Patch Notes:修订间差异

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* The current act 1 mercenaries will no longer use Strafe, and will instead use higher damage elemental skills:
* The current act 1 mercenaries will no longer use Strafe, and will instead use higher damage elemental skills:
* <span class="d2-blue">当前ACT1 雇佣兵不再使用炮轰技能,由更好元素伤害技能代替:</span>
* <span class="d2-blue">当前ACT1 雇佣兵不再使用炮轰技能,由更高的元素伤害技能代替:</span>
** Cold version will use Freezing Arrow
** Cold version will use Freezing Arrow
** <span class="d2-blue">冰系雇佣兵使用冻结之箭</span>
** Fire version will use Exploding Arrow
** Fire version will use Exploding Arrow
** <span class="d2-blue">火系雇佣兵使用爆裂箭</span>
* New act 1 merc (physical damage focused) will use Magic Arrow, Strafe, and cast Slow Movement
* New act 1 merc (physical damage focused) will use Magic Arrow, Strafe, and cast Slow Movement
* <span class="d2-blue">新增ACT1雇佣兵(主要为物理伤害)将使用魔法箭,炮轰及迟缓</span>
* New act 4 "Ascendant" Horadrim mage mercenaries which use staves:
* New act 4 "Ascendant" Horadrim mage mercenaries which use staves:
* <span class="d2-blue">新增ACT4 雇佣兵“流浪者”赫拉迪姆,法术系使用双手法杖</span>
** "Light" version will use Holy Bolt, Holy Light, Holy Nova, and have Sanctuary aura
** "Light" version will use Holy Bolt, Holy Light, Holy Nova, and have Sanctuary aura
** <span class="d2-blue">“光明”版使用技能:圣光弹,圣光,神圣新星以及自带庇护所光环</span>
** "Dark" version will use Teeth, Bone Spear, Bone Armor, and cast Amplify Damage
** "Dark" version will use Teeth, Bone Spear, Bone Armor, and cast Amplify Damage
** <span class="d2-blue">“黑暗”版使用技能:骨牙,骨矛,白骨装甲以及释放伤害加深诅咒</span>
** Current names for act 4 mercs: Anarel, Beradon, Erelune, Halleborn, Magoul, Vanoxet, Anuliath, Nys, Vextis, Aburaxen, Moradan, Balamir, Zarekoth, Nethysia, Maraxion, Raumeth, Aamoneth, Xaphanis, Tenebrisia, Malphasus
** Current names for act 4 mercs: Anarel, Beradon, Erelune, Halleborn, Magoul, Vanoxet, Anuliath, Nys, Vextis, Aburaxen, Moradan, Balamir, Zarekoth, Nethysia, Maraxion, Raumeth, Aamoneth, Xaphanis, Tenebrisia, Malphasus
* Additional info will be shown on the advanced character/mercenary screens:
* Additional info will be shown on the advanced character/mercenary screens: