway) where each zone will have a portal at the end, and a random one will lead to the boss: Zhar, the Mad
地图包含3个入口,这些入口通往不同的小型区域{隐秘下水道(Hidden Waterways),疯狂柱廊(Colonnades of Madness),顾问堤道(Counselor's Causeway)},这3个微型区域的尽头都将有一个出口,随机一个出口通向最终的BOSS:疯狂的扎尔(Zhar, the Mad)
*** '''Stygian Caverns''' uses an entirely new tileset reminiscient of the caves from Diablo I and has a second zone within it (Stronghold of Acheron) with the boss: Warlord of Blood
*** '''Stygian Caverns''' uses an entirely new tileset reminiscient of the caves from Diablo I and has a second zone within it (Stronghold of Acheron) with the boss: Warlord of Blood
* Affix changes (for magic/rare/crafted items)
* Affix changes (for magic/rare/crafted items)
** Many weaker affixes won't appear on higher level items
** Many weaker affixes won't appear on higher level items
** New affixes for "chance to cast X on cast" on staves and "chance to cast X on striking" on some melee weapons, other "chance to cast" effects will also be reviewed and adjusted as needed
** New affixes for "chance to cast X on cast" on staves and "chance to cast X on striking" on some melee weapons, other "chance to cast" effects will also be reviewed and adjusted as needed

===Closed Beta Spoilers===
===Closed Beta Spoilers===