Item Filtering:修订间差异

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== Filters ==
== 过滤器 ==
Item filters (often called lootfilters) are text files which contain rules for describing how items should be displayed in-game. The default filter only has a few simple rules for adding descriptions to some items (map orbs and stackable gems/runes), and otherwise displays all items the same as they would be in vanilla.
物品过滤器(Item filters,也称lootfilters)是对游戏中物品显示的规则和描述的文档。默认的过滤器只有一些简单的规则,可对一些物品添加描述(比如map orbs和可堆叠的珠宝/符文),其他的都跟原版游戏中一样。

By default, filtering is done using '''default.filter''' in the ''ProjectD2'' directory - unless changed, it only has a few simple rules. If '''loot.filter''' is present in the same directory, it will be used instead of the default file. If a filter is selected from the launcher, it will be saved in ''ProjectD2\filters'' and be used instead via a '''loot.filter''' system link from the ''ProjectD2'' directory.
默认情况下,我们的过滤器不想再使用ProjectD2 directory 目录下的default.filter文件了,它只有几条简单的过滤规则,除非被特别改动过。如果loot.filter也在同样的目录下,它会生效去替代默认的文件。如果在游戏登录器界面中选择了一个过滤器,它就存于 ProjectD2\filters 目录,并通过ProjectD2 directory 目录下loot.filter系统关联到游戏中。
These files will function if encoded in UTF-8 (default), but ANSI encoding is needed to allow [[Item_Filtering#Output|special characters]] to display properly.
这些文件只有用UTF-8 编码方可生效(默认情况下)。但也需要ANSI编码来支持以显示一些特殊字符:[[Item_Filtering#Output|special characters]]

Filters can be selected from the [ launcher] and enabled via the in-game Settings menu.
在游戏登录器界面 [ launcher] 可以选择过滤器,在游戏中设置菜单中可以启用。
To install manually, download a filter file and save it to ''Diablo II\ProjectD2\filters\local'' and then select it from the launcher. Make sure the relevant in-game settings are enabled.
如需手动安装,请下载过滤器并保存到Diablo II\ProjectD2\filters\local 目录下,然后在游戏登录器上选它。游戏中的与之相关的设置必须启用。

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== Filter Syntax ==
== Filter Syntax ==
Filters contain rules for how items should be displayed in-game. Each rule has '''''Input''''' and '''''Output''''' and follows this basic format:
Filters contain rules for how items should be displayed in-game. Each rule has '''''Input''''' and '''''Output''''' and follows this basic format: