Item Bases:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“ <!--T:1--> <noinclude>This page lists changes made to item bases in PD2 relative to the vanilla game.</noinclude> <!--T:27--> <noinclude>__TOC__</noinclude> <!--T:28--> <noinclude>{{Clickable button 2|Item Bases|Expand/Collapse All|class=expand-or-collapse-all-button nomobile|style=background-color:#1F160C;color:#F9C666;min-height: 0px;}}</noinclude> <!--T:2--> == General == * Ethereal bonus reduced from 50% to 25% (most exceptional/elite weapons rebalance…”)
第1行: 第1行:

<noinclude>This page lists changes made to item bases in PD2 relative to the vanilla game.</noinclude>
* [ 所有基础盔甲属性]
* [ 所有基础武器属性]


<noinclude>{{Clickable button 2|Item Bases|展开/折叠 所有|class=expand-or-collapse-all-button nomobile|style=background-color:#1F160C;color:#F9C666;min-height: 0px;}}</noinclude>
<noinclude>{{Clickable button 2|Item Bases|Expand/Collapse All|class=expand-or-collapse-all-button nomobile|style=background-color:#1F160C;color:#F9C666;min-height: 0px;}}</noinclude>

== 综述 ==
== General ==
* 无形物品的额外基础数值从50%降低至25%(大多数扩展及/精英级武器 重新设计了平衡性,所以它们的无形版数值维持不变)
* Ethereal bonus reduced from 50% to 25% (most exceptional/elite weapons rebalanced so that eth stats remain the same)
* 无形物品不再有一半的耐久度。
* Ethereal items no longer have half durability
* 投掷类武器和弓箭/弩箭的数量为无限。
* Throwing weapons and arrows/bolts have unlimited quantity
* 所有的刺客爪现在都是有加技能点的(staffmods) - 以前的爪在品质等级[[Item_Bases#Other|qlvl]]40以下是不带staffmods的:所有普通的爪claws,格斗刃Quhab,腕刺Wrist Spike,格斗爪Fascia。
* All claws can now have pointmods (staffmods) - previously, claws couldn't if they had a [[Item_Bases#Other|qlvl]] below 40: all normal claws, Quhab, Wrist Spike, Fascia
* 木棒Clubs 现在可以加德鲁伊技能点
* Clubs can now have Druid pointmods
* Daggers can now have pointmods for dagger-related skills (Poison Strike and most martial arts skills)
* Quivers can now be magic or rare (see [[Item_Affixes#Quiver_Affixes|affixes]])
* 箭筒现在有魔法版和黄金版了,请参考[[Item_Affixes#All_Item_Affixes|affixes]]

== 随机附着属性 ==
== Automods ==
<span class="emphasis">''有些词条会自动出现在所有的 白字/魔法/黄金/手工制作 版本的物品上,通常暗金/套装物品也是如此''</span>
<span class="emphasis">''Modifiers that automatically appear on all regular/magic/rare/crafted versions of items, and sometimes unique/set versions too''</span>

* 现在近战武器有发动攻击可以造成溅射伤害的属性(不包括手杖)
* Melee weapons now have Melee Attacks Deal Splash Damage, except wands & staves (unique/set staves ''do'' get this automod, however)
* 法杖现在有 10%/30%/50% 的快速施法(普通级/扩展级/精英级)的属性
* Staves now have 10%/30%/50% Faster Cast Rate (normal/exceptional/elite)
* 十字弓现在有-10%敌人物理抗性的属性
* Crossbows now have -10% to Enemy Physical Resistance
* 匕首现在有20%致命攻击的属性
* Daggers now have 20% Deadly Strike

* 移除了中型/重型胸甲和盾牌会造成移动速度-5%/-10%的隐藏属性
* Removed hidden -5%/-10% movespeed penalty from medium/heavy chests and shields
* 圣骑士盾牌减少了全抗属性的变量范围
* Paladin shields have reduced ranges for "All Resistances" automod
** 彩虹之Rainbow 从<span class="omod">+[8-15]</span> 降低为 <span class="nmod">+[5-10]</span>
** Rainbow reduced from <span class="omod">+[8-15]</span> to <span class="nmod">+[5-10]</span>
** 闪闪发光之Scintillating 从<span class="omod">+[16-30]</span> 降低为 <span class="nmod">+[10-15]</span>
** Scintillating reduced from <span class="omod">+[16-30]</span> to <span class="nmod">+[10-15]</span>
** 棱镜之Prismatic 从<span class="omod">+[25-35]</span> 降低为 <span class="nmod">+[15-20]</span>
** Prismatic reduced from <span class="omod">+[25-35]</span> to <span class="nmod">+[15-20]</span>
** 多彩之Chromatic 从<span class="omod">+[36-45]</span> 降低为 <span class="nmod">+[20-30]</span>
** Chromatic reduced from <span class="omod">+[36-45]</span> to <span class="nmod">+[20-30]</span>

== 伤害 ==
== Damage ==
'''Damage Bonus from Strength/Dexterity'''
* 长柄武器Polearms, 非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spears, 以及单手剑One-Handed Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 <span class="nmod">75%的力量str和75%的敏捷dex</span> 而非 <span class="omod">100% 的力量str。</span>
* Polearms, Non-Class Spears, & One-Handed Swords now gain bonus damage equal to <span class="nmod">75% str & 75% dex</span> instead of <span class="omod">100% str</span>
* 法杖Staves 和双手斧Two-Handed Axes/剑Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 <span class="nmod">110% 的力量str </span> 而非 <span class="omod">100% 的力量str。</span>. This doesn't include Two-Handed swords that are wielded one-handed.
* Staves & Two-Handed Axes/Swords now gain bonus damage equal to <span class="nmod">110% str</span> instead of <span class="omod">100% str</span> (same as Hammers)
* 弓Bows/十字弓Crossbows 现在享有的伤害加成等于 <span class="nmod">50% 的敏捷dex</span> 而非 <span class="omod">100% 的敏捷dex</span>
* Bows/Crossbows now gain bonus damage equal to <span class="nmod">50% dex</span> instead of <span class="omod">100% dex</span>
* 鞋子Boots现在享有的伤害加成等于<span class="nmod">80% 的力量str</span>,而不是<span class="omod">120% 的力量str</span>,并且踢击kicks也从敏捷中获得大约两倍的好处(现在是<span class="nmod">敏捷dex/3 - 敏捷dex/2</span>,而非<span class="omod">敏捷dex/6 - 敏捷dex/5</span>)

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Damage Bonuses per Item Type
|+ 每种武器类型的伤害加成
! rowspan="2" | Item Type
! rowspan="2" | 武器类型
! colspan="2" | Damage Bonus
! colspan="2" | 伤害加成
! Str !! Dex
! 力量Str !! 敏捷Dex
| Unarmed, Shield (Smite), <br>One-Handed Non-Throwing Axe, Club, Tipped Mace, Scepter
| 徒手Unarmed, 盾牌Shield (重击Smite), <br>单手非投掷型斧头One-Handed Non-Throwing Axe, 木棒Club, 钉头锤Tipped Mace, 权杖Scepter
| 100% ||  
| 100% ||  
| Hammer, <span class="nmod">Staff, Two-Handed Axe/Sword</span>
| 锤子Hammer, <span class="nmod">法杖Staff, 双手斧Two-Handed Axe/剑Sword</span>
| 110% ||  
| 110% ||  
| Claw, Dagger, Throwing Axe/Knife, Non-Class Javelin, <br><span class="nmod">Non-Class Spear, Polearm, One-Handed Sword</span>
| 爪Claw, 匕首Dagger, 飞斧Throwing Axe/刀Knife, 非职业限定标枪Non-Class Javelin, <br><span class="nmod">非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spear, 长柄武器Polearm, 单手剑One-Handed Sword</span>
| 75% || 75%
| 75% || 75%
| Amazon Javelin/Spear
| 亚马逊标枪Amazon Javelin/长矛Spear
| 80% || 50%
| 80% || 50%
| <span class="nmod">Bow, Crossbow</span>
| <span class="nmod">弓Bow, 十字弓Crossbow</span>
|  || 50%
|  || 50%
| Boots (Kick)
| <span class="nmod">靴子Boots (踢击Kick)</span>
| 120% ||  
| 80% || *

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Required Strength and Dexterity
|+ 所需力量和敏捷值
! Item (Normal) !! Str !! Dex
! 物品 (普通) !! Str !! Dex
! class="mid-column" rowspan="113" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="113" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Str !! Dex
! 物品 (扩展) !! Str !! Dex
! class="mid-column" rowspan="113" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="113" |
! Item (Elite) !! Str !! Dex
! 物品 (精英) !! Str !! Dex
| Hand Axe ||  ||  
| 小斧Hand Axe ||  ||  
| Hatchet || 25 || 25
| 手斧Hatchet || 25 || 25
| Tomahawk || 125 || 67
| 战钺Tomahawk || 125 || 67
| Axe || 32 ||  
| 斧Axe || 32 ||  
| Cleaver || 68 ||  
| 切肉刀Cleaver || 68 ||  
| Small Crescent || 115 || 83
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || 115 || 83
| Double Axe || 43 ||  
| 双刃斧Double Axe || 43 ||  
| Twin Axe || 85 ||  
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || 85 ||  
| Ettin Axe || 145 || 45
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || 145 || 45
| Military Pick || 49 || 33
| 军用锹Military Pick || 49 || 33
| Crowbill || 94 || 70
| 喙钳Crowbill || 94 || 70
| War Spike || 133 || 54
| 战刺War Spike || 133 || 54
| War Axe || 67 ||  
| 战斧War Axe || 67 ||  
| Naga || 121 ||  
| 纳卡Naga || 121 ||  
| Berserker Axe || 138 || 59
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || 138 || 59
| Large Axe || 35 ||  
| 巨斧Large Axe || 35 ||  
| Military Axe || 73 ||  
| 军斧Military Axe || 73 ||  
| Feral Axe || 196 ||  
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || 196 ||  
| Broad Axe || 48 ||  
| 阔斧Broad Axe || 48 ||  
| Bearded Axe || 92 ||  
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || 92 ||  
| Silver-edged Axe || 166 || 65
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || 166 || 65
| Battle Axe || 54 ||  
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || 54 ||  
| Tabar || 101 ||  
| 战袍斧Tabar || 101 ||  
| Decapitator || 189 || 33
| 斩首斧Decapitator || 189 || 33
| Great Axe || 63 || 39
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || 63 || 39
| Gothic Axe || 115 || 79
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || 115 || 79
| Champion Axe || 167 || 59
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || 167 || 59
| Giant Axe || 70 ||  
| 大斧Giant Axe || 70 ||  
| Ancient Axe || 125 ||  
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || 125 ||  
| Glorious Axe || 164 || 55
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || 164 || 55
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Club ||  ||  
| 木棒Club ||  ||  
| Cudgel || 25 ||  
| 棍棒Cudgel || 25 ||  
| Truncheon || 88 || 43
| 战仪杖Truncheon || 88 || 43
| Spiked Club ||  ||  
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club ||  ||  
| Barbed Club || 30 ||  
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || 30 ||  
| Tyrant Club || 133 ||  
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || 133 ||  
| Mace || 27 ||  
| 钉头锤Mace || 27 ||  
| Flanged Mace || 61 ||  
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || 61 ||  
| Reinforced Mace || 145 || 46
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || 145 || 46
| Morning Star || 36 ||  
| 流星锤Morning Star || 36 ||  
| Jagged Star || 74 ||  
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || 74 ||  
| Devil Star || 153 || 44
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || 153 || 44
| Flail || 41 || 35
| 链枷Flail || 41 || 35
| Knout || 82 || 73
| 铁皮鞭Knout || 82 || 73
| Scourge || 125 || 77
| 天罚之锤Scourge || 125 || 77
| War Hammer || 53 ||  
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || 53 ||  
| Battle Hammer || 100 ||  
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || 100 ||  
| Legendary Mallet || 189 ||  
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || 189 ||  
| Maul || 69 ||  
| 大木棍Maul || 69 ||  
| War Club || 124 ||  
| 巨战木棍War Club || 124 ||  
| Ogre Maul || 225 ||  
| 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul || 225 ||  
| Great Maul || 99 ||  
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || 99 ||  
| Martel de Fer || 169 ||  
| 战槌Martel de Fer || 169 ||  
| Thunder Maul || 253 ||  
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || 253 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Sword ||  ||  
| 短剑Short Sword ||  ||  
| Gladius || 25 ||  
| 罗马短剑Gladius || 25 ||  
| Falcata || 150 || 88
| 短剑Falcata || 150 || 88
| Scimitar ||  || 21
| 弯刀Scimitar ||  || 21
| Cutlass || 25 || 52
| 微弯剑Cutlass || 25 || 52
| Ataghan || 138 || 95
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || 138 || 95
| Sabre || 25 || 25
| 军刀Sabre || 25 || 25
| Shamshir || 58 || 58
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || 58 || 58
| Elegant Blade || 109 || 122
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || 109 || 122
| Falchion || 33 ||  
| 弯形大刀Falchion || 33 ||  
| Tulwar || 70 || 42
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || 70 || 42
| Hydra Edge || 142 || 105
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || 142 || 105
| Crystal Sword || 43 ||  
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || 43 ||  
| Dimensional Blade || 85 || 60
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || 85 || 60
| Phase Blade || 25 || 136
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || 25 || 136
| Broad Sword || 48 ||  
| 阔剑Broad Sword || 48 ||  
| Battle Sword || 92 || 43
| 战斗剑Battle Sword || 92 || 43
| Conquest Sword || 142 || 112
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword || 142 || 112
| Long Sword || 55 || 39
| 长剑Long Sword || 55 || 39
| Rune Sword || 103 || 79
| 符文剑Rune Sword || 103 || 79
| Cryptic Sword || 99 || 109
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword || 99 || 109
| War Sword || 71 || 45
| 巨战之剑War Sword || 71 || 45
| Ancient Sword || 127 || 88
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || 127 || 88
| Mythical Sword || 147 || 124
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || 147 || 124
| Two-handed Sword || 35 || 27
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || 35 || 27
| Espandon || 73 || 61
| 斩铁剑Espandon || 73 || 61
| Legend Sword || 175 || 100
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || 175 || 100
| Claymore || 47 ||  
| 双刃大刀Claymore || 47 ||  
| Dacian Falx || 91 || 20
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || 91 || 20
| Highland Blade || 171 || 104
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || 171 || 104
| Giant Sword || 56 || 34
| 大剑Giant Sword || 56 || 34
| Tusk Sword || 104 || 71
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || 104 || 71
| Balrog Blade || 185 || 87
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || 185 || 87
| Bastard Sword || 62 ||  
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || 62 ||  
| Gothic Sword || 113 || 20
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || 113 || 20
| Champion Sword || 163 || 103
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || 163 || 103
| Flamberge || 70 || 49
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || 70 || 49
| Zweihander || 125 || 94
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || 125 || 94
| Colossus Sword || 182 || 95
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || 182 || 95
| Great Sword || 100 || 60
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || 100 || 60
| Executioner's Sword || 170 || 110
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || 170 || 110
| Colossus Blade || 189 || 110
| 巨神之刃 Colossus Blade || 189 || 110
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Dagger ||  ||  
| 匕首Dagger ||  ||  
| Poignard || 25 ||  
| 锐匕Poignard || 25 ||  
| Bone Knife || 38 || 75
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || 38 || 75
| Dirk ||  || 25
| 长匕首Dirk ||  || 25
| Rondel || 25 || 58
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || 25 || 58
| Mithril Point || 55 || 98
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || 55 || 98
| Kris ||  || 45
| 波形刀Kris ||  || 45
| Cinquedeas || 25 || 88
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || 25 || 88
| Fanged Knife || 42 || 86
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || 42 || 86
| Blade || 35 || 51
| 短刀Blade || 35 || 51
| Stiletto || 47 || 97
| 小剑Stiletto || 47 || 97
| Legend Spike || 65 || 67
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || 65 || 67
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Throwing Knife ||  || 21
| 飞刀Throwing Knife ||  || 21
| Battle Dart || 25 || 52
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart || 25 || 52
| Flying Knife || 48 || 141
| 飞刀Flying Knife || 48 || 141
| Throwing Axe ||  || 40
| 飞斧Throwing Axe ||  || 40
| Francisca || 25 || 80
| 法兰飞斧Francisca || 25 || 80
| Flying Axe || 88 || 108
| 飞斧Flying Axe || 88 || 108
| Balanced Knife ||  || 51
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife ||  || 51
| War Dart || 25 || 97
| 巨战飞镖War Dart || 25 || 97
| Winged Knife || 45 || 142
| 翼刀Winged Knife || 45 || 142
| Balanced Axe ||  || 57
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe ||  || 57
| Hurlbat || 25 || 106
| 短战戟Hurlbat || 25 || 106
| Winged Axe || 96 || 122
| 翼斧Winged Axe || 96 || 122
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Javelin ||  ||  
| 标枪Javelin ||  ||  
| War Javelin || 25 || 25
| 巨战标枪War Javelin || 25 || 25
| Hyperion Javelin || 98 || 123
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin || 98 || 123
| Pilum ||  || 45
| 短标枪Pilum ||  || 45
| Great Pilum || 25 || 88
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum || 25 || 88
| Stygian Pilum || 118 || 112
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum || 118 || 112
| Short Spear || 40 || 40
| 短矛Short Spear || 40 || 40
| Simbilan || 80 || 80
| 锐矛Simbilan || 80 || 80
| Balrog Spear || 127 || 95
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear || 127 || 95
| Glaive || 52 || 35
| 大长刀Glaive || 52 || 35
| Spiculum || 98 || 73
| 阔针长矛Spiculum || 98 || 73
| Ghost Glaive || 89 || 137
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive || 89 || 137
| Throwing Spear ||  || 65
| 飞矛Throwing Spear ||  || 65
| Harpoon || 25 || 118
| 鱼叉Harpoon || 25 || 118
| Winged Harpoon || 76 || 145
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon || 76 || 145
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Spear ||  || 20
| 长矛Spear ||  || 20
| War Spear || 25 || 25
| 巨战长矛War Spear || 25 || 25
| Hyperion Spear || 155 || 120
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || 155 || 120
| Trident || 38 || 24
| 三叉戟Trident || 38 || 24
| Fuscina || 77 || 25
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || 77 || 25
| Stygian Pike || 168 || 97
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || 168 || 97
| Brandistock || 40 || 50
| 叉Brandistock || 40 || 50
| War Fork || 80 || 95
| 巨战之叉War Fork || 80 || 95
| Mancatcher || 132 || 134
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || 132 || 134
| Spetum || 54 || 35
| 大战戟Spetum || 54 || 35
| Yari || 101 ||  
| 三叉长枪Yari || 101 ||  
| Ghost Spear || 122 || 163
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || 122 || 163
| Pike || 60 || 45
| 矛Pike || 60 || 45
| Lance || 110 || 88
| 长枪Lance || 110 || 88
| War Pike || 165 || 106
| 战枪War Pike || 165 || 106
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Bardiche || 40 ||  
| 大砍刀Bardiche || 40 ||  
| Lochaber Axe || 80 ||  
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || 80 ||  
| Ogre Axe || 195 || 75
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || 195 || 75
| Voulge || 50 ||  
| 钩镰枪Voulge || 50 ||  
| Bill || 95 ||  
| 比尔长刀Bill || 95 ||  
| Colossus Voulge || 210 || 55
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || 210 || 55
| Scythe || 41 || 41
| 镰刀Scythe || 41 || 41
| Battle Scythe || 82 || 82
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || 82 || 82
| Thresher || 152 || 118
| 锐利之斧Thresher || 152 || 118
| Poleaxe || 62 ||  
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || 62 ||  
| Partizan || 113 || 67
| 战戟Partizan || 113 || 67
| Cryptic Axe || 165 || 103
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || 165 || 103
| Halberd || 75 || 47
| 长戟Halberd || 75 || 47
| Bec-de-Corbin || 133 || 91
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || 133 || 91
| Great Poleaxe || 179 || 99
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || 179 || 99
| War Scythe || 80 || 80
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || 80 || 80
| Grim Scythe || 140 || 140
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || 140 || 140
| Giant Thresher || 188 || 140
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || 188 || 140
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Bow ||  ||  
| 短弓Short Bow ||  ||  
| Edge Bow || 25 || 43
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow || 25 || 43
| Spider Bow || 64 || 143
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow || 64 || 143
| Hunter’s Bow ||  ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow ||  ||  
| Razor Bow || 25 || 62
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow || 25 || 62
| Blade Bow || 76 || 119
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow || 76 || 119
| Long Bow ||  || 22
| 长弓Long Bow ||  || 22
| Cedar Bow || 53 || 49
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow || 53 || 49
| Shadow Bow || 52 || 188
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow || 52 || 188
| Composite Bow ||  || 25
| 组合弓Composite Bow ||  || 25
| Double Bow || 58 || 73
| 双弓Double Bow || 58 || 73
| Great Bow || 121 || 107
| 巨弓Great Bow || 121 || 107
| Short Battle Bow ||  || 30
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow ||  || 30
| Short Siege Bow || 65 || 80
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow || 65 || 80
| Diamond Bow || 89 || 132
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow || 89 || 132
| Long Battle Bow ||  || 40
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow ||  || 40
| Large Siege Bow || 80 || 95
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow || 80 || 95
| Crusader Bow || 97 || 121
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow || 97 || 121
| Short War Bow ||  || 35
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow ||  || 35
| Rune Bow || 73 || 103
| 符文之弓Rune Bow || 73 || 103
| Ward Bow || 72 || 146
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow || 72 || 146
| Long War Bow ||  || 50
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow ||  || 50
| Gothic Bow || 95 || 118
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow || 95 || 118
| Hydra Bow || 134 || 167
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow || 134 || 167
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Light Crossbow || 21 || 27
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow || 21 || 27
| Arbalest || 52 || 61
| 石弓Arbalest || 52 || 61
| Pellet Bow || 83 || 155
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow || 83 || 155
| Crossbow || 40 || 33
| 十字弓Crossbow || 40 || 33
| Siege Crossbow || 80 || 70
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow || 80 || 70
| Gorgon Crossbow || 117 || 105
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow || 117 || 105
| Heavy Crossbow || 60 || 40
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow || 60 || 40
| Ballista || 110 || 80
| 弩弓Ballista || 110 || 80
| Colossus Crossbow || 163 || 77
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow || 163 || 77
| Repeating Crossbow || 40 || 50
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow || 40 || 50
| Chu-Ko-Nu || 80 || 95
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu || 80 || 95
| Demon Crossbow || 141 || 98
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow || 141 || 98
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Short Staff ||  ||  
| 短棍Short Staff ||  ||  
| Jo Staff || 25 ||  
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || 25 ||  
| Walking Stick || 25 ||  
| 手杖Walking Stick || 25 ||  
| Long Staff ||  ||  
| 长棍Long Staff ||  ||  
| Quarterstaff || 25 ||  
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || 25 ||  
| Stalagmite || 63 || 35
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || 63 || 35
| Gnarled Staff ||  ||  
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff ||  ||  
| Cedar Staff || 25 ||  
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || 25 ||  
| Elder Staff || 44 || 37
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || 44 || 37
| Battle Staff ||  ||  
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff ||  ||  
| Gothic Staff || 25 ||  
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || 25 ||  
| Shillelagh || 52 || 27
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || 52 || 27
| War Staff ||  ||  
| 巨战法杖War Staff ||  ||  
| Rune Staff || 25 ||  
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || 25 ||  
| Archon Staff || 34 ||  
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || 34 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Wand ||  ||  
| 手杖Wand ||  ||  
| Burnt Wand || 25 ||  
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 25 ||  
| Polished Wand || 25 ||  
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || 25 ||  
| Yew Wand ||  ||  
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand ||  ||  
| Petrified Wand || 25 ||  
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 25 ||  
| Ghost Wand || 25 ||  
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || 25 ||  
| Bone Wand ||  ||  
| 骨杖Bone Wand ||  ||  
| Tomb Wand || 25 ||  
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || 25 ||  
| Lich Wand || 25 ||  
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || 25 ||  
| Grim Wand ||  ||  
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand ||  ||  
| Grave Wand || 25 ||  
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 25 ||  
| Unearthed Wand || 25 ||  
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || 25 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Scepter || 25 ||  
| 权杖Scepter || 25 ||  
| Rune Scepter || 58 ||  
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || 58 ||  
| Mighty Scepter || 125 || 65
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || 125 || 65
| Grand Scepter || 37 ||  
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || 37 ||  
| Holy Water Sprinkler || 76 ||  
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || 76 ||  
| Seraph Rod || 108 || 69
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || 108 || 69
| War Scepter || 55 ||  
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || 55 ||  
| Divine Scepter || 103 ||  
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || 103 ||  
| Caduceus || 97 || 70
| 神使之杖Caduceus || 97 || 70
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Katar || 20 || 20
| 拳剑Katar || 20 || 20
| Quhab || 57 || 57
| 格斗刃Quhab || 57 || 57
| Suwayyah || 99 || 99
| 近身刃Suwayyah || 99 || 99
| Wrist Blade || 33 || 33
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || 33 || 33
| Wrist Spike || 66 || 66
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || 66 || 66
| Wrist Sword || 105 || 105
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || 105 || 105
| Hatchet Hands || 37 || 37
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || 37 || 37
| Fascia || 69 || 69
| 格斗爪Fascia || 69 || 69
| War Fist || 108 || 108
| 战拳War Fist || 108 || 108
| Cestus || 42 || 42
| 腰刀Cestus || 42 || 42
| Hand Scythe || 73 || 73
| 手镰Hand Scythe || 73 || 73
| Battle Cestus || 110 || 110
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || 110 || 110
| Claws || 46 || 46
| 爪Claws || 46 || 46
| Greater Claws || 76 || 76
| 巨爪Greater Claws || 76 || 76
| Feral Claws || 113 || 113
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || 113 || 113
| Blade Talons || 50 || 50
| 刃爪Blade Talons || 50 || 50
| Greater Talons || 79 || 79
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || 79 || 79
| Runic Talons || 115 || 115
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || 115 || 115
| Scissors Katar || 55 || 55
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || 55 || 55
| Scissors Quhab || 82 || 82
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || 82 || 82
| Scissors Suwayyah || 118 || 118
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || 118 || 118
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Eagle Orb ||  ||  
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb ||  ||  
| Glowing Orb ||  ||  
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb ||  ||  
| Heavenly Stone ||  ||  
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone ||  ||  
| Sacred Globe ||  ||  
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe ||  ||  
| Crystalline Globe ||  ||  
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe ||  ||  
| Eldritch Orb ||  ||  
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb ||  ||  
| Smoked Sphere ||  ||  
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere ||  ||  
| Cloudy Sphere ||  ||  
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere ||  ||  
| Demon Heart ||  ||  
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart ||  ||  
| Clasped Orb ||  ||  
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb ||  ||  
| Sparkling Ball ||  ||  
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball ||  ||  
| Vortex Orb ||  ||  
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb ||  ||  
| Jared's Stone ||  ||  
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone ||  ||  
| Swirling Crystal ||  ||  
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal ||  ||  
| Dimensional Shard ||  ||  
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Stag Bow || 30 || 45
| 男性之弓Stag Bow || 30 || 45
| Ashwood Bow || 56 || 77
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow || 56 || 77
| Matriarchal Bow || 87 || 187
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow || 87 || 187
| Reflex Bow || 35 || 60
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow || 35 || 60
| Ceremonial Bow || 73 || 110
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow || 73 || 110
| Grand Matron Bow || 108 || 152
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow || 108 || 152
| Maiden Spear || 54 || 40
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || 54 || 40
| Ceremonial Spear || 101 || 80
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || 101 || 80
| Matriarchal Spear || 114 || 142
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || 114 || 142
| Maiden Pike || 63 || 52
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || 63 || 52
| Ceremonial Pike || 115 || 98
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || 115 || 98
| Matriarchal Pike || 132 || 149
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || 132 || 149
| Maiden Javelin || 33 || 47
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin || 33 || 47
| Ceremonial Javelin || 25 || 109
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin || 25 || 109
| Matriarchal Javelin || 107 || 151
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin || 107 || 151

'''Base Damage'''
* 普通级武器伤害平均增加了4%
* Normal weapon damage increased by ~4% on average
* 扩展级武器伤害平均增长了42%,与精英级武器的差距缩小了,无形(Eth)武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。
* Exceptional weapon damage increased by ~42% on average to be closer to elite weapons and counteract the ethereal bonus being changed from 1.5x to 1.25x
* 精英级武器的伤害平均提升了24%,无形武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。并还有一些具体数值的微调
* Elite weapon damage increased by ~24% on average to counteract the ethereal bonus being changed from 1.5x to 1.25x, along with a few relatively minor adjustments for specific bases
* 调整了靴子对踢击伤害的影响
* Kick damage of boots adjusted

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Damage
|+ 基础伤害
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After !! %
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后 !! %
! class="mid-column" rowspan="123" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="123" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After !! %
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后 !! %
! class="mid-column" rowspan="123" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="123" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After !! %
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后 !! %
| Hand Axe || 3-6 || ||
| 小斧Hand Axe || 3-6 || ||
| Hatchet || <span class="omod">10-21</span> || <span class="nmod">15-30</span> || 45%
| 手斧Hatchet || <span class="omod">10-21</span> || <span class="nmod">15-30</span> || 45%
| Tomahawk || <span class="omod">33-58</span> || <span class="nmod">44-75</span> || 31%
| 战钺Tomahawk || <span class="omod">33-58</span> || <span class="nmod">44-75</span> || 31%
| Axe || 4-11 || ||
| 斧Axe || 4-11 || ||
| Cleaver || <span class="omod">10-33</span> || <span class="nmod">14-47</span> || 42%
| 切肉刀Cleaver || <span class="omod">10-33</span> || <span class="nmod">14-47</span> || 42%
| Small Crescent || <span class="omod">38-60</span> || <span class="nmod">47-75</span> || 24%
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || <span class="omod">38-60</span> || <span class="nmod">47-75</span> || 24%
| Double Axe || 5-13 || ||
| 双刃斧Double Axe || 5-13 || ||
| Twin Axe || <span class="omod">13-38</span> || <span class="nmod">18-54</span> || 41%
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || <span class="omod">13-38</span> || <span class="nmod">18-54</span> || 41%
| Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">33-66</span> || <span class="nmod">41-83</span> || 25%
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">33-66</span> || <span class="nmod">41-83</span> || 25%
| Military Pick || 7-11 || ||
| 军用锹Military Pick || 7-11 || ||
| Crowbill || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-48</span> || 44%
| 喙钳Crowbill || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-48</span> || 44%
| War Spike || <span class="omod">30-48</span> || <span class="nmod">38-60</span> || 26%
| 战刺War Spike|| <span class="omod">30-48</span> || <span class="nmod">38-60</span> || 26%
| War Axe || <span class="omod">10-18</span> || <span class="nmod">12-20</span> || 14%
| 战斧War Axe || <span class="omod">10-18</span> || <span class="nmod">12-20</span> || 14%
| Naga || <span class="omod">16-45</span> || <span class="nmod">23-64</span> || 43%
| 纳卡Naga || <span class="omod">16-45</span> || <span class="nmod">23-64</span> || 43%
| Berserker Axe || <span class="omod">24-71</span> || <span class="nmod">30-89</span> || 25%
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || <span class="omod">24-71</span> || <span class="nmod">30-89</span> || 25%
| Large Axe || 6-13 || ||
| 巨斧Large Axe || 6-13 || ||
| Military Axe || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-61</span> || 71%
| 军斧Military Axe || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-61</span> || 71%
| Feral Axe || <span class="omod">25-123</span> || <span class="nmod">31-154</span> || 25%
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || <span class="omod">25-123</span> || <span class="nmod">31-154</span> || 25%
| Broad Axe || 10-18 || ||
| 阔斧Broad Axe || 10-18 || ||
| Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">21-49</span> || <span class="nmod">30-70</span> || 43%
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">21-49</span> || <span class="nmod">30-70</span> || 43%
| Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">62-110</span> || <span class="nmod">78-138</span> || 26%
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">62-110</span> || <span class="nmod">78-138</span> || 26%
| Battle Axe || 12-32 || ||
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || 12-32 || ||
| Tabar || <span class="omod">24-77</span> || <span class="nmod">35-99</span> || 33%
| 战袍斧Tabar || <span class="omod">24-77</span> || <span class="nmod">35-99</span> || 33%
| Decapitator || <span class="omod">49-137</span> || <span class="nmod">61-171</span> || 25%
| 斩首斧Decapitator || <span class="omod">49-137</span> || <span class="nmod">61-171</span> || 25%
| Great Axe || 9-30 || ||
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || 9-30 || ||
| Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">18-70</span> || <span class="nmod">23-100</span> || 40%
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">18-70</span> || <span class="nmod">23-100</span> || 40%
| Champion Axe || <span class="omod">59-94</span> || <span class="nmod">74-118</span> || 25%
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || <span class="omod">59-94</span> || <span class="nmod">74-118</span> || 25%
| Giant Axe || 22-45 || ||
| 大斧Giant Axe || 22-45 || ||
| Ancient Axe || <span class="omod">43-85</span> || <span class="nmod">62-122</span> || 44%
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || <span class="omod">43-85</span> || <span class="nmod">62-122</span> || 44%
| Glorious Axe || <span class="omod">60-124</span> || <span class="nmod">75-155</span> || 25%
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || <span class="omod">60-124</span> || <span class="nmod">75-155</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Club || 1-6 || ||
| 木棒Club || 1-6 || ||
| Cudgel || <span class="omod">6-21</span> || <span class="nmod">10-30</span> || 48%
| 棍棒Cudgel || <span class="omod">6-21</span> || <span class="nmod">10-30</span> || 48%
| Truncheon || <span class="omod">35-43</span> || <span class="nmod">44-54</span> || 26%
| 战仪杖Truncheon || <span class="omod">35-43</span> || <span class="nmod">44-54</span> || 26%
| Spiked Club || 5-8 || ||
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club || 5-8 || ||
| Barbed Club || <span class="omod">13-25</span> || <span class="nmod">18-36</span> || 42%
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || <span class="omod">13-25</span> || <span class="nmod">18-36</span> || 42%
| Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">32-58</span> || <span class="nmod">43-75</span> || 31%
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">32-58</span> || <span class="nmod">43-75</span> || 31%
| Mace || 3-10 || ||
| 钉头锤Mace || 3-10 || ||
| Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">15-23</span> || <span class="nmod">22-33</span> || 45%
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">15-23</span> || <span class="nmod">22-33</span> || 45%
| Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">41-49</span> || <span class="nmod">56-66</span> || 36%
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">41-49</span> || <span class="nmod">56-66</span> || 36%
| Morning Star || 7-16 || ||
| 流星锤Morning Star || 7-16 || ||
| Jagged Star || <span class="omod">20-31</span> || <span class="nmod">29-45</span> || 45%
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || <span class="omod">20-31</span> || <span class="nmod">29-45</span> || 45%
| Devil Star || <span class="omod">43-53</span> || <span class="nmod">56-69</span> || 30%
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || <span class="omod">43-53</span> || <span class="nmod">56-69</span> || 30%
| Flail || 1-24 || ||
| 链枷Flail || 1-24 || ||
| Knout || <span class="omod">13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">18-50</span> || 42%
| 铁皮鞭Knout || <span class="omod">13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">18-50</span> || 42%
| Scourge || <span class="omod">3-80</span> || <span class="nmod">14-100</span> || 37%
| 天罚之锤Scourge || <span class="omod">3-80</span> || <span class="nmod">14-100</span> || 37%
| War Hammer || <span class="omod">19-29</span> || <span class="nmod">22-32</span> || 13%
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || <span class="omod">19-29</span> || <span class="nmod">22-32</span> || 13%
| Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">35-58</span> || <span class="nmod">39-60</span> || 6%
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">35-58</span> || <span class="nmod">39-60</span> || 6%
| Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">50-61</span> || <span class="nmod">63-76</span> || 25%
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">50-61</span> || <span class="nmod">63-76</span> || 25%
| Maul || 30-43 || ||
| 大木棍Maul || 30-43 || ||
| War Club || <span class="omod">53-78</span> || <span class="nmod">69-113</span> || 39%
| 巨战木棍War Club || <span class="omod">53-78</span> || <span class="nmod">69-113</span> || 39%
| Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">77-106</span> || <span class="nmod">96-132</span> || 25%
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">77-106</span> || <span class="nmod">96-132</span> || 25%
| Great Maul || 38-58 || ||
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || 38-58 || ||
| Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">61-99</span> || <span class="nmod">76-131</span> || 29%
| 战槌Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">61-99</span> || <span class="nmod">76-131</span> || 29%
| Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">33-180</span> || <span class="nmod">41-225</span> || 25%
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">33-180</span> || <span class="nmod">41-225</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Short Sword || 2-7 || ||
| 短剑Short Sword || 2-7 || ||
| Gladius || <span class="omod">8-22</span> || <span class="nmod">12-32</span> || 47%
| 罗马短剑Gladius || <span class="omod">8-22</span> || <span class="nmod">12-32</span> || 47%
| Falcata || <span class="omod">31-59</span> || <span class="nmod">39-74</span> || 26%
| 短剑Falcata || <span class="omod">31-59</span> || <span class="nmod">39-74</span> || 26%
| Scimitar || 2-6 || ||
| 弯刀Scimitar || 2-6 || ||
| Cutlass || <span class="omod">8-21</span> || <span class="nmod">12-30</span> || 45%
| 微弯剑Cutlass || <span class="omod">8-21</span> || <span class="nmod">12-30</span> || 45%
| Ataghan || <span class="omod">26-46</span> || <span class="nmod">33-58</span> || 26%
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || <span class="omod">26-46</span> || <span class="nmod">33-58</span> || 26%
| Sabre || 3-8 || ||
| 军刀Sabre || 3-8 || ||
| Shamshir || <span class="omod">10-24</span> || <span class="nmod">14-35</span> || 44%
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || <span class="omod">10-24</span> || <span class="nmod">14-35</span> || 44%
| Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">33-45</span> || <span class="nmod">41-56</span> || 24%
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">33-45</span> || <span class="nmod">41-56</span> || 24%
| Falchion || 9-17 || ||
| 弯形大刀Falchion || 9-17 || ||
| Tulwar || <span class="omod">16-35</span> || <span class="nmod">23-50</span> || 43%
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || <span class="omod">16-35</span> || <span class="nmod">23-50</span> || 43%
| Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">28-68</span> || <span class="nmod">35-85</span> || 25%
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">28-68</span> || <span class="nmod">35-85</span> || 25%
| Crystal Sword || 5-15 || ||
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || 5-15 || ||
| Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">18-51</span> || 44%
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">18-51</span> || 44%
| Phase Blade || <span class="omod">31-35</span> || <span class="nmod">39-44</span> || 26%
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || <span class="omod">31-35</span> || <span class="nmod">39-44</span> || 26%
| Broad Sword || 7-14 || ||
| 阔剑Broad Sword || 7-14 || ||
| Battle Sword || <span class="omod">16-34</span> || <span class="nmod">23-48</span> || 42%
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| <span class="omod">16-34</span> || <span class="nmod">23-48</span> || 42%
| Conquest Sword || <span class="omod">37-53</span> || <span class="nmod">46-66</span> || 24%
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| <span class="omod">37-53</span> || <span class="nmod">46-66</span> || 24%
| Long Sword || 3-19 || ||
| 长剑Long Sword|| 3-19 || ||
| Rune Sword || <span class="omod">10-42</span> || <span class="nmod">14-60</span> || 42%
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| <span class="omod">10-42</span> || <span class="nmod">14-60</span> || 42%
| Cryptic Sword || <span class="omod">5-77</span> || <span class="nmod">6-96</span> || 24%
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| <span class="omod">5-77</span> || <span class="nmod">6-96</span> || 24%
| War Sword || 8-20 || ||
| 巨战之剑War Sword || 8-20 || ||
| Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">18-43</span> || <span class="nmod">25-55</span> || 31%
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">18-43</span> || <span class="nmod">25-55</span> || 31%
| Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">40-50</span> || <span class="nmod">50-63</span> || 26%
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">40-50</span> || <span class="nmod">50-63</span> || 26%
| Two-handed Sword || 8-17<br>2-9 || ||
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || 8-17<br>2-9 || ||
| Espandon || <span class="omod">18-40<br>8-26</span> || <span class="nmod">32-58<br>12-37</span> || 55%<br>44%
| 斩铁剑Espandon || <span class="omod">18-40<br>8-26</span> || <span class="nmod">32-58<br>12-37</span> || 55%<br>44%
| Legend Sword || <span class="omod">50-94<br>22-56</span> || <span class="nmod">63-118<br>28-70</span> || 26%<br>26%
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || <span class="omod">50-94<br>22-56</span> || <span class="nmod">63-118<br>28-70</span> || 26%<br>26%
| Claymore || 13-30<br>5-12 || ||
| 双刃大刀Claymore || 13-30<br>5-12 || ||
| Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">26-61<br>13-30</span> || <span class="nmod">38-87<br>18-43</span> || 44%<br>42%
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">26-61<br>13-30</span> || <span class="nmod">38-87<br>18-43</span> || 44%<br>42%
| Highland Blade || <span class="omod">67-96<br>22-62</span> || <span class="nmod">84-120<br>28-78</span> || 25%<br>26%
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || <span class="omod">67-96<br>22-62</span> || <span class="nmod">84-120<br>28-78</span> || 25%<br>26%
| Giant Sword || 9-28<br>3-16 || ||
| 大剑Giant Sword || 9-28<br>3-16 || ||
| Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">19-58<br>10-37</span> || <span class="nmod">28-83<br>14-53</span> || 44%<br>43%
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">19-58<br>10-37</span> || <span class="nmod">28-83<br>14-53</span> || 44%<br>43%
| Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">55-118<br>15-75</span> || <span class="nmod">69-149<br>19-94</span> || 26%<br>26%
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">55-118<br>15-75</span> || <span class="nmod">69-149<br>19-94</span> || 26%<br>26%
| Bastard Sword || 20-28<br>7-19 || ||
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || 20-28<br>7-19 || ||
| Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">39-60<br>14-40</span> || <span class="nmod">58-86<br>22-58</span> || 45%<br>48%
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">39-60<br>14-40</span> || <span class="nmod">58-86<br>22-58</span> || 45%<br>48%
| Champion Sword || <span class="omod">71-83<br>24-54</span> || <span class="nmod">89-104<br>30-68</span> || 25%<br>26%
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || <span class="omod">71-83<br>24-54</span> || <span class="nmod">89-104<br>30-68</span> || 25%<br>26%
| Flamberge || 13-26<br>9-15 || ||
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || 13-26<br>9-15 || ||
| Zweihander || <span class="omod">29-54<br>19-35</span> || <span class="nmod">41-77<br>28-51</span> || 42%<br>46%
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || <span class="omod">29-54<br>19-35</span> || <span class="nmod">41-77<br>28-51</span> || 42%<br>46%
| Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">61-121<br>26-70</span> || <span class="nmod">76-151<br>33-88</span> || 25%<br>26%
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">61-121<br>26-70</span> || <span class="nmod">76-151<br>33-88</span> || 25%<br>26%
| Great Sword || 25-42<br>12-20 || ||
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || 25-42<br>12-20 || ||
| Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">47-80<br>24-40</span> || <span class="nmod">68-115<br>28-58</span> || 44%<br>34%
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">47-80<br>24-40</span> || <span class="nmod">68-115<br>28-58</span> || 44%<br>34%
| Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">58-115<br>25-65</span> || <span class="nmod">73-144<br>31-81</span> || 25%<br>24%
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">58-115<br>25-65</span> || <span class="nmod">73-144<br>31-81</span> || 25%<br>24%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Dagger || 1-4 || ||
| 匕首Dagger || 1-4 || ||
| Poignard || <span class="omod">6-18</span> || <span class="nmod">9-26</span> || 46%
| 锐匕Poignard || <span class="omod">6-18</span> || <span class="nmod">9-26</span> || 46%
| Bone Knife || <span class="omod">23-49</span> || <span class="nmod">28-56</span> || 17%
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || <span class="omod">23-49</span> || <span class="nmod">28-56</span> || 17%
| Dirk || 3-9 || ||
| 长匕首Dirk || 3-9 || ||
| Rondel || <span class="omod">10-26</span> || <span class="nmod">14-38</span> || 44%
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || <span class="omod">10-26</span> || <span class="nmod">14-38</span> || 44%
| Mithril Point || <span class="omod">37-53</span> || <span class="nmod">43-61</span> || 16%
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || <span class="omod">37-53</span> || <span class="nmod">43-61</span> || 16%
| Kris || 2-11 || ||
| 波形刀Kris || 2-11 || ||
| Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">15-31</span> || <span class="nmod">17-45</span> || 35%
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">15-31</span> || <span class="nmod">17-45</span> || 35%
| Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">15-57</span> || <span class="nmod">19-65</span> || 17%
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">15-57</span> || <span class="nmod">19-65</span> || 17%
| Blade || 4-15 || ||
| 短刀Blade || 4-15 || ||
| Stiletto || <span class="omod">19-36</span> || <span class="nmod">28-52</span> || 45%
| 小剑Stiletto || <span class="omod">19-36</span> || <span class="nmod">28-52</span> || 45%
| Legend Spike || <span class="omod">31-47</span> || <span class="nmod">36-64</span> || 28%
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || <span class="omod">31-47</span> || <span class="nmod">36-64</span> || 28%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Throwing Knife || <span class="omod">4-9<br></span>2-3 || <span class="nmod">4-5<br></span>2-3 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-31%</span><br>0%
| 飞刀Throwing Knife || <span class="omod">4-9</span><br>2-3 || <span class="nmod">4-5</span><br>2-3 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-31%</span><br>0%
| Battle Dart || <span class="omod">11-24<br>8-16</span> || <span class="nmod">14-30<br>12-20</span> || 26%<br>33%
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart || <span class="omod">11-24<br>8-16</span> || <span class="nmod">14-30<br>12-20</span> || 26%<br>33%
| Flying Knife || 23-54<br>23-54 || ||
| 飞刀Flying Knife || 23-54<br>23-54 || ||
| Throwing Axe || <span class="omod">8-12<br></span>4-7 || <span class="nmod">7-8<br></span>4-7 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-25%</span><br>0%
| 飞斧Throwing Axe || <span class="omod">8-12</span><br>4-7 || <span class="nmod">7-8</span><br>4-7 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-25%</span><br>0%
| Francisca || <span class="omod">18-33<br>11-22</span> || <span class="nmod">22-41<br>13-27</span> || 24%<br>21%
| 法兰飞斧Francisca || <span class="omod">18-33<br>11-22</span> || <span class="nmod">22-41<br>13-27</span> || 24%<br>21%
| Flying Axe || 15-66<br>17-65 || ||
| 飞斧Flying Axe || 15-66<br>17-65 || ||
| Balanced Knife || 6-11<br>1-8 || ||
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife || 6-11<br>1-8 || ||
| War Dart || <span class="omod">14-27<br>6-24</span> || <span class="nmod">17-34<br>8-30</span> || 24%<br>27%
| 巨战飞镖War Dart || <span class="omod">14-27<br>6-24</span> || <span class="nmod">17-34<br>8-30</span> || 24%<br>27%
| Winged Knife || 23-39<br>27-35 || ||
| 翼刀Winged Knife || 23-39<br>27-35 || ||
| Balanced Axe || 12-15<br>5-10 || ||
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe || 12-15<br>5-10 || ||
| Hurlbat || 24-34<span class="omod"><br>13-27</span> || 24-34<span class="nmod"><br>19-34</span> || 0%<br>33%
| 短战戟Hurlbat || 24-34<br><span class="omod">13-27</span> || 24-34<br><span class="nmod">19-34</span> || 0%<br>33%
| Winged Axe || 7-60<br>11-56 || ||
| 翼斧Winged Axe || 7-60<br>11-56 || ||
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Javelin || <span class="omod">6-14<br></span>1-5 || <span class="nmod">6-10<br></span>1-5 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-20%</span><br>0%
| 标枪Javelin || <span class="omod">6-14</span><br>1-5 || <span class="nmod">6-10</span><br>1-5 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-20%</span><br>0%
| War Javelin || <span class="omod">14-32<br>6-19</span> || <span class="nmod">18-40<br>7-24</span> || 26%<br>24%
| 巨战标枪War Javelin || <span class="omod">14-32<br>6-19</span> || <span class="nmod">18-40<br>7-24</span> || 26%<br>24%
| Hyperion Javelin || 28-55<br>21-57 || ||
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin || 28-55<br>21-57 || ||
| Pilum || 7-20<br>4-9 || ||
| 短标枪Pilum || 7-20<br>4-9 || ||
| Great Pilum || <span class="omod">16-42<br>11-26</span> || <span class="nmod">17-52<br>13-33</span> || 19%<br>24%
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum || <span class="omod">16-42<br>11-26</span> || <span class="nmod">17-52<br>13-33</span> || 19%<br>24%
| Stygian Pilum || 21-75<br>14-64 || ||
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum || 21-75<br>14-64 || ||
| Short Spear || 10-22<br>2-13 || ||
| 短矛Short Spear || 10-22<br>2-13 || ||
| Simbilan || <span class="omod">27-50<br>8-32</span> || <span class="nmod">34-58<br>10-40</span> || 19%<br>25%
| 锐矛Simbilan || <span class="omod">27-50<br>8-32</span> || <span class="nmod">34-58<br>10-40</span> || 19%<br>25%
| Balrog Spear || 40-62<br>33-63 || ||
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear || 40-62<br>33-63 || ||
| Glaive || 16-22<br>5-17 || ||
| 大长刀Glaive || 16-22<br>5-17 || ||
| Spiculum || <span class="omod">32-60<br>13-38</span> || <span class="nmod">32-65<br>16-48</span> || 5%<br>25%
| 阔针长矛Spiculum || <span class="omod">32-60<br>13-38</span> || <span class="nmod">32-65<br>16-48</span> || 5%<br>25%
| Ghost Glaive || <span class="omod">30-85<br></span>19-60 || <span class="nmod">30-78<br></span>19-60 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-6%</span><br>0%
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive || <span class="omod">30-85</span><br>19-60 || <span class="nmod">30-78</span><br>19-60 || <span style="color:#ff5555">-6%</span><br>0%
| Throwing Spear || 12-30<br>5-15 || ||
| 飞矛Throwing Spear || 12-30<br>5-15 || ||
| Harpoon || <span class="omod">18-54<br>13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">23-59<br>16-44</span> || 14%<br>25%
| 鱼叉Harpoon || <span class="omod">18-54<br>13-35</span> || <span class="nmod">23-59<br>16-44</span> || 14%<br>25%
| Winged Harpoon || 11-77<br>27-35 || ||
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon || 11-77<br>27-35 || ||
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Spear || 3-15 || ||
| 长矛Spear || 3-15 || ||
| War Spear || <span class="omod">10-37</span> || <span class="nmod">15-54</span> || 47%
| 巨战长矛War Spear || <span class="omod">10-37</span> || <span class="nmod">15-54</span> || 47%
| Hyperion Spear || <span class="omod">35-119</span> || <span class="nmod">44-149</span> || 25%
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || <span class="omod">35-119</span> || <span class="nmod">44-149</span> || 25%
| Trident || 9-15 || ||
| 三叉戟Trident || 9-15 || ||
| Fuscina || <span class="omod">19-37</span> || <span class="nmod">24-53</span> || 38%
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || <span class="omod">19-37</span> || <span class="nmod">24-53</span> || 38%
| Stygian Pike || <span class="omod">29-144</span> || <span class="nmod">36-180</span> || 25%
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || <span class="omod">29-144</span> || <span class="nmod">36-180</span> || 25%
| Brandistock || 7-17 || ||
| 叉Brandistock || 7-17 || ||
| War Fork || <span class="omod">16-40</span> || <span class="nmod">23-58</span> || 45%
| 巨战之叉War Fork || <span class="omod">16-40</span> || <span class="nmod">23-58</span> || 45%
| Mancatcher || <span class="omod">42-92</span> || <span class="nmod">52-115</span> || 25%
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || <span class="omod">42-92</span> || <span class="nmod">52-115</span> || 25%
| Spetum || 15-23 || ||
| 大战戟Spetum || 15-23 || ||
| Yari || <span class="omod">29-59</span> || <span class="nmod">41-85</span> || 43%
| 三叉长枪Yari || <span class="omod">29-59</span> || <span class="nmod">41-85</span> || 43%
| Ghost Spear || <span class="omod">18-155</span> || <span class="nmod">23-194</span> || 25%
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || <span class="omod">18-155</span> || <span class="nmod">23-194</span> || 25%
| Pike || 14-63 || ||
| 矛Pike || 14-63 || ||
| Lance || <span class="omod">27-114</span> || <span class="nmod">33-163</span> || 39%
| 长枪Lance || <span class="omod">27-114</span> || <span class="nmod">33-163</span> || 39%
| War Pike || <span class="omod">33-178</span> || <span class="nmod">41-223</span> || 25%
| 战枪War Pike || <span class="omod">33-178</span> || <span class="nmod">41-223</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Bardiche || 1-27 || ||
| 大砍刀Bardiche || 1-27 || ||
| Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">6-58</span> || <span class="nmod">9-83</span> || 44%
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">6-58</span> || <span class="nmod">9-83</span> || 44%
| Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">28-145</span> || <span class="nmod">35-181</span> || 25%
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">28-145</span> || <span class="nmod">35-181</span> || 25%
| Voulge || 6-21 || ||
| 钩镰枪Voulge || 6-21 || ||
| Bill || <span class="omod">14-53</span> || <span class="nmod">20-76</span> || 43%
| 比尔长刀Bill || <span class="omod">14-53</span> || <span class="nmod">20-76</span> || 43%
| Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">17-165</span> || <span class="nmod">21-206</span> || 25%
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">17-165</span> || <span class="nmod">21-206</span> || 25%
| Scythe || 8-20 || ||
| 镰刀Scythe || 8-20 || ||
| Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">18-45</span> || <span class="nmod">25-64</span> || 41%
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">18-45</span> || <span class="nmod">25-64</span> || 41%
| Thresher || <span class="omod">12-141</span> || <span class="nmod">15-176</span> || 25%
| 锐利之斧Thresher || <span class="omod">12-141</span> || <span class="nmod">15-176</span> || 25%
| Poleaxe || 18-39 || ||
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || 18-39 || ||
| Partizan || <span class="omod">34-75</span> || <span class="nmod">49-108</span> || 44%
| 战戟Partizan || <span class="omod">34-75</span> || <span class="nmod">49-108</span> || 44%
| Cryptic Axe || <span class="omod">33-150</span> || <span class="nmod">41-188</span> || 25%
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || <span class="omod">33-150</span> || <span class="nmod">41-188</span> || 25%
| Halberd || 12-45 || ||
| 长戟Halberd || 12-45 || ||
| Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="omod">13-85</span> || <span class="nmod">18-122</span> || 43%
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="omod">13-85</span> || <span class="nmod">18-122</span> || 43%
| Great Poleaxe || <span class="omod">46-127</span> || <span class="nmod">58-159</span> || 25%
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || <span class="omod">46-127</span> || <span class="nmod">58-159</span> || 25%
| War Scythe || 15-36 || ||
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || 15-36 || ||
| Grim Scythe || <span class="omod">30-70</span> || <span class="nmod">44-100</span> || 44%
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || <span class="omod">30-70</span> || <span class="nmod">44-100</span> || 44%
| Giant Thresher || <span class="omod">40-114</span> || <span class="nmod">50-142</span> || 25%
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || <span class="omod">40-114</span> || <span class="nmod">50-142</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Short Bow || 1-4 || ||
| 短弓Short Bow || 1-4 || ||
| Edge Bow || <span class="omod">6-19</span> || <span class="nmod">8-25</span> || 32%
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow || <span class="omod">6-19</span> || <span class="nmod">8-25</span> || 32%
| Spider Bow || <span class="omod">23-50</span> || <span class="nmod">28-61</span> || 22%
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow || <span class="omod">23-50</span> || <span class="nmod">28-61</span> || 22%
| Hunter’s Bow || 2-6 || ||
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow || 2-6 || ||
| Razor Bow || <span class="omod">8-22</span> || <span class="nmod">11-29</span> || 33%
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow || <span class="omod">8-22</span> || <span class="nmod">11-29</span> || 33%
| Blade Bow || <span class="omod">21-41</span> || <span class="nmod">25-50</span> || 21%
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow || <span class="omod">21-41</span> || <span class="nmod">25-50</span> || 21%
| Long Bow || <span class="omod">3-10</span> || <span class="nmod">5-10</span> || 15%
| 长弓Long Bow || <span class="omod">3-10</span> || <span class="nmod">5-10</span> || 15%
| Cedar Bow || <span class="omod">10-29</span> || <span class="nmod">13-38</span> || 31%
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow || <span class="omod">10-29</span> || <span class="nmod">13-38</span> || 31%
| Shadow Bow || <span class="omod">15-59</span> || <span class="nmod">18-72</span> || 22%
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow || <span class="omod">15-59</span> || <span class="nmod">18-72</span> || 22%
| Composite Bow || <span class="omod">4-8</span> || <span class="nmod">5-9</span> || 17%
| 组合弓Composite Bow || <span class="omod">4-8</span> || <span class="nmod">5-9</span> || 17%
| Double Bow || <span class="omod">11-26</span> || <span class="nmod">14-35</span> || 32%
| 双弓Double Bow || <span class="omod">11-26</span> || <span class="nmod">14-35</span> || 32%
| Great Bow || <span class="omod">12-52</span> || <span class="nmod">14-63</span> || 20%
| 巨弓Great Bow || <span class="omod">12-52</span> || <span class="nmod">14-63</span> || 20%
| Short Battle Bow || <span class="omod">5-11</span> || <span class="nmod">6-12</span> || 13%
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow || <span class="omod">5-11</span> || <span class="nmod">6-12</span> || 13%
| Short Siege Bow || <span class="omod">13-30</span> || <span class="nmod">17-40</span> || 33%
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow || <span class="omod">13-30</span> || <span class="nmod">17-40</span> || 33%
| Diamond Bow || <span class="omod">33-40</span> || <span class="nmod">40-48</span> || 21%
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow || <span class="omod">33-40</span> || <span class="nmod">40-48</span> || 21%
| Long Battle Bow || <span class="omod">3-18</span> || <span class="nmod">7-18</span> || 19%
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow || <span class="omod">3-18</span> || <span class="nmod">7-18</span> || 19%
| Large Siege Bow || <span class="omod">10-42</span> || <span class="nmod">13-56</span> || 33%
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow || <span class="omod">10-42</span> || <span class="nmod">13-56</span> || 33%
| Crusader Bow || <span class="omod">15-63</span> || <span class="nmod">19-76</span> || 22%
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow || <span class="omod">15-63</span> || <span class="nmod">19-76</span> || 22%
| Short War Bow || 6-14 || ||
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow || 6-14 || ||
| Rune Bow || <span class="omod">14-35</span> || <span class="nmod">19-46</span> || 33%
| 符文之弓Rune Bow || <span class="omod">14-35</span> || <span class="nmod">19-46</span> || 33%
| Ward Bow || <span class="omod">20-53</span> || <span class="nmod">24-64</span> || 21%
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow || <span class="omod">20-53</span> || <span class="nmod">24-64</span> || 21%
| Long War Bow || 3-23 || ||
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow || 3-23 || ||
| Gothic Bow || <span class="omod">10-50</span> || <span class="nmod">8-63</span> || 18%
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow || <span class="omod">10-50</span> || <span class="nmod">8-63</span> || 18%
| Hydra Bow || <span class="omod">10-68</span> || <span class="nmod">12-83</span> || 22%
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow || <span class="omod">10-68</span> || <span class="nmod">12-83</span> || 22%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Light Crossbow || <span class="omod">6-9</span> || <span class="nmod">8-11</span> || 27%
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow || <span class="omod">6-9</span> || <span class="nmod">8-11</span> || 27%
| Arbalest || <span class="omod">14-27</span> || <span class="nmod">20-38</span> || 41%
| 石弓Arbalest || <span class="omod">14-27</span> || <span class="nmod">20-38</span> || 41%
| Pellet Bow || <span class="omod">28-73</span> || <span class="nmod">40-99</span> || 38%
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow || <span class="omod">28-73</span> || <span class="nmod">40-99</span> || 38%
| Crossbow || <span class="omod">9-16</span> || <span class="nmod">11-19</span> || 20%
| 十字弓Crossbow || <span class="omod">9-16</span> || <span class="nmod">11-19</span> || 20%
| Siege Crossbow || <span class="omod">20-42</span> || <span class="nmod">28-60</span> || 42%
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow || <span class="omod">20-42</span> || <span class="nmod">28-60</span> || 42%
| Gorgon Crossbow || <span class="omod">25-87</span> || <span class="nmod">39-120</span> || 42%
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow || <span class="omod">25-87</span> || <span class="nmod">39-120</span> || 42%
| Heavy Crossbow || <span class="omod">14-26</span> || <span class="nmod">20-33</span> || 33%
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow || <span class="omod">14-26</span> || <span class="nmod">20-33</span> || 33%
| Ballista || <span class="omod">33-55</span> || <span class="nmod">47-78</span> || 42%
| 弩弓Ballista || <span class="omod">33-55</span> || <span class="nmod">47-78</span> || 42%
| Colossus Crossbow || <span class="omod">32-91</span> || <span class="nmod">47-125</span> || 40%
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow || <span class="omod">32-91</span> || <span class="nmod">47-125</span> || 40%
| Repeating Crossbow || <span class="omod">6-12</span> || <span class="nmod">9-18</span> || 50%
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow || <span class="omod">6-12</span> || <span class="nmod">9-18</span> || 50%
| Chu-Ko-Nu || <span class="omod">14-32</span> || <span class="nmod">22-50</span> || 57%
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu || <span class="omod">14-32</span> || <span class="nmod">22-50</span> || 57%
| Demon Crossbow || <span class="omod">26-40</span> || <span class="nmod">43-66</span> || 65%
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow || <span class="omod">26-40</span> || <span class="nmod">43-66</span> || 65%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Short Staff || 1-5 || ||
| 短棍Short Staff || 1-5 || ||
| Jo Staff || <span class="omod">6-21</span> || <span class="nmod">9-30</span> || 44%
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || <span class="omod">6-21</span> || <span class="nmod">9-30</span> || 44%
| Walking Stick || <span class="omod">69-85</span> || <span class="nmod">86-106</span> || 25%
| 手杖Walking Stick || <span class="omod">69-85</span> || <span class="nmod">86-106</span> || 25%
| Long Staff || 2-8 || ||
| 长棍Long Staff || 2-8 || ||
| Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">8-26</span> || <span class="nmod">12-38</span> || 47%
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">8-26</span> || <span class="nmod">12-38</span> || 47%
| Stalagmite || <span class="omod">75-107</span> || <span class="nmod">94-134</span> || 25%
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || <span class="omod">75-107</span> || <span class="nmod">94-134</span> || 25%
| Gnarled Staff || 4-12 || ||
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff || 4-12 || ||
| Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">11-32</span> || <span class="nmod">15-46</span> || 42%
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">11-32</span> || <span class="nmod">15-46</span> || 42%
| Elder Staff || <span class="omod">80-93</span> || <span class="nmod">100-116</span> || 25%
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || <span class="omod">80-93</span> || <span class="nmod">100-116</span> || 25%
| Battle Staff || 6-13 || ||
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff || 6-13 || ||
| Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-48</span> || 44%
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">14-34</span> || <span class="nmod">21-48</span> || 44%
| Shillelagh || <span class="omod">65-108</span> || <span class="nmod">81-135</span> || 25%
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || <span class="omod">65-108</span> || <span class="nmod">81-135</span> || 25%
| War Staff || 12-28 || ||
| 巨战法杖War Staff || 12-28 || ||
| Rune Staff || <span class="omod">24-58</span> || <span class="nmod">35-84</span> || 45%
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || <span class="omod">24-58</span> || <span class="nmod">35-84</span> || 45%
| Archon Staff || <span class="omod">83-99</span> || <span class="nmod">104-124</span> || 25%
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || <span class="omod">83-99</span> || <span class="nmod">104-124</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
<!--Wands aren't melee weapons
<!--Wands aren't melee weapons
| Wand || 2-4 || ||
| 手杖Wand || 2-4 || ||
| Burnt Wand || 8-18 || ||
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 8-18 || ||
| Polished Wand || <span class="omod">18-33</span> || ||  
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || <span class="omod">18-33</span> || ||  
| Yew Wand || 2-8 || ||
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand || 2-8 || ||
| Petrified Wand || 8-24 || ||
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 8-24 || ||
| Ghost Wand || <span class="omod">20-40</span> || ||  
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || <span class="omod">20-40</span> || ||  
| Bone Wand || 3-7 || ||
| 骨杖Bone Wand || 3-7 || ||
| Tomb Wand || 10-22 || ||
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || 10-22 || ||
| Lich Wand || <span class="omod">10-31</span> || ||  
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || <span class="omod">10-31</span> || ||  
| Grim Wand || 5-11 || ||
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand || 5-11 || ||
| Grave Wand || 13-29 || ||
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 13-29 || ||
| Unearthed Wand || <span class="omod">22-28</span> || ||  
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || <span class="omod">22-28</span> || ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |-->
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" | -->
| Scepter || 6-11 || ||
| 权杖Scepter || 6-11 || ||
| Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">13-24</span> || <span class="nmod">18-35</span> || 43%
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">13-24</span> || <span class="nmod">18-35</span> || 43%
| Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">40-52</span> || <span class="nmod">50-65</span> || 25%
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">40-52</span> || <span class="nmod">50-65</span> || 25%
| Grand Scepter || 8-18 || ||
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || 8-18 || ||
| Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">14-36</span> || <span class="nmod">20-52</span> || 44%
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">14-36</span> || <span class="nmod">20-52</span> || 44%
| Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">45-54</span> || <span class="nmod">56-68</span> || 25%
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">45-54</span> || <span class="nmod">56-68</span> || 25%
| War Scepter || <span class="omod">10-17</span> || <span class="nmod">12-19</span> || 15%
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || <span class="omod">10-17</span> || <span class="nmod">12-19</span> || 15%
| Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">16-38</span> || <span class="nmod">24-46</span> || 30%
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">16-38</span> || <span class="nmod">24-46</span> || 30%
| Caduceus || <span class="omod">37-43</span> || <span class="nmod">46-54</span> || 25%
| 神使之杖Caduceus || <span class="omod">37-43</span> || <span class="nmod">46-54</span> || 25%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Katar || <span class="omod">4-7</span> || <span class="nmod">5-8</span> || 18%
| 拳剑Katar || <span class="omod">4-7</span> || <span class="nmod">5-8</span> || 18%
| Quhab || <span class="omod">11-24</span> || <span class="nmod">15-35</span> || 43%
| 格斗刃Quhab || <span class="omod">11-24</span> || <span class="nmod">15-35</span> || 43%
| Suwayyah || <span class="omod">39-52</span> || <span class="nmod">54-71</span> || 37%
| 近身刃Suwayyah || <span class="omod">39-52</span> || <span class="nmod">54-71</span> || 37%
| Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">5-9</span> || <span class="nmod">6-10</span> || 14%
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">5-9</span> || <span class="nmod">6-10</span> || 14%
| Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">13-27</span> || <span class="nmod">20-46</span> || 65%
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">13-27</span> || <span class="nmod">20-46</span> || 65%
| Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">34-45</span> || <span class="nmod">46-63</span> || 38%
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">34-45</span> || <span class="nmod">46-63</span> || 38%
| Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">2-15</span> || <span class="nmod">3-17</span> || 18%
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">2-15</span> || <span class="nmod">3-17</span> || 18%
| Fascia || <span class="omod">8-37</span> || <span class="nmod">12-53</span> || 44%
| 格斗爪Fascia || <span class="omod">8-37</span> || <span class="nmod">12-53</span> || 44%
| War Fist || <span class="omod">44-53</span> || <span class="nmod">60-73</span> || 37%
| 战拳War Fist || <span class="omod">44-53</span> || <span class="nmod">60-73</span> || 37%
| Cestus || <span class="omod">7-15</span> || <span class="nmod">8-17</span> || 14%
| 腰刀Cestus || <span class="omod">7-15</span> || <span class="nmod">8-17</span> || 14%
| Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">16-37</span> || <span class="nmod">23-46</span> || 30%
| 手镰Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">16-37</span> || <span class="nmod">23-46</span> || 30%
| Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">36-42</span> || <span class="nmod">45-53</span> || 26%
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">36-42</span> || <span class="nmod">45-53</span> || 26%
| Claws || <span class="omod">8-15</span> || <span class="nmod">9-16</span> || 9%
| 爪Claws || <span class="omod">8-15</span> || <span class="nmod">9-16</span> || 9%
| Greater Claws || <span class="omod">18-37</span> || <span class="nmod">23-53</span> || 38%
| 巨爪Greater Claws || <span class="omod">18-37</span> || <span class="nmod">23-53</span> || 38%
| Feral Claws || <span class="omod">22-53</span> || <span class="nmod">30-73</span> || 37%
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || <span class="omod">22-53</span> || <span class="nmod">30-73</span> || 37%
| Blade Talons || <span class="omod">10-14</span> || <span class="nmod">11-15</span> || 8%
| 刃爪Blade Talons || <span class="omod">10-14</span> || <span class="nmod">11-15</span> || 8%
| Greater Talons || <span class="omod">21-35</span> || <span class="nmod">25-45</span> || 25%
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || <span class="omod">21-35</span> || <span class="nmod">25-45</span> || 25%
| Runic Talons || <span class="omod">24-44</span> || <span class="nmod">33-60</span> || 37%
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || <span class="omod">24-44</span> || <span class="nmod">33-60</span> || 37%
| Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">9-17</span> || <span class="nmod">10-19</span> || 12%
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">9-17</span> || <span class="nmod">10-19</span> || 12%
| Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">19-40</span> || <span class="nmod">28-58</span> || 46%
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">19-40</span> || <span class="nmod">28-58</span> || 46%
| Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">40-51</span> || <span class="nmod">55-70</span> || 37%
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">40-51</span> || <span class="nmod">55-70</span> || 37%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
<!--Orbs aren't melee weapons
| Eagle Orb || 2-5 || ||
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb || 2-5 || ||
| Glowing Orb || 8-21 || ||
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || 8-21 || ||
| Heavenly Stone || 21-46 || ||  
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || 21-46 || ||  
| Sacred Globe || 3-8 || ||
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe || 3-8 || ||
| Crystalline Globe || 10-26 || ||
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || 10-26 || ||
| Eldritch Orb || 18-50 || ||  
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || 18-50 || ||  
| Smoked Sphere || 4-10 || ||
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || 4-10 || ||
| Cloudy Sphere || 11-29 || ||
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || 11-29 || ||
| Demon Heart || 23-55 || ||  
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || 23-55 || ||  
| Clasped Orb || 5-12 || ||
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || 5-12 || ||
| Sparkling Ball || 13-32 || ||
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || 13-32 || ||
| Vortex Orb || 12-66 || ||  
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || 12-66 || ||  
| Jared's Stone || 8-18 || ||
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || 8-18 || ||
| Swirling Crystal || 18-42 || ||
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || 18-42 || ||
| Dimensional Shard || 30-53 || ||  
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || 30-53 || ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |-->
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" | -->
| Stag Bow || <span class="omod">7-12</span> || <span class="nmod">8-14</span> || 16%
| 男性之弓Stag Bow || <span class="omod">7-12</span> || <span class="nmod">8-14</span> || 16%
| Ashwood Bow || <span class="omod">16-29</span> || <span class="nmod">19-38</span> || 27%
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow || <span class="omod">16-29</span> || <span class="nmod">19-38</span> || 27%
| Matriarchal Bow || <span class="omod">20-47</span> || <span class="nmod">24-57</span> || 21%
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow || <span class="omod">20-47</span> || <span class="nmod">24-57</span> || 21%
| Reflex Bow || <span class="omod">9-19</span> || <span class="nmod">10-21</span> || 11%
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow || <span class="omod">9-19</span> || <span class="nmod">10-21</span> || 11%
| Ceremonial Bow || <span class="omod">19-41</span> || <span class="nmod">22-53</span> || 25%
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow || <span class="omod">19-41</span> || <span class="nmod">22-53</span> || 25%
| Grand Matron Bow || <span class="omod">14-72</span> || <span class="nmod">17-87</span> || 21%
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow || <span class="omod">14-72</span> || <span class="nmod">17-87</span> || 21%
| Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">18-24</span> || <span class="nmod">20-26</span> || 10%
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">18-24</span> || <span class="nmod">20-26</span> || 10%
| Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">34-51</span> || <span class="nmod">49-74</span> || 45%
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">34-51</span> || <span class="nmod">49-74</span> || 45%
| Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">65-95</span> || <span class="nmod">79-116</span> || 22%
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">65-95</span> || <span class="nmod">79-116</span> || 22%
| Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">23-55</span> || <span class="nmod">25-60</span> || 9%
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">23-55</span> || <span class="nmod">25-60</span> || 9%
| Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">42-101</span> || <span class="nmod">60-140</span> || 40%
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">42-101</span> || <span class="nmod">60-140</span> || 40%
| Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">37-153</span> || <span class="nmod">44-185</span> || 21%
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">37-153</span> || <span class="nmod">44-185</span> || 21%
| Maiden Javelin || 6-22<br>8-14 || ||
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin || 6-22<br>8-14 || ||
| Ceremonial Javelin || <span class="omod">18-54<br>18-35</span> || <span class="nmod">25-69<br>26-51</span> || 31%<br>45%
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin || <span class="omod">18-54<br>18-35</span> || <span class="nmod">25-69<br>26-51</span> || 31%<br>45%
| Matriarchal Javelin || <span class="omod">35-66<br>30-54</span> || <span class="nmod">44-83<br>38-68</span> || 26%<br>26%
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin || <span class="omod">35-66<br>30-54</span> || <span class="nmod">44-83<br>38-68</span> || 26%<br>26%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Boots || 3-8 || ||  
| 皮靴Boots || 3-8 || ||  
| Demonhide Boots || <span class="omod">26-46</span> || <span class="nmod">30-64</span> || 31%
| 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots || <span class="omod">26-46</span> || <span class="nmod">30-64</span> || 31%
| Wyrmhide Boots || <span class="omod">65-100</span> || <span class="nmod">75-100</span> || 6%
| 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots || <span class="omod">65-100</span> || <span class="nmod">75-100</span> || 6%
| Heavy Boots || <span class="omod">4-10</span> || <span class="nmod">4-12</span> || 14%
| 重靴Heavy Boots || <span class="omod">4-10</span> || <span class="nmod">4-12</span> || 14%
| Sharkskin Boots || <span class="omod">28-50</span> || <span class="nmod">32-72</span> || 33%
| 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots || <span class="omod">28-50</span> || <span class="nmod">32-72</span> || 33%
| Scarabshell Boots || <span class="omod">60-110</span> || <span class="nmod">70-110</span> || 6%
| 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots || <span class="omod">60-110</span> || <span class="nmod">70-110</span> || 6%
| Chain Boots || <span class="omod">6-12</span> || <span class="nmod">6-14</span> || 11%
| 锁链靴Chain Boots || <span class="omod">6-12</span> || <span class="nmod">6-14</span> || 11%
| Mesh Boots || <span class="omod">23-52</span> || <span class="nmod">35-78</span> || 51%
| 织网之靴Mesh Boots || <span class="omod">23-52</span> || <span class="nmod">35-78</span> || 51%
| Boneweave Boots || <span class="omod">69-118</span> || <span class="nmod">80-125</span> || 10%
| 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots || <span class="omod">69-118</span> || <span class="nmod">80-125</span> || 10%
| Light Plated Boots || <span class="omod">8-16</span> || <span class="nmod">8-18</span> || 8%
| 轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots || <span class="omod">8-16</span> || <span class="nmod">8-18</span> || 8%
| Battle Boots || <span class="omod">37-64</span> || <span class="nmod">42-84</span> || 25%
| 战场之靴Battle Boots || <span class="omod">37-64</span> || <span class="nmod">42-84</span> || 25%
| Mirrored Boots || <span class="omod">50-145</span> || <span class="nmod">69-147</span> || 11%
| 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots || <span class="omod">50-145</span> || <span class="nmod">69-147</span> || 11%
| Greaves || 10-20 || ||  
| 护胫Greaves || 10-20 || ||  
| War Boots || <span class="omod">39-80</span> || <span class="nmod">45-90</span> || 13%
| 巨战之靴War Boots || <span class="omod">39-80</span> || <span class="nmod">45-90</span> || 13%
| Myrmidon Greaves || <span class="omod">83-149</span> || <span class="nmod">83-155</span> || 3%
| 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves || <span class="omod">83-149</span> || <span class="nmod">83-155</span> || 3%
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Buckler || 1-3 || ||  
| 圆盾Buckler || 1-3 || ||  
| Defender || 8-12 || ||  
| 防御盾Defender || 8-12 || ||  
| Heater || 16-30 || ||  
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 16-30 || ||  
| Small Shield || 2-3 || ||  
| 小盾牌Small Shield || 2-3 || ||  
| Round Shield || 7-14 || ||  
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 7-14 || ||  
| Luna || 17-29 || ||  
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 17-29 || ||  
| Large Shield || 2-4 || ||  
| 大盾牌Large Shield || 2-4 || ||  
| Scutum || 11-15 || ||  
| 鳞盾Scutum || 11-15 || ||  
| Hyperion || 14-32 || ||  
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 14-32 || ||  
| Spiked Shield || 5-9 || ||  
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield || 5-9 || ||  
| Barbed Shield || 18-35 || ||  
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 18-35 || ||  
| Blade Barrier || 26-40 || ||  
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 26-40 || ||  
| Kite Shield || 2-5 || ||  
| 轻盾Kite Shield || 2-5 || ||  
| Dragon Shield || 15-24 || ||  
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 15-24 || ||  
| Monarch || 12-34 || ||  
| 统治者大盾Monarch || 12-34 || ||  
| Bone Shield || 3-6 || ||  
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield || 3-6 || ||  
| Grim Shield || 14-20 || ||  
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 14-20 || ||  
| Troll Nest || 24-38 || ||  
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 24-38 || ||  
| Tower Shield || 1-5 || ||  
| 塔盾Tower Shield || 1-5 || ||  
| Pavise || 10-17 || ||  
| 大盾Pavise || 10-17 || ||  
| Aegis || 18-28 || ||  
| 圣盾Aegis || 18-28 || ||  
| Gothic Shield || 2-6 || ||  
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield || 2-6 || ||  
| Ancient Shield || 12-16 || ||  
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 12-16 || ||  
| Ward || 11-35 || ||  
| 保护盾牌Ward || 11-35 || ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="14" |
| Targe || 2-6 || ||  
| 小盾Targe || 2-6 || ||  
| Akaran Targe || 12-16 || ||  
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || 12-16 || ||  
| Sacred Targe || 22-70 || ||  
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || 22-70 || ||  
| Rondache || 2-8 || ||  
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 2-8 || ||  
| Akaran Rondache || 15-20 || ||  
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || 15-20 || ||  
| Sacred Rondache || 35-58 || ||  
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || 35-58 || ||  
| Heraldic Shield || 3-9 || ||  
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 3-9 || ||  
| Protector Shield || 18-24 || ||  
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || 18-24 || ||  
| Kurast Shield || 10-82 || ||  
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || 10-82 || ||  
| Aerin Shield || 4-10 || ||  
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 4-10 || ||  
| Gilded Shield || 20-28 || ||  
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || 20-28 || ||  
| Zakarum Shield || 46-46 || ||  
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || 46-46 || ||  
| Crown Shield || 4-12 || ||  
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 4-12 || ||  
| Royal Shield || 24-32 || ||  
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || 24-32 || ||  
| Vortex Shield || 5-87 || ||  
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || 5-87 || ||  
<small>For weapons with two damage ranges, their 1-hand melee damage is listed second. Wands and Orbs are not listed here since they aren't attacked with (and their damage is unchanged).</small>

== 速度 ==
== Speed ==
* 亚马逊长矛武器攻速增加了10
* Amazon spear speed modifiers improved by 10
** Maiden Spear, Ceremonial Spear, Matriarchal Spear speed modifier improved from 0 to -10
** Maiden Pike speed modifier improved from 10 to 0
** Ceremonial Pike, Matriarchal Pike speed modifier improved from 20 to 10

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Speed Modifiers
|+ 基础武器攻速词条
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
| Hand Axe || 0 ||  
| 小斧Hand Axe || 0 ||  
| Hatchet || 0 ||  
| 手斧Hatchet || 0 ||  
| Tomahawk || 0 ||  
| 战钺Tomahawk || 0 ||  
| Axe || 10 ||  
| 斧Axe || 10 ||  
| Cleaver || 10 ||  
| 切肉刀Cleaver || 10 ||  
| Small Crescent || 10 ||  
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || 10 ||  
| Double Axe || 10 ||  
| 双刃斧Double Axe || 10 ||  
| Twin Axe || 10 ||  
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || 10 ||  
| Ettin Axe || 10 ||  
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || 10 ||  
| Military Pick || -10 ||  
| 军用锹Military Pick || -10 ||  
| Crowbill || -10 ||  
| 喙钳Crowbill || -10 ||  
| War Spike || -10 ||  
| 战刺War Spike|| -10 ||  
| War Axe || 0 ||  
| 战斧War Axe || 0 ||  
| Naga || 0 ||  
| 纳卡Naga || 0 ||  
| Berserker Axe || 0 ||  
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || 0 ||  
| Large Axe || -10 ||  
| 巨斧Large Axe || -10 ||  
| Military Axe || -10 ||  
| 军斧Military Axe || -10 ||  
| Feral Axe || -15 ||  
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || -15 ||  
| Broad Axe || 0 ||  
| 阔斧Broad Axe || 0 ||  
| Bearded Axe || 0 ||  
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || 0 ||  
| Silver-edged Axe || 0 ||  
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || 0 ||  
| Battle Axe || 10 ||  
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || 10 ||  
| Tabar || 10 ||  
| 战袍斧Tabar || 10 ||  
| Decapitator || 10 ||  
| 斩首斧Decapitator || 10 ||  
| Great Axe || -10 ||  
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || -10 ||  
| Gothic Axe || -10 ||  
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || -10 ||  
| Champion Axe || -10 ||  
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || -10 ||  
| Giant Axe || 10 ||  
| 大斧Giant Axe || 10 ||  
| Ancient Axe || 10 ||  
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || 10 ||  
| Glorious Axe || 10 ||  
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || 10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Club || -10 ||  
| 木棒Club || -10 ||  
| Cudgel || -10 ||  
| 棍棒Cudgel || -10 ||  
| Truncheon || -10 ||  
| 战仪杖Truncheon || -10 ||  
| Spiked Club || 0 ||  
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club || 0 ||  
| Barbed Club || 0 ||  
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || 0 ||  
| Tyrant Club || 0 ||  
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || 0 ||  
| Mace || 0 ||  
| 钉头锤Mace || 0 ||  
| Flanged Mace || 0 ||  
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || 0 ||  
| Reinforced Mace || 0 ||  
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || 0 ||  
| Morning Star || 10 ||  
| 流星锤Morning Star || 10 ||  
| Jagged Star || 10 ||  
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || 10 ||  
| Devil Star || 10 ||  
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || 10 ||  
| Flail || -10 ||  
| 链枷Flail || -10 ||  
| Knout || -10 ||  
| 铁皮鞭Knout || -10 ||  
| Scourge || -10 ||  
| 天罚之锤Scourge || -10 ||  
| War Hammer || 20 ||  
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || 20 ||  
| Battle Hammer || 20 ||  
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || 20 ||  
| Legendary Mallet || 20 ||  
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || 20 ||  
| Maul || 10 ||  
| 大木棍Maul || 10 ||  
| War Club || 10 ||  
| 巨战木棍War Club || 10 ||  
| Ogre Maul || 10 ||  
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || 10 ||  
| Great Maul || 20 ||  
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || 20 ||  
| Martel de Fer || 20 ||  
| 战槌Martel de Fer || 20 ||  
| Thunder Maul || 20 ||  
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || 20 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Sword || 0 ||  
| 短剑Short Sword || 0 ||  
| Gladius || 0 ||  
| 罗马短剑Gladius || 0 ||  
| Falcata || 0 ||  
| 短剑Falcata || 0 ||  
| Scimitar || -20 ||  
| 弯刀Scimitar || -20 ||  
| Cutlass || -30 ||  
| 微弯剑Cutlass || -30 ||  
| Ataghan || -20 ||  
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || -20 ||  
| Sabre || -10 ||  
| 军刀Sabre || -10 ||  
| Shamshir || -10 ||  
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || -10 ||  
| Elegant Blade || -10 ||  
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || -10 ||  
| Falchion || 20 ||  
| 弯形大刀Falchion || 20 ||  
| Tulwar || 20 ||  
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || 20 ||  
| Hydra Edge || 10 ||  
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || 10 ||  
| Crystal Sword || 0 ||  
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || 0 ||  
| Dimensional Blade || 0 ||  
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || 0 ||  
| Phase Blade || -30 ||  
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || -30 ||  
| Broad Sword || 0 ||  
| 阔剑Broad Sword || 0 ||  
| Battle Sword || 0 ||  
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| 0 ||  
| Conquest Sword || 0 ||  
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| 0 ||  
| Long Sword || -10 ||  
| 长剑Long Sword|| -10 ||  
| Rune Sword || -10 ||  
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| -10 ||  
| Cryptic Sword || -10 ||  
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| -10 ||  
| War Sword || 0 ||  
| 巨战之剑War Sword || 0 ||  
| Ancient Sword || 0 ||  
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || 0 ||  
| Mythical Sword || 0 ||  
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || 0 ||  
| Two-handed Sword || 0 ||  
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || 0 ||  
| Espandon || 0 ||  
| 斩铁剑Espandon || 0 ||  
| Legend Sword || -15 ||  
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || -15 ||  
| Claymore || 10 ||  
| 双刃大刀Claymore || 10 ||  
| Dacian Falx || 10 ||  
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || 10 ||  
| Highland Blade || -5 ||  
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || -5 ||  
| Giant Sword || 0 ||  
| 大剑Giant Sword || 0 ||  
| Tusk Sword || 0 ||  
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || 0 ||  
| Balrog Blade || 0 ||  
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || 0 ||  
| Bastard Sword || 10 ||  
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || 10 ||  
| Gothic Sword || 10 ||  
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || 10 ||  
| Champion Sword || -10 ||  
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || -10 ||  
| Flamberge || -10 ||  
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || -10 ||  
| Zweihander || -10 ||  
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || -10 ||  
| Colossus Sword || 10 ||  
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || 10 ||  
| Great Sword || 10 ||  
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || 10 ||  
| Executioner's Sword || 10 ||  
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || 10 ||  
| Colossus Blade || 5 ||  
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || 5 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Dagger || -20 ||  
| 匕首Dagger || -20 ||  
| Poignard || -20 ||  
| 锐匕Poignard || -20 ||  
| Bone Knife || -20 ||  
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || -20 ||  
| Dirk || 0 ||  
| 长匕首Dirk || 0 ||  
| Rondel || 0 ||  
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || 0 ||  
| Mithril Point || 0 ||  
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || 0 ||  
| Kris || -20 ||  
| 波形刀Kris || -20 ||  
| Cinquedeas || -20 ||  
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || -20 ||  
| Fanged Knife || -20 ||  
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || -20 ||  
| Blade || -10 ||  
| 短刀Blade || -10 ||  
| Stiletto || -10 ||  
| 小剑Stiletto || -10 ||  
| Legend Spike || -10 ||  
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || -10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Throwing Knife || 0 ||  
| 飞刀Throwing Knife || 0 ||  
| Battle Dart || 0 ||  
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart || 0 ||  
| Flying Knife || 0 ||  
| 飞刀Flying Knife || 0 ||  
| Throwing Axe || 10 ||  
| 飞斧Throwing Axe || 10 ||  
| Francisca || 10 ||  
| 法兰飞斧Francisca || 10 ||  
| Flying Axe || 10 ||  
| 飞斧Flying Axe || 10 ||  
| Balanced Knife || -20 ||  
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife || -20 ||  
| War Dart || -20 ||  
| 巨战飞镖War Dart || -20 ||  
| Winged Knife || -20 ||  
| 翼刀Winged Knife || -20 ||  
| Balanced Axe || -10 ||  
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe || -10 ||  
| Hurlbat || -10 ||  
| 短战戟Hurlbat || -10 ||  
| Winged Axe || -10 ||  
| 翼斧Winged Axe || -10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Javelin || -10 ||  
| 标枪Javelin || -10 ||  
| War Javelin || -10 ||  
| 巨战标枪War Javelin || -10 ||  
| Hyperion Javelin || -10 ||  
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin || -10 ||  
| Pilum || 0 ||  
| 短标枪Pilum || 0 ||  
| Great Pilum || 0 ||  
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum || 0 ||  
| Stygian Pilum || 0 ||  
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum || 0 ||  
| Short Spear || 10 ||  
| 短矛Short Spear || 10 ||  
| Simbilan || 10 ||  
| 锐矛Simbilan || 10 ||  
| Balrog Spear || 10 ||  
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear || 10 ||  
| Glaive || 20 ||  
| 大长刀Glaive || 20 ||  
| Spiculum || 20 ||  
| 阔针长矛Spiculum || 20 ||  
| Ghost Glaive || 20 ||  
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive || 20 ||  
| Throwing Spear || -10 ||  
| 飞矛Throwing Spear || -10 ||  
| Harpoon || -10 ||  
| 鱼叉Harpoon || -10 ||  
| Winged Harpoon || -10 ||  
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon || -10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Spear || -10 ||  
| 长矛Spear || -10 ||  
| War Spear || -10 ||  
| 巨战长矛War Spear || -10 ||  
| Hyperion Spear || -10 ||  
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || -10 ||  
| Trident || 0 ||  
| 三叉戟Trident || 0 ||  
| Fuscina || 0 ||  
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || 0 ||  
| Stygian Pike || 0 ||  
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || 0 ||  
| Brandistock || -20 ||  
| 叉Brandistock || -20 ||  
| War Fork || -20 ||  
| 巨战之叉War Fork || -20 ||  
| Mancatcher || -20 ||  
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || -20 ||  
| Spetum || 0 ||  
| 大战戟Spetum || 0 ||  
| Yari || 0 ||  
| 三叉长枪Yari || 0 ||  
| Ghost Spear || 0 ||  
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || 0 ||  
| Pike || 20 ||  
| 矛Pike || 20 ||  
| Lance || 20 ||  
| 长枪Lance || 20 ||  
| War Pike || 20 ||  
| 战枪War Pike || 20 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Bardiche || 10 ||  
| 大砍刀Bardiche || 10 ||  
| Lochaber Axe || 10 ||  
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || 10 ||  
| Ogre Axe || 0 ||  
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || 0 ||  
| Voulge || 0 ||  
| 钩镰枪Voulge || 0 ||  
| Bill || 0 ||  
| 比尔长刀Bill || 0 ||  
| Colossus Voulge || 10 ||  
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || 10 ||  
| Scythe || -10 ||  
| 镰刀Scythe || -10 ||  
| Battle Scythe || -10 ||  
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || -10 ||  
| Thresher || -10 ||  
| 锐利之斧Thresher || -10 ||  
| Poleaxe || 10 ||  
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || 10 ||  
| Partizan || 10 ||  
| 战戟Partizan || 10 ||  
| Cryptic Axe || 10 ||  
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || 10 ||  
| Halberd || 0 ||  
| 长戟Halberd || 0 ||  
| Bec-de-Corbin || 0 ||  
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || 0 ||  
| Great Poleaxe || 0 ||  
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || 0 ||  
| War Scythe || -10 ||  
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || -10 ||  
| Grim Scythe || -10 ||  
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || -10 ||  
| Giant Thresher || -10 ||  
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || -10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Bow || 5 ||  
| 短弓Short Bow || 5 ||  
| Edge Bow || 5 ||  
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow || 5 ||  
| Spider Bow || 5 ||  
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow || 5 ||  
| Hunter’s Bow || -10 ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow || -10 ||  
| Razor Bow || -10 ||  
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow || -10 ||  
| Blade Bow || -10 ||  
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow || -10 ||  
| Long Bow || 0 ||  
| 长弓Long Bow || 0 ||  
| Cedar Bow || 0 ||  
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow || 0 ||  
| Shadow Bow || 0 ||  
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow || 0 ||  
| Composite Bow || -10 ||  
| 组合弓Composite Bow || -10 ||  
| Double Bow || -10 ||  
| 双弓Double Bow || -10 ||  
| Great Bow || -10 ||  
| 巨弓Great Bow || -10 ||  
| Short Battle Bow || 0 ||  
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow || 0 ||  
| Short Siege Bow || 0 ||  
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow || 0 ||  
| Diamond Bow || 0 ||  
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow || 0 ||  
| Long Battle Bow || 10 ||  
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow || 10 ||  
| Large Siege Bow || 10 ||  
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow || 10 ||  
| Crusader Bow || 10 ||  
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow || 10 ||  
| Short War Bow || 0 ||  
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow || 0 ||  
| Rune Bow || 0 ||  
| 符文之弓Rune Bow || 0 ||  
| Ward Bow || 0 ||  
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow || 0 ||  
| Long War Bow || 10 ||  
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow || 10 ||  
| Gothic Bow || 10 ||  
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow || 10 ||  
| Hydra Bow || 10 ||  
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow || 10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Light Crossbow || -10 ||  
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow || -10 ||  
| Arbalest || -10 ||  
| 石弓Arbalest || -10 ||  
| Pellet Bow || -10 ||  
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow || -10 ||  
| Crossbow || 0 ||  
| 十字弓Crossbow || 0 ||  
| Siege Crossbow || 0 ||  
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow || 0 ||  
| Gorgon Crossbow || 0 ||  
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow || 0 ||  
| Heavy Crossbow || 10 ||  
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow || 10 ||  
| Ballista || 10 ||  
| 弩弓Ballista || 10 ||  
| Colossus Crossbow || 10 ||  
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow || 10 ||  
| Repeating Crossbow || -40 ||  
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow || -40 ||  
| Chu-Ko-Nu || -60 ||  
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu || -60 ||  
| Demon Crossbow || -60 ||  
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow || -60 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Staff || -10 ||  
| 短棍Short Staff || -10 ||  
| Jo Staff || -10 ||  
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || -10 ||  
| Walking Stick || -10 ||  
| 手杖Walking Stick || -10 ||  
| Long Staff || 0 ||  
| 长棍Long Staff || 0 ||  
| Quarterstaff || 0 ||  
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || 0 ||  
| Stalagmite || 10 ||  
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || 10 ||  
| Gnarled Staff || 10 ||  
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff || 10 ||  
| Cedar Staff || 10 ||  
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || 10 ||  
| Elder Staff || 0 ||  
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || 0 ||  
| Battle Staff || 0 ||  
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff || 0 ||  
| Gothic Staff || 0 ||  
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || 0 ||  
| Shillelagh || 0 ||  
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || 0 ||  
| War Staff || 20 ||  
| 巨战法杖War Staff || 20 ||  
| Rune Staff || 20 ||  
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || 20 ||  
| Archon Staff || 10 ||  
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || 10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Wands aren't attacked with
<!-- 法杖Wands 不是近战武器
| Wand || 0 ||  
| 手杖Wand || 0 ||  
| Burnt Wand || 0 ||  
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 0 ||  
| Polished Wand || 0 ||  
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || 0 ||  
| Yew Wand || 10 ||  
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand || 10 ||  
| Petrified Wand || 10 ||  
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 10 ||  
| Ghost Wand || 10 ||  
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || 10 ||  
| Bone Wand || -20 ||  
| 骨杖Bone Wand || -20 ||  
| Tomb Wand || -20 ||  
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || -20 ||  
| Lich Wand || -20 ||  
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || -20 ||  
| Grim Wand || 10 ||  
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand || 10 ||  
| Grave Wand || 10 ||  
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 10 ||  
| Unearthed Wand || 10 ||  
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || 10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Scepter || 0 ||  
| 权杖Scepter || 0 ||  
| Rune Scepter || 0 ||  
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || 0 ||  
| Mighty Scepter || 0 ||  
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || 0 ||  
| Grand Scepter || 10 ||  
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || 10 ||  
| Holy Water Sprinkler || 10 ||  
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || 10 ||  
| Seraph Rod || 10 ||  
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || 10 ||  
| War Scepter || -10 ||  
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || -10 ||  
| Divine Scepter || -10 ||  
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || -10 ||  
| Caduceus || -10 ||  
| 神使之杖Caduceus || -10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Katar || -10 ||  
| 拳剑Katar || -10 ||  
| Quhab || 0 ||  
| 格斗刃Quhab || 0 ||  
| Suwayyah || 0 ||  
| 近身刃Suwayyah || 0 ||  
| Wrist Blade || 0 ||  
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || 0 ||  
| Wrist Spike || -10 ||  
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || -10 ||  
| Wrist Sword || -10 ||  
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || -10 ||  
| Hatchet Hands || 10 ||  
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || 10 ||  
| Fascia || 10 ||  
| 格斗爪Fascia || 10 ||  
| War Fist || 10 ||  
| 战拳War Fist || 10 ||  
| Cestus || 0 ||  
| 腰刀Cestus || 0 ||  
| Hand Scythe || -10 ||  
| 手镰Hand Scythe || -10 ||  
| Battle Cestus || -10 ||  
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || -10 ||  
| Claws || -10 ||  
| 爪Claws || -10 ||  
| Greater Claws || -20 ||  
| 巨爪Greater Claws || -20 ||  
| Feral Claws || -20 ||  
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || -20 ||  
| Blade Talons || -20 ||  
| 刃爪Blade Talons || -20 ||  
| Greater Talons || -30 ||  
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || -30 ||  
| Runic Talons || -30 ||  
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || -30 ||  
| Scissors Katar || -10 ||  
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || -10 ||  
| Scissors Quhab || 0 ||  
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || 0 ||  
| Scissors Suwayyah || 0 ||  
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || 0 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Orbs aren't attacked with
<!-- 法球Orbs 不是近战武器
| Eagle Orb || -10 ||  
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb || -10 ||  
| Glowing Orb || -10 ||  
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || -10 ||  
| Heavenly Stone || -10 ||  
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || -10 ||  
| Sacred Globe || -10 ||  
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe || -10 ||  
| Crystalline Globe || -10 ||  
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || -10 ||  
| Eldritch Orb || -10 ||  
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || -10 ||  
| Smoked Sphere || 0 ||  
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || 0 ||  
| Cloudy Sphere || 0 ||  
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || 0 ||  
| Demon Heart || 0 ||  
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || 0 ||  
| Clasped Orb || 0 ||  
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || 0 ||  
| Sparkling Ball || 0 ||  
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || 0 ||  
| Vortex Orb || 0 ||  
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || 0 ||  
| Jared's Stone || 10 ||  
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || 10 ||  
| Swirling Crystal || 10 ||  
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || 10 ||  
| Dimensional Shard || 10 ||  
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || 10 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Stag Bow || 0 ||  
| 男性之弓Stag Bow || 0 ||  
| Ashwood Bow || 0 ||  
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow || 0 ||  
| Matriarchal Bow || -10 ||  
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow || -10 ||  
| Reflex Bow || 10 ||  
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow || 10 ||  
| Ceremonial Bow || 10 ||  
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow || 10 ||  
| Grand Matron Bow || 10 ||
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow || 10 ||
| Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">-10</span>
| Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">10</span> || <span class="nmod">0</span>
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">10</span> || <span class="nmod">0</span>
| Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">10</span>
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">10</span>
| Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">10</span>
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">10</span>
| Maiden Javelin || -10 ||  
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin || -10 ||  
| Ceremonial Javelin || -10 ||  
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin || -10 ||  
| Matriarchal Javelin || -10 ||  
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin || -10 ||  
<small>Negative values mean the weapon attacks faster. Wands and Orbs are not listed here since they aren't attacked with (and their speed is unchanged).</small>

== 近战范围 ==
== Melee Range ==
* 匕首和飞刀/斧范围调整为1。
* Daggers and throwing knives/axes range increased from 0 to 1
* 所有其他近战武器攻击范围调整到2。
* All other melee weapons with a range of 0-1 increased to 2
* Javelins 和双手近战武器攻击范围调整到3(except 1x3 staves)
* All two-handed melee weapons with a range of 0-2 (except 1x3 staves) increased to 3
* Spears and 2x4 sized axes/maces攻击范围上调至4。
* 2x4 Axes (Great Axe, Gothic Axe, Champion Axe) range increased from 2 to 4
* 2x4 Maces (Maul, War Club, Ogre Maul) range increased from 1 to 4

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Melee Ranges
|+ 基础近战武器范围
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
| Hand Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 小斧Hand Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Hatchet || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 手斧Hatchet || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Tomahawk || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战钺Tomahawk || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 斧Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Cleaver || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 切肉刀Cleaver || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Small Crescent || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Double Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 双刃斧Double Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Twin Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Military Pick || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 军用锹Military Pick || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Crowbill || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 喙钳Crowbill || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| War Spike || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战刺War Spike|| <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| War Axe || 2 ||  
| 战斧War Axe || 2 ||  
| Naga || 2 ||  
| 纳卡Naga || 2 ||  
| Berserker Axe || 2 ||  
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || 2 ||  
| Large Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨斧Large Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Military Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 军斧Military Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Feral Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Broad Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 阔斧Broad Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Battle Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Tabar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战袍斧Tabar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Decapitator || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 斩首斧Decapitator || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Great Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Champion Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Giant Axe || 3 ||  
| 大斧Giant Axe || 3 ||  
| Ancient Axe || 3 ||  
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || 3 ||  
| Glorious Axe || 3 ||  
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || 3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Club || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 木棒Club || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Cudgel || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 棍棒Cudgel || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Truncheon || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战仪杖Truncheon || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Spiked Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Barbed Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 钉头锤Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Morning Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 流星锤Morning Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Jagged Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Devil Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Flail || 2 ||  
| 链枷Flail || 2 ||  
| Knout || 2 ||  
| 铁皮鞭Knout || 2 ||  
| Scourge || 2 ||  
| 天罚之锤Scourge || 2 ||  
| War Hammer || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Maul || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 大木棍Maul || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| War Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 巨战木棍War Club || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Great Maul || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战槌Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 短剑Short Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Gladius || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 罗马短剑Gladius || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Falcata || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 短剑Falcata || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Scimitar || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 弯刀Scimitar || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Cutlass || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 微弯剑Cutlass || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Ataghan || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Sabre || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 军刀Sabre || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Shamshir || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Falchion || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 弯形大刀Falchion || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Tulwar || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Crystal Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Phase Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Broad Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 阔剑Broad Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Battle Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Conquest Sword || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Long Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 长剑Long Sword|| <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Rune Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Cryptic Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| War Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 巨战之剑War Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Two-handed Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Espandon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 斩铁剑Espandon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Legend Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Claymore || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 双刃大刀Claymore || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Highland Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Giant Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 大剑Giant Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Bastard Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Champion Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Flamberge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Zweihander || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Great Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Dagger || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 匕首Dagger || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Poignard || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 锐匕Poignard || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Bone Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Dirk || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 长匕首Dirk || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Rondel || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Mithril Point || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Kris || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 波形刀Kris || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Blade || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 短刀Blade || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Stiletto || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 小剑Stiletto || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Legend Spike || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Throwing Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 飞刀Throwing Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Battle Dart || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Flying Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 飞刀Flying Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Throwing Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 飞斧Throwing Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Francisca || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 法兰飞斧Francisca || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Flying Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 飞斧Flying Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Balanced Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| War Dart || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 巨战飞镖War Dart || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Winged Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 翼刀Winged Knife || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Balanced Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Hurlbat || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 短战戟Hurlbat || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| Winged Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| 翼斧Winged Axe || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">1</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Javelin || 2 ||  
| 标枪Javelin || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| War Javelin || 2 ||  
| 巨战标枪War Javelin || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Hyperion Javelin || 2 ||  
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Pilum || 2 ||  
| 短标枪Pilum || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Great Pilum || 2 ||  
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Stygian Pilum || 2 ||  
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Short Spear || 2 ||  
| 短矛Short Spear || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Simbilan || 2 ||  
| 锐矛Simbilan || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Balrog Spear || 2 ||  
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Glaive || 2 ||  
| 大长刀Glaive || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Spiculum || 2 ||  
| 阔针长矛Spiculum || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Ghost Glaive || 2 ||  
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Throwing Spear || 2 ||  
| 飞矛Throwing Spear || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Harpoon || 2 ||  
| 鱼叉Harpoon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Winged Harpoon || 2 ||  
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Spear || 3 ||  
| 长矛Spear || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| War Spear || 3 ||  
| 巨战长矛War Spear || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Hyperion Spear || 3 ||  
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Trident || 3 ||  
| 三叉戟Trident || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Fuscina || 3 ||  
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Stygian Pike || 3 ||  
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nmod">4</span>
| Brandistock || 4 ||  
| 叉Brandistock || 4 ||  
| War Fork || 4 ||  
| 巨战之叉War Fork || 4 ||  
| Mancatcher || 4 ||  
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || 4 ||  
| Spetum || 4 ||  
| 大战戟Spetum || 4 ||  
| Yari || 4 ||  
| 三叉长枪Yari || 4 ||  
| Ghost Spear || 4 ||  
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || 4 ||  
| Pike || 4 ||  
| 矛Pike || 4 ||  
| Lance || 4 ||  
| 长枪Lance || 4 ||  
| War Pike || 4 ||  
| 战枪War Pike || 4 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Bardiche || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 大砍刀Bardiche || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Voulge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 钩镰枪Voulge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Bill || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 比尔长刀Bill || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 镰刀Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Thresher || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 锐利之斧Thresher || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Poleaxe || 3 ||  
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || 3 ||  
| Partizan || 3 ||  
| 战戟Partizan || 3 ||  
| Cryptic Axe || 3 ||  
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || 3 ||  
| Halberd || 4 ||  
| 长戟Halberd || 4 ||  
| Bec-de-Corbin || 4 ||  
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || 4 ||  
| Great Poleaxe || 4 ||  
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || 4 ||  
| War Scythe || 4 ||  
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || 4 ||  
| Grim Scythe || 4 ||  
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || 4 ||  
| Giant Thresher || 4 ||  
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || 4 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Bows/Crossbows are not melee weapons
<!-- /十字弓类不是近战武器
| Short Bow ||  ||  
| 短弓Short Bow ||  ||  
| Edge Bow ||  ||  
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow ||  ||  
| Spider Bow ||  ||  
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow ||  ||  
| Hunter’s Bow ||  ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow ||  ||  
| Razor Bow ||  ||  
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow ||  ||  
| Blade Bow ||  ||  
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow ||  ||  
| Long Bow ||  ||  
| 长弓Long Bow ||  ||  
| Cedar Bow ||  ||  
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow ||  ||  
| Shadow Bow ||  ||  
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow ||  ||  
| Composite Bow ||  ||  
| 组合弓Composite Bow ||  ||  
| Double Bow ||  ||  
| 双弓Double Bow ||  ||  
| Great Bow ||  ||  
| 巨弓Great Bow ||  ||  
| Short Battle Bow ||  ||  
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow ||  ||  
| Short Siege Bow ||  ||  
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow ||  ||  
| Diamond Bow ||  ||  
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow ||  ||  
| Long Battle Bow ||  ||  
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow ||  ||  
| Large Siege Bow ||  ||  
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow ||  ||  
| Crusader Bow ||  ||  
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow ||  ||  
| Short War Bow ||  ||  
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow ||  ||  
| Rune Bow ||  ||  
| 符文之弓Rune Bow ||  ||  
| Ward Bow ||  ||  
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow ||  ||  
| Long War Bow ||  ||  
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow ||  ||  
| Gothic Bow ||  ||  
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow ||  ||  
| Hydra Bow ||  ||  
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Light Crossbow ||  ||  
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow ||  ||  
| Arbalest ||  ||  
| 石弓Arbalest ||  ||  
| Pellet Bow ||  ||  
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow ||  ||  
| Crossbow ||  ||  
| 十字弓Crossbow ||  ||  
| Siege Crossbow ||  ||  
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow ||  ||  
| Gorgon Crossbow ||  ||  
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow ||  ||  
| Heavy Crossbow ||  ||  
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow ||  ||  
| Ballista ||  ||  
| 弩弓Ballista ||  ||  
| Colossus Crossbow ||  ||  
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow ||  ||  
| Repeating Crossbow ||  ||  
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow ||  ||  
| Chu-Ko-Nu ||  ||  
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu ||  ||  
| Demon Crossbow ||  ||  
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Short Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 短棍Short Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Jo Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Walking Stick || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 手杖Walking Stick || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Long Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 长棍Long Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Stalagmite || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Gnarled Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Elder Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Battle Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Shillelagh || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| War Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 巨战法杖War Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Rune Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Archon Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Wands are not melee weapons
<!-- 手杖不是近战武器
| Wand || 0 ||  
| 手杖Wand || 0 ||  
| Burnt Wand || 0 ||  
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 0 ||  
| Polished Wand || 0 ||  
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || 0 ||  
| Yew Wand || 0 ||  
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand || 0 ||  
| Petrified Wand || 0 ||  
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 0 ||  
| Ghost Wand || 0 ||  
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || 0 ||  
| Bone Wand || 0 ||  
| 骨杖Bone Wand || 0 ||  
| Tomb Wand || 0 ||  
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || 0 ||  
| Lich Wand || 0 ||  
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || 0 ||  
| Grim Wand || 0 ||  
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand || 0 ||  
| Grave Wand || 0 ||  
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 0 ||  
| Unearthed Wand || 0 ||  
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || 0 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 权杖Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">0</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Grand Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| War Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Caduceus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 神使之杖Caduceus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Katar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 拳剑Katar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Quhab || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 格斗刃Quhab || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Suwayyah || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 近身刃Suwayyah || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Fascia || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 格斗爪Fascia || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| War Fist || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 战拳War Fist || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Cestus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 腰刀Cestus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 手镰Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 爪Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Greater Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 巨爪Greater Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Feral Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Blade Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 刃爪Blade Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Greater Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Runic Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Orbs and Amazon Bows are not melee weapons
<!-- 法师法球和亚马逊弓不是近战武器
| Eagle Orb || 0 ||  
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb || 0 ||  
| Glowing Orb || 0 ||  
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || 0 ||  
| Heavenly Stone || 0 ||  
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || 0 ||  
| Sacred Globe || 0 ||  
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe || 0 ||  
| Crystalline Globe || 0 ||  
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || 0 ||  
| Eldritch Orb || 0 ||  
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || 0 ||  
| Smoked Sphere || 0 ||  
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || 0 ||  
| Cloudy Sphere || 0 ||  
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || 0 ||  
| Demon Heart || 0 ||  
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || 0 ||  
| Clasped Orb || 0 ||  
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || 0 ||  
| Sparkling Ball || 0 ||  
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || 0 ||  
| Vortex Orb || 0 ||  
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || 0 ||  
| Jared's Stone || 0 ||  
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || 0 ||  
| Swirling Crystal || 0 ||  
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || 0 ||  
| Dimensional Shard || 0 ||  
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || 0 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Stag Bow ||  ||  
| 男性之弓Stag Bow ||  ||  
| Ashwood Bow ||  ||  
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow ||  ||  
| Matriarchal Bow ||  ||  
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow ||  ||  
| Reflex Bow ||  ||  
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow ||  ||  
| Ceremonial Bow ||  ||  
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow ||  ||  
| Grand Matron Bow ||  || -->
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow ||  || -->
| Maiden Spear || 4 ||  
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || 4 ||  
| Ceremonial Spear || 4 ||  
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || 4 ||  
| Matriarchal Spear || 4 ||  
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || 4 ||  
| Maiden Pike || 4 ||  
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || 4 ||  
| Ceremonial Pike || 4 ||  
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || 4 ||  
| Matriarchal Pike || 4 ||  
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || 4 ||  
| Maiden Javelin || 2 ||  
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Ceremonial Javelin || 2 ||  
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Matriarchal Javelin || 2 ||  
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
<small>Bows, Crossbows, Wands, and Orbs are not listed here because they aren't attacked with in melee combat (and their melee range is zero)</small>

== 防御 ==
== Defense ==
* Defense for chests adjusted - those with higher strength requirements will generally have more defense (tier and quality level were also considered)
* Aegis base defense increased from <span class="omod">145-161</span> to <span class="nmod">215-241</span> (average +49%)
* Defense for Aegis and Ward shields increased
* Ward base defense increased from <span class="omod">153-170</span> to <span class="nmod">183-207</span> (average +21%)
* Strength requirement of Shadow Plate reduced from <span class="omod">230</span> to <span class="nmod">220</span>
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Defense & Required Strength
|+ 基础防御值和所需力量值
! Item (Normal) !! Defense !! Str
! 物品 (普通) !! Before !! After !! % !! Str
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Defense !! Str
! 物品 (扩展) !! Before !! After !! % !! Str
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Elite) !! Defense !! Str
! 物品 (精英) !! Before !! After !! % !! Str
| Cap || 3-5 || 0
| 帽子Cap || 3-5 ||  ||  || 0
| War Hat || 45-53 || 20
| 战帽War Hat || 45-53 ||  ||  || 20
| Shako || 98-141 || 50
| 军帽Shako || 98-141 ||  ||  || 50
| Skull Cap || 8-11 || 15
| 骷髅帽Skull Cap || 8-11 ||  ||  || 15
| Sallet || 52-62 || 43
| 轻便头盔Sallet || 52-62 ||  ||  || 43
| Hydraskull || 101-145 || 84
| 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull || 101-145 ||  ||  || 84
| Helm || 15-18 || 26
| 头盔Helm || 15-18 ||  ||  || 26
| Casque || 63-72 || 59
| 无颊头盔Casque || 63-72 ||  ||  || 59
| Armet || 105-149 || 109
| 活动头盔Armet || 105-149 ||  ||  || 109
| Full Helm || 23-26 || 41
| 高级头盔Full Helm || 23-26 ||  ||  || 41
| Basinet || 75-84 || 82
| 轻钢盔Basinet || 75-84 ||  ||  || 82
| Giant Conch || 110-154 || 142
| 巨贝头盔Giant Conch || 110-154 ||  ||  || 142
| Mask || 9-27 || 23
| 面具Mask || 9-27 ||  ||  || 23
| Death Mask || 54-86 || 55
| 死亡面具Death Mask || 54-86 ||  ||  || 55
| Demonhead || 101-154 || 102
| 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead || 101-154 ||  ||  || 102
| Bone Helm || 33-36 || 25
| 白骨头盔Bone Helm || 33-36 ||  ||  || 25
| Grim Helm || 60-125 || 58
| 残酷头盔Grim Helm || 60-125 ||  ||  || 58
| Bone Visage || 100-157 || 106
| 骸骨面罩Bone Visage || 100-157 ||  ||  || 106
| Great Helm || 30-35 || 63
| 卓越头盔Great Helm || 30-35 ||  ||  || 63
| Winged Helm || 85-98 || 115
| 翼盔Winged Helm || 85-98 ||  ||  || 115
| Spired Helm || 114-159 || 192
| 螺旋头盔Spired Helm || 114-159 ||  ||  || 192
| Crown || 25-45 || 55
| 皇冠Crown || 25-45 ||  ||  || 55
| Grand Crown || 78-113 || 103
| 巨皇冠Grand Crown || 78-113 ||  ||  || 103
| Corona || 111-165 || 174
| 头冠Corona || 111-165 ||  ||  || 174
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Quilted Armor || 8-11 || 12
| 布甲Quilted Armor || <span class="omod">8</span>-11 || <span class="nmod">9</span>-11 || 0% || 12
| Ghost Armor || 102-117 || 38
| 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor || <span class="omod">102-117</span> || <span class="nmod">106-112</span> || -4% || 38
| Dusk Shroud || 361-467 || 77
| 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud || <span class="omod">361-467</span> || <span class="nmod">270-302</span> || -35% || 77
| Leather Armor || 14-17 || 15
| 皮甲Leather Armor || <span class="omod">14</span>-17 || <span class="nmod">15</span>-17 || 0% || 15
| Serpentskin Armor || 111-126 || 43
| 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor || <span class="omod">111-126</span> || <span class="nmod">116-122</span> || -3% || 43
| Wyrmhide || 364-470 || 84
| 古龙皮Wyrmhide || <span class="omod">364-470</span> || <span class="nmod">287-322</span> || -31% || 84
| Hard Leather Armor || 21-24 || 20
| 硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor || <span class="omod">21-24</span> || <span class="nmod">23-25</span> || 4% || 20
| Demonhide Armor || 122-136 || 50
| 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor || <span class="omod">122-136</span> || <span class="nmod">128-134</span> || -1% || 50
| Scarab Husk || 369-474 || 95
| 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk || <span class="omod">369-474</span> || <span class="nmod">309-349</span> || -26% || 95
| Studded Leather || 32-35 || 27
| 镶嵌甲Studded Leather || <span class="omod">32-35</span> || <span class="nmod">35-37</span> || 6% || 27
| Trellised Armor || 138-153 || 61
| 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor || <span class="omod">138-153</span> || <span class="nmod">148-156</span> || 2% || 61
| Wire Fleece || 375-481 || 111
| 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece || <span class="omod">375-481</span> || <span class="nmod">343-391</span> || -19% || 111
| Ring Mail || 45-48 || 36
| 锁环甲Ring Mail || <span class="omod">45-48</span> || <span class="nmod">49-51</span> || 6% || 36
| Linked Mail || 158-172 || 74
| 连扣战甲Linked Mail || <span class="omod">158-172</span> || <span class="nmod">172-180</span> || 5% || 74
| Diamond Mail || 383-489 || 131
| 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail || <span class="omod">383-489</span> || <span class="nmod">388-445</span> || -9% || 131
| Scale Mail || 57-60 || 44
| 鳞甲Scale Mail || <span class="omod">57-60</span> || <span class="nmod">61-63</span> || 5% || 44
| Tigulated Mail || 176-190 || 86
| 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail || <span class="omod">176-190</span> || <span class="nmod">193-202</span> || 6% || 86
| Loricated Mail || 390-496 || 149
| 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail || <span class="omod">390-496</span> || <span class="nmod">429-495</span> || -1% || 149
| Chain Mail || 72-75 || 48
| 锁子甲Chain Mail || <span class="omod">72-75</span> || <span class="nmod">70-71</span> || -5% || 48
| Mesh Armor || 198-213 || 92
| 织网战甲Mesh Armorl || <span class="omod">198-213</span> || <span class="nmod">207-216</span> || 1% || 92
| Boneweave || 399-505 || 158
| 骸骨链甲Boneweave || <span class="omod">399-505</span> || <span class="nmod">419-489</span> || -3% || 158
| Breast Plate || 65-68 || 30
| 胸甲Breast Plate || <span class="omod">65-68</span> || <span class="nmod">56-58</span> || -15% || 30
| Cuirass || 188-202 || 65
| 护胸甲Cuirass || <span class="omod">188-202</span> || <span class="nmod">170-176</span> || -13% || 65
| Great Hauberk || 395-501 || 118
| 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk || <span class="omod">395-501</span> || <span class="nmod">371-420</span> || -16% || 118
| Splint Mail || 90-95 || 51
| 板甲Splint Mail || <span class="omod">90-95</span> || <span class="nmod">81-84</span> || -12% || 51
| Russet Armor || 225-243 || 97
| 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor || <span class="omod">225-243</span> || <span class="nmod">223-233</span> || -4% || 97
| Balrog Skin || 410-517 || 165
| 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin || <span class="omod">410-517</span> || <span class="nmod">469-541</span> || 5% || 165
| Plate Mail || 108-116 || 65
| 铠甲Plate Mail || <span class="omod">108-116</span> || <span class="nmod">103-108</span> || -7% || 65
| Templar Coat || 252-274 || 118
| 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat || <span class="omod">252-274</span> || <span class="nmod">264-278</span> || 1% || 118
| Hellforge Plate || 421-530 || 196
| 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate || <span class="omod">421-530</span> || <span class="nmod">536-625</span> || 18% || 196
| Field Plate || 101-105 || 55
| 实战铠甲Field Plate || <span class="omod">101-105</span> || <span class="nmod">100-102</span> || -3% || 55
| Sharktooth Armor || 242-258 || 103
| 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor || <span class="omod">242-258</span> || <span class="nmod">246-255</span> || -1% || 103
| Kraken Shell || 417-523 || 174
| 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell || <span class="omod">417-523</span> || <span class="nmod">501-576</span> || 10% || 174
| Gothic Plate || 128-135 || 70
| 哥德战甲Gothic Plate || <span class="omod">128-135</span> || <span class="nmod">124-128</span> || -5% || 70
| Embossed Plate || 282-303 || 125
| 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate || <span class="omod">282-303</span> || <span class="nmod">291-304</span> || 1% || 125
| Lacquered Plate || 433-541 || 208
| 漆甲Lacquered Plate || <span class="omod">433-541</span> || <span class="nmod">573-664</span> || 23% || 208
| Light Plate || 90-107 || 41
| 轻型装甲Light Plate || <span class="omod">90-107</span> || <span class="nmod">93-99</span> || -7% || 41
| Mage Plate || 225-261 || 55
| 法师铠甲Mage Plate || <span class="omod">225-261</span> || <span class="nmod">178-187</span> || -28% || 55
| Archon Plate || 410-524 || 103
| 执政官铠甲Archon Plate || <span class="omod">410-524</span> || <span class="nmod">364-407</span> || -22% || 103
| Full Plate Mail || 150-161 || 80
| 高级战甲Full Plate Mail || <span class="omod">150-161</span> || <span class="nmod">145-150</span> || -7% || 80
| Chaos Armor || 315-342 || 140
| 混沌战甲Chaos Armor || <span class="omod">315-342</span> || <span class="nmod">323-340</span> || -1% || 140
| Shadow Plate || 446-557 || 230
| 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate || <span class="omod">446-557</span> || <span class="nmod">599-696</span> || 25% || <span class="nmod">220</span>
| Ancient Armor || 218-233 || 100
| 古代装甲Ancient Armor || <span class="omod">218-233</span> || <span class="nmod">178-185</span> || -21% || 100
| Ornate Plate || 417-450 || 170
| 华丽战甲Ornate Plate || <span class="omod">417-450</span> || <span class="nmod">393-414</span> || -1% || 170
| Sacred Armor || 487-600 || 232
| 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor || <span class="omod">487-600</span> || <span class="nmod">633-730</span> || 22% || 232
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Buckler || 4-6 || 12
| 圆盾Buckler || 4-6 ||  ||  || 12
| Defender || 41-49 || 38
| 防御盾Defender || 41-49 ||  ||  || 38
| Heater || 95-110 || 77
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 95-110 ||  ||  || 77
| Small Shield || 8-10 || 22
| 小盾牌Small Shield || 8-10 ||  ||  || 22
| Round Shield || 47-55 || 53
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 47-55 ||  ||  || 53
| Luna || 108-123 || 100
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 108-123 ||  ||  || 100
| Large Shield || 12-14 || 34
| 大盾牌Large Shield || 12-14 ||  ||  || 34
| Scutum || 53-61 || 71
| 鳞盾Scutum || 53-61 ||  ||  || 71
| Hyperion || 119-135 || 127
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 119-135 ||  ||  || 127
| Spiked Shield || 15-25 || 30
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield || 15-25 ||  ||  || 30
| Barbed Shield || 58-78 || 65
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 58-78 ||  ||  || 65
| Blade Barrier || 147-163 || 118
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 147-163 ||  ||  || 118
| Kite Shield || 16-18 || 47
| 轻盾Kite Shield || 16-18 ||  ||  || 47
| Dragon Shield || 59-67 || 91
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 59-67 ||  ||  || 91
| Monarch || 133-148 || 156
| 统治者大盾Monarch || 133-148 ||  ||  || 156
| Bone Shield || 10-30 || 25
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield || 10-30 ||  ||  || 25
| Grim Shield || 50-150 || 58
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 50-150 ||  ||  || 58
| Troll Nest || 158-173 || 106
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 158-173 ||  ||  || 106
| Tower Shield || 22-25 || 75
| 塔盾Tower Shield || 22-25 ||  ||  || 75
| Pavise || 68-78 || 133
| 大盾Pavise || 68-78 ||  ||  || 133
| Aegis || <span class="nmod">215-241</span> || 219
| 圣盾Aegis || <span class="omod">145-161</span> || <span class="nmod">215-241</span> || 50% || 219
| Gothic Shield || 30-35 || 60
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield || 30-35 ||  ||  || 60
| Ancient Shield || 80-93 || 110
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 80-93 ||  ||  || 110
| Ward || <span class="nmod">183-207</span> || 185
| 保护盾牌Ward || <span class="omod">153-170</span> || <span class="nmod">183-207</span> || 22% || 185
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Leather Gloves || 2-3 || 0
| 皮手套Leather Gloves || 2-3 ||  ||  || 0
| Demonhide Gloves || 28-35 || 20
| 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves || 28-35 ||  ||  || 20
| Bramble Mitts || 54-62 || 50
| 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts || 54-62 ||  ||  || 50
| Heavy Gloves || 5-6 || 0
| 重手套Heavy Gloves || 5-6 ||  ||  || 0
| Sharkskin Gloves || 33-39 || 20
| 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves || 33-39 ||  ||  || 20
| Vampirebone Gloves || 56-65 || 50
| 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves || 56-65 ||  ||  || 50
| Chain Gloves || 8-9 || 25
| 锁链手套Chain Gloves || 8-9 ||  ||  || 25
| Heavy Bracers || 37-44 || 58
| 重型手镯Heavy Bracers || 37-44 ||  ||  || 58
| Vambraces || 59-67 || 106
| 吸血鬼手套Vambraces || 59-67 ||  ||  || 106
| Light Gauntlets || 9-11 || 45
| 轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets || 9-11 ||  ||  || 45
| Battle Gauntlets || 39-47 || 88
| 战场手套Battle Gauntlets || 39-47 ||  ||  || 88
| Crusader Gauntlets || 59-68 || 151
| 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets || 59-68 ||  ||  || 151
| Gauntlets || 12-15 || 60
| 铁手套Gauntlets || 12-15 ||  ||  || 60
| War Gauntlets || 43-53 || 110
| 巨战手套War Gauntlets || 43-53 ||  ||  || 110
| Ogre Gauntlets || 62-71 || 185
| 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets || 62-71 ||  ||  || 185
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Boots || 2-3 || 0
| 皮靴Boots || 2-3 ||  ||  || 0
| Demonhide Boots || 28-35 || 20
| 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots || 28-35 ||  ||  || 20
| Wyrmhide Boots || 54-62 || 50
| 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots || 54-62 ||  ||  || 50
| Heavy Boots || 5-6 || 18
| 重靴Heavy Boots || 5-6 ||  ||  || 18
| Sharkskin Boots || 33-39 || 47
| 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots || 33-39 ||  ||  || 47
| Scarabshell Boots || 56-65 || 91
| 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots || 56-65 ||  ||  || 91
| Chain Boots || 8-9 || 30
| 锁链靴Chain Boots || 8-9 ||  ||  || 30
| Mesh Boots || 37-44 || 65
| 织网之靴Mesh Boots || 37-44 ||  ||  || 65
| Boneweave Boots || 59-67 || 118
| 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots || 59-67 ||  ||  || 118
| Light Plated Boots || 9-11 || 50
| 轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots || 9-11 ||  ||  || 50
| Battle Boots || 39-47 || 95
| 战场之靴Battle Boots || 39-47 ||  ||  || 95
| Mirrored Boots || 59-68 || 163
| 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots || 59-68 ||  ||  || 163
| Greaves || 12-15 || 70
| 护胫Greaves || 12-15 ||  ||  || 70
| War Boots || 43-53 || 125
| 巨战之靴War Boots || 43-53 ||  ||  || 125
| Myrmidon Greaves || 62-71 || 208
| 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves || 62-71 ||  ||  || 208
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Sash || 2 || 0
| 饰带Sash || 2 ||  ||  || 0
| Demonhide Sash || 29-34 || 20
| 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash || 29-34 ||  ||  || 20
| Spiderweb Sash || 55-62 || 50
| 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash || 55-62 ||  ||  || 50
| Light Belt || 3 || 0
| 轻扣带Light Belt || 3 ||  ||  || 0
| Sharkskin Belt || 31-36 || 20
| 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt || 31-36 ||  ||  || 20
| Vampirefang Belt || 56-63 || 50
| 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt || 56-63 ||  ||  || 50
| Belt || 5 || 25
| 扣带Belt || 5 ||  ||  || 25
| Mesh Belt || 35-40 || 58
| 织网腰带Mesh Belt || 35-40 ||  ||  || 58
| Mithril Coil || 58-65 || 106
| 秘银腰带Mithril Coil || 58-65 ||  ||  || 106
| Heavy Belt || 6 || 45
| 重扣带Heavy Belt || 6 ||  ||  || 45
| Battle Belt || 37-42 || 88
| 战场腰带Battle Belt || 37-42 ||  ||  || 88
| Troll Belt || 59-66 || 151
| 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt || 59-66 ||  ||  || 151
| Plated Belt || 8-11 || 60
| 金属扣带Plated Belt || 8-11 ||  ||  || 60
| War Belt || 41-52 || 110
| 巨战腰带War Belt || 41-52 ||  ||  || 110
| Colossus Girdle || 61-71 || 185
| 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle || 61-71 ||  ||  || 185
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Circlet || 20-30 || 0
| 头环Circlet || 20-30 ||  ||  || 0
| rowspan="2" | Tiara || rowspan="2" | 40-50 || rowspan="2" | 0
| rowspan="2" | 三重冠Tiara || rowspan="2" | 40-50 || rowspan="2" |  || rowspan="2" |  || rowspan="2" | 0
| rowspan="2" | Diadem || rowspan="2" | 50-60 || rowspan="2" | 0
| rowspan="2" | 权冠Diadem || rowspan="2" | 50-60 || rowspan="2" |  || rowspan="2" |  || rowspan="2" | 0
| Coronet || 30-40 || 0
| 宝冠Coronet || 30-40 ||  ||  || 0
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Wolf Head || 8-11 || 16
| 狼头Wolf Head || 8-11 ||  ||  || 16
| Alpha Helm || 52-62 || 44
| 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm || 52-62 ||  ||  || 44
| Blood Spirit || 101-145 || 86
| 血腥之灵Blood Spirit || 101-145 ||  ||  || 86
| Hawk Helm || 4-15 || 20
| 飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm || 4-15 ||  ||  || 20
| Griffon Headress || 46-68 || 50
| 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress || 46-68 ||  ||  || 50
| Sun Spirit || 98-147 || 95
| 太阳之灵Sun Spirit || 98-147 ||  ||  || 95
| Antlers || 18-24 || 24
| 鹿角Antlers || 18-24 ||  ||  || 24
| Hunter's Guise || 67-81 || 56
| 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise || 67-81 ||  ||  || 56
| Earth Spirit || 107-152 || 104
| 大地之灵Earth Spirit || 107-152 ||  ||  || 104
| Falcon Mask || 12-28 || 28
| 猎鹰面具Falcon Mask || 12-28 ||  ||  || 28
| Sacred Feathers || 58-87 || 62
| 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers || 58-87 ||  ||  || 62
| Sky Spirit || 103-155 || 113
| 天空之灵Sky Spirit || 103-155 ||  ||  || 113
| Spirit Mask || 22-35 || 30
| 灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask || 22-35 ||  ||  || 30
| Totemic Mask || 73-98 || 65
| 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask || 73-98 ||  ||  || 65
| Dream Spirit || 109-159 || 118
| 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit || 109-159 ||  ||  || 118
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Jawbone Cap || 10-15 || 25
| 颚骨帽Jawbone Cap || 10-15 ||  ||  || 25
| Jawbone Visor || 55-68 || 58
| 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor || 55-68 ||  ||  || 58
| Carnage Helm || 102-147 || 106
| 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm || 102-147 ||  ||  || 106
| Fanged Helm || 15-20 || 35
| 尖牙盔Fanged Helm || 15-20 ||  ||  || 35
| Lion Helm || 63-75 || 73
| 狮尖头盔Lion Helm || 63-75 ||  ||  || 73
| Fury Visor || 105-150 || 129
| 暴怒面甲Fury Visor || 105-150 ||  ||  || 129
| Horned Helm || 25-30 || 45
| 角盔Horned Helm || 25-30 ||  ||  || 45
| Rage Mask || 78-90 || 88
| 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask || 78-90 ||  ||  || 88
| Destroyer Helm || 111-156 || 151
| 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm || 111-156 ||  ||  || 151
| Assault Helmet || 30-35 || 55
| 突击盔Assault Helmet || 30-35 ||  ||  || 55
| Savage Helmet || 85-98 || 103
| 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet || 85-98 ||  ||  || 103
| Conqueror Crown || 114-159 || 174
| 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown || 114-159 ||  ||  || 174
| Avenger Guard || 35-50 || 65
| 复仇者之盔Avenger Guard || 35-50 ||  ||  || 65
| Slayer Guard || 93-120 || 118
| 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard || 93-120 ||  ||  || 118
| Guardian Crown || 117-168 || 196
| 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown || 117-168 ||  ||  || 196
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Targe || 8-12 || 16
| 小盾Targe || 8-12 ||  ||  || 16
| Akaran Targe || 101-125 || 44
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || 101-125 ||  ||  || 44
| Sacred Targe || 126-158 || 86
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || 126-158 ||  ||  || 86
| Rondache || 10-18 || 26
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 10-18 ||  ||  || 26
| Akaran Rondache || 113-137 || 59
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || 113-137 ||  ||  || 59
| Sacred Rondache || 138-164 || 109
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || 138-164 ||  ||  || 109
| Heraldic Shield || 16-26 || 40
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 16-26 ||  ||  || 40
| Protector Shield || 129-153 || 69
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || 129-153 ||  ||  || 69
| Kurast Shield || 154-172 || 124
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || 154-172 ||  ||  || 124
| Aerin Shield || 26-36 || 50
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 26-36 ||  ||  || 50
| Gilded Shield || 144-168 || 89
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || 144-168 ||  ||  || 89
| Zakarum Shield || 169-193 || 142
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || 169-193 ||  ||  || 142
| Crown Shield || 30-40 || 65
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 30-40 ||  ||  || 65
| Royal Shield || 156-181 || 114
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || 156-181 ||  ||  || 114
| Vortex Shield || 182-225 || 148
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || 182-225 ||  ||  || 148
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="17" |
| Preserved Head || 2-5 || 12
| 防腐之首Preserved Head || 2-5 ||  ||  || 12
| Mummified Trophy || 38-48 || 38
| 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy || 38-48 ||  ||  || 38
| Minion Skull || 95-139 || 77
| 随待之骨Minion Skull || 95-139 ||  ||  || 77
| Zombie Head || 4-8 || 14
| 僵尸之首Zombie Head || 4-8 ||  ||  || 14
| Fetish Trophy || 41-52 || 41
| 物神印记Fetish Trophy || 41-52 ||  ||  || 41
| Hellspawn Skull || 96-141 || 82
| 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull || 96-141 ||  ||  || 82
| Unraveller Head || 6-10 || 18
| 揭露者之首Unraveller Head || 6-10 ||  ||  || 18
| Sexton Trophy || 44-55 || 47
| 司事印记Sexton Trophy || 44-55 ||  ||  || 47
| Overseer Skull || 98-142 || 91
| 监视者之骨Overseer Skull || 98-142 ||  ||  || 91
| Gargoyle Head || 10-16 || 20
| 石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head || 10-16 ||  ||  || 20
| Cantor Trophy || 50-64 || 50
| 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy || 50-64 ||  ||  || 50
| Succubus Skull || 100-146 || 95
| 女妖之骨Succubus Skull || 100-146 ||  ||  || 95
| Demon Head || 15-20 || 25
| 恶魔之首Demon Head || 15-20 ||  ||  || 25
| Hierophant Trophy || 58-70 || 58
| 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy || 58-70 ||  ||  || 58
| Bloodlord Skull || 103-148 || 106
| 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull || 103-148 ||  ||  || 106

== 格挡 ==
== Block ==
Paladins get +30% base block chance, Amazons/Assassins/Barbarians get +25% base block chance, and Druids/Necromancers/Sorceresses get +20% base block chance

* 圣盾Aegis的基础格挡几率从24%上调至38%
* Aegis base block chance increased from <span class="omod">24%</span> to <span class="nmod">38%</span>
* 保护盾牌Ward基础格挡几率从24%上调至30%
* Ward base block chance increased from <span class="omod">24%</span> to <span class="nmod">30%</span>

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Block Chance
|+ 基础格挡几率
! Item (Normal) !! Block
! 物品 (普通) !! Block
! class="mid-column" rowspan="21" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="21" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Block
! 物品 (扩展) !! Block
! class="mid-column" rowspan="21" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="21" |
! Item (Elite) !! Block
! 物品 (精英) !! Block
| Buckler || 0
| 圆盾Buckler || 0
| Defender || 10
| 防御盾Defender || 10
| Heater || 22
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 22
| Small Shield || 5
| 小盾牌Small Shield || 5
| Round Shield || 12
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 12
| Luna || 20
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 20
| Large Shield || 12
| 大盾牌Large Shield || 12
| Scutum || 14
| 鳞盾Scutum || 14
| Hyperion || 24
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 24
| Spiked Shield || 10
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield || 10
| Barbed Shield || 17
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 17
| Blade Barrier || 20
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 20
| Kite Shield || 8
| 轻盾Kite Shield || 8
| Dragon Shield || 18
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 18
| Monarch || 22
| 统治者大盾Monarch || 22
| Bone Shield || 20
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield || 20
| Grim Shield || 20
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 20
| Troll Nest || 20
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 20
| Tower Shield || 24
| 塔盾Tower Shield || 24
| Pavise || 24
| 大盾Pavise || 24
| Aegis || <span class="nmod">38</span>
| 圣盾Aegis || <span class="nmod">38</span>
| Gothic Shield || 16
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield || 16
| Ancient Shield || 16
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 16
| Ward || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 保护盾牌Ward || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Targe || 10
| 小盾Targe || 10
| Akaran Targe || 10
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || 10
| Sacred Targe || 30
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || 30
| Rondache || 15
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 15
| Akaran Rondache || 15
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || 15
| Sacred Rondache || 28
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || 28
| Heraldic Shield || 20
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 20
| Protector Shield || 20
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || 20
| Kurast Shield || 25
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || 25
| Aerin Shield || 22
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 22
| Gilded Shield || 22
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || 22
| Zakarum Shield || 22
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || 22
| Crown Shield || 25
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 25
| Royal Shield || 25
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || 25
| Vortex Shield || 19
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || 19
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Preserved Head || 3
| 防腐之首Preserved Head || 3
| Mummified Trophy || 3
| 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy || 3
| Minion Skull || 3
| 随待之骨Minion Skull || 3
| Zombie Head || 5
| 僵尸之首Zombie Head || 5
| Fetish Trophy || 5
| 物神印记Fetish Trophy || 5
| Hellspawn Skull || 5
| 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull || 5
| Unraveller Head || 8
| 揭露者之首Unraveller Head || 8
| Sexton Trophy || 8
| 司事印记Sexton Trophy || 8
| Overseer Skull || 8
| 监视者之骨Overseer Skull || 8
| Gargoyle Head || 10
| 石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head || 10
| Cantor Trophy || 10
| 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy || 10
| Succubus Skull || 10
| 女妖之骨Succubus Skull || 10
| Demon Head || 12
| 恶魔之首Demon Head || 12
| Hierophant Trophy || 12
| 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy || 12
| Bloodlord Skull || 12
| 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull || 12

== 镶孔 ==
== Sockets ==
* 一些扩展级/精英级武器的最大孔数增加1个。
* Maximum sockets increased by 1 for several exceptional/elite weapons
** 1孔匕首类(锐匕Poignard,骸骨小刀Bone Knife,诗歌匕首Rondel,秘银小刀Mithril Point)
** 1-socket daggers (Poignard, Bone Knife, Rondel, Mithril Point) can now get 2 sockets
** 原能打2孔的1X3格的武器现在可以打到3个镶孔了:
** 2-socket 1x3 weapons that can now get 3 sockets:
*** 斧子(手斧Hatchet,战钺Tomahawk)
*** Axes (Hatchet, Tomahawk)
*** 槌(棍棒Cudgel,战仪杖Truncheon,凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace,强化钉头锤)
*** Maces (Cudgel, Truncheon, Flanged Mace, Reinforced Mace)
*** 剑(罗马短剑Gladius,短剑Falcata,微弯剑Cutlass,土耳其剑Ataghan,虚伪之刃Shamshir,优雅之刃Elegant Blade,圆月弯刀Tulwar,九头蛇刃)
*** Swords (Gladius, Falcata, Cutlass, Ataghan, Shamshir, Elegant Blade, Tulwar, Hydra Edge)
*** 法杖(乔木杖Jo Staff,手杖Walking Stick)
*** Staves (Jo Staff, Walking Stick)
*** 权杖(符文权杖Rune Scepter, 强威权杖Mighty Scepter)
*** Scepters (Rune Scepter, Mighty Scepter)
*** (腕刺Wrist Spike, 格斗爪Fascia, 战拳War Fist, 手镰Hand Scythe, 斗腰刀Battle Cestus)
*** Claws (Wrist Spike, Fascia, War Fist, Hand Scythe, Battle Cestus)
** 原能打3孔的双手武器现在能打到4孔了:
** 3-socket two-handed weapons that can now get 4 sockets:
*** 长柄武器(罗柏佳斧Lochaber Axe, 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe)
*** Polearms (Lochaber Axe, Ogre Axe)
*** 弓(九头蛇弓Edge Bow, 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow)
*** Bows (Edge Bow, Spider Bow)
*** 十字弓(石弓Arbalest, 弹丸弓Pellet Bow)
*** Crossbows (Arbalest, Pellet Bow)
** 原能打4孔的双手斧(军斧Military Axe, 猛禽斧Feral Axe)现在可以打到5孔了
** 4-socket two-handed axes (Military Axe, Feral Axe) can now get 5 sockets
** 原能打5孔的阴影弓现在能打到6孔了
** 5-socket Shadow Bow can now get 6 sockets

''Another way to look at most of the weapon socket changes:''
* 所有扩展级/精英级 1x2格武器现在都能打2孔(除了烧焦之杖)
* All exceptional/elite 1x2 weapons can now get 2 sockets except for Burnt Wand
* 所有扩展级/精英级 1x3格武器都能打3孔了(除了小剑Stiletto,传说尖刺Legend Spike)
* All exceptional/elite 1x3 weapons can now get 3 sockets except for a dagger line (Stiletto, Legend Spike)
* 所有扩展级/精英级 1x4格以及更大的武器能打4孔了(除了这个剑系:斩铁剑Espandon, 传说之剑Legend Sword)
* All exceptional/elite two-handed weapons (1x4 or larger) can now get 4 sockets except for a sword line (Espandon, Legend Sword), a spear line (War Spear, Hyperion Spear), and a staff line (Quarterstaff, Stalagmite)

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Maximum Sockets for Weapons
|+ 武器的最大孔数
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
| Hand Axe || 2 ||  
| 小斧Hand Axe || 2 ||  
| Hatchet || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 手斧Hatchet || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Tomahawk || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战钺Tomahawk || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Axe || 4 ||  
| 斧Axe || 4 ||  
| Cleaver || 4 ||  
| 切肉刀Cleaver || 4 ||  
| Small Crescent || 4 ||  
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || 4 ||  
| Double Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| 双刃斧Double Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| Twin Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/5 ||  
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/5 ||  
| Ettin Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| Military Pick || 4/5/6 ||  
| 军用锹Military Pick || 4/5/6 ||  
| Crowbill || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 喙钳Crowbill || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| War Spike || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 战刺War Spike|| <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| War Axe || 4/5/6 ||  
| 战斧War Axe || 4/5/6 ||  
| Naga || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 纳卡Naga || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| Berserker Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| Large Axe || 4 ||  
| 巨斧Large Axe || 4 ||  
| Military Axe || <span class="omod">4</span> || <span class="nodrop">4/</span><span class="nmod">5/5</span>
| 军斧Military Axe || <span class="omod">4</span> || <span class="nodrop">4/</span><span class="nmod">5/5</span>
| Feral Axe || <span class="omod">4</span> || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span><span class="nmod">5</span>
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || <span class="omod">4</span> || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span><span class="nmod">5</span>
| Broad Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| 阔斧Broad Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| Bearded Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/5 ||  
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/5 ||  
| Silver-edged Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| Battle Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || 4/5/5 ||  
| Tabar || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| 战袍斧Tabar || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| Decapitator || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| 斩首斧Decapitator || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>5 ||  
| Great Axe || 4/5/6 ||  
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || 4/5/6 ||  
| Gothic Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| Champion Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| Giant Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/6 ||  
| 大斧Giant Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/</span>5/6 ||  
| Ancient Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| Glorious Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || <span class="nodrop">4/5/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Club || 2 ||  
| 木棒Club || 2 ||  
| Cudgel || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 棍棒Cudgel || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Truncheon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战仪杖Truncheon || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Spiked Club || 2 ||  
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club || 2 ||  
| Barbed Club || 3 ||  
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || 3 ||  
| Tyrant Club || 3 ||  
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || 3 ||  
| Mace || 2 ||  
| 钉头锤Mace || 2 ||  
| Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Morning Star || 3 ||  
| 流星锤Morning Star || 3 ||  
| Jagged Star || 3 ||  
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || 3 ||  
| Devil Star || 3 ||  
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || 3 ||  
| Flail || 3/4/5 ||  
| 链枷Flail || 3/4/5 ||  
| Knout || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 铁皮鞭Knout || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Scourge || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 天罚之锤Scourge || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| War Hammer || 3/4/4 ||  
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || 3/4/4 ||  
| Battle Hammer || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Legendary Mallet || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Maul || 3/4/6 ||  
| 大木棍Maul || 3/4/6 ||  
| War Club || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 巨战木棍War Club || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Ogre Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Great Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Martel de Fer || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 战槌Martel de Fer || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Thunder Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Sword || 2 ||  
| 短剑Short Sword || 2 ||  
| Gladius || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 罗马短剑Gladius || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Falcata || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 短剑Falcata || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Scimitar || 2 ||  
| 弯刀Scimitar || 2 ||  
| Cutlass || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 微弯剑Cutlass || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Ataghan || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Sabre || 2 ||  
| 军刀Sabre || 2 ||  
| Shamshir || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Falchion || 2 ||  
| 弯形大刀Falchion || 2 ||  
| Tulwar || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Crystal Sword || 3/4/6 ||  
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || 3/4/6 ||  
| Dimensional Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Phase Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Broad Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| 阔剑Broad Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| Battle Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Conquest Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Long Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| 长剑Long Sword|| 3/4/4 ||  
| Rune Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Cryptic Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| War Sword || 3 ||  
| 巨战之剑War Sword || 3 ||  
| Ancient Sword || 3 ||  
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || 3 ||  
| Mythical Sword || 3 ||  
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || 3 ||  
| Two-handed Sword || 3 ||  
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || 3 ||  
| Espandon || 3 ||  
| 斩铁剑Espandon || 3 ||  
| Legend Sword || 3 ||  
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || 3 ||  
| Claymore || 3/4/4 ||  
| 双刃大刀Claymore || 3/4/4 ||  
| Dacian Falx || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Highland Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Giant Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| 大剑Giant Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| Tusk Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Balrog Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Bastard Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || 3/4/4 ||  
| Gothic Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Champion Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Flamberge || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Zweihander || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Colossus Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Great Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Executioner's Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Colossus Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Dagger || 1 ||  
| 匕首Dagger || 1 ||  
| Poignard || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 锐匕Poignard || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Bone Knife || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Dirk || 1 ||  
| 长匕首Dirk || 1 ||  
| Rondel || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Mithril Point || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || <span class="omod">1</span> || <span class="nmod">2</span>
| Kris || 2/3/3 ||  
| 波形刀Kris || 2/3/3 ||  
| Cinquedeas || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Fanged Knife || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Blade || 2 ||  
| 短刀Blade || 2 ||  
| Stiletto || 2 ||  
| 小剑Stiletto || 2 ||  
| Legend Spike || 2 ||  
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || 2 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Throwing weapons can't get sockets
<!-- Throwing weapons can't get sockets
| Throwing Knife ||  ||  
| 飞刀Throwing Knife ||  ||  
| Battle Dart ||  ||  
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart ||  ||  
| Flying Knife ||  ||  
| 飞刀Flying Knife ||  ||  
| Throwing Axe ||  ||  
| 飞斧Throwing Axe ||  ||  
| Francisca ||  ||  
| 法兰飞斧Francisca ||  ||  
| Flying Axe ||  ||  
| 飞斧Flying Axe ||  ||  
| Balanced Knife ||  ||  
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife ||  ||  
| War Dart ||  ||  
| 巨战飞镖War Dart ||  ||  
| Winged Knife ||  ||  
| 翼刀Winged Knife ||  ||  
| Balanced Axe ||  ||  
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe ||  ||  
| Hurlbat ||  ||  
| 短战戟Hurlbat ||  ||  
| Winged Axe ||  ||  
| 翼斧Winged Axe ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
<!-- Javelins can't get sockets
<!-- Javelins can't get sockets
| Javelin ||  ||  
| 标枪Javelin ||  ||  
| War Javelin ||  ||  
| 巨战标枪War Javelin ||  ||  
| Hyperion Javelin ||  ||  
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin ||  ||  
| Pilum ||  ||  
| 短标枪Pilum ||  ||  
| Great Pilum ||  ||  
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum ||  ||  
| Stygian Pilum ||  ||  
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum ||  ||  
| Short Spear ||  ||  
| 短矛Short Spear ||  ||  
| Simbilan ||  ||  
| 锐矛Simbilan ||  ||  
| Balrog Spear ||  ||  
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear ||  ||  
| Glaive ||  ||  
| 大长刀Glaive ||  ||  
| Spiculum ||  ||  
| 阔针长矛Spiculum ||  ||  
| Ghost Glaive ||  ||  
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive ||  ||  
| Throwing Spear ||  ||  
| 飞矛Throwing Spear ||  ||  
| Harpoon ||  ||  
| 鱼叉Harpoon ||  ||  
| Winged Harpoon ||  ||  
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Spear || 3 ||  
| 长矛Spear || 3 ||  
| War Spear || 3 ||  
| 巨战长矛War Spear || 3 ||  
| Hyperion Spear || 3 ||  
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || 3 ||  
| Trident || 3/4/4 ||  
| 三叉戟Trident || 3/4/4 ||  
| Fuscina || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Stygian Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Brandistock || 3/4/5 ||  
| 叉Brandistock || 3/4/5 ||  
| War Fork || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 巨战之叉War Fork || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Mancatcher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Spetum || 3/4/6 ||  
| 大战戟Spetum || 3/4/6 ||  
| Yari || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 三叉长枪Yari || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Ghost Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Pike || 3/4/6 ||  
| 矛Pike || 3/4/6 ||  
| Lance || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 长枪Lance || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| War Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 战枪War Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Bardiche || 3 ||  
| 大砍刀Bardiche || 3 ||  
| Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| Voulge || 3/4/4 ||  
| 钩镰枪Voulge || 3/4/4 ||  
| Bill || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 比尔长刀Bill || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Colossus Voulge || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Scythe || 3/4/5 ||  
| 镰刀Scythe || 3/4/5 ||  
| Battle Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Thresher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 锐利之斧Thresher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Poleaxe || 3/4/5 ||  
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || 3/4/5 ||  
| Partizan || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 战戟Partizan || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Cryptic Axe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Halberd || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 长戟Halberd || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Great Poleaxe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| War Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Grim Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Giant Thresher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Bow || 3 ||  
| 短弓Short Bow || 3 ||  
| Edge Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| Spider Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| Hunter’s Bow || 3/4/4 ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow || 3/4/4 ||  
| Razor Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Blade Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Long Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| 长弓Long Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| Cedar Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Shadow Bow || <span class="omod"><span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">6</span>
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow || <span class="omod"><span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">6</span>
| Composite Bow || 3/4/4 ||  
| 组合弓Composite Bow || 3/4/4 ||  
| Double Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 双弓Double Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Great Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 巨弓Great Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Short Battle Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| Short Siege Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Diamond Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Long Battle Bow || 3/4/6 ||  
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow || 3/4/6 ||  
| Large Siege Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Crusader Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Short War Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Rune Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 符文之弓Rune Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Ward Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Long War Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Gothic Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Hydra Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Light Crossbow || 3 ||  
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow || 3 ||  
| Arbalest || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| 石弓Arbalest || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/</span><span class="nmod">4/4</span>
| Pellet Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow || <span class="omod">3</span> || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span><span class="nmod">4</span>
| Crossbow || 3/4/4 ||  
| 十字弓Crossbow || 3/4/4 ||  
| Siege Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Gorgon Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Heavy Crossbow || 3/4/6 ||  
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow || 3/4/6 ||  
| Ballista || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 弩弓Ballista || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Colossus Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Repeating Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Chu-Ko-Nu || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Demon Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Short Staff || 2 ||  
| 短棍Short Staff || 2 ||  
| Jo Staff || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Walking Stick || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 手杖Walking Stick || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Long Staff || 3 ||  
| 长棍Long Staff || 3 ||  
| Quarterstaff || 3 ||  
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || 3 ||  
| Stalagmite || 3 ||  
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || 3 ||  
| Gnarled Staff || 4 ||  
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff || 4 ||  
| Cedar Staff || 4 ||  
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || 4 ||  
| Elder Staff || 4 ||  
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || 4 ||  
| Battle Staff || 4 ||  
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff || 4 ||  
| Gothic Staff || 4 ||  
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || 4 ||  
| Shillelagh || 4 ||  
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || 4 ||  
| War Staff || 5/6/6 ||  
| 巨战法杖War Staff || 5/6/6 ||  
| Rune Staff || <span class="nodrop">5/6/</span>6 ||  
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || <span class="nodrop">5/6/</span>6 ||  
| Archon Staff || <span class="nodrop">5/6/</span>6 ||  
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || <span class="nodrop">5/6/</span>6 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Wand || 1 ||  
| 手杖Wand || 1 ||  
| Burnt Wand || 1 ||  
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 1 ||  
| Polished Wand || 2 ||  
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || 2 ||  
| Yew Wand || 1 ||  
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand || 1 ||  
| Petrified Wand || 2 ||  
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 2 ||  
| Ghost Wand || 2 ||  
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || 2 ||  
| Bone Wand || 2 ||  
| 骨杖Bone Wand || 2 ||  
| Tomb Wand || 2 ||  
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || 2 ||  
| Lich Wand || 2 ||  
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || 2 ||  
| Grim Wand || 2 ||  
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand || 2 ||  
| Grave Wand || 2 ||  
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 2 ||  
| Unearthed Wand || 2 ||  
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || 2 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Scepter || 2 ||  
| 权杖Scepter || 2 ||  
| Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nmod">3</span>
| Grand Scepter || 3 ||  
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || 3 ||  
| Holy Water Sprinkler || 3 ||  
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || 3 ||  
| Seraph Rod || 3 ||  
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || 3 ||  
| War Scepter || 3/5/5 ||  
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || 3/5/5 ||  
| Divine Scepter || <span class="nodrop">3/5/</span>5 ||  
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || <span class="nodrop">3/5/</span>5 ||  
| Caduceus || <span class="nodrop">3/5/</span>5 ||  
| 神使之杖Caduceus || <span class="nodrop">3/5/</span>5 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Katar || 2 ||  
| 拳剑Katar || 2 ||  
| Quhab || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| 格斗刃Quhab || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| Suwayyah || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 近身刃Suwayyah || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Wrist Blade || 2 ||  
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || 2 ||  
| Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| Wrist Sword || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Hatchet Hands || 2 ||  
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || 2 ||  
| Fascia || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| 格斗爪Fascia || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| War Fist || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 战拳War Fist || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Cestus || 2 ||  
| 腰刀Cestus || 2 ||  
| Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 手镰Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Claws || 2/3/3 ||  
| 爪Claws || 2/3/3 ||  
| Greater Claws || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 巨爪Greater Claws || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Feral Claws || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Blade Talons || 2/3/3 ||  
| 刃爪Blade Talons || 2/3/3 ||  
| Greater Talons || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Runic Talons || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Scissors Katar || 2/3/3 ||  
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || 2/3/3 ||  
| Scissors Quhab || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Eagle Orb || 2 ||  
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb || 2 ||  
| Glowing Orb || 2 ||  
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || 2 ||  
| Heavenly Stone || 2 ||  
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || 2 ||  
| Sacred Globe || 2 ||  
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe || 2 ||  
| Crystalline Globe || 2 ||  
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || 2 ||  
| Eldritch Orb || 2 ||  
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || 2 ||  
| Smoked Sphere || 2 ||  
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || 2 ||  
| Cloudy Sphere || 2 ||  
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || 2 ||  
| Demon Heart || 2 ||  
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || 2 ||  
| Clasped Orb || 2 ||  
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || 2 ||  
| Sparkling Ball || 2 ||  
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || 2 ||  
| Vortex Orb || 2 ||  
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || 2 ||  
| Jared's Stone || 2/3/3 ||  
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || 2/3/3 ||  
| Swirling Crystal || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Dimensional Shard || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |  
| Stag Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| 男性之弓Stag Bow || 3/4/5 ||  
| Ashwood Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Matriarchal Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Reflex Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/5 ||  
| Ceremonial Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Grand Matron Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>5 ||  
| Maiden Spear || 3/4/6 ||  
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || 3/4/6 ||  
| Ceremonial Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Matriarchal Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Maiden Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/6 ||  
| Ceremonial Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| Matriarchal Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>6 ||  
<!-- Amazon Javelins can't get sockets
<!-- Amazon Javelins can't get sockets
| Maiden Javelin ||  ||  
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin ||  ||  
| Ceremonial Javelin ||  ||  
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin ||  ||  
| Matriarchal Javelin ||  || -->
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin ||  || -->
<small>Weapons with multiple values such as 3/4/6 have different maximum sockets depending on their ilvl (1-25/26-40/41+) and the socket values are colored <span class="nodrop">orange</span> if the item's quality level is higher than the ilvl range, signifying they won't drop at those ilvls. Throwing weapons are not listed here because they cannot get sockets.</small>
<small> 武器上有多个孔数值,比如3/4/6这样不同的最大孔数值,是取决于物品等级ilvl的(1-25/26-40/41+),如果物品的品质等级高于物品等级,那么孔数值用<span class="nodrop">橙色</span>标注,表明它们不会在该物品等级掉落。投掷武器未列在此处因为它们无法打孔。</small>

* 扩展级/精英级的死灵法师盾牌最大孔数从2上调到3
* Maximum sockets for exceptional/elite Necromancer shields increased from 2 to 3

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Maximum Sockets for Armor
|+ 盔甲最大孔数
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
| Cap || 2 ||  
| 帽子Cap || 2 ||  
| War Hat || 2 ||  
| 战帽War Hat || 2 ||  
| Shako || 2 ||  
| 军帽Shako || 2 ||  
| Skull Cap || 2 ||  
| 骷髅帽Skull Cap || 2 ||  
| Sallet || 2 ||  
| 轻便头盔Sallet || 2 ||  
| Hydraskull || 2 ||  
| 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull || 2 ||  
| Helm || 2 ||  
| 头盔Helm || 2 ||  
| Casque || 2 ||  
| 无颊头盔Casque || 2 ||  
| Armet || 2 ||  
| 活动头盔Armet || 2 ||  
| Full Helm || 2 ||  
| 高级头盔Full Helm || 2 ||  
| Basinet || 2 ||  
| 轻钢盔Basinet || 2 ||  
| Giant Conch || 2 ||  
| 巨贝头盔Giant Conch || 2 ||  
| Mask || 2/2/3 ||  
| 面具Mask || 2/2/3 ||  
| Death Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 死亡面具Death Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Demonhead || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Bone Helm || 2 ||  
| 白骨头盔Bone Helm || 2 ||  
| Grim Helm || 2 ||  
| 残酷头盔Grim Helm || 2 ||  
| Bone Visage || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 骸骨面罩Bone Visage || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Great Helm || 2/2/3 ||  
| 卓越头盔Great Helm || 2/2/3 ||  
| Winged Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 翼盔Winged Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Spired Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 螺旋头盔Spired Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>2/3 ||  
| 皇冠Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>2/3 ||  
| Grand Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 巨皇冠Grand Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| Corona || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| 头冠Corona || <span class="nodrop">2/2/</span>3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Quilted Armor || 2 ||  
| 布甲Quilted Armor || 2 ||  
| Ghost Armor || 2 ||  
| 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor || 2 ||  
| Dusk Shroud || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Leather Armor || 2 ||  
| 皮甲Leather Armor || 2 ||  
| Serpentskin Armor || 2 ||  
| 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor || 2 ||  
| Wyrmhide || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 古龙皮Wyrmhide || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Hard Leather Armor || 2 ||  
| 硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor || 2 ||  
| Demonhide Armor || 2 ||  
| 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor || 2 ||  
| Scarab Husk || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Studded Leather || 2 ||  
| 镶嵌甲Studded Leather || 2 ||  
| Trellised Armor || 2 ||  
| 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor || 2 ||  
| Wire Fleece || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Ring Mail || 3 ||  
| 锁环甲Ring Mail || 3 ||  
| Linked Mail || 3 ||  
| 连扣战甲Linked Mail || 3 ||  
| Diamond Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Scale Mail || 2 ||  
| 鳞甲Scale Mail || 2 ||  
| Tigulated Mail || 3 ||  
| 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail || 3 ||  
| Loricated Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Chain Mail || 2 ||  
| 锁子甲Chain Mail || 2 ||  
| Mesh Armor || 3 ||  
| 织网战甲Mesh Armorl || 3 ||  
| Boneweave || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 骸骨链甲Boneweave || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Breast Plate || 3 ||  
| 胸甲Breast Plate || 3 ||  
| Cuirass || 3 ||  
| 护胸甲Cuirass || 3 ||  
| Great Hauberk || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Splint Mail || 2 ||  
| 板甲Splint Mail || 2 ||  
| Russet Armor || 3 ||  
| 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor || 3 ||  
| Balrog Skin || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Plate Mail || 2 ||  
| 铠甲Plate Mail || 2 ||  
| Templar Coat || 3 ||  
| 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat || 3 ||  
| Hellforge Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Field Plate || 2 ||  
| 实战铠甲Field Plate || 2 ||  
| Sharktooth Armor || 3 ||  
| 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor || 3 ||  
| Kraken Shell || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Gothic Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 哥德战甲Gothic Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Embossed Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Lacquered Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 漆甲Lacquered Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Light Plate || 3 ||  
| 轻型装甲Light Plate || 3 ||  
| Mage Plate || 3 ||  
| 法师铠甲Mage Plate || 3 ||  
| Archon Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 执政官铠甲Archon Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Full Plate Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 高级战甲Full Plate Mail || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Chaos Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 混沌战甲Chaos Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Shadow Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Ancient Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 古代装甲Ancient Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Ornate Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 华丽战甲Ornate Plate || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Sacred Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Buckler || 1 ||  
| 圆盾Buckler || 1 ||  
| Defender || 1 ||  
| 防御盾Defender || 1 ||  
| Heater || 2 ||  
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 2 ||  
| Small Shield || 2 ||  
| 小盾牌Small Shield || 2 ||  
| Round Shield || 2 ||  
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 2 ||  
| Luna || 2 ||  
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 2 ||  
| Large Shield || 3 ||  
| 大盾牌Large Shield || 3 ||  
| Scutum || 3 ||  
| 鳞盾Scutum || 3 ||  
| Hyperion || 3 ||  
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 3 ||  
| Spiked Shield || 2 ||  
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield || 2 ||  
| Barbed Shield || 2 ||  
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 2 ||  
| Blade Barrier || 3 ||  
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 3 ||  
| Kite Shield || 3 ||  
| 轻盾Kite Shield || 3 ||  
| Dragon Shield || 3 ||  
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 3 ||  
| Monarch || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| 统治者大盾Monarch || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| Bone Shield || 2 ||  
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield || 2 ||  
| Grim Shield || 2 ||  
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 2 ||  
| Troll Nest || 3 ||  
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 3 ||  
| Tower Shield || 3 ||  
| 塔盾Tower Shield || 3 ||  
| Pavise || 3 ||  
| 大盾Pavise || 3 ||  
| Aegis || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| 圣盾Aegis || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| Gothic Shield || 3 ||  
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield || 3 ||  
| Ancient Shield || 3 ||  
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 3 ||  
| Ward || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| 保护盾牌Ward || <span class="nodrop">3/3/</span>4 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Gloves, Boots, and Belts cannot get sockets
<!-- Gloves, Boots, and Belts cannot get sockets
| Leather Gloves ||  ||  
| 皮手套Leather Gloves ||  ||  
| Demonhide Gloves ||  ||  
| 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves ||  ||  
| Bramble Mitts ||  ||  
| 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts ||  ||  
| Heavy Gloves ||  ||  
| 重手套Heavy Gloves ||  ||  
| Sharkskin Gloves ||  ||  
| 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves ||  ||  
| Vampirebone Gloves ||  ||  
| 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves ||  ||  
| Chain Gloves ||  ||  
| 锁链手套Chain Gloves ||  ||  
| Heavy Bracers ||  ||  
| 重型手镯Heavy Bracers ||  ||  
| Vambraces ||  ||  
| 吸血鬼手套Vambraces ||  ||  
| Light Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets ||  ||  
| Battle Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 战场手套Battle Gauntlets ||  ||  
| Crusader Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets ||  ||  
| Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 铁手套Gauntlets ||  ||  
| War Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 巨战手套War Gauntlets ||  ||  
| Ogre Gauntlets ||  ||  
| 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Boots ||  ||  
| 皮靴Boots ||  ||  
| Demonhide Boots ||  ||  
| 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots ||  ||  
| Wyrmhide Boots ||  ||  
| 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots ||  ||  
| Heavy Boots ||  ||  
| 重靴Heavy Boots ||  ||  
| Sharkskin Boots ||  ||  
| 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots ||  ||  
| Scarabshell Boots ||  ||  
| 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots ||  ||  
| Chain Boots ||  ||  
| 锁链靴Chain Boots ||  ||  
| Mesh Boots ||  ||  
| 织网之靴Mesh Boots ||  ||  
| Boneweave Boots ||  ||  
| 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots ||  ||  
| Light Plated Boots ||  ||  
| 轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots ||  ||  
| Battle Boots ||  ||  
| 战场之靴Battle Boots ||  ||  
| Mirrored Boots ||  ||  
| 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots ||  ||  
| Greaves ||  ||  
| 护胫Greaves ||  ||  
| War Boots ||  ||  
| 巨战之靴War Boots ||  ||  
| Myrmidon Greaves ||  ||  
| 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Sash ||  ||  
| 饰带Sash ||  ||  
| Demonhide Sash ||  ||  
| 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash ||  ||  
| Spiderweb Sash ||  ||  
| 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash ||  ||  
| Light Belt ||  ||  
| 轻扣带Light Belt ||  ||  
| Sharkskin Belt ||  ||  
| 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt ||  ||  
| Vampirefang Belt ||  ||  
| 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt ||  ||  
| Belt ||  ||  
| 扣带Belt ||  ||  
| Mesh Belt ||  ||  
| 织网腰带Mesh Belt ||  ||  
| Mithril Coil ||  ||  
| 秘银腰带Mithril Coil ||  ||  
| Heavy Belt ||  ||  
| 重扣带Heavy Belt ||  ||  
| Battle Belt ||  ||  
| 战场腰带Battle Belt ||  ||  
| Troll Belt ||  ||  
| 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt ||  ||  
| Plated Belt ||  ||  
| 金属扣带Plated Belt ||  ||  
| War Belt ||  ||  
| 巨战腰带War Belt ||  ||  
| Colossus Girdle ||  ||  
| 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Circlet || 1/2/2 ||  
| 头环Circlet || 1/2/2 ||  
| rowspan="2" | Tiara || rowspan="2" | <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>3 || rowspan="2" |  
| rowspan="2" | 三重冠Tiara || rowspan="2" | <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>3 || rowspan="2" |  
| rowspan="2" | Diadem || rowspan="2" | <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>3 || rowspan="2" |  
| rowspan="2" | 权冠Diadem || rowspan="2" | <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>3 || rowspan="2" |  
| Coronet || <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>2 ||  
| 宝冠Coronet || <span class="nodrop">1/2/</span>2 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Wolf Head || 2/3/3 ||  
| 狼头Wolf Head || 2/3/3 ||  
| Alpha Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| Blood Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 血腥之灵Blood Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Hawk Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| 飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| Griffon Headress || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| Sun Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 太阳之灵Sun Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Antlers || 2/3/3 ||  
| 鹿角Antlers || 2/3/3 ||  
| Hunter's Guise || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Earth Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 大地之灵Earth Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Falcon Mask || 2/3/3 ||  
| 猎鹰面具Falcon Mask || 2/3/3 ||  
| Sacred Feathers || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Sky Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 天空之灵Sky Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Spirit Mask || 2/3/3 ||  
| 灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask || 2/3/3 ||  
| Totemic Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Dream Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Jawbone Cap || 2/3/3 ||  
| 颚骨帽Jawbone Cap || 2/3/3 ||  
| Jawbone Visor || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| Carnage Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Fanged Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| 尖牙盔Fanged Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| Lion Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| 狮尖头盔Lion Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/</span>3/3 ||  
| Fury Visor || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 暴怒面甲Fury Visor || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Horned Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| 角盔Horned Helm || 2/3/3 ||  
| Rage Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Destroyer Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Assault Helmet || 2/3/3 ||  
| 突击盔Assault Helmet || 2/3/3 ||  
| Savage Helmet || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Conqueror Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Avenger Guard || 2/3/3 ||  
| 复仇者之盔Avenger Guard || 2/3/3 ||  
| Slayer Guard || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| Guardian Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span>3 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Targe || 3/4/4 ||  
| 小盾Targe || 3/4/4 ||  
| Akaran Targe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Sacred Targe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Rondache || 3/4/4 ||  
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 3/4/4 ||  
| Akaran Rondache || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || <span class="nodrop">3/</span>4/4 ||  
| Sacred Rondache || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Heraldic Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| Protector Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Kurast Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Aerin Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| Gilded Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Zakarum Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Crown Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 3/4/4 ||  
| Royal Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| Vortex Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || <span class="nodrop">3/4/</span>4 ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Preserved Head || 2 ||  
| 防腐之首Preserved Head || 2 ||  
| Mummified Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| Minion Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 随待之骨Minion Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Zombie Head || 2 ||  
| 僵尸之首Zombie Head || 2 ||  
| Fetish Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| 物神印记Fetish Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/</span><span class="nmod">3/3</span>
| Hellspawn Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Unraveller Head || 2 ||  
| 揭露者之首Unraveller Head || 2 ||  
| Sexton Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 司事印记Sexton Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Overseer Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 监视者之骨Overseer Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Gargoyle Head || 2 ||  
| 石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head || 2 ||  
| Cantor Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Succubus Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 女妖之骨Succubus Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Demon Head || 2 ||  
| 恶魔之首Demon Head || 2 ||  
| Hierophant Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| Bloodlord Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
| 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull || <span class="omod">2</span> || <span class="nodrop">2/3/</span><span class="nmod">3</span>
<small>Armor with multiple values such as 3/4/4 have different maximum sockets depending on their ilvl (1-25/26-40/41+) and the socket values are colored <span class="nodrop">orange</span> if the item's quality level is higher than the ilvl range, signifying they won't drop at those ilvls. Gloves, boots, and belts are not listed here because they cannot get sockets.</small>
<small>盔甲上有多个孔数值,比如3/4/4这样不同的最大孔数值,是取决于物品等级ilvl的(1-25/26-40/41+),如果物品的品质等级高于物品等级,那么孔数值用<span class="nodrop">橙色</span>标注,表明它们不会在该物品等级掉落。手套、靴子、腰带未列出因为它们无法打孔。</small>

== 耐久度 ==
== Durability ==
* 所有武器的耐久度都翻倍了。
* Durability for all weapons has been doubled
* 一些精英级武器享有更高的耐久度
* Some elite weapons have even more durability:
** 一些剑类上调20耐久度(短剑Falcata,土耳其剑Ataghan,优雅之剑Elegant Blade,九头蛇刃Hydra Edge,征服之剑Conquest Sword)
** +20 durability for some swords (Falcata, Ataghan, Elegant Blade, Hydra Edge, Conquest Sword)
** 骸骨小刀上调20耐久度
** +20 durability for Bone Knife
** 一些斧类上调20耐久度(斩首斧Decapitator,豪杰斧Champion Axe,荣光之斧Glorious Axe)
** +20 durability for some axes (Decapitator, Champion Axe, Glorious Axe)
** 其他斧类上调50%耐久度(战钺Tomahawk,弯月斧Small Crescent,双头斧Ettin Axe,战刺War Spike,狂战士斧Berserker Axe,猛禽斧Feral Axe,银刃斧Silver-edged Axe)
** +50% durability for other axes (Tomahawk, Small Crescent, Ettin Axe, War Spike, Berserker Axe, Feral Axe, Silver-edged Axe)
** 一些长矛类上调50%耐久度(亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear,冥河之枪Stygian Pike,刺人枪Mancatcher,鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear,战枪War Pike)
** +50% durability for spears (Hyperion Spear, Stygian Pike, Mancatcher, Ghost Spear, War Pike)
** 一些法杖上调50%耐久度(手杖Walking Stick,钟乳石之杖Stalagmite,长老之杖Elder Staff,树皮之杖Shillelagh,执政官之杖Archon Staff)
** +50% durability for staves (Walking Stick, Stalagmite, Elder Staff, Shillelagh, Archon Staff), additional +50% for Walking Stick

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Durability for Weapons
|+ 武器的基础耐久度
! Item (Normal) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (普通) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Before !! After</span>
! 物品 (扩展) !! 调整前 !! 调整后</span>
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="102" |
! Item (Elite) !! Before !! After
! 物品 (精英) !! 调整前 !! 调整后
| Hand Axe || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 小斧Hand Axe || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Hatchet || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 手斧Hatchet || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Tomahawk || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 战钺Tomahawk || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 斧Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Cleaver || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 切肉刀Cleaver || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Small Crescent || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Double Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 双刃斧Double Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Twin Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Military Pick || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| 军用锹Military Pick || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| Crowbill || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| 喙钳Crowbill || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| War Spike || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| 战刺War Spike|| <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| War Axe || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| 战斧War Axe || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| Naga || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| 纳卡Naga || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">52</span>
| Berserker Axe || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| Large Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 巨斧Large Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Military Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 军斧Military Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Feral Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| Broad Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 阔斧Broad Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| Battle Axe || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 战斗斧Battle Axe || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Tabar || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 战袍斧Tabar || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Decapitator || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 斩首斧Decapitator || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Great Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 卓越之斧Great Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Champion Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Giant Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 大斧Giant Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Ancient Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Glorious Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Club || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 木棒Club || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Cudgel || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 棍棒Cudgel || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Truncheon || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 战仪杖Truncheon || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Spiked Club || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Barbed Club || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 钉头锤Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Morning Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 流星锤Morning Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Jagged Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Devil Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Flail || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 链枷Flail || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Knout || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 铁皮鞭Knout || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Scourge || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 天罚之锤Scourge || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| War Hammer || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 大木棍Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| War Club || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 巨战木棍War Club || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Great Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 战槌Martel de Fer || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Short Sword || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 短剑Short Sword || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Gladius || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 罗马短剑Gladius || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Falcata || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">68</span>
| 短剑Falcata || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">68</span>
| Scimitar || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| 弯刀Scimitar || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| Cutlass || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| 微弯剑Cutlass || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| Ataghan || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Sabre || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 军刀Sabre || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Shamshir || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Falchion || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 弯形大刀Falchion || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Tulwar || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Crystal Sword || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Phase Blade || - || -
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || - || -
| Broad Sword || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 阔剑Broad Sword || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Battle Sword || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">64</span>
| Conquest Sword || <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| <span class="omod">32</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Long Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 长剑Long Sword|| <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Rune Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Cryptic Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| War Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 巨战之剑War Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Two-handed Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Espandon || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 斩铁剑Espandon || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Legend Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || <span class="omod">44</span> || <span class="nmod">88</span>
| Claymore || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 双刃大刀Claymore || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Highland Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Giant Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 大剑Giant Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Bastard Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 巨剑Bastard Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Champion Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Flamberge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 双手饰剑Flamberge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Zweihander || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Great Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 卓越之剑Great Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Dagger || <span class="omod">16</span> || <span class="nmod">32</span>
| 匕首Dagger || <span class="omod">16</span> || <span class="nmod">32</span>
| Poignard || <span class="omod">16</span> || <span class="nmod">32</span>
| 锐匕Poignard || <span class="omod">16</span> || <span class="nmod">32</span>
| Bone Knife || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Dirk || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 长匕首Dirk || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Rondel || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Mithril Point || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Kris || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 波形刀Kris || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || <span class="omod">36</span> || <span class="nmod">72</span>
| Blade || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 短刀Blade || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Stiletto || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| 小剑Stiletto || <span class="omod">24</span> || <span class="nmod">48</span>
| Legend Spike || <span class="omod">47</span> || <span class="nmod">94</span>
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || <span class="omod">47</span> || <span class="nmod">94</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Throwing Weapons and Javelins don't have durability
<!-- 投掷类武器和标枪没有耐久度值
| Throwing Knife</span> ||  ||  
| 飞刀Throwing Knife</span> ||  ||  
| Battle Dart</span> ||  ||  
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart</span> ||  ||  
| Flying Knife</span> ||  ||  
| 飞刀Flying Knife</span> ||  ||  
| Throwing Axe</span> ||  ||  
| 飞斧Throwing Axe</span> ||  ||  
| Francisca</span> ||  ||  
| 法兰飞斧Francisca</span> ||  ||  
| Flying Axe</span> ||  ||  
| 飞斧Flying Axe</span> ||  ||  
| Balanced Knife</span> ||  ||  
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife</span> ||  ||  
| War Dart</span> ||  ||  
| 巨战飞镖War Dart</span> ||  ||  
| Winged Knife</span> ||  ||  
| 翼刀Winged Knife</span> ||  ||  
| Balanced Axe</span> ||  ||  
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe</span> ||  ||  
| Hurlbat</span> ||  ||  
| 短战戟Hurlbat</span> ||  ||  
| Winged Axe</span> ||  ||  
| 翼斧Winged Axe</span> ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| 标枪Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| War Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| 巨战标枪War Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| Hyperion Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| 短标枪Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| Great Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| Stygian Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum</span> ||  ||  
| Short Spear</span> ||  ||  
| 短矛Short Spear</span> ||  ||  
| Simbilan</span> ||  ||  
| 锐矛Simbilan</span> ||  ||  
| Balrog Spear</span> ||  ||  
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear</span> ||  ||  
| Glaive</span> ||  ||  
| 大长刀Glaive</span> ||  ||  
| Spiculum</span> ||  ||  
| 阔针长矛Spiculum</span> ||  ||  
| Ghost Glaive</span> ||  ||  
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive</span> ||  ||  
| Throwing Spear</span> ||  ||  
| 飞矛Throwing Spear</span> ||  ||  
| Harpoon</span> ||  ||  
| 鱼叉Harpoon</span> ||  ||  
| Winged Harpoon</span> ||  ||  
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon</span> ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 长矛Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| War Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 巨战长矛War Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Hyperion Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| Trident || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 三叉戟Trident || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Fuscina || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Stygian Pike || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| Brandistock || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 叉Brandistock || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| War Fork || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 巨战之叉War Fork || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Mancatcher || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Spetum || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 大战戟Spetum || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Yari || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 三叉长枪Yari || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Ghost Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">84</span>
| Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| 矛Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| Lance || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| 长枪Lance || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| War Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">75</span>
| 战枪War Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">75</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Bardiche || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 大砍刀Bardiche || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Voulge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 钩镰枪Voulge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Bill || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 比尔长刀Bill || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Scythe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 镰刀Scythe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Thresher || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 锐利之斧Thresher || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Poleaxe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Partizan || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 战戟Partizan || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Cryptic Axe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || <span class="omod">65</span> || <span class="nmod">130</span>
| Halberd || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 长戟Halberd || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Great Poleaxe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| War Scythe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Grim Scythe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| Giant Thresher || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || <span class="omod">55</span> || <span class="nmod">110</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Bows and Crossbows don't have durability
<!-- 弓和十字弓类没有耐久度
| Short Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 短弓Short Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Edge Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Spider Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Hunter’s Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Razor Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Blade Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Long Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 长弓Long Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Cedar Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Shadow Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Composite Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 组合弓Composite Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Double Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 双弓ouble Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Great Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 巨弓Great Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Short Battle Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Short Siege Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Diamond Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Long Battle Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Large Siege Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Crusader Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Short War Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Rune Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 符文之弓Rune Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Ward Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Long War Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Gothic Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Hydra Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow</span> ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Light Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Arbalest</span> ||  ||  
| 石弓Arbalest</span> ||  ||  
| Pellet Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 十字弓Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Siege Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Gorgon Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Heavy Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Ballista</span> ||  ||  
| 弩弓Ballista</span> ||  ||  
| Colossus Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Repeating Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| Chu-Ko-Nu</span> ||  ||  
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu</span> ||  ||  
| Demon Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow</span> ||  ||  
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Short Staff || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 短棍Short Staff || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Jo Staff || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Walking Stick || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 手杖Walking Stick || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Long Staff || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 长棍Long Staff || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Stalagmite || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">90</span>
| Gnarled Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Elder Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">105</span>
| Battle Staff || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Shillelagh || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| War Staff || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 巨战法杖War Staff || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Rune Staff || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Archon Staff || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || <span class="omod">26</span> || <span class="nmod">78</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Wands aren't melee weapons
<!-- 法杖不是近战武器
| Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 手杖Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Burnt Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Polished Wand || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || <span class="omod">22</span> || <span class="nmod">44</span>
| Yew Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Petrified Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Ghost Wand || <span class="omod">14</span> || <span class="nmod">28</span>
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || <span class="omod">14</span> || <span class="nmod">28</span>
| Bone Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 骨杖Bone Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Tomb Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Lich Wand || <span class="omod">17</span> || <span class="nmod">34</span>
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || <span class="omod">17</span> || <span class="nmod">34</span>
| Grim Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Grave Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || <span class="omod">15</span> || <span class="nmod">30</span>
| Unearthed Wand || <span class="omod">18</span> || <span class="nmod">36</span>
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || <span class="omod">18</span> || <span class="nmod">36</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 权杖Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Grand Scepter || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || <span class="omod">60</span> || <span class="nmod">120</span>
| War Scepter || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| 巨战权杖War Scepter || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| Caduceus || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| 神使之杖Caduceus || <span class="omod">70</span> || <span class="nmod">140</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| Katar || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| 拳剑Katar || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| Quhab || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| 格斗刃Quhab || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| Suwayyah || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| 近身刃Suwayyah || <span class="omod">48</span> || <span class="nmod">96</span>
| Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| 腕刀Wrist Blade || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| 斧手Hatchet Hands || <span class="omod">56</span> || <span class="nmod">112</span>
| Fascia || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| 格斗爪Fascia || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| War Fist || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| 战拳War Fist || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| Cestus || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 腰刀Cestus || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 手镰Hand Scythe || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || <span class="omod">72</span> || <span class="nmod">144</span>
| Claws || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| 爪Claws || <span class="omod">64</span> || <span class="nmod">128</span>
| Greater Claws || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| 巨爪Greater Claws || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| Feral Claws || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || <span class="omod">52</span> || <span class="nmod">104</span>
| Blade Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| 刃爪Blade Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| Greater Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| Runic Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || <span class="omod">69</span> || <span class="nmod">138</span>
| Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="omod">68</span> || <span class="nmod">136</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" |
<!-- Orbs aren't melee weapons
<!-- 法师法球不是近战武器
| Eagle Orb || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Glowing Orb || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Heavenly Stone || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || <span class="omod">20</span> || <span class="nmod">40</span>
| Sacred Globe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Crystalline Globe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Eldritch Orb || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || <span class="omod">30</span> || <span class="nmod">60</span>
| Smoked Sphere || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Cloudy Sphere || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Demon Heart || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || <span class="omod">35</span> || <span class="nmod">70</span>
| Clasped Orb || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Sparkling Ball || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Vortex Orb || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || <span class="omod">40</span> || <span class="nmod">80</span>
| Jared's Stone || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Swirling Crystal || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| Dimensional Shard || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || <span class="omod">50</span> || <span class="nmod">100</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
| class="mid-row" colspan="11" | -->
<!-- Amazon Bows don't have durability
<!-- 亚马逊弓没有耐久度值
| Stag Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 男性之弓Stag Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Ashwood Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Matriarchal Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Reflex Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Ceremonial Bow</span> ||  ||  
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow</span> ||  ||  
| Grand Matron Bow</span> ||  || -->
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow</span> ||  || -->
| Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || <span class="omod">28</span> || <span class="nmod">56</span>
| Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || <span class="omod">25</span> || <span class="nmod">50</span>
<!-- Amazon Javelins don't have durability
<!-- 亚马逊标枪没有耐久度值
| Maiden Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| Ceremonial Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin</span> ||  ||  
| Matriarchal Javelin</span> ||  || -->
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin</span> ||  || -->
<small>Missile Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Wands, and Orbs are not listed because they either don't have durability or are not attacked with so won't lose durability.</small>

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Base Durability for Armor
|+ 盔甲类基础耐久度
! Item (Normal) !! Durability
! 物品 (普通) !! 耐久度
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Durability
! 物品 (扩展) !! 耐久度
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Elite) !! Durability
! 物品 (精英) !! 耐久度
| Cap || 12
| 帽子Cap || 12
| War Hat || 12
| 战帽War Hat || 12
| Shako || 12
| 军帽Shako || 12
| Skull Cap || 18
| 骷髅帽Skull Cap || 18
| Sallet || 18
| 轻便头盔Sallet || 18
| Hydraskull || 18
| 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull || 18
| Helm || 24
| 头盔Helm || 24
| Casque || 24
| 无颊头盔Casque || 24
| Armet || 24
| 活动头盔Armet || 24
| Full Helm || 30
| 高级头盔Full Helm || 30
| Basinet || 30
| 轻钢盔Basinet || 30
| Giant Conch || 30
| 巨贝头盔Giant Conch || 30
| Mask || 20
| 面具Mask || 20
| Death Mask || 20
| 死亡面具Death Mask || 20
| Demonhead || 20
| 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead || 20
| Bone Helm || 40
| 白骨头盔Bone Helm || 40
| Grim Helm || 40
| 残酷头盔Grim Helm || 40
| Bone Visage || 40
| 骸骨面罩Bone Visage || 40
| Great Helm || 40
| 卓越头盔Great Helm || 40
| Winged Helm || 40
| 翼盔Winged Helm || 40
| Spired Helm || 40
| 螺旋头盔Spired Helm || 40
| Crown || 50
| 皇冠Crown || 50
| Grand Crown || 50
| 巨皇冠Grand Crown || 50
| Corona || 50
| 头冠Corona || 50
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Quilted Armor || 20
| 布甲Quilted Armor || 20
| Ghost Armor || 20
| 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor || 20
| Dusk Shroud || 20
| 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud || 20
| Leather Armor || 24
| 皮甲Leather Armor || 24
| Serpentskin Armor || 24
| 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor || 24
| Wyrmhide || 24
| 古龙皮Wyrmhide || 24
| Hard Leather Armor || 28
| 硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor || 28
| Demonhide Armor || 28
| 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor || 28
| Scarab Husk || 28
| 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk || 28
| Studded Leather || 32
| 镶嵌甲Studded Leather || 32
| Trellised Armor || 32
| 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor || 32
| Wire Fleece || 32
| 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece || 32
| Ring Mail || 26
| 锁环甲Ring Mail || 26
| Linked Mail || 26
| 连扣战甲Linked Mail || 26
| Diamond Mail || 26
| 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail || 26
| Scale Mail || 36
| 鳞甲Scale Mail || 36
| Tigulated Mail || 36
| 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail || 36
| Loricated Mail || 36
| 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail || 36
| Chain Mail || 45
| 锁子甲Chain Mail || 45
| Mesh Armor || 45
| 织网战甲Mesh Armorl || 45
| Boneweave || 45
| 骸骨链甲Boneweave || 45
| Breast Plate || 50
| 胸甲Breast Plate || 50
| Cuirass || 50
| 护胸甲Cuirass || 50
| Great Hauberk || 50
| 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk || 50
| Splint Mail || 30
| 板甲Splint Mail || 30
| Russet Armor || 30
| 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor || 30
| Balrog Skin || 30
| 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin || 30
| Plate Mail || 60
| 铠甲Plate Mail || 60
| Templar Coat || 60
| 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat || 60
| Hellforge Plate || 60
| 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate || 60
| Field Plate || 48
| 实战铠甲Field Plate || 48
| Sharktooth Armor || 48
| 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor || 48
| Kraken Shell || 48
| 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell || 48
| Gothic Plate || 55
| 哥德战甲Gothic Plate || 55
| Embossed Plate || 55
| 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate || 55
| Lacquered Plate || 55
| 漆甲Lacquered Plate || 55
| Light Plate || 60
| 轻型装甲Light Plate || 60
| Mage Plate || 60
| 法师铠甲Mage Plate || 60
| Archon Plate || 60
| 执政官铠甲Archon Plate || 60
| Full Plate Mail || 70
| 高级战甲Full Plate Mail || 70
| Chaos Armor || 70
| 混沌战甲Chaos Armor || 70
| Shadow Plate || 70
| 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate || 70
| Ancient Armor || 60
| 古代装甲Ancient Armor || 60
| Ornate Plate || 60
| 华丽战甲Ornate Plate || 60
| Sacred Armor || 60
| 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor || 60
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Buckler || 12
| 圆盾Buckler || 12
| Defender || 68
| 防御盾Defender || 68
| Heater || 88
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 88
| Small Shield || 16
| 小盾牌Small Shield || 16
| Round Shield || 64
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 64
| Luna || 84
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 84
| Large Shield || 24
| 大盾牌Large Shield || 24
| Scutum || 62
| 鳞盾Scutum || 62
| Hyperion || 82
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 82
| Spiked Shield || 40
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield || 40
| Barbed Shield || 55
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 55
| Blade Barrier || 83
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 83
| Kite Shield || 30
| 轻盾Kite Shield || 30
| Dragon Shield || 76
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 76
| Monarch || 86
| 统治者大盾Monarch || 86
| Bone Shield || 40
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield || 40
| Grim Shield || 70
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 70
| Troll Nest || 74
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 74
| Tower Shield || 60
| 塔盾Tower Shield || 60
| Pavise || 72
| 大盾Pavise || 72
| Aegis || 92
| 圣盾Aegis || 92
| Gothic Shield || 40
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield || 40
| Ancient Shield || 80
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 80
| Ward || 100
| 保护盾牌Ward || 100
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Leather Gloves || 12
| 皮手套Leather Gloves || 12
| Demonhide Gloves || 12
| 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves || 12
| Bramble Mitts || 12
| 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts || 12
| Heavy Gloves || 14
| 重手套Heavy Gloves || 14
| Sharkskin Gloves || 14
| 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves || 14
| Vampirebone Gloves || 14
| 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves || 14
| Chain Gloves || 16
| 锁链手套Chain Gloves || 16
| Heavy Bracers || 16
| 重型手镯Heavy Bracers || 16
| Vambraces || 16
| 吸血鬼手套Vambraces || 16
| Light Gauntlets || 18
| 轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets || 18
| Battle Gauntlets || 18
| 战场手套Battle Gauntlets || 18
| Crusader Gauntlets || 18
| 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets || 18
| Gauntlets || 24
| 铁手套Gauntlets || 24
| War Gauntlets || 24
| 巨战手套War Gauntlets || 24
| Ogre Gauntlets || 24
| 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets || 24
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Boots || 12
| 皮靴Boots || 12
| Demonhide Boots || 12
| 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots || 12
| Wyrmhide Boots || 12
| 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots || 12
| Heavy Boots || 14
| 重靴Heavy Boots || 14
| Sharkskin Boots || 14
| 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots || 14
| Scarabshell Boots || 14
| 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots || 14
| Chain Boots || 16
| 锁链靴Chain Boots || 16
| Mesh Boots || 16
| 织网之靴Mesh Boots || 16
| Boneweave Boots || 16
| 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots || 16
| Light Plated Boots || 18
| 轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots || 18
| Battle Boots || 18
| 战场之靴Battle Boots || 18
| Mirrored Boots || 18
| 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots || 18
| Greaves || 24
| 护胫Greaves || 24
| War Boots || 24
| 巨战之靴War Boots || 24
| Myrmidon Greaves || 24
| 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves || 24
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Sash || 12
| 饰带Sash || 12
| Demonhide Sash || 12
| 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash || 12
| Spiderweb Sash || 12
| 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash || 12
| Light Belt || 14
| 轻扣带Light Belt || 14
| Sharkskin Belt || 14
| 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt || 14
| Vampirefang Belt || 14
| 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt || 14
| Belt || 16
| 扣带Belt || 16
| Mesh Belt || 16
| 织网腰带Mesh Belt || 16
| Mithril Coil || 16
| 秘银腰带Mithril Coil || 16
| Heavy Belt || 18
| 重扣带Heavy Belt || 18
| Battle Belt || 18
| 战场腰带Battle Belt || 18
| Troll Belt || 18
| 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt || 18
| Plated Belt || 24
| 金属扣带Plated Belt || 24
| War Belt || 24
| 巨战腰带War Belt || 24
| Colossus Girdle || 24
| 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle || 24
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Circlet || 35
| 头环Circlet || 35
| rowspan="2" | Tiara || rowspan="2" | 25
| rowspan="2" | 三重冠Tiara || rowspan="2" | 25
| rowspan="2" | Diadem || rowspan="2" | 20
| rowspan="2" | 权冠Diadem || rowspan="2" | 20
| Coronet || 30
| 宝冠Coronet || 30
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Wolf Head || 20
| 狼头Wolf Head || 20
| Alpha Helm || 20
| 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm || 20
| Blood Spirit || 20
| 血腥之灵Blood Spirit || 20
| Hawk Helm || 20
| 飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm || 20
| Griffon Headress || 20
| 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress || 20
| Sun Spirit || 20
| 太阳之灵Sun Spirit || 20
| Antlers || 20
| 鹿角Antlers || 20
| Hunter's Guise || 20
| 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise || 20
| Earth Spirit || 20
| 大地之灵Earth Spirit || 20
| Falcon Mask || 20
| 猎鹰面具Falcon Mask || 20
| Sacred Feathers || 20
| 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers || 20
| Sky Spirit || 20
| 天空之灵Sky Spirit || 20
| Spirit Mask || 20
| 灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask || 20
| Totemic Mask || 20
| 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask || 20
| Dream Spirit || 20
| 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit || 20
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Jawbone Cap || 25
| 颚骨帽Jawbone Cap || 25
| Jawbone Visor || 25
| 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor || 25
| Carnage Helm || 25
| 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm || 25
| Fanged Helm || 35
| 尖牙盔Fanged Helm || 35
| Lion Helm || 35
| 狮尖头盔Lion Helm || 35
| Fury Visor || 35
| 暴怒面甲Fury Visor || 35
| Horned Helm || 45
| 角盔Horned Helm || 45
| Rage Mask || 45
| 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask || 45
| Destroyer Helm || 45
| 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm || 45
| Assault Helmet || 50
| 突击盔Assault Helmet || 50
| Savage Helmet || 50
| 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet || 50
| Conqueror Crown || 50
| 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown || 50
| Avenger Guard || 55
| 复仇者之盔Avenger Guard || 55
| Slayer Guard || 55
| 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard || 55
| Guardian Crown || 55
| 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown || 55
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Targe || 20
| 小盾Targe || 20
| Akaran Targe || 20
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || 20
| Sacred Targe || 45
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || 45
| Rondache || 30
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 30
| Akaran Rondache || 30
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || 30
| Sacred Rondache || 68
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || 68
| Heraldic Shield || 40
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 40
| Protector Shield || 40
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || 40
| Kurast Shield || 55
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || 55
| Aerin Shield || 50
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 50
| Gilded Shield || 50
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || 50
| Zakarum Shield || 65
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || 65
| Crown Shield || 60
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 60
| Royal Shield || 60
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || 60
| Vortex Shield || 90
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || 90
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Preserved Head || 20
| 防腐之首Preserved Head || 20
| Mummified Trophy || 20
| 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy || 20
| Minion Skull || 20
| 随待之骨Minion Skull || 20
| Zombie Head || 20
| 僵尸之首Zombie Head || 20
| Fetish Trophy || 20
| 物神印记Fetish Trophy || 20
| Hellspawn Skull || 20
| 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull || 20
| Unraveller Head || 20
| 揭露者之首Unraveller Head || 20
| Sexton Trophy || 20
| 司事印记Sexton Trophy || 20
| Overseer Skull || 20
| 监视者之骨Overseer Skull || 20
| Gargoyle Head || 20
| 石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head || 20
| Cantor Trophy || 20
| 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy || 20
| Succubus Skull || 20
| 女妖之骨Succubus Skull || 20
| Demon Head || 20
| 恶魔之首Demon Head || 20
| Hierophant Trophy || 20
| 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy || 20
| Bloodlord Skull || 20
| 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull || 20

== 其他 ==
== Other ==
级需求和品质等级并没有变化。To see a list of all item bases and their corresponding unique/set items, see [[Item_Codes#Item_Codes|Item Codes]].
Level requirements and quality levels haven't changed. For a list of new unique/set items, see [[New Items]].

'''Level Requirements'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Required Levels for Weapons
|+ 武器等级需求
! Item (Normal) !! Level
! 物品 (普通) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Level
! 物品 (扩展) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! Item (Elite) !! Level
! 物品 (精英) !! Level
| Hand Axe ||  
| 小斧Hand Axe ||  
| Hatchet || 19
| 手斧Hatchet || 19
| Tomahawk || 40
| 战钺Tomahawk || 40
| Axe ||  
| 斧Axe ||  
| Cleaver || 22
| 切肉刀Cleaver || 22
| Small Crescent || 45
| 弯月斧Small Crescent || 45
| Double Axe ||  
| 双刃斧Double Axe ||  
| Twin Axe || 25
| 强化双斧Twin Axe || 25
| Ettin Axe || 52
| 双头斧Ettin Axe || 52
| Military Pick ||  
| 军用锹Military Pick ||  
| Crowbill || 25
| 喙钳Crowbill || 25
| War Spike || 59
| 战刺War Spike|| 59
| War Axe ||  
| 战斧War Axe ||  
| Naga || 25
| 纳卡Naga || 25
| Berserker Axe || 64
| 狂战士斧Berserker Axe || 64
| Large Axe ||  
| 巨斧Large Axe ||  
| Military Axe || 22
| 军斧Military Axe || 22
| Feral Axe || 42
| 猛禽斧Feral Axe || 42
| Broad Axe ||  
| 阔斧Broad Axe ||  
| Bearded Axe || 25
| 钩斧Bearded Axe || 25
| Silver-edged Axe || 48
| 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe || 48
| Battle Axe ||  
| 战斗斧Battle Axe ||  
| Tabar || 25
| 战袍斧Tabar || 25
| Decapitator || 54
| 斩首斧Decapitator || 54
| Great Axe ||  
| 卓越之斧Great Axe ||  
| Gothic Axe || 25
| 歌德之斧Gothic Axe || 25
| Champion Axe || 61
| 豪杰斧Champion Axe || 61
| Giant Axe ||  
| 大斧Giant Axe ||  
| Ancient Axe || 25
| 古代之斧Ancient Axe || 25
| Glorious Axe || 66
| 荣光之斧Glorious Axe || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Club ||  
| 木棒Club ||  
| Cudgel || 18
| 棍棒Cudgel || 18
| Truncheon || 39
| 战仪杖Truncheon || 39
| Spiked Club ||  
| 狼牙棒Spiked Club ||  
| Barbed Club || 20
| 倒钩锤Barbed Club || 20
| Tyrant Club || 42
| 暴君之棒Tyrant Club || 42
| Mace ||  
| 钉头锤Mace ||  
| Flanged Mace || 23
| 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace || 23
| Reinforced Mace || 47
| 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace || 47
| Morning Star ||  
| 流星锤Morning Star ||  
| Jagged Star || 25
| 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star || 25
| Devil Star || 52
| 恶魔流星锤Devil Star || 52
| Flail ||  
| 链枷Flail ||  
| Knout || 25
| 铁皮鞭Knout || 25
| Scourge || 57
| 天罚之锤Scourge || 57
| War Hammer ||  
| 巨战铁槌War Hammer ||  
| Battle Hammer || 25
| 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer || 25
| Legendary Mallet || 61
| 传说之锤Legendary Mallet || 61
| Maul ||  
| 大木棍Maul ||  
| War Club || 25
| 巨战木棍War Club || 25
| Ogre Maul || 51
| 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul || 51
| Great Maul ||  
| 卓越巨棍Great Maul ||  
| Martel de Fer || 25
| 战槌Martel de Fer || 25
| Thunder Maul || 65
| 雷槌Thunder Maul || 65
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Short Sword ||  
| 短剑Short Sword ||  
| Gladius || 18
| 罗马短剑Gladius || 18
| Falcata || 42
| 短剑Falcata || 42
| Scimitar ||  
| 弯刀Scimitar ||  
| Cutlass || 25
| 微弯剑Cutlass || 25
| Ataghan || 45
| 土耳其剑Ataghan || 45
| Sabre ||  
| 军刀Sabre ||  
| Shamshir || 23
| 虚伪之刃Shamshir || 23
| Elegant Blade || 47
| 优雅之剑Elegant Blade || 47
| Falchion ||  
| 弯形大刀Falchion ||  
| Tulwar || 25
| 圆月弯刀Tulwar || 25
| Hydra Edge || 51
| 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge || 51
| Crystal Sword ||  
| 水晶剑Crystal Sword ||  
| Dimensional Blade || 25
| 空间之刃Dimensional Blade || 25
| Phase Blade || 54
| 幻化之刃Phase Blade || 54
| Broad Sword ||  
| 阔剑Broad Sword ||  
| Battle Sword || 25
| 战斗剑Battle Sword|| 25
| Conquest Sword || 58
| 征服之剑Conquest Sword|| 58
| Long Sword ||  
| 长剑Long Sword||  
| Rune Sword || 25
| 符文剑Rune Sword|| 25
| Cryptic Sword || 61
| 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword|| 61
| War Sword ||  
| 巨战之剑War Sword ||  
| Ancient Sword || 25
| 古代之剑Ancient Sword || 25
| Mythical Sword || 66
| 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword || 66
| Two-handed Sword ||  
| 双手剑Two-handed Sword ||  
| Espandon || 25
| 斩铁剑Espandon || 25
| Legend Sword || 44
| 传说之剑Legend Sword || 44
| Claymore ||  
| 双刃大刀Claymore ||  
| Dacian Falx || 25
| 双刃镰Dacian Falx || 25
| Highland Blade || 49
| 高地之剑Highland Blade || 49
| Giant Sword ||  
| 大剑Giant Sword ||  
| Tusk Sword || 25
| 长牙剑Tusk Sword || 25
| Balrog Blade || 53
| 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade || 53
| Bastard Sword ||  
| 巨剑Bastard Sword ||  
| Gothic Sword || 25
| 哥德剑Gothic Sword || 25
| Champion Sword || 57
| 冠军之剑Champion Sword || 57
| Flamberge ||  
| 双手饰剑Flamberge ||  
| Zweihander || 25
| 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander || 25
| Colossus Sword || 60
| 巨神之剑Colossus Sword || 60
| Great Sword ||  
| 卓越之剑Great Sword ||  
| Executioner's Sword || 25
| 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword || 25
| Colossus Blade || 63
| 巨神之刃Colossus Blade || 63
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Dagger ||  
| 匕首Dagger ||  
| Poignard || 19
| 锐匕Poignard || 19
| Bone Knife || 43
| 骸骨小刀Bone Knife || 43
| Dirk ||  
| 长匕首Dirk ||  
| Rondel || 24
| 诗歌匕首Rondel || 24
| Mithril Point || 52
| 秘银小刀Mithril Point || 52
| Kris ||  
| 波形刀Kris ||  
| Cinquedeas || 25
| 强波刀Cinquedeas || 25
| Fanged Knife || 62
| 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife || 62
| Blade ||  
| 短刀Blade ||  
| Stiletto || 25
| 小剑Stiletto || 25
| Legend Spike || 66
| 传说尖刺Legend Spike || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Throwing Knife ||  
| 飞刀Throwing Knife ||  
| Battle Dart || 19
| 战斗飞镖Battle Dart || 19
| Flying Knife || 48
| 飞刀Flying Knife || 48
| Throwing Axe ||  
| 飞斧Throwing Axe ||  
| Francisca || 22
| 法兰飞斧Francisca || 22
| Flying Axe || 42
| 飞斧Flying Axe || 42
| Balanced Knife ||  
| 平衡小刀Balanced Knife ||  
| War Dart || 25
| 巨战飞镖War Dart || 25
| Winged Knife || 57
| 翼刀Winged Knife || 57
| Balanced Axe ||  
| 平衡斧Balanced Axe ||  
| Hurlbat || 25
| 短战戟Hurlbat || 25
| Winged Axe || 60
| 翼斧Winged Axe || 60
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Javelin ||  
| 标枪Javelin ||  
| War Javelin || 18
| 巨战标枪War Javelin || 18
| Hyperion Javelin || 40
| 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin || 40
| Pilum ||  
| 短标枪Pilum ||  
| Great Pilum || 25
| 卓越标枪Great Pilum || 25
| Stygian Pilum || 46
| 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum || 46
| Short Spear ||  
| 短矛Short Spear ||  
| Simbilan || 25
| 锐矛Simbilan || 25
| Balrog Spear || 53
| 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear || 53
| Glaive ||  
| 大长刀Glaive ||  
| Spiculum || 25
| 阔针长矛Spiculum || 25
| Ghost Glaive || 59
| 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive || 59
| Throwing Spear ||  
| 飞矛Throwing Spear ||  
| Harpoon || 25
| 鱼叉Harpoon || 25
| Winged Harpoon || 65
| 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon || 65
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Spear ||  
| 长矛Spear ||  
| War Spear || 21
| 巨战长矛War Spear || 21
| Hyperion Spear || 43
| 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear || 43
| Trident ||  
| 三叉戟Trident ||  
| Fuscina || 24
| 魔鬼之叉Fuscina || 24
| Stygian Pike || 49
| 冥河之枪Stygian Pike || 49
| Brandistock ||  
| 叉Brandistock ||  
| War Fork || 25
| 巨战之叉War Fork || 25
| Mancatcher || 55
| 刺人枪Mancatcher || 55
| Spetum ||  
| 大战戟Spetum ||  
| Yari || 25
| 三叉长枪Yari || 25
| Ghost Spear || 62
| 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear || 62
| Pike ||  
| 矛Pike ||  
| Lance || 25
| 长枪Lance || 25
| War Pike || 66
| 战枪War Pike || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Bardiche ||  
| 大砍刀Bardiche ||  
| Lochaber Axe || 21
| 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe || 21
| Ogre Axe || 45
| 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe || 45
| Voulge ||  
| 钩镰枪Voulge ||  
| Bill || 25
| 比尔长刀Bill || 25
| Colossus Voulge || 48
| 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge || 48
| Scythe ||  
| 镰刀Scythe ||
| Battle Scythe || 25
| 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe || 25
| Thresher || 53
| 锐利之斧Thresher || 53
| Poleaxe ||  
| 长柄战斧Poleaxe ||  
| Partizan || 23
| 战戟Partizan || 23
| Cryptic Axe || 59
| 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe || 59
| Halberd ||  
| 长戟Halberd ||  
| Bec-de-Corbin || 25
| 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin || 25
| Great Poleaxe || 63
| 巨长斧Great Poleaxe || 63
| War Scythe ||  
| 巨战镰刀War Scythe ||  
| Grim Scythe || 25
| 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe || 25
| Giant Thresher || 66
| 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Short Bow ||  
| 短弓Short Bow ||  
| Edge Bow || 18
| 锋锐之弓Edge Bow || 18
| Spider Bow || 41
| 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow || 41
| Hunter’s Bow ||  
| 猎弓Hunter’s Bow ||  
| Razor Bow || 21
| 剃刀之弓Razor Bow || 21
| Blade Bow || 45
| 刀锋弓Blade Bow || 45
| Long Bow ||  
| 长弓Long Bow ||  
| Cedar Bow || 23
| 杉木弓Cedar Bow || 23
| Shadow Bow || 47
| 阴影弓Shadow Bow || 47
| Composite Bow ||  
| 组合弓Composite Bow ||  
| Double Bow || 25
| 双弓Double Bow || 25
| Great Bow || 51
| 巨弓Great Bow || 51
| Short Battle Bow ||  
| 短战斗弓Short Battle Bow ||  
| Short Siege Bow || 25
| 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow || 25
| Diamond Bow || 54
| 钻石弓Diamond Bow || 54
| Long Battle Bow ||  
| 长战斗弓Long Battle Bow ||  
| Large Siege Bow || 25
| 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow || 25
| Crusader Bow || 57
| 十字军之弓Crusader Bow || 57
| Short War Bow ||  
| 短巨战弓Short War Bow ||  
| Rune Bow || 25
| 符文之弓Rune Bow || 25
| Ward Bow || 60
| 庇护之弓Ward Bow || 60
| Long War Bow ||  
| 长巨战弓Long War Bow ||  
| Gothic Bow || 25
| 哥德弓Gothic Bow || 25
| Hydra Bow || 63
| 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow || 63
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| Light Crossbow ||  
| 轻十字弓Light Crossbow ||  
| Arbalest || 22
| 石弓Arbalest || 22
| Pellet Bow || 42
| 弹丸弓Pellet Bow || 42
| Crossbow ||  
| 十字弓Crossbow ||  
| Siege Crossbow || 25
| 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow || 25
| Gorgon Crossbow || 50
| 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow || 50
| Heavy Crossbow ||  
| 重十字弓Heavy Crossbow ||  
| Ballista || 25
| 弩弓Ballista || 25
| Colossus Crossbow || 56
| 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow || 56
| Repeating Crossbow ||  
| 连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow ||  
| Chu-Ko-Nu || 25
| 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu || 25
| Demon Crossbow || 63
| 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow || 63
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| Short Staff ||  
| 短棍Short Staff ||  
| Jo Staff || 18
| 乔木棒Jo Staff || 18
| Walking Stick || 43
| 手杖Walking Stick || 43
| Long Staff ||  
| 长棍Long Staff ||  
| Quarterstaff || 23
| 六尺棍Quarterstaff || 23
| Stalagmite || 49
| 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite || 49
| Gnarled Staff ||  
| 多节棍Gnarled Staff ||
| Cedar Staff || 25
| 杉木之棍Cedar Staff || 25
| Elder Staff || 55
| 长老之杖Elder Staff || 55
| Battle Staff ||  
| 战斗法杖Battle Staff ||  
| Gothic Staff || 25
| 哥德棍Gothic Staff || 25
| Shillelagh || 62
| 树皮之杖Shillelagh || 62
| War Staff ||  
| 巨战法杖War Staff ||  
| Rune Staff || 25
| 符文之棍Rune Staff || 25
| Archon Staff || 66
| 执政官之杖Archon Staff || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Wand ||  
| 手杖Wand ||  
| Burnt Wand || 19
| 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand || 19
| Polished Wand || 41
| 洗练法杖Polished Wand || 41
| Yew Wand ||  
| 紫杉之杖Yew Wand ||  
| Petrified Wand || 25
| 净化之杖Petrified Wand || 25
| Ghost Wand || 48
| 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand || 48
| Bone Wand ||  
| 骨杖Bone Wand ||  
| Tomb Wand || 25
| 古墓之杖Tomb Wand || 25
| Lich Wand || 56
| 巫妖法杖Lich Wand || 56
| Grim Wand ||  
| 残酷之杖Grim Wand ||  
| Grave Wand || 25
| 墓地之杖Grave Wand || 25
| Unearthed Wand || 64
| 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand || 64
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| Scepter ||  
| 权杖Scepter ||  
| Rune Scepter || 19
| 符文权杖Rune Scepter || 19
| Mighty Scepter || 46
| 强威权杖Mighty Scepter || 46
| Grand Scepter ||  
| 雄伟权杖Grand Scepter ||  
| Holy Water Sprinkler || 25
| 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler || 25
| Seraph Rod || 57
| 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod || 57
| War Scepter ||  
| 巨战权杖War Scepter ||  
| Divine Scepter || 25
| 神属权杖Divine Scepter || 25
| Caduceus || 66
| 神使之杖Caduceus || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Katar ||  
| 拳剑Katar ||  
| Quhab || 21
| 格斗刃Quhab || 21
| Suwayyah || 44
| 近身刃Suwayyah || 44
| Wrist Blade ||  
| 腕刀Wrist Blade ||  
| Wrist Spike || 24
| 腕刺Wrist Spike || 24
| Wrist Sword || 46
| 腕剑Wrist Sword || 46
| Hatchet Hands ||  
| 斧手Hatchet Hands ||  
| Fascia || 27
| 格斗爪Fascia || 27
| War Fist || 51
| 战拳War Fist || 51
| Cestus ||  
| 腰刀Cestus ||  
| Hand Scythe || 30
| 手镰Hand Scythe || 30
| Battle Cestus || 54
| 斗腰刀Battle Cestus || 54
| Claws ||  
| 爪Claws ||  
| Greater Claws || 33
| 巨爪Greater Claws || 33
| Feral Claws || 58
| 猛禽爪Feral Claws || 58
| Blade Talons ||  
| 刃爪Blade Talons ||  
| Greater Talons || 37
| 巨鹰爪Greater Talons || 37
| Runic Talons || 60
| 符纹爪Runic Talons || 60
| Scissors Katar ||  
| 剪咬刀Scissors Katar ||  
| Scissors Quhab || 40
| 格斗剪Scissors Quhab || 40
| Scissors Suwayyah || 64
| 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah || 64
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Eagle Orb ||  
| 鹰之法珠Eagle Orb ||  
| Glowing Orb || 24
| 灵光法珠Glowing Orb || 24
| Heavenly Stone || 44
| 天堂之石Heavenly Stone || 44
| Sacred Globe ||  
| 神圣天球Sacred Globe ||  
| Crystalline Globe || 27
| 水晶天球Crystalline Globe || 27
| Eldritch Orb || 50
| 怪异之球Eldritch Orb || 50
| Smoked Sphere || 8
| 拢烟之球Smoked Sphere || 8
| Cloudy Sphere || 30
| 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere || 30
| Demon Heart || 56
| 恶魔之心Demon Heart || 56
| Clasped Orb || 13
| 握扣法珠Clasped Orb || 13
| Sparkling Ball || 34
| 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball || 34
| Vortex Orb || 63
| 漩涡球Vortex Orb || 63
| Jared's Stone || 18
| 杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone || 18
| Swirling Crystal || 37
| 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal || 37
| Dimensional Shard || 66
| 次元碎片Dimensional Shard || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |  
| Stag Bow || 14
| 男性之弓Stag Bow || 14
| Ashwood Bow || 29
| 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow || 29
| Matriarchal Bow || 39
| 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow || 39
| Reflex Bow || 20
| 反射之弓Reflex Bow || 20
| Ceremonial Bow || 35
| 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow || 35
| Grand Matron Bow || 58
| 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow || 58
| Maiden Spear || 14
| 女士之矛Maiden Spear || 14
| Ceremonial Spear || 32
| 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear || 32
| Matriarchal Spear || 45
| 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear || 45
| Maiden Pike || 20
| 女士长矛Maiden Pike || 20
| Ceremonial Pike || 38
| 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike || 38
| Matriarchal Pike || 60
| 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike || 60
| Maiden Javelin || 17
| 女士标枪Maiden Javelin || 17
| Ceremonial Javelin || 26
| 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin || 26
| Matriarchal Javelin || 48
| 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin || 48

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Required Levels for Armor
|+ 盔甲等级需求
! Item (Normal) !! Level
! 物品 (普通) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Level
! 物品 (扩展) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Elite) !! Level
! 物品 (精英) !! Level
| Cap ||  
| 帽子Cap ||  
| War Hat || 22
| 战帽War Hat || 22
| Shako || 43
| 军帽Shako || 43
| Skull Cap ||  
| 骷髅帽Skull Cap ||  
| Sallet || 25
| 轻便头盔Sallet || 25
| Hydraskull || 47
| 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull || 47
| Helm ||  
| 头盔Helm ||  
| Casque || 25
| 无颊头盔Casque || 25
| Armet || 51
| 活动头盔Armet || 51
| Full Helm ||  
| 高级头盔Full Helm ||  
| Basinet || 25
| 轻钢盔Basinet || 25
| Giant Conch || 40
| 巨贝头盔Giant Conch || 40
| Mask ||  
| 面具Mask ||  
| Death Mask || 25
| 死亡面具Death Mask || 25
| Demonhead || 55
| 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead || 55
| Bone Helm ||  
| 白骨头盔Bone Helm ||  
| Grim Helm || 25
| 残酷头盔Grim Helm || 25
| Bone Visage || 63
| 骸骨面罩Bone Visage || 63
| Great Helm ||  
| 卓越头盔Great Helm ||  
| Winged Helm || 25
| 翼盔Winged Helm || 25
| Spired Helm || 59
| 螺旋头盔Spired Helm || 59
| Crown ||  
| 皇冠Crown ||  
| Grand Crown || 25
| 巨皇冠Grand Crown || 25
| Corona || 66
| 头冠Corona || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Quilted Armor ||  
| 布甲Quilted Armor ||  
| Ghost Armor || 22
| 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor || 22
| Dusk Shroud || 49
| 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud || 49
| Leather Armor ||  
| 皮甲Leather Armor ||  
| Serpentskin Armor || 24
| 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor || 24
| Wyrmhide || 50
| 古龙皮Wyrmhide || 50
| Hard Leather Armor ||  
| 硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor ||  
| Demonhide Armor || 25
| 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor || 25
| Scarab Husk || 51
| 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk || 51
| Studded Leather ||  
| 镶嵌甲Studded Leather ||  
| Trellised Armor || 25
| 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor || 25
| Wire Fleece || 53
| 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece || 53
| Ring Mail ||  
| 锁环甲Ring Mail ||  
| Linked Mail || 25
| 连扣战甲Linked Mail || 25
| Diamond Mail || 54
| 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail || 54
| Scale Mail ||  
| 鳞甲Scale Mail ||  
| Tigulated Mail || 25
| 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail || 25
| Loricated Mail || 55
| 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail || 55
| Chain Mail ||  
| 锁子甲Chain Mail ||  
| Mesh Armor || 25
| 织网战甲Mesh Armorl || 25
| Boneweave || 47
| 骸骨链甲Boneweave || 47
| Breast Plate ||  
| 胸甲Breast Plate ||  
| Cuirass || 25
| 护胸甲Cuirass || 25
| Great Hauberk || 56
| 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk || 56
| Splint Mail ||  
| 板甲Splint Mail ||  
| Russet Armor || 25
| 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor || 25
| Balrog Skin || 57
| 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin || 57
| Plate Mail ||  
| 铠甲Plate Mail ||  
| Templar Coat || 25
| 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat || 25
| Hellforge Plate || 59
| 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate || 59
| Field Plate ||  
| 实战铠甲Field Plate ||  
| Sharktooth Armor || 25
| 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor || 25
| Kraken Shell || 61
| 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell || 61
| Gothic Plate ||  
| 哥德战甲Gothic Plate ||  
| Embossed Plate || 25
| 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate || 25
| Lacquered Plate || 62
| 漆甲Lacquered Plate || 62
| Light Plate ||  
| 轻型装甲Light Plate ||  
| Mage Plate || 25
| 法师铠甲Mage Plate || 25
| Archon Plate || 63
| 执政官铠甲Archon Plate || 63
| Full Plate Mail ||  
| 高级战甲Full Plate Mail ||  
| Chaos Armor || 25
| 混沌战甲Chaos Armor || 25
| Shadow Plate || 64
| 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate || 64
| Ancient Armor ||  
| 古代装甲Ancient Armor ||  
| Ornate Plate || 25
| 华丽战甲Ornate Plate || 25
| Sacred Armor || 66
| 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Buckler ||  
| 圆盾Buckler ||  
| Defender || 22
| 防御盾Defender || 22
| Heater || 43
| 防寒圆盾Heater || 43
| Small Shield ||  
| 小盾牌Small Shield ||  
| Round Shield || 25
| 圆型盾Round Shield || 25
| Luna || 45
| 月精灵护盾Luna || 45
| Large Shield ||  
| 大盾牌Large Shield ||  
| Scutum || 25
| 鳞盾Scutum || 25
| Hyperion || 48
| 亥伯龙盾Hyperion || 48
| Spiked Shield ||  
| 尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield ||  
| Barbed Shield || 25
| 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield || 25
| Blade Barrier || 51
| 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier || 51
| Kite Shield ||  
| 轻盾Kite Shield ||  
| Dragon Shield || 25
| 龙盾Dragon Shield || 25
| Monarch || 54
| 统治者大盾Monarch || 54
| Bone Shield ||  
| 白骨盾牌Bone Shield ||  
| Grim Shield || 25
| 冷酷之盾Grim Shield || 25
| Troll Nest || 57
| 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest || 57
| Tower Shield ||  
| 塔盾Tower Shield ||  
| Pavise || 25
| 大盾Pavise || 25
| Aegis || 59
| 圣盾Aegis || 59
| Gothic Shield ||  
| 哥德盾牌Gothic Shield ||  
| Ancient Shield || 25
| 古代之盾Ancient Shield || 25
| Ward || 63
| 保护盾牌Ward || 63
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Leather Gloves ||  
| 皮手套Leather Gloves ||  
| Demonhide Gloves || 21
| 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves || 21
| Bramble Mitts || 42
| 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts || 42
| Heavy Gloves ||  
| 重手套Heavy Gloves ||  
| Sharkskin Gloves || 25
| 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves || 25
| Vampirebone Gloves || 47
| 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves || 47
| Chain Gloves ||  
| 锁链手套Chain Gloves ||  
| Heavy Bracers || 25
| 重型手镯Heavy Bracers || 25
| Vambraces || 51
| 吸血鬼手套Vambraces || 51
| Light Gauntlets ||  
| 轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets ||  
| Battle Gauntlets || 25
| 战场手套Battle Gauntlets || 25
| Crusader Gauntlets || 57
| 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets || 57
| Gauntlets ||  
| 铁手套Gauntlets ||  
| War Gauntlets || 25
| 巨战手套War Gauntlets || 25
| Ogre Gauntlets || 64
| 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets || 64
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Boots ||  
| 皮靴Boots ||  
| Demonhide Boots || 24
| 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots || 24
| Wyrmhide Boots || 45
| 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots || 45
| Heavy Boots ||  
| 重靴Heavy Boots ||  
| Sharkskin Boots || 25
| 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots || 25
| Scarabshell Boots || 49
| 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots || 49
| Chain Boots ||  
| 锁链靴Chain Boots ||  
| Mesh Boots || 25
| 织网之靴Mesh Boots || 25
| Boneweave Boots || 54
| 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots || 54
| Light Plated Boots ||  
| 轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots ||  
| Battle Boots || 25
| 战场之靴Battle Boots || 25
| Mirrored Boots || 60
| 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots || 60
| Greaves ||  
| 护胫Greaves ||  
| War Boots || 25
| 巨战之靴War Boots || 25
| Myrmidon Greaves || 65
| 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves || 65
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Sash ||  
| 饰带Sash ||  
| Demonhide Sash || 24
| 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash || 24
| Spiderweb Sash || 46
| 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash || 46
| Light Belt ||  
| 轻扣带Light Belt ||  
| Sharkskin Belt || 25
| 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt || 25
| Vampirefang Belt || 51
| 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt || 51
| Belt ||  
| 扣带Belt ||  
| Mesh Belt || 25
| 织网腰带Mesh Belt || 25
| Mithril Coil || 56
| 秘银腰带Mithril Coil || 56
| Heavy Belt ||  
| 重扣带Heavy Belt ||  
| Battle Belt || 25
| 战场腰带Battle Belt || 25
| Troll Belt || 62
| 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt || 62
| Plated Belt ||  
| 金属扣带Plated Belt ||  
| War Belt || 25
| 巨战腰带War Belt || 25
| Colossus Girdle || 67
| 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle || 67
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Circlet || 16
| 头环Circlet || 16
| rowspan="2" | Tiara || rowspan="2" | 52
| rowspan="2" | 三重冠Tiara || rowspan="2" | 52
| rowspan="2" | Diadem || rowspan="2" | 64
| rowspan="2" | 权冠Diadem || rowspan="2" | 64
| Coronet || 39
| 宝冠Coronet || 39
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Wolf Head || 3
| 狼头Wolf Head || 3
| Alpha Helm || 26
| 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm || 26
| Blood Spirit || 46
| 血腥之灵Blood Spirit || 46
| Hawk Helm || 6
| 飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm || 6
| Griffon Headress || 30
| 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress || 30
| Sun Spirit || 51
| 太阳之灵Sun Spirit || 51
| Antlers || 12
| 鹿角Antlers || 12
| Hunter's Guise || 29
| 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise || 29
| Earth Spirit || 57
| 大地之灵Earth Spirit || 57
| Falcon Mask || 15
| 猎鹰面具Falcon Mask || 15
| Sacred Feathers || 32
| 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers || 32
| Sky Spirit || 62
| 天空之灵Sky Spirit || 62
| Spirit Mask || 18
| 灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask || 18
| Totemic Mask || 41
| 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask || 41
| Dream Spirit || 66
| 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Jawbone Cap || 3
| 颚骨帽Jawbone Cap || 3
| Jawbone Visor || 25
| 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor || 25
| Carnage Helm || 45
| 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm || 45
| Fanged Helm || 6
| 尖牙盔Fanged Helm || 6
| Lion Helm || 29
| 狮尖头盔Lion Helm || 29
| Fury Visor || 49
| 暴怒面甲Fury Visor || 49
| Horned Helm || 12
| 角盔Horned Helm || 12
| Rage Mask || 29
| 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask || 29
| Destroyer Helm || 54
| 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm || 54
| Assault Helmet || 15
| 突击盔Assault Helmet || 15
| Savage Helmet || 32
| 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet || 32
| Conqueror Crown || 60
| 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown || 60
| Avenger Guard || 18
| 复仇者之盔Avenger Guard || 18
| Slayer Guard || 40
| 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard || 40
| Guardian Crown || 65
| 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown || 65
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Targe || 3
| 小盾Targe || 3
| Akaran Targe || 26
| 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe || 26
| Sacred Targe || 47
| 神圣小盾Sacred Targe || 47
| Rondache || 6
| 轻圆盾Rondache || 6
| Akaran Rondache || 30
| 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache || 30
| Sacred Rondache || 52
| 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache || 52
| Heraldic Shield || 12
| 纹章盾Heraldic Shield || 12
| Protector Shield || 34
| 防守者盾牌Protector Shield || 34
| Kurast Shield || 55
| 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield || 55
| Aerin Shield || 15
| 艾文之盾Aerin Shield || 15
| Gilded Shield || 38
| 饰金盾Gilded Shield || 38
| Zakarum Shield || 61
| 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield || 61
| Crown Shield || 18
| 皇冠之盾Crown Shield || 18
| Royal Shield || 41
| 皇家盾牌Royal Shield || 41
| Vortex Shield || 66
| 旋风盾Vortex Shield || 66
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Preserved Head || 3
| 防腐之首Preserved Head || 3
| Mummified Trophy || 24
| 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy || 24
| Minion Skull || 44
| 随待之骨Minion Skull || 44
| Zombie Head || 6
| 僵尸之首Zombie Head || 6
| Fetish Trophy || 29
| 物神印记Fetish Trophy || 29
| Hellspawn Skull || 50
| 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull || 50
| Unraveller Head || 12
| 揭露者之首Unraveller Head || 12
| Sexton Trophy || 33
| 司事印记Sexton Trophy || 33
| Overseer Skull || 49
| 监视者之骨Overseer Skull || 49
| Gargoyle Head || 15
| 石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head || 15
| Cantor Trophy || 36
| 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy || 36
| Succubus Skull || 60
| 女妖之骨Succubus Skull || 60
| Demon Head || 18
| 恶魔之首Demon Head || 18
| Hierophant Trophy || 40
| 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy || 40
| Bloodlord Skull || 65
| 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull || 65

'''Quality Levels'''
'''Unique/Set Versions'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Unique/Set Versions of Weapons
! Item (Normal) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="114" |
! Item (Elite) !! Level
| Hand Axe || <span class="d2-gold">The Gnasher</span>
| Hatchet || <span class="d2-gold">Coldkill</span>
| Tomahawk || <span class="d2-gold">Razor's Edge</span>
| Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Deathspade</span>
| Cleaver || <span class="d2-gold">Butcher's Pupil</span>
| Small Crescent || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Double Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Bladebone</span><br><span class="d2-green">Berserker's Hatchet</span>
| Twin Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Islestrike</span>
| Ettin Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Rune Master</span>
| Military Pick || <span class="d2-gold">Skull Splitter</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tancred's Crowbill</span>
| Crowbill || <span class="d2-gold">Pompeii's Wrath</span>
| War Spike || <span class="d2-gold">Cranebeak</span>
| War Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Rakescar</span>
| Naga || <span class="d2-gold">Guardian Naga</span>
| Berserker Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Death Cleaver</span>
| Large Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Axe of Fechmar</span>
| Military Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Warlord's Trust</span>
| Feral Axe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Broad Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Goreshovel</span>
| Bearded Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Spellsteel</span>
| Silver-edged Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Ethereal Edge</span>
| Battle Axe || <span class="d2-gold">The Chieftain</span>
| Tabar || <span class="d2-gold">Stormrider</span>
| Decapitator || <span class="d2-gold">Hellslayer</span>
| Great Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Brainhew</span>
| Gothic Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Boneslayer Blade</span>
| Champion Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Messerschmidt's Reaver</span>
| Giant Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Humongous</span>
| Ancient Axe || <span class="d2-gold">The Minotaur</span>
| Glorious Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Executioner's Justice</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Club || <span class="d2-gold">Felloak</span>
| Cudgel || <span class="d2-gold">Dark Clan Crusher</span>
| Truncheon || <span class="d2-gold">Nord's Tenderizer</span>
| Spiked Club || <span class="d2-gold">Stoutnail</span>
| Barbed Club || <span class="d2-gold">Fleshrender</span>
| Tyrant Club || <span class="d2-gold">Demon Limb</span>
| Mace || <span class="d2-gold">Crushflange</span>
| Flanged Mace || <span class="d2-gold">Sureshrill Frost</span>
| Reinforced Mace || <span class="d2-green">Dangoon's Teaching</span>
| Morning Star || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodrise</span>
| Jagged Star || <span class="d2-gold">Moonfall</span><br><span class="d2-green">Aldur's Rhythm</span>
| Devil Star || <span class="d2-gold">Baranar's Star</span>
| Flail || <span class="d2-gold">The General's Tan Do Li Ga</span>
| Knout || <span class="d2-gold">Baezil's Vortex</span>
| Scourge || <span class="d2-gold">Horizon's Tornado</span><br><span class="d2-gold">Stormlash</span>
| War Hammer || <span class="d2-gold">Ironstone</span>
| Battle Hammer || <span class="d2-gold">Earthshaker</span>
| Legendary Mallet || <span class="d2-gold">Stone Crusher</span><br><span class="d2-gold">Schaefer's Hammer</span>
| Maul || <span class="d2-gold">Bonesnap</span>
| War Club || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodtree Stump</span>
| Ogre Maul || <span class="d2-gold">Windhammer</span><br><span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Stone Crusher</span>
| Great Maul || <span class="d2-gold">Steeldriver</span>
| Martel de Fer || <span class="d2-gold">The Gavel of Pain</span>
| Thunder Maul || <span class="d2-gold">Earth Shifter</span><br><span class="d2-gold">The Cranium Basher</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Short Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Rixot's Keen</span>
| Gladius || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodletter</span>
| Falcata || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Scimitar || <span class="d2-gold">Blood Crescent</span>
| Cutlass || <span class="d2-gold">Coldsteel Eye</span>
| Ataghan || <span class="d2-gold">Djinn Slayer</span>
| Sabre || <span class="d2-gold">Skewer of Krintiz</span><br><span class="d2-green">Angelic Sickle</span>
| Shamshir || <span class="d2-gold">Hexfire</span>
| Elegant Blade || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodmoon</span>
| Falchion || <span class="d2-gold">Gleamscythe</span>
| Tulwar || <span class="d2-gold">Blade of Ali Baba</span>
| Hydra Edge || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Crystal Sword || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Dimensional Blade || <span class="d2-gold">Ginther's Rift</span>
| Phase Blade || <span class="d2-gold">Lightsabre</span><br><span class="d2-gold">Azurewrath</span>
| Broad Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Griswold's Edge</span><br><span class="d2-green">Isenhart's Lightbrand</span>
| Battle Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Headstriker</span>
| Conquest Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Hadriel's Hand</span>
| Long Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Hellplague</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cleglaw's Tooth</span>
| Rune Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Plague Bearer</span>
| Cryptic Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Frostwind</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer</span>
| War Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Culwen's Point</span><br><span class="d2-green">Death's Touch</span>
| Ancient Sword || <span class="d2-gold">The Atlantean</span>
| Mythical Sword || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Two-handed Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Shadowfang</span>
| Espandon || <span class="d2-gold">Crainte Vomir</span>
| Legend Sword || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Claymore || <span class="d2-gold">Soulflay</span>
| Dacian Falx || <span class="d2-gold">Bing Sz Wang</span>
| Highland Blade || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Giant Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Kinemil's Awl</span>
| Tusk Sword || <span class="d2-gold">The Vile Husk</span>
| Balrog Blade || <span class="d2-gold">Flamebellow</span>
| Bastard Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Blacktongue</span>
| Gothic Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Cloudcrack</span>
| Champion Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Doombringer</span>
| Flamberge || <span class="d2-gold">Ripsaw</span>
| Zweihander || <span class="d2-gold">Todesfaelle Flamme</span>
| Colossus Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Odium</span><br><span class="d2-green">Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian</span>
| Great Sword || <span class="d2-gold">The Patriarch</span>
| Executioner's Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Swordguard</span>
| Colossus Blade || <span class="d2-gold">The Grandfather</span><br><span class="d2-green">Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Dagger || <span class="d2-gold">Gull</span><br><span class="d2-green">Infernal Spike</span>
| Poignard || <span class="d2-gold">Spineripper</span>
| Bone Knife || <span class="d2-gold">Wizardspike</span>
| Dirk || <span class="d2-gold">The Diggler</span>
| Rondel || <span class="d2-gold">Heart Carver</span>
| Mithril Point || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Kris || <span class="d2-gold">The Jade Tan Do</span>
| Cinquedeas || <span class="d2-gold">Blackbog's Sharp</span>
| Fanged Knife || <span class="d2-gold">Fleshripper</span>
| Blade || <span class="d2-gold">Spectral Shard</span>
| Stiletto || <span class="d2-gold">Stormspike</span>
| Legend Spike || <span class="d2-gold">Ghostflame</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Throwing Knife || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Battle Dart || <span class="d2-gold">Deathbit</span>
| Flying Knife || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Throwing Axe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Francisca || <span class="d2-gold">The Scalper</span>
| Flying Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Gimmershred</span>
| Balanced Knife || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| War Dart || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Winged Knife || <span class="d2-gold">Warshrike</span>
| Balanced Axe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hurlbat || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Winged Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Lacerator</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Javelin || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| War Javelin || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hyperion Javelin || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Pilum || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Great Pilum || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Stygian Pilum || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Short Spear || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Simbilan || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Balrog Spear || <span class="d2-gold">Demon's Arch</span>
| Glaive || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Spiculum || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Ghost Glaive || <span class="d2-gold">Wraith Flight</span>
| Throwing Spear || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Harpoon || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Winged Harpoon || <span class="d2-gold">Gargoyle's Bite</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Spear || <span class="d2-gold">The Dragon Chang</span>
| War Spear || <span class="d2-gold">The Impaler</span>
| Hyperion Spear || <span class="d2-gold">Arioc's Needle</span>
| Trident || <span class="d2-gold">Razortine</span>
| Fuscina || <span class="d2-gold">Kelpie Snare</span>
| Stygian Pike || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Brandistock || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodthief</span>
| War Fork || <span class="d2-gold">Soulfeast Tine</span>
| Mancatcher || <span class="d2-gold">Viperfork</span>
| Spetum || <span class="d2-gold">Lance of Yaggai</span>
| Yari || <span class="d2-gold">Hone Sundan</span>
| Ghost Spear || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Pike || <span class="d2-gold">The Tannr Gorerod</span>
| Lance || <span class="d2-gold">Spire of Honor</span>
| War Pike || <span class="d2-gold">Steel Pillar</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Bardiche || <span class="d2-gold">Dimoak's Hew</span>
| Lochaber Axe || <span class="d2-gold">The Meat Scraper</span>
| Ogre Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Bonehew</span>
| Voulge || <span class="d2-gold">Steelgoad</span>
| Bill || <span class="d2-gold">Blackleach Blade</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hwanin's Justice</span>
| Colossus Voulge || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Scythe || <span class="d2-gold">Soul Harvest</span>
| Battle Scythe || <span class="d2-gold">Athena's Wrath</span>
| Thresher || <span class="d2-gold">The Reaper's Toll</span>
| Poleaxe || <span class="d2-gold">The Battlebranch</span>
| Partizan || <span class="d2-gold">Pierre Tombale Couant</span>
| Cryptic Axe || <span class="d2-gold">Tomb Reaver</span>
| Halberd || <span class="d2-gold">Woestave</span>
| Bec-de-Corbin || <span class="d2-gold">Husoldal Evo</span>
| Great Poleaxe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| War Scythe || <span class="d2-gold">The Grim Reaper</span>
| Grim Scythe || <span class="d2-gold">Grim's Burning Dead</span>
| Giant Thresher || <span class="d2-gold">Stormspire</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Short Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Pluckeye</span>
| Edge Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Skystrike</span>
| Spider Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hunter’s Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Witherstring</span>
| Razor Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Riphook</span>
| Blade Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Long Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Raven Claw</span>
| Cedar Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Kuko Shakaku</span>
| Shadow Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Composite Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Rogue's Bow</span>
| Double Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Endlesshail</span>
| Great Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Short Battle Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Stormstrike</span>
| Short Siege Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Witchwild String</span>
| Diamond Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Long Battle Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Wizendraw</span><br><span class="d2-green">Vidala's Barb</span>
| Large Siege Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Cliffkiller</span>
| Crusader Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Eaglehorn</span>
| Short War Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Hellclap</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arctic Horn</span>
| Rune Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Magewrath</span>
| Ward Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Widowmaker</span>
| Long War Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Blastbark</span>
| Gothic Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Goldstrike Arch</span>
| Hydra Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Windforce</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Light Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Leadcrow</span>
| Arbalest || <span class="d2-gold">Langer Briser</span>
| Pellet Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Ichorsting</span>
| Siege Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Pus Spitter</span>
| Gorgon Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Heavy Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Hellcast</span>
| Ballista || <span class="d2-gold">Buriza-Do Kyanon</span>
| Colossus Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Hellrack</span>
| Repeating Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Doomslinger</span>
| Chu-Ko-Nu || <span class="d2-gold">Demon Machine</span>
| Demon Crossbow || <span class="d2-gold">Gut Siphon</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Short Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Bane Ash</span>
| Jo Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Razorswitch</span>
| Walking Stick || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Long Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Serpent Lord</span>
| Quarterstaff || <span class="d2-gold">Ribcracker</span>
| Stalagmite || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Gnarled Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Spire of Lazarus</span>
| Cedar Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Chromatic Ire</span>
| Elder Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Ondal's Wisdom</span><br><span class="d2-green">Naj's Puzzler</span>
| Battle Staff || <span class="d2-gold">The Salamander</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cathan's Rule</span>
| Gothic Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Warpspear</span>
| Shillelagh || <span class="d2-gold">Brimstone Rain</span>
| War Staff || <span class="d2-gold">The Iron Jang Bong</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arcanna's Deathwand</span>
| Rune Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Skull Collector</span>
| Archon Staff || <span class="d2-gold">Mang Song's Lesson</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Torch of Iro</span>
| Burnt Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Suicide Branch</span>
| Polished Wand || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Yew Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Maelstrom</span>
| Petrified Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Carin Shard</span>
| Ghost Wand || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Bone Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Gravenspine</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sander's Superstition</span>
| Tomb Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Arm of King Leoric</span>
| Lich Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Boneshade</span>
| Grim Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Ume's Lament</span>
| Grave Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Blackhand Key</span>
| Unearthed Wand || <span class="d2-gold">Death's Web</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Knell Striker</span>
| Rune Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Zakarum's Hand</span>
| Mighty Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Heaven's Light</span><br><span class="d2-gold">The Redeemer</span>
| Grand Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Rusthandle</span><br><span class="d2-green">Civerb's Cudgel</span>
| Holy Water Sprinkler || <span class="d2-gold">The Fetid Sprinkler</span>
| Seraph Rod || <span class="d2-gold">Akarat's Devotion</span>
| War Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Stormeye</span><br><span class="d2-green">Milabrega's Rod</span>
| Divine Scepter || <span class="d2-gold">Hand of Blessed Light</span>
| Caduceus || <span class="d2-gold">Astreon's Iron Ward</span><br><span class="d2-green">Griswold's Redemption</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Katar || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Quhab || <span class="d2-gold">Mage Slayer</span>
| Suwayyah || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Wrist Blade || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Wrist Spike || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Wrist Sword || <span class="d2-gold">Jade Talon</span>
| Hatchet Hands || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Fascia || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| War Fist || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Cestus || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hand Scythe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Battle Cestus || <span class="d2-gold">Shadow Killer</span>
| Claws || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Greater Claws || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Feral Claws || <span class="d2-gold">Firelizard's Talons</span>
| Blade Talons || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Greater Talons || <span class="d2-gold">Bartuc's Cut-Throat</span>
| Runic Talons || <span class="d2-gold">Stalker's Cull</span>
| Scissors Katar || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Scissors Quhab || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Scissors Suwayyah || <span class="d2-gold">Aidan's Scar</span><br><span class="d2-green">Natalya's Mark</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Eagle Orb || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Glowing Orb || <span class="d2-gold">Tempest</span>
| Heavenly Stone || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sacred Globe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Crystalline Globe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Eldritch Orb || <span class="d2-gold">Eschuta's Temper</span>
| Smoked Sphere || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Cloudy Sphere || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Demon Heart || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Clasped Orb || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sparkling Ball || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Vortex Orb || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Jared's Stone || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Swirling Crystal || <span class="d2-gold">The Oculus</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye</span>
| Dimensional Shard || <span class="d2-gold">Death's Fathom</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Stag Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Ashwood Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Matriarchal Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Blood Raven's Charge</span>
| Reflex Bow || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Ceremonial Bow || <span class="d2-gold">Lycander's Aim</span>
| Grand Matron Bow || <span class="d2-green">M'avina's Caster</span>
| Maiden Spear || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Ceremonial Spear || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Matriarchal Spear || <span class="d2-gold">Stoneraven</span>
| Maiden Pike || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Ceremonial Pike || <span class="d2-gold">Lycander's Flank</span>
| Matriarchal Pike || <span class="d2-gold">Zerae's Resolve</span>
| Maiden Javelin || <span class="d2-gold">True Silver</span>
| Ceremonial Javelin || <span class="d2-gold">Titan's Revenge</span>
| Matriarchal Javelin || <span class="d2-gold">Thunderstroke</span>
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Unique/Set Versions of Armor
! Item (Normal) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Exceptional) !! Level
! class="mid-column" rowspan="79" |
! Item (Elite) !! Level
| Cap || <span class="d2-gold">Biggin's Bonnet</span><br><span class="d2-green">Infernal Cranium</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sander's Paragon</span>
| War Hat || <span class="d2-gold">Peasant Crown</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cow King's Horns</span>
| Shako || <span class="d2-gold">Harlequin Crest</span>
| Skull Cap || <span class="d2-gold">Tarnhelm</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arcanna's Head</span>
| Sallet || <span class="d2-gold">Rockstopper</span>
| Hydraskull || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Coif of Glory</span><br><span class="d2-green">Berserker's Headgear</span>
| Casque || <span class="d2-gold">Stealskull</span>
| Armet || <span class="d2-gold">Steel Shade</span>
| Full Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Duskdeep</span><br><span class="d2-green">Isenhart's Horns</span>
| Basinet || <span class="d2-gold">Darksight Helm</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sazabi's Mental Sheath</span>
| Giant Conch || <span class="d2-gold">Overlord's Helm</span>
| Mask || <span class="d2-gold">The Face of Horror</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cathan's Visage</span>
| Death Mask || <span class="d2-gold">Blackhorn's Face</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest</span>
| Demonhead || <span class="d2-gold">Andariel's Visage</span>
| Bone Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Wormskull</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tancred's Skull</span>
| Grim Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Vampire Gaze</span><br><span class="d2-green">Natalya's Totem</span>
| Bone Visage || <span class="d2-gold">Giant Skull</span><br><span class="d2-green">Trang-Oul's Guise</span>
| Great Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Howltusk</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Visor</span>
| Winged Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Valkyrie Wing</span>
| Spired Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Veil of Steel</span><br><span class="d2-gold">Nightwing's Veil</span><br><span class="d2-green">Ondal's Almighty</span>
| Crown || <span class="d2-gold">Undead Crown</span><br><span class="d2-green">Iratha's Coil</span><br><span class="d2-green">Milabrega's Diadem</span>
| Grand Crown || <span class="d2-gold">Crown of Thieves</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hwanin's Splendor</span>
| Corona || <span class="d2-gold">Crown of Ages</span><br><span class="d2-green">Griswold's Valor</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Quilted Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Greyform</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arctic Furs</span>
| Ghost Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Spirit Shroud</span>
| Dusk Shroud || <span class="d2-gold">Ormus' Robes</span><br><span class="d2-green">Dark Adherent</span>
| Leather Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Blinkbat's Form</span><br><span class="d2-green">Vidala's Ambush</span>
| Serpentskin Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Skin of the Vipermagi</span>
| Wyrmhide || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hard Leather Armor || <span class="d2-gold">The Centurion</span>
| Demonhide Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Skin of the Flayed One</span>
| Scarab Husk || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Studded Leather || <span class="d2-gold">Twitchthroe</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cow King's Hide</span>
| Trellised Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Iron Pelt</span>
| Wire Fleece || <span class="d2-gold">The Gladiator's Bane</span>
| Ring Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Darkglow</span><br><span class="d2-green">Angelic Mantle</span>
| Linked Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Spirit Forge</span>
| Diamond Mail || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Scale Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Hawkmail</span>
| Tigulated Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Crow Caw</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hwanin's Refuge</span>
| Loricated Mail || <span class="d2-green">Natalya's Shadow</span>
| Chain Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Sparking Mail</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cathan's Mesh</span>
| Mesh Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Shaftstop</span>
| Boneweave || <span class="d2-gold">Cage of the Unsullied</span>
| Breast Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Venom Ward</span><br><span class="d2-green">Isenhart's Case</span>
| Cuirass || <span class="d2-gold">Duriel's Shell</span><br><span class="d2-green">Haemosu's Adamant</span>
| Great Hauberk || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Splint Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Iceblink</span><br><span class="d2-green">Berserker's Hauberk</span>
| Russet Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Skullder's Ire</span>
| Balrog Skin || <span class="d2-gold">Arkaine's Valor</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sazabi's Ghost Liberator</span>
| Plate Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Boneflesh</span>
| Templar Coat || <span class="d2-gold">Guardian Angel</span>
| Hellforge Plate || <span class="d2-green">Naj's Light Plate</span>
| Field Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Rockfleece</span>
| Sharktooth Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Toothrow</span>
| Kraken Shell || <span class="d2-gold">Leviathan</span><br><span class="d2-green">M'avina's Embrace</span>
| Gothic Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Rattlecage</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Shelter</span>
| Embossed Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Atma's Wail</span>
| Lacquered Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Dark Abyss</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tal Rasha's Guardianship</span>
| Light Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Heavenly Garb</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arcanna's Flesh</span>
| Mage Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Que-Hegan's Wisdom</span>
| Archon Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Purgatory</span>
| Full Plate Mail || <span class="d2-gold">Goldskin</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tancred's Spine</span>
| Chaos Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Black Hades</span><br><span class="d2-green">Trang-Oul's Scales</span>
| Shadow Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Steel Carapace</span><br><span class="d2-green">Aldur's Deception</span>
| Ancient Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Silks of the Victor</span><br><span class="d2-green">Milabrega's Robe</span>
| Ornate Plate || <span class="d2-gold">Corpsemourn</span><br><span class="d2-green">Griswold's Heart</span>
| Sacred Armor || <span class="d2-gold">Templar's Might</span><br><span class="d2-gold">Tyrael's Might</span><br><span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Soul Cage</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Buckler || <span class="d2-gold">Pelta Lunata</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hsarus' Iron Fist</span>
| Defender || <span class="d2-gold">Visceratuant</span>
| Heater || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Small Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Umbral Disk</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cleglaw's Claw</span>
| Round Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Moser's Blessed Circle</span><br><span class="d2-green">Whitstan's Guard</span>
| Luna || <span class="d2-gold">Blackoak Shield</span>
| Large Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Stormguild</span><br><span class="d2-green">Civerb's Ward</span>
| Scutum || <span class="d2-gold">Stormchaser</span>
| Hyperion || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Spiked Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Swordback Hold</span>
| Barbed Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Lance Guard</span>
| Blade Barrier || <span class="d2-gold">Spike Thorn</span>
| Kite Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Steelclash</span><br><span class="d2-green">Milabrega's Orb</span>
| Dragon Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Tiamat's Rebuke</span>
| Monarch || <span class="d2-gold">Stormshield</span>
| Bone Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Wall of the Eyeless</span>
| Grim Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Lidless Wall</span>
| Troll Nest || <span class="d2-gold">Head Hunter's Glory</span>
| Tower Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Bverrit Keep</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Guard</span>
| Pavise || <span class="d2-gold">Gerke's Sanctuary</span>
| Aegis || <span class="d2-gold">Medusa's Gaze</span>
| Gothic Shield || <span class="d2-gold">The Ward</span><br><span class="d2-green">Isenhart's Parry</span>
| Ancient Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Radament's Sphere</span>
| Ward || <span class="d2-gold">Spirit Ward</span><br><span class="d2-green">Taebaek's Glory</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Leather Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">The Hand of Broc</span><br><span class="d2-green">Death's Hand</span>
| Demonhide Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">Venom Grip</span>
| Bramble Mitts || <span class="d2-green">Laying of Hands</span>
| Heavy Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">Bloodfist</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sander's Taboo</span>
| Sharkskin Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">Gravepalm</span><br><span class="d2-green">Magnus' Skin</span>
| Vampirebone Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">Dracul's Grasp</span>
| Chain Gloves || <span class="d2-gold">Chance Guards</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cleglaw's Pincers</span>
| Heavy Bracers || <span class="d2-gold">Ghoulhide</span><br><span class="d2-green">Trang-Oul's Claws</span>
| Vambraces || <span class="d2-gold">Soul Drainer</span>
| Light Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Magefist</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arctic Mitts</span><br><span class="d2-green">Iratha's Cuff</span>
| Battle Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Lava Gout</span><br><span class="d2-green">M'avina's Icy Clutch</span>
| Crusader Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Occultist</span>
| Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Frostburn</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Gage</span>
| War Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Hellmouth</span><br><span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Forge</span>
| Ogre Gauntlets || <span class="d2-gold">Steelrend</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Hotspur</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tancred's Hobnails</span>
| Demonhide Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Infernostride</span><br><span class="d2-green">Rite of Passage</span>
| Wyrmhide Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Merman's Sprocket</span>
| Heavy Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Gorefoot</span><br><span class="d2-green">Cow King's Hooves</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sander's Riprap</span>
| Sharkskin Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Waterwalk</span>
| Scarabshell Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Sandstorm Trek</span>
| Chain Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Treads of Cthon</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hsarus' Iron Heel</span>
| Mesh Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Silkweave</span><br><span class="d2-green">Natalya's Soul</span>
| Boneweave Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Marrowwalk</span>
| Light Plated Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Goblin Toe</span><br><span class="d2-green">Vidala's Fetlock</span>
| Battle Boots || <span class="d2-gold">War Traveler</span><br><span class="d2-green">Aldur's Advance</span>
| Mirrored Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Ithereal's Path</span>
| Greaves || <span class="d2-gold">Tearhaunch</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Sabot</span>
| War Boots || <span class="d2-gold">Gore Rider</span><br><span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Pillar</span>
| Myrmidon Greaves || <span class="d2-gold">Shadow Dancer</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Sash || <span class="d2-gold">Lenymo</span><br><span class="d2-green">Death's Guard</span>
| Demonhide Sash || <span class="d2-gold">String of Ears</span>
| Spiderweb Sash || <span class="d2-gold">Arachnid Mesh</span>
| Light Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Snakecord</span><br><span class="d2-green">Arctic Binding</span>
| Sharkskin Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Razortail</span><br><span class="d2-green">M'avina's Tenet</span>
| Vampirefang Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Nosferatu's Coil</span>
| Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Nightsmoke</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hsarus' Iron Stay</span><br><span class="d2-green">Hwanin's Blessing</span>
| Mesh Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Gloom's Trap</span><br><span class="d2-green">Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth</span>
| Mithril Coil || <span class="d2-gold">Verdungo's Hearty Cord</span><br><span class="d2-green">Credendum</span>
| Heavy Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Goldwrap</span><br><span class="d2-green">Infernal Sign</span><br><span class="d2-green">Iratha's Cord</span>
| Battle Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Snowclash</span><br><span class="d2-green">Wilhelm's Pride</span>
| Troll Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Band of Skulls</span><br><span class="d2-green">Trang-Oul's Girth</span>
| Plated Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Bladebuckle</span><br><span class="d2-green">Sigon's Wrap</span>
| War Belt || <span class="d2-gold">Thundergod's Vigor</span><br><span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Detail</span>
| Colossus Girdle || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Circlet || <span class="d2-green">Naj's Circlet</span>
| rowspan="2" | Tiara || rowspan="2" | <span class="d2-gold">Kira's Guardian</span>
| rowspan="2" | Diadem || rowspan="2" | <span class="d2-gold">Griffon's Eye</span><br><span class="d2-green">M'avina's True Sight</span>
| Coronet || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Wolf Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Alpha Helm || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Blood Spirit || <span class="d2-gold">Cerebus' Bite</span>
| Hawk Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Quetzalcoatl</span>
| Griffon Headress || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sun Spirit || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Antlers || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hunter's Guise || <span class="d2-green">Aldur's Stony Gaze</span>
| Earth Spirit || <span class="d2-gold">Spirit Keeper</span>
| Falcon Mask || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sacred Feathers || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sky Spirit || <span class="d2-gold">Ravenlore</span>
| Spirit Mask || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Totemic Mask || <span class="d2-gold">Jalal's Mane</span>
| Dream Spirit || <span class="d2-gold">Ursa's Nightmare</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Jawbone Cap || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Jawbone Visor || <span class="d2-gold">Cyclopean Roar</span>
| Carnage Helm || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Fanged Helm || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Lion Helm || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Fury Visor || <span class="d2-gold">Wolfhowl</span>
| Horned Helm || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Rage Mask || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Destroyer Helm || <span class="d2-gold">Demonhorn's Edge</span>
| Assault Helmet || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Savage Helmet || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Conqueror Crown || <span class="d2-gold">Halaberd's Reign</span>
| Avenger Guard || <span class="d2-green">Immortal King's Will</span>
| Slayer Guard || <span class="d2-gold">Arreat's Face</span>
| Guardian Crown || <span class="d2-gold">Raekor's Virtue</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Targe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Akaran Targe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sacred Targe || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Rondache || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Akaran Rondache || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sacred Rondache || <span class="d2-gold">Alma Negra</span>
| Heraldic Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Sankekur's Fall</span>
| Protector Shield || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Kurast Shield || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Aerin Shield || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Gilded Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Herald of Zakarum</span>
| Zakarum Shield || <span class="d2-gold">Dragonscale</span>
| Crown Shield || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Royal Shield || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Vortex Shield || <span class="d2-green">Griswold's Honor</span>
| class="mid-row" colspan="8" |
| Preserved Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Mummified Trophy || <span class="d2-gold">Kalan's Legacy</span>
| Minion Skull || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Zombie Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Fetish Trophy || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hellspawn Skull || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Unraveller Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Sexton Trophy || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Overseer Skull || <span class="d2-gold">Martyrdom</span>
| Gargoyle Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Cantor Trophy || <span class="d2-green">Trang-Oul's Wing</span>
| Succubus Skull || <span class="d2-gold">Boneflame</span>
| Demon Head || <span class="d2-gold"></span>
| Hierophant Trophy || <span class="d2-gold">Homunculus</span>
| Bloodlord Skull || <span class="d2-gold">Darkforce Spawn</span>

2024年6月18日 (二) 15:52的最新版本



展开/折叠 所有


  • 无形物品的额外基础数值从50%降低至25%(大多数扩展及/精英级武器 重新设计了平衡性,所以它们的无形版数值维持不变)
  • 无形物品不再有一半的耐久度。
  • 投掷类武器和弓箭/弩箭的数量为无限。
  • 所有的刺客爪现在都是有加技能点的(staffmods) - 以前的爪在品质等级qlvl40以下是不带staffmods的:所有普通的爪claws,格斗刃Quhab,腕刺Wrist Spike,格斗爪Fascia。
  • 木棒Clubs 现在可以加德鲁伊技能点
  • Daggers can now have pointmods for dagger-related skills (Poison Strike and most martial arts skills)
  • 箭筒现在有魔法版和黄金版了,请参考affixes


有些词条会自动出现在所有的 白字/魔法/黄金/手工制作 版本的物品上,通常暗金/套装物品也是如此


  • 现在近战武器有发动攻击可以造成溅射伤害的属性(不包括手杖)
  • 法杖现在有 10%/30%/50% 的快速施法(普通级/扩展级/精英级)的属性
  • 十字弓现在有-10%敌人物理抗性的属性
  • 匕首现在有20%致命攻击的属性


  • 移除了中型/重型胸甲和盾牌会造成移动速度-5%/-10%的隐藏属性
  • 圣骑士盾牌减少了全抗属性的变量范围
    • 彩虹之Rainbow 从+[8-15] 降低为 +[5-10]
    • 闪闪发光之Scintillating 从+[16-30] 降低为 +[10-15]
    • 棱镜之Prismatic 从+[25-35] 降低为 +[15-20]
    • 多彩之Chromatic 从+[36-45] 降低为 +[20-30]



  • 长柄武器Polearms, 非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spears, 以及单手剑One-Handed Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 75%的力量str和75%的敏捷dex 而非 100% 的力量str。
  • 法杖Staves 和双手斧Two-Handed Axes/剑Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 110% 的力量str 而非 100% 的力量str。. This doesn't include Two-Handed swords that are wielded one-handed.
  • 弓Bows/十字弓Crossbows 现在享有的伤害加成等于 50% 的敏捷dex 而非 100% 的敏捷dex
  • 鞋子Boots现在享有的伤害加成等于80% 的力量str,而不是120% 的力量str,并且踢击kicks也从敏捷中获得大约两倍的好处(现在是敏捷dex/3 - 敏捷dex/2,而非敏捷dex/6 - 敏捷dex/5)
武器类型 伤害加成
力量Str 敏捷Dex
徒手Unarmed, 盾牌Shield (重击Smite),
单手非投掷型斧头One-Handed Non-Throwing Axe, 木棒Club, 钉头锤Tipped Mace, 权杖Scepter
锤子Hammer, 法杖Staff, 双手斧Two-Handed Axe/剑Sword 110%
爪Claw, 匕首Dagger, 飞斧Throwing Axe/刀Knife, 非职业限定标枪Non-Class Javelin,
非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spear, 长柄武器Polearm, 单手剑One-Handed Sword
75% 75%
亚马逊标枪Amazon Javelin/长矛Spear 80% 50%
弓Bow, 十字弓Crossbow 50%
靴子Boots (踢击Kick) 80% *
物品 (普通) Str Dex 物品 (扩展) Str Dex 物品 (精英) Str Dex
小斧Hand Axe 手斧Hatchet 25 25 战钺Tomahawk 125 67
斧Axe 32 切肉刀Cleaver 68 弯月斧Small Crescent 115 83
双刃斧Double Axe 43 强化双斧Twin Axe 85 双头斧Ettin Axe 145 45
军用锹Military Pick 49 33 喙钳Crowbill 94 70 战刺War Spike 133 54
战斧War Axe 67 纳卡Naga 121 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 138 59
巨斧Large Axe 35 军斧Military Axe 73 猛禽斧Feral Axe 196
阔斧Broad Axe 48 钩斧Bearded Axe 92 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 166 65
战斗斧Battle Axe 54 战袍斧Tabar 101 斩首斧Decapitator 189 33
卓越之斧Great Axe 63 39 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 115 79 豪杰斧Champion Axe 167 59
大斧Giant Axe 70 古代之斧Ancient Axe 125 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 164 55
木棒Club 棍棒Cudgel 25 战仪杖Truncheon 88 43
狼牙棒Spiked Club 倒钩锤Barbed Club 30 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 133
钉头锤Mace 27 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 61 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 145 46
流星锤Morning Star 36 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 74 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 153 44
链枷Flail 41 35 铁皮鞭Knout 82 73 天罚之锤Scourge 125 77
巨战铁槌War Hammer 53 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 100 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 189
大木棍Maul 69 巨战木棍War Club 124 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 225
卓越巨棍Great Maul 99 战槌Martel de Fer 169 雷槌Thunder Maul 253
短剑Short Sword 罗马短剑Gladius 25 短剑Falcata 150 88
弯刀Scimitar 21 微弯剑Cutlass 25 52 土耳其剑Ataghan 138 95
军刀Sabre 25 25 虚伪之刃Shamshir 58 58 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 109 122
弯形大刀Falchion 33 圆月弯刀Tulwar 70 42 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 142 105
水晶剑Crystal Sword 43 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 85 60 幻化之刃Phase Blade 25 136
阔剑Broad Sword 48 战斗剑Battle Sword 92 43 征服之剑Conquest Sword 142 112
长剑Long Sword 55 39 符文剑Rune Sword 103 79 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 99 109
巨战之剑War Sword 71 45 古代之剑Ancient Sword 127 88 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 147 124
双手剑Two-handed Sword 35 27 斩铁剑Espandon 73 61 传说之剑Legend Sword 175 100
双刃大刀Claymore 47 双刃镰Dacian Falx 91 20 高地之剑Highland Blade 171 104
大剑Giant Sword 56 34 长牙剑Tusk Sword 104 71 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 185 87
巨剑Bastard Sword 62 哥德剑Gothic Sword 113 20 冠军之剑Champion Sword 163 103
双手饰剑Flamberge 70 49 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 125 94 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 182 95
卓越之剑Great Sword 100 60 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 170 110 巨神之刃 Colossus Blade 189 110
匕首Dagger 锐匕Poignard 25 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 38 75
长匕首Dirk 25 诗歌匕首Rondel 25 58 秘银小刀Mithril Point 55 98
波形刀Kris 45 强波刀Cinquedeas 25 88 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 42 86
短刀Blade 35 51 小剑Stiletto 47 97 传说尖刺Legend Spike 65 67
飞刀Throwing Knife 21 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 25 52 飞刀Flying Knife 48 141
飞斧Throwing Axe 40 法兰飞斧Francisca 25 80 飞斧Flying Axe 88 108
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 51 巨战飞镖War Dart 25 97 翼刀Winged Knife 45 142
平衡斧Balanced Axe 57 短战戟Hurlbat 25 106 翼斧Winged Axe 96 122
标枪Javelin 巨战标枪War Javelin 25 25 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 98 123
短标枪Pilum 45 卓越标枪Great Pilum 25 88 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 118 112
短矛Short Spear 40 40 锐矛Simbilan 80 80 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 127 95
大长刀Glaive 52 35 阔针长矛Spiculum 98 73 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 89 137
飞矛Throwing Spear 65 鱼叉Harpoon 25 118 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 76 145
长矛Spear 20 巨战长矛War Spear 25 25 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 155 120
三叉戟Trident 38 24 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 77 25 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 168 97
叉Brandistock 40 50 巨战之叉War Fork 80 95 刺人枪Mancatcher 132 134
大战戟Spetum 54 35 三叉长枪Yari 101 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 122 163
矛Pike 60 45 长枪Lance 110 88 战枪War Pike 165 106
大砍刀Bardiche 40 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 80 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 195 75
钩镰枪Voulge 50 比尔长刀Bill 95 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 210 55
镰刀Scythe 41 41 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 82 82 锐利之斧Thresher 152 118
长柄战斧Poleaxe 62 战戟Partizan 113 67 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 165 103
长戟Halberd 75 47 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 133 91 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 179 99
巨战镰刀War Scythe 80 80 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 140 140 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 188 140
短弓Short Bow 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 25 43 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 64 143
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 25 62 刀锋弓Blade Bow 76 119
长弓Long Bow 22 杉木弓Cedar Bow 53 49 阴影弓Shadow Bow 52 188
组合弓Composite Bow 25 双弓Double Bow 58 73 巨弓Great Bow 121 107
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 30 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 65 80 钻石弓Diamond Bow 89 132
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 40 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 80 95 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 97 121
短巨战弓Short War Bow 35 符文之弓Rune Bow 73 103 庇护之弓Ward Bow 72 146
长巨战弓Long War Bow 50 哥德弓Gothic Bow 95 118 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 134 167
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 21 27 石弓Arbalest 52 61 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 83 155
十字弓Crossbow 40 33 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 80 70 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 117 105
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 60 40 弩弓Ballista 110 80 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 163 77
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 40 50 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 80 95 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 141 98
短棍Short Staff 乔木棒Jo Staff 25 手杖Walking Stick 25
长棍Long Staff 六尺棍Quarterstaff 25 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 63 35
多节棍Gnarled Staff 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 25 长老之杖Elder Staff 44 37
战斗法杖Battle Staff 哥德棍Gothic Staff 25 树皮之杖Shillelagh 52 27
巨战法杖War Staff 符文之棍Rune Staff 25 执政官之杖Archon Staff 34
手杖Wand 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 25 洗练法杖Polished Wand 25
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 净化之杖Petrified Wand 25 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand 25
骨杖Bone Wand 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 25 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 25
残酷之杖Grim Wand 墓地之杖Grave Wand 25 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 25
权杖Scepter 25 符文权杖Rune Scepter 58 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 125 65
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 37 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 76 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 108 69
巨战权杖War Scepter 55 神属权杖Divine Scepter 103 神使之杖Caduceus 97 70
拳剑Katar 20 20 格斗刃Quhab 57 57 近身刃Suwayyah 99 99
腕刀Wrist Blade 33 33 腕刺Wrist Spike 66 66 腕剑Wrist Sword 105 105
斧手Hatchet Hands 37 37 格斗爪Fascia 69 69 战拳War Fist 108 108
腰刀Cestus 42 42 手镰Hand Scythe 73 73 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 110 110
爪Claws 46 46 巨爪Greater Claws 76 76 猛禽爪Feral Claws 113 113
刃爪Blade Talons 50 50 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 79 79 符纹爪Runic Talons 115 115
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 55 55 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 82 82 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 118 118
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 天堂之石Heavenly Stone
神圣天球Sacred Globe 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 怪异之球Eldritch Orb
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 恶魔之心Demon Heart
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball 漩涡球Vortex Orb
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 次元碎片Dimensional Shard
男性之弓Stag Bow 30 45 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 56 77 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 87 187
反射之弓Reflex Bow 35 60 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 73 110 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 108 152
女士之矛Maiden Spear 54 40 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 101 80 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 114 142
女士长矛Maiden Pike 63 52 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 115 98 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 132 149
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 33 47 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin 25 109 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 107 151


  • 普通级武器伤害平均增加了4%
  • 扩展级武器伤害平均增长了42%,与精英级武器的差距缩小了,无形(Eth)武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。
  • 精英级武器的伤害平均提升了24%,无形武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。并还有一些具体数值的微调
  • 调整了靴子对踢击伤害的影响
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 % 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 % 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后 %
小斧Hand Axe 3-6 手斧Hatchet 10-21 15-30 45% 战钺Tomahawk 33-58 44-75 31%
斧Axe 4-11 切肉刀Cleaver 10-33 14-47 42% 弯月斧Small Crescent 38-60 47-75 24%
双刃斧Double Axe 5-13 强化双斧Twin Axe 13-38 18-54 41% 双头斧Ettin Axe 33-66 41-83 25%
军用锹Military Pick 7-11 喙钳Crowbill 14-34 21-48 44% 战刺War Spike 30-48 38-60 26%
战斧War Axe 10-18 12-20 14% 纳卡Naga 16-45 23-64 43% 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 24-71 30-89 25%
巨斧Large Axe 6-13 军斧Military Axe 14-34 21-61 71% 猛禽斧Feral Axe 25-123 31-154 25%
阔斧Broad Axe 10-18 钩斧Bearded Axe 21-49 30-70 43% 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 62-110 78-138 26%
战斗斧Battle Axe 12-32 战袍斧Tabar 24-77 35-99 33% 斩首斧Decapitator 49-137 61-171 25%
卓越之斧Great Axe 9-30 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 18-70 23-100 40% 豪杰斧Champion Axe 59-94 74-118 25%
大斧Giant Axe 22-45 古代之斧Ancient Axe 43-85 62-122 44% 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 60-124 75-155 25%
木棒Club 1-6 棍棒Cudgel 6-21 10-30 48% 战仪杖Truncheon 35-43 44-54 26%
狼牙棒Spiked Club 5-8 倒钩锤Barbed Club 13-25 18-36 42% 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 32-58 43-75 31%
钉头锤Mace 3-10 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 15-23 22-33 45% 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 41-49 56-66 36%
流星锤Morning Star 7-16 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 20-31 29-45 45% 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 43-53 56-69 30%
链枷Flail 1-24 铁皮鞭Knout 13-35 18-50 42% 天罚之锤Scourge 3-80 14-100 37%
巨战铁槌War Hammer 19-29 22-32 13% 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 35-58 39-60 6% 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 50-61 63-76 25%
大木棍Maul 30-43 巨战木棍War Club 53-78 69-113 39% 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 77-106 96-132 25%
卓越巨棍Great Maul 38-58 战槌Martel de Fer 61-99 76-131 29% 雷槌Thunder Maul 33-180 41-225 25%
短剑Short Sword 2-7 罗马短剑Gladius 8-22 12-32 47% 短剑Falcata 31-59 39-74 26%
弯刀Scimitar 2-6 微弯剑Cutlass 8-21 12-30 45% 土耳其剑Ataghan 26-46 33-58 26%
军刀Sabre 3-8 虚伪之刃Shamshir 10-24 14-35 44% 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 33-45 41-56 24%
弯形大刀Falchion 9-17 圆月弯刀Tulwar 16-35 23-50 43% 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 28-68 35-85 25%
水晶剑Crystal Sword 5-15 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 13-35 18-51 44% 幻化之刃Phase Blade 31-35 39-44 26%
阔剑Broad Sword 7-14 战斗剑Battle Sword 16-34 23-48 42% 征服之剑Conquest Sword 37-53 46-66 24%
长剑Long Sword 3-19 符文剑Rune Sword 10-42 14-60 42% 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 5-77 6-96 24%
巨战之剑War Sword 8-20 古代之剑Ancient Sword 18-43 25-55 31% 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 40-50 50-63 26%
双手剑Two-handed Sword 8-17
斩铁剑Espandon 18-40
传说之剑Legend Sword 50-94
双刃大刀Claymore 13-30
双刃镰Dacian Falx 26-61
高地之剑Highland Blade 67-96
大剑Giant Sword 9-28
长牙剑Tusk Sword 19-58
炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 55-118
巨剑Bastard Sword 20-28
哥德剑Gothic Sword 39-60
冠军之剑Champion Sword 71-83
双手饰剑Flamberge 13-26
韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 29-54
巨神之剑Colossus Sword 61-121
卓越之剑Great Sword 25-42
死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 47-80
巨神之刃Colossus Blade 58-115
匕首Dagger 1-4 锐匕Poignard 6-18 9-26 46% 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 23-49 28-56 17%
长匕首Dirk 3-9 诗歌匕首Rondel 10-26 14-38 44% 秘银小刀Mithril Point 37-53 43-61 16%
波形刀Kris 2-11 强波刀Cinquedeas 15-31 17-45 35% 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 15-57 19-65 17%
短刀Blade 4-15 小剑Stiletto 19-36 28-52 45% 传说尖刺Legend Spike 31-47 36-64 28%
飞刀Throwing Knife 4-9
战斗飞镖Battle Dart 11-24
飞刀Flying Knife 23-54
飞斧Throwing Axe 8-12
法兰飞斧Francisca 18-33
飞斧Flying Axe 15-66
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 6-11
巨战飞镖War Dart 14-27
翼刀Winged Knife 23-39
平衡斧Balanced Axe 12-15
短战戟Hurlbat 24-34
翼斧Winged Axe 7-60
标枪Javelin 6-14
巨战标枪War Javelin 14-32
亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 28-55
短标枪Pilum 7-20
卓越标枪Great Pilum 16-42
冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 21-75
短矛Short Spear 10-22
锐矛Simbilan 27-50
炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 40-62
大长刀Glaive 16-22
阔针长矛Spiculum 32-60
鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 30-85
飞矛Throwing Spear 12-30
鱼叉Harpoon 18-54
翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 11-77
长矛Spear 3-15 巨战长矛War Spear 10-37 15-54 47% 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 35-119 44-149 25%
三叉戟Trident 9-15 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 19-37 24-53 38% 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 29-144 36-180 25%
叉Brandistock 7-17 巨战之叉War Fork 16-40 23-58 45% 刺人枪Mancatcher 42-92 52-115 25%
大战戟Spetum 15-23 三叉长枪Yari 29-59 41-85 43% 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 18-155 23-194 25%
矛Pike 14-63 长枪Lance 27-114 33-163 39% 战枪War Pike 33-178 41-223 25%
大砍刀Bardiche 1-27 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 6-58 9-83 44% 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 28-145 35-181 25%
钩镰枪Voulge 6-21 比尔长刀Bill 14-53 20-76 43% 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 17-165 21-206 25%
镰刀Scythe 8-20 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 18-45 25-64 41% 锐利之斧Thresher 12-141 15-176 25%
长柄战斧Poleaxe 18-39 战戟Partizan 34-75 49-108 44% 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 33-150 41-188 25%
长戟Halberd 12-45 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 13-85 18-122 43% 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 46-127 58-159 25%
巨战镰刀War Scythe 15-36 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 30-70 44-100 44% 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 40-114 50-142 25%
短弓Short Bow 1-4 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 6-19 8-25 32% 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 23-50 28-61 22%
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 2-6 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 8-22 11-29 33% 刀锋弓Blade Bow 21-41 25-50 21%
长弓Long Bow 3-10 5-10 15% 杉木弓Cedar Bow 10-29 13-38 31% 阴影弓Shadow Bow 15-59 18-72 22%
组合弓Composite Bow 4-8 5-9 17% 双弓Double Bow 11-26 14-35 32% 巨弓Great Bow 12-52 14-63 20%
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 5-11 6-12 13% 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 13-30 17-40 33% 钻石弓Diamond Bow 33-40 40-48 21%
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 3-18 7-18 19% 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 10-42 13-56 33% 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 15-63 19-76 22%
短巨战弓Short War Bow 6-14 符文之弓Rune Bow 14-35 19-46 33% 庇护之弓Ward Bow 20-53 24-64 21%
长巨战弓Long War Bow 3-23 哥德弓Gothic Bow 10-50 8-63 18% 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 10-68 12-83 22%
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 6-9 8-11 27% 石弓Arbalest 14-27 20-38 41% 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 28-73 40-99 38%
十字弓Crossbow 9-16 11-19 20% 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 20-42 28-60 42% 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 25-87 39-120 42%
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 14-26 20-33 33% 弩弓Ballista 33-55 47-78 42% 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 32-91 47-125 40%
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 6-12 9-18 50% 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 14-32 22-50 57% 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 26-40 43-66 65%
短棍Short Staff 1-5 乔木棒Jo Staff 6-21 9-30 44% 手杖Walking Stick 69-85 86-106 25%
长棍Long Staff 2-8 六尺棍Quarterstaff 8-26 12-38 47% 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 75-107 94-134 25%
多节棍Gnarled Staff 4-12 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 11-32 15-46 42% 长老之杖Elder Staff 80-93 100-116 25%
战斗法杖Battle Staff 6-13 哥德棍Gothic Staff 14-34 21-48 44% 树皮之杖Shillelagh 65-108 81-135 25%
巨战法杖War Staff 12-28 符文之棍Rune Staff 24-58 35-84 45% 执政官之杖Archon Staff 83-99 104-124 25%
权杖Scepter 6-11 符文权杖Rune Scepter 13-24 18-35 43% 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 40-52 50-65 25%
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 8-18 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 14-36 20-52 44% 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 45-54 56-68 25%
巨战权杖War Scepter 10-17 12-19 15% 神属权杖Divine Scepter 16-38 24-46 30% 神使之杖Caduceus 37-43 46-54 25%
拳剑Katar 4-7 5-8 18% 格斗刃Quhab 11-24 15-35 43% 近身刃Suwayyah 39-52 54-71 37%
腕刀Wrist Blade 5-9 6-10 14% 腕刺Wrist Spike 13-27 20-46 65% 腕剑Wrist Sword 34-45 46-63 38%
斧手Hatchet Hands 2-15 3-17 18% 格斗爪Fascia 8-37 12-53 44% 战拳War Fist 44-53 60-73 37%
腰刀Cestus 7-15 8-17 14% 手镰Hand Scythe 16-37 23-46 30% 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 36-42 45-53 26%
爪Claws 8-15 9-16 9% 巨爪Greater Claws 18-37 23-53 38% 猛禽爪Feral Claws 22-53 30-73 37%
刃爪Blade Talons 10-14 11-15 8% 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 21-35 25-45 25% 符纹爪Runic Talons 24-44 33-60 37%
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 9-17 10-19 12% 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 19-40 28-58 46% 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 40-51 55-70 37%
男性之弓Stag Bow 7-12 8-14 16% 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 16-29 19-38 27% 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 20-47 24-57 21%
反射之弓Reflex Bow 9-19 10-21 11% 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 19-41 22-53 25% 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 14-72 17-87 21%
女士之矛Maiden Spear 18-24 20-26 10% 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 34-51 49-74 45% 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 65-95 79-116 22%
女士长矛Maiden Pike 23-55 25-60 9% 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 42-101 60-140 40% 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 37-153 44-185 21%
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 6-22
祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin 18-54
女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 35-66
皮靴Boots 3-8 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 26-46 30-64 31% 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 65-100 75-100 6%
重靴Heavy Boots 4-10 4-12 14% 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 28-50 32-72 33% 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 60-110 70-110 6%
锁链靴Chain Boots 6-12 6-14 11% 织网之靴Mesh Boots 23-52 35-78 51% 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 69-118 80-125 10%
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 8-16 8-18 8% 战场之靴Battle Boots 37-64 42-84 25% 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots 50-145 69-147 11%
护胫Greaves 10-20 巨战之靴War Boots 39-80 45-90 13% 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves 83-149 83-155 3%
圆盾Buckler 1-3 防御盾Defender 8-12 防寒圆盾Heater 16-30
小盾牌Small Shield 2-3 圆型盾Round Shield 7-14 月精灵护盾Luna 17-29
大盾牌Large Shield 2-4 鳞盾Scutum 11-15 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 14-32
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 5-9 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 18-35 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 26-40
轻盾Kite Shield 2-5 龙盾Dragon Shield 15-24 统治者大盾Monarch 12-34
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 3-6 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 14-20 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 24-38
塔盾Tower Shield 1-5 大盾Pavise 10-17 圣盾Aegis 18-28
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 2-6 古代之盾Ancient Shield 12-16 保护盾牌Ward 11-35
小盾Targe 2-6 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 12-16 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 22-70
轻圆盾Rondache 2-8 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 15-20 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 35-58
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 3-9 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 18-24 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 10-82
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 4-10 饰金盾Gilded Shield 20-28 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 46-46
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 4-12 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 24-32 旋风盾Vortex Shield 5-87



  • 亚马逊长矛武器攻速增加了10
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
小斧Hand Axe 0 手斧Hatchet 0 战钺Tomahawk 0
斧Axe 10 切肉刀Cleaver 10 弯月斧Small Crescent 10
双刃斧Double Axe 10 强化双斧Twin Axe 10 双头斧Ettin Axe 10
军用锹Military Pick -10 喙钳Crowbill -10 战刺War Spike -10
战斧War Axe 0 纳卡Naga 0 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 0
巨斧Large Axe -10 军斧Military Axe -10 猛禽斧Feral Axe -15
阔斧Broad Axe 0 钩斧Bearded Axe 0 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 0
战斗斧Battle Axe 10 战袍斧Tabar 10 斩首斧Decapitator 10
卓越之斧Great Axe -10 歌德之斧Gothic Axe -10 豪杰斧Champion Axe -10
大斧Giant Axe 10 古代之斧Ancient Axe 10 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 10
木棒Club -10 棍棒Cudgel -10 战仪杖Truncheon -10
狼牙棒Spiked Club 0 倒钩锤Barbed Club 0 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 0
钉头锤Mace 0 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 0 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 0
流星锤Morning Star 10 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 10 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 10
链枷Flail -10 铁皮鞭Knout -10 天罚之锤Scourge -10
巨战铁槌War Hammer 20 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 20 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 20
大木棍Maul 10 巨战木棍War Club 10 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 10
卓越巨棍Great Maul 20 战槌Martel de Fer 20 雷槌Thunder Maul 20
短剑Short Sword 0 罗马短剑Gladius 0 短剑Falcata 0
弯刀Scimitar -20 微弯剑Cutlass -30 土耳其剑Ataghan -20
军刀Sabre -10 虚伪之刃Shamshir -10 优雅之剑Elegant Blade -10
弯形大刀Falchion 20 圆月弯刀Tulwar 20 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 10
水晶剑Crystal Sword 0 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 0 幻化之刃Phase Blade -30
阔剑Broad Sword 0 战斗剑Battle Sword 0 征服之剑Conquest Sword 0
长剑Long Sword -10 符文剑Rune Sword -10 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword -10
巨战之剑War Sword 0 古代之剑Ancient Sword 0 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 0
双手剑Two-handed Sword 0 斩铁剑Espandon 0 传说之剑Legend Sword -15
双刃大刀Claymore 10 双刃镰Dacian Falx 10 高地之剑Highland Blade -5
大剑Giant Sword 0 长牙剑Tusk Sword 0 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 0
巨剑Bastard Sword 10 哥德剑Gothic Sword 10 冠军之剑Champion Sword -10
双手饰剑Flamberge -10 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander -10 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 10
卓越之剑Great Sword 10 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 10 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 5
匕首Dagger -20 锐匕Poignard -20 骸骨小刀Bone Knife -20
长匕首Dirk 0 诗歌匕首Rondel 0 秘银小刀Mithril Point 0
波形刀Kris -20 强波刀Cinquedeas -20 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife -20
短刀Blade -10 小剑Stiletto -10 传说尖刺Legend Spike -10
飞刀Throwing Knife 0 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 0 飞刀Flying Knife 0
飞斧Throwing Axe 10 法兰飞斧Francisca 10 飞斧Flying Axe 10
平衡小刀Balanced Knife -20 巨战飞镖War Dart -20 翼刀Winged Knife -20
平衡斧Balanced Axe -10 短战戟Hurlbat -10 翼斧Winged Axe -10
标枪Javelin -10 巨战标枪War Javelin -10 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin -10
短标枪Pilum 0 卓越标枪Great Pilum 0 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 0
短矛Short Spear 10 锐矛Simbilan 10 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 10
大长刀Glaive 20 阔针长矛Spiculum 20 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 20
飞矛Throwing Spear -10 鱼叉Harpoon -10 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon -10
长矛Spear -10 巨战长矛War Spear -10 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear -10
三叉戟Trident 0 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 0 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 0
叉Brandistock -20 巨战之叉War Fork -20 刺人枪Mancatcher -20
大战戟Spetum 0 三叉长枪Yari 0 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 0
矛Pike 20 长枪Lance 20 战枪War Pike 20
大砍刀Bardiche 10 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 10 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 0
钩镰枪Voulge 0 比尔长刀Bill 0 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 10
镰刀Scythe -10 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe -10 锐利之斧Thresher -10
长柄战斧Poleaxe 10 战戟Partizan 10 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 10
长戟Halberd 0 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 0 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 0
巨战镰刀War Scythe -10 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe -10 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher -10
短弓Short Bow 5 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 5 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 5
猎弓Hunter’s Bow -10 剃刀之弓Razor Bow -10 刀锋弓Blade Bow -10
长弓Long Bow 0 杉木弓Cedar Bow 0 阴影弓Shadow Bow 0
组合弓Composite Bow -10 双弓Double Bow -10 巨弓Great Bow -10
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 0 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 0 钻石弓Diamond Bow 0
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 10 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 10 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 10
短巨战弓Short War Bow 0 符文之弓Rune Bow 0 庇护之弓Ward Bow 0
长巨战弓Long War Bow 10 哥德弓Gothic Bow 10 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 10
轻十字弓Light Crossbow -10 石弓Arbalest -10 弹丸弓Pellet Bow -10
十字弓Crossbow 0 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 0 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 0
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 10 弩弓Ballista 10 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 10
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow -40 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu -60 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow -60
短棍Short Staff -10 乔木棒Jo Staff -10 手杖Walking Stick -10
长棍Long Staff 0 六尺棍Quarterstaff 0 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 10
多节棍Gnarled Staff 10 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 10 长老之杖Elder Staff 0
战斗法杖Battle Staff 0 哥德棍Gothic Staff 0 树皮之杖Shillelagh 0
巨战法杖War Staff 20 符文之棍Rune Staff 20 执政官之杖Archon Staff 10
权杖Scepter 0 符文权杖Rune Scepter 0 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 0
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 10 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 10 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 10
巨战权杖War Scepter -10 神属权杖Divine Scepter -10 神使之杖Caduceus -10
拳剑Katar -10 格斗刃Quhab 0 近身刃Suwayyah 0
腕刀Wrist Blade 0 腕刺Wrist Spike -10 腕剑Wrist Sword -10
斧手Hatchet Hands 10 格斗爪Fascia 10 战拳War Fist 10
腰刀Cestus 0 手镰Hand Scythe -10 斗腰刀Battle Cestus -10
爪Claws -10 巨爪Greater Claws -20 猛禽爪Feral Claws -20
刃爪Blade Talons -20 巨鹰爪Greater Talons -30 符纹爪Runic Talons -30
剪咬刀Scissors Katar -10 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 0 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 0
男性之弓Stag Bow 0 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 0 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow -10
反射之弓Reflex Bow 10 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 10 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 10
女士之矛Maiden Spear 0 -10 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 0 -10 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 0 -10
女士长矛Maiden Pike 10 0 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 20 10 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 20 10
女士标枪Maiden Javelin -10 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin -10 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin -10



  • 匕首和飞刀/斧范围调整为1。
  • 所有其他近战武器攻击范围调整到2。
  • Javelins 和双手近战武器攻击范围调整到3(except 1x3 staves)。
  • Spears and 2x4 sized axes/maces攻击范围上调至4。
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
小斧Hand Axe 0 2 手斧Hatchet 0 2 战钺Tomahawk 0 2
斧Axe 1 2 切肉刀Cleaver 1 2 弯月斧Small Crescent 1 2
双刃斧Double Axe 1 2 强化双斧Twin Axe 1 2 双头斧Ettin Axe 1 2
军用锹Military Pick 1 2 喙钳Crowbill 1 2 战刺War Spike 1 2
战斧War Axe 2 纳卡Naga 2 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 2
巨斧Large Axe 1 3 军斧Military Axe 1 3 猛禽斧Feral Axe 2 3
阔斧Broad Axe 1 3 钩斧Bearded Axe 1 3 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 2 3
战斗斧Battle Axe 1 3 战袍斧Tabar 1 3 斩首斧Decapitator 2 3
卓越之斧Great Axe 2 4 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 2 4 豪杰斧Champion Axe 2 4
大斧Giant Axe 3 古代之斧Ancient Axe 3 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 3
木棒Club 0 2 棍棒Cudgel 0 2 战仪杖Truncheon 0 2
狼牙棒Spiked Club 1 2 倒钩锤Barbed Club 1 2 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 1 2
钉头锤Mace 0 2 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 0 2 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 0 2
流星锤Morning Star 1 2 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 1 2 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 1 2
链枷Flail 2 铁皮鞭Knout 2 天罚之锤Scourge 2
巨战铁槌War Hammer 0 2 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 0 2 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 1 2
大木棍Maul 1 4 巨战木棍War Club 1 4 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 1 4
卓越巨棍Great Maul 2 3 战槌Martel de Fer 2 3 雷槌Thunder Maul 2 3
短剑Short Sword 0 2 罗马短剑Gladius 0 2 短剑Falcata 0 2
弯刀Scimitar 0 2 微弯剑Cutlass 0 2 土耳其剑Ataghan 0 2
军刀Sabre 0 2 虚伪之刃Shamshir 0 2 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 0 2
弯形大刀Falchion 0 2 圆月弯刀Tulwar 0 2 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 0 2
水晶剑Crystal Sword 1 2 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 1 2 幻化之刃Phase Blade 1 2
阔剑Broad Sword 0 2 战斗剑Battle Sword 0 2 征服之剑Conquest Sword 0 2
长剑Long Sword 1 2 符文剑Rune Sword 1 2 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 1 2
巨战之剑War Sword 1 2 古代之剑Ancient Sword 1 2 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 1 2
双手剑Two-handed Sword 2 3 斩铁剑Espandon 2 3 传说之剑Legend Sword 2 3
双刃大刀Claymore 2 3 双刃镰Dacian Falx 2 3 高地之剑Highland Blade 2 3
大剑Giant Sword 2 3 长牙剑Tusk Sword 2 3 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 2 3
巨剑Bastard Sword 1 3 哥德剑Gothic Sword 1 3 冠军之剑Champion Sword 2 3
双手饰剑Flamberge 2 3 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 2 3 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 2 3
卓越之剑Great Sword 2 3 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 2 3 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 2 3
匕首Dagger 0 1 锐匕Poignard 0 1 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 0 1
长匕首Dirk 0 1 诗歌匕首Rondel 0 1 秘银小刀Mithril Point 0 1
波形刀Kris 0 1 强波刀Cinquedeas 0 1 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 0 1
短刀Blade 0 1 小剑Stiletto 0 1 传说尖刺Legend Spike 0 1
飞刀Throwing Knife 0 1 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 0 1 飞刀Flying Knife 0 1
飞斧Throwing Axe 0 1 法兰飞斧Francisca 0 1 飞斧Flying Axe 0 1
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 0 1 巨战飞镖War Dart 0 1 翼刀Winged Knife 0 1
平衡斧Balanced Axe 0 1 短战戟Hurlbat 0 1 翼斧Winged Axe 0 1
标枪Javelin 2 3 巨战标枪War Javelin 2 3 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 2 3
短标枪Pilum 2 3 卓越标枪Great Pilum 2 3 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 2 3
短矛Short Spear 2 3 锐矛Simbilan 2 3 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 2 3
大长刀Glaive 2 3 阔针长矛Spiculum 2 3 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 2 3
飞矛Throwing Spear 2 3 鱼叉Harpoon 2 3 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 2 3
长矛Spear 3 4 巨战长矛War Spear 3 4 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 3 4
三叉戟Trident 3 4 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 3 4 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 3 4
叉Brandistock 4 巨战之叉War Fork 4 刺人枪Mancatcher 4
大战戟Spetum 4 三叉长枪Yari 4 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 4
矛Pike 4 长枪Lance 4 战枪War Pike 4
大砍刀Bardiche 2 3 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 2 3 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 2 3
钩镰枪Voulge 2 3 比尔长刀Bill 2 3 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 2 3
镰刀Scythe 2 3 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 2 3 锐利之斧Thresher 2 3
长柄战斧Poleaxe 3 战戟Partizan 3 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 3
长戟Halberd 4 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 4 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 4
巨战镰刀War Scythe 4 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 4 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 4
短棍Short Staff 1 2 乔木棒Jo Staff 1 2 手杖Walking Stick 1 2
长棍Long Staff 1 3 六尺棍Quarterstaff 1 3 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 1 3
多节棍Gnarled Staff 1 3 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 1 3 长老之杖Elder Staff 1 3
战斗法杖Battle Staff 1 3 哥德棍Gothic Staff 1 3 树皮之杖Shillelagh 1 3
巨战法杖War Staff 1 3 符文之棍Rune Staff 1 3 执政官之杖Archon Staff 1 3
权杖Scepter 0 2 符文权杖Rune Scepter 0 2 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 0 2
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 1 2 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 1 2 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 1 2
巨战权杖War Scepter 1 2 神属权杖Divine Scepter 1 2 神使之杖Caduceus 1 2
拳剑Katar 1 2 格斗刃Quhab 1 2 近身刃Suwayyah 1 2
腕刀Wrist Blade 1 2 腕刺Wrist Spike 1 2 腕剑Wrist Sword 1 2
斧手Hatchet Hands 1 2 格斗爪Fascia 1 2 战拳War Fist 1 2
腰刀Cestus 1 2 手镰Hand Scythe 1 2 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 1 2
爪Claws 1 2 巨爪Greater Claws 1 2 猛禽爪Feral Claws 1 2
刃爪Blade Talons 1 2 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 1 2 符纹爪Runic Talons 1 2
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 1 2 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 1 2 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 1 2
女士之矛Maiden Spear 4 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 4 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 4
女士长矛Maiden Pike 4 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 4 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 4
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 2 3 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin 2 3 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 2 3



  • Defense for chests adjusted - those with higher strength requirements will generally have more defense (tier and quality level were also considered)
  • Defense for Aegis and Ward shields increased
  • Strength requirement of Shadow Plate reduced from 230 to 220
物品 (普通) Before After % Str 物品 (扩展) Before After % Str 物品 (精英) Before After % Str
帽子Cap 3-5 0 战帽War Hat 45-53 20 军帽Shako 98-141 50
骷髅帽Skull Cap 8-11 15 轻便头盔Sallet 52-62 43 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull 101-145 84
头盔Helm 15-18 26 无颊头盔Casque 63-72 59 活动头盔Armet 105-149 109
高级头盔Full Helm 23-26 41 轻钢盔Basinet 75-84 82 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 110-154 142
面具Mask 9-27 23 死亡面具Death Mask 54-86 55 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 101-154 102
白骨头盔Bone Helm 33-36 25 残酷头盔Grim Helm 60-125 58 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 100-157 106
卓越头盔Great Helm 30-35 63 翼盔Winged Helm 85-98 115 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 114-159 192
皇冠Crown 25-45 55 巨皇冠Grand Crown 78-113 103 头冠Corona 111-165 174
布甲Quilted Armor 8-11 9-11 0% 12 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 102-117 106-112 -4% 38 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 361-467 270-302 -35% 77
皮甲Leather Armor 14-17 15-17 0% 15 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 111-126 116-122 -3% 43 古龙皮Wyrmhide 364-470 287-322 -31% 84
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 21-24 23-25 4% 20 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 122-136 128-134 -1% 50 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 369-474 309-349 -26% 95
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 32-35 35-37 6% 27 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 138-153 148-156 2% 61 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 375-481 343-391 -19% 111
锁环甲Ring Mail 45-48 49-51 6% 36 连扣战甲Linked Mail 158-172 172-180 5% 74 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 383-489 388-445 -9% 131
鳞甲Scale Mail 57-60 61-63 5% 44 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 176-190 193-202 6% 86 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 390-496 429-495 -1% 149
锁子甲Chain Mail 72-75 70-71 -5% 48 织网战甲Mesh Armorl 198-213 207-216 1% 92 骸骨链甲Boneweave 399-505 419-489 -3% 158
胸甲Breast Plate 65-68 56-58 -15% 30 护胸甲Cuirass 188-202 170-176 -13% 65 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 395-501 371-420 -16% 118
板甲Splint Mail 90-95 81-84 -12% 51 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 225-243 223-233 -4% 97 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 410-517 469-541 5% 165
铠甲Plate Mail 108-116 103-108 -7% 65 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 252-274 264-278 1% 118 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 421-530 536-625 18% 196
实战铠甲Field Plate 101-105 100-102 -3% 55 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 242-258 246-255 -1% 103 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 417-523 501-576 10% 174
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 128-135 124-128 -5% 70 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 282-303 291-304 1% 125 漆甲Lacquered Plate 433-541 573-664 23% 208
轻型装甲Light Plate 90-107 93-99 -7% 41 法师铠甲Mage Plate 225-261 178-187 -28% 55 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 410-524 364-407 -22% 103
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 150-161 145-150 -7% 80 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 315-342 323-340 -1% 140 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 446-557 599-696 25% 220
古代装甲Ancient Armor 218-233 178-185 -21% 100 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 417-450 393-414 -1% 170 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 487-600 633-730 22% 232
圆盾Buckler 4-6 12 防御盾Defender 41-49 38 防寒圆盾Heater 95-110 77
小盾牌Small Shield 8-10 22 圆型盾Round Shield 47-55 53 月精灵护盾Luna 108-123 100
大盾牌Large Shield 12-14 34 鳞盾Scutum 53-61 71 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 119-135 127
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 15-25 30 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 58-78 65 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 147-163 118
轻盾Kite Shield 16-18 47 龙盾Dragon Shield 59-67 91 统治者大盾Monarch 133-148 156
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 10-30 25 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 50-150 58 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 158-173 106
塔盾Tower Shield 22-25 75 大盾Pavise 68-78 133 圣盾Aegis 145-161 215-241 50% 219
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 30-35 60 古代之盾Ancient Shield 80-93 110 保护盾牌Ward 153-170 183-207 22% 185
皮手套Leather Gloves 2-3 0 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 28-35 20 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 54-62 50
重手套Heavy Gloves 5-6 0 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 33-39 20 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 56-65 50
锁链手套Chain Gloves 8-9 25 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 37-44 58 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 59-67 106
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 9-11 45 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 39-47 88 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 59-68 151
铁手套Gauntlets 12-15 60 巨战手套War Gauntlets 43-53 110 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 62-71 185
皮靴Boots 2-3 0 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 28-35 20 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 54-62 50
重靴Heavy Boots 5-6 18 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 33-39 47 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 56-65 91
锁链靴Chain Boots 8-9 30 织网之靴Mesh Boots 37-44 65 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 59-67 118
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 9-11 50 战场之靴Battle Boots 39-47 95 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots 59-68 163
护胫Greaves 12-15 70 巨战之靴War Boots 43-53 125 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves 62-71 208
饰带Sash 2 0 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash 29-34 20 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 55-62 50
轻扣带Light Belt 3 0 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 31-36 20 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 56-63 50
扣带Belt 5 25 织网腰带Mesh Belt 35-40 58 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 58-65 106
重扣带Heavy Belt 6 45 战场腰带Battle Belt 37-42 88 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 59-66 151
金属扣带Plated Belt 8-11 60 巨战腰带War Belt 41-52 110 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 61-71 185
头环Circlet 20-30 0 三重冠Tiara 40-50 0 权冠Diadem 50-60 0
宝冠Coronet 30-40 0
狼头Wolf Head 8-11 16 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 52-62 44 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 101-145 86
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 4-15 20 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress 46-68 50 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 98-147 95
鹿角Antlers 18-24 24 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 67-81 56 大地之灵Earth Spirit 107-152 104
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 12-28 28 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers 58-87 62 天空之灵Sky Spirit 103-155 113
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 22-35 30 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 73-98 65 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 109-159 118
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 10-15 25 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 55-68 58 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 102-147 106
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 15-20 35 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 63-75 73 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 105-150 129
角盔Horned Helm 25-30 45 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 78-90 88 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 111-156 151
突击盔Assault Helmet 30-35 55 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 85-98 103 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 114-159 174
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 35-50 65 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 93-120 118 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 117-168 196
小盾Targe 8-12 16 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 101-125 44 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 126-158 86
轻圆盾Rondache 10-18 26 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 113-137 59 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 138-164 109
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 16-26 40 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 129-153 69 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 154-172 124
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 26-36 50 饰金盾Gilded Shield 144-168 89 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 169-193 142
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 30-40 65 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 156-181 114 旋风盾Vortex Shield 182-225 148
防腐之首Preserved Head 2-5 12 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 38-48 38 随待之骨Minion Skull 95-139 77
僵尸之首Zombie Head 4-8 14 物神印记Fetish Trophy 41-52 41 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull 96-141 82
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 6-10 18 司事印记Sexton Trophy 44-55 47 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 98-142 91
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 10-16 20 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 50-64 50 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 100-146 95
恶魔之首Demon Head 15-20 25 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 58-70 58 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 103-148 106



  • 圣盾Aegis的基础格挡几率从24%上调至38%。
  • 保护盾牌Ward基础格挡几率从24%上调至30%。
物品 (普通) Block 物品 (扩展) Block 物品 (精英) Block
圆盾Buckler 0 防御盾Defender 10 防寒圆盾Heater 22
小盾牌Small Shield 5 圆型盾Round Shield 12 月精灵护盾Luna 20
大盾牌Large Shield 12 鳞盾Scutum 14 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 24
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 10 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 17 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 20
轻盾Kite Shield 8 龙盾Dragon Shield 18 统治者大盾Monarch 22
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 20 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 20 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 20
塔盾Tower Shield 24 大盾Pavise 24 圣盾Aegis 38
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 16 古代之盾Ancient Shield 16 保护盾牌Ward 30
小盾Targe 10 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 10 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 30
轻圆盾Rondache 15 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 15 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 28
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 20 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 20 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 25
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 22 饰金盾Gilded Shield 22 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 22
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 25 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 25 旋风盾Vortex Shield 19
防腐之首Preserved Head 3 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 3 随待之骨Minion Skull 3
僵尸之首Zombie Head 5 物神印记Fetish Trophy 5 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull 5
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 8 司事印记Sexton Trophy 8 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 8
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 10 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 10 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 10
恶魔之首Demon Head 12 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 12 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 12



  • 一些扩展级/精英级武器的最大孔数增加1个。
    • 1孔匕首类(锐匕Poignard,骸骨小刀Bone Knife,诗歌匕首Rondel,秘银小刀Mithril Point)
    • 原能打2孔的1X3格的武器现在可以打到3个镶孔了:
      • 斧子(手斧Hatchet,战钺Tomahawk)
      • 槌(棍棒Cudgel,战仪杖Truncheon,凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace,强化钉头锤)
      • 剑(罗马短剑Gladius,短剑Falcata,微弯剑Cutlass,土耳其剑Ataghan,虚伪之刃Shamshir,优雅之刃Elegant Blade,圆月弯刀Tulwar,九头蛇刃)
      • 法杖(乔木杖Jo Staff,手杖Walking Stick)
      • 权杖(符文权杖Rune Scepter, 强威权杖Mighty Scepter)
      • 爪 (腕刺Wrist Spike, 格斗爪Fascia, 战拳War Fist, 手镰Hand Scythe, 斗腰刀Battle Cestus)
    • 原能打3孔的双手武器现在能打到4孔了:
      • 长柄武器(罗柏佳斧Lochaber Axe, 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe)
      • 弓(九头蛇弓Edge Bow, 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow)
      • 十字弓(石弓Arbalest, 弹丸弓Pellet Bow)
    • 原能打4孔的双手斧(军斧Military Axe, 猛禽斧Feral Axe)现在可以打到5孔了
    • 原能打5孔的阴影弓现在能打到6孔了


  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x2格武器现在都能打2孔(除了烧焦之杖)
  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x3格武器都能打3孔了(除了小剑Stiletto,传说尖刺Legend Spike)
  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x4格以及更大的武器能打4孔了(除了这个剑系:斩铁剑Espandon, 传说之剑Legend Sword)
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
小斧Hand Axe 2 手斧Hatchet 2 3 战钺Tomahawk 2 3
斧Axe 4 切肉刀Cleaver 4 弯月斧Small Crescent 4
双刃斧Double Axe 4/5/5 强化双斧Twin Axe 4/5/5 双头斧Ettin Axe 4/5/5
军用锹Military Pick 4/5/6 喙钳Crowbill 4/5/6 战刺War Spike 4/5/6
战斧War Axe 4/5/6 纳卡Naga 4/5/6 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 4/5/6
巨斧Large Axe 4 军斧Military Axe 4 4/5/5 猛禽斧Feral Axe 4 4/5/5
阔斧Broad Axe 4/5/5 钩斧Bearded Axe 4/5/5 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 4/5/5
战斗斧Battle Axe 4/5/5 战袍斧Tabar 4/5/5 斩首斧Decapitator 4/5/5
卓越之斧Great Axe 4/5/6 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 4/5/6 豪杰斧Champion Axe 4/5/6
大斧Giant Axe 4/5/6 古代之斧Ancient Axe 4/5/6 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 4/5/6
木棒Club 2 棍棒Cudgel 2 3 战仪杖Truncheon 2 3
狼牙棒Spiked Club 2 倒钩锤Barbed Club 3 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 3
钉头锤Mace 2 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 2 3 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 2 3
流星锤Morning Star 3 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 3 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 3
链枷Flail 3/4/5 铁皮鞭Knout 3/4/5 天罚之锤Scourge 3/4/5
巨战铁槌War Hammer 3/4/4 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 3/4/4 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 3/4/4
大木棍Maul 3/4/6 巨战木棍War Club 3/4/6 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 3/4/6
卓越巨棍Great Maul 3/4/6 战槌Martel de Fer 3/4/6 雷槌Thunder Maul 3/4/6
短剑Short Sword 2 罗马短剑Gladius 2 3 短剑Falcata 2 3
弯刀Scimitar 2 微弯剑Cutlass 2 3 土耳其剑Ataghan 2 3
军刀Sabre 2 虚伪之刃Shamshir 2 3 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 2 3
弯形大刀Falchion 2 圆月弯刀Tulwar 2 3 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 2 3
水晶剑Crystal Sword 3/4/6 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 3/4/6 幻化之刃Phase Blade 3/4/6
阔剑Broad Sword 3/4/4 战斗剑Battle Sword 3/4/4 征服之剑Conquest Sword 3/4/4
长剑Long Sword 3/4/4 符文剑Rune Sword 3/4/4 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 3/4/4
巨战之剑War Sword 3 古代之剑Ancient Sword 3 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 3
双手剑Two-handed Sword 3 斩铁剑Espandon 3 传说之剑Legend Sword 3
双刃大刀Claymore 3/4/4 双刃镰Dacian Falx 3/4/4 高地之剑Highland Blade 3/4/4
大剑Giant Sword 3/4/4 长牙剑Tusk Sword 3/4/4 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 3/4/4
巨剑Bastard Sword 3/4/4 哥德剑Gothic Sword 3/4/4 冠军之剑Champion Sword 3/4/4
双手饰剑Flamberge 3/4/5 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 3/4/5 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 3/4/5
卓越之剑Great Sword 3/4/6 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 3/4/6 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 3/4/6
匕首Dagger 1 锐匕Poignard 1 2 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 1 2
长匕首Dirk 1 诗歌匕首Rondel 1 2 秘银小刀Mithril Point 1 2
波形刀Kris 2/3/3 强波刀Cinquedeas 2/3/3 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 2/3/3
短刀Blade 2 小剑Stiletto 2 传说尖刺Legend Spike 2
长矛Spear 3 巨战长矛War Spear 3 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 3
三叉戟Trident 3/4/4 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 3/4/4 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 3/4/4
叉Brandistock 3/4/5 巨战之叉War Fork 3/4/5 刺人枪Mancatcher 3/4/5
大战戟Spetum 3/4/6 三叉长枪Yari 3/4/6 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 3/4/6
矛Pike 3/4/6 长枪Lance 3/4/6 战枪War Pike 3/4/6
大砍刀Bardiche 3 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 3 3/4/4 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 3 3/4/4
钩镰枪Voulge 3/4/4 比尔长刀Bill 3/4/4 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 3/4/4
镰刀Scythe 3/4/5 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 3/4/5 锐利之斧Thresher 3/4/5
长柄战斧Poleaxe 3/4/5 战戟Partizan 3/4/5 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 3/4/5
长戟Halberd 3/4/6 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 3/4/6 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 3/4/6
巨战镰刀War Scythe 3/4/6 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 3/4/6 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 3/4/6
短弓Short Bow 3 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 3 3/4/4 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 3 3/4/4
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 3/4/4 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 3/4/4 刀锋弓Blade Bow 3/4/4
长弓Long Bow 3/4/5 杉木弓Cedar Bow 3/4/5 阴影弓Shadow Bow 3/4/5 3/4/6
组合弓Composite Bow 3/4/4 双弓Double Bow 3/4/4 巨弓Great Bow 3/4/4
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 3/4/5 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 3/4/5 钻石弓Diamond Bow 3/4/5
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 3/4/6 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 3/4/6 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 3/4/6
短巨战弓Short War Bow 3/4/5 符文之弓Rune Bow 3/4/5 庇护之弓Ward Bow 3/4/5
长巨战弓Long War Bow 3/4/6 哥德弓Gothic Bow 3/4/6 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 3/4/6
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 3 石弓Arbalest 3 3/4/4 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 3 3/4/4
十字弓Crossbow 3/4/4 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 3/4/4 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 3/4/4
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 3/4/6 弩弓Ballista 3/4/6 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 3/4/6
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 3/4/5 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 3/4/5 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 3/4/5
短棍Short Staff 2 乔木棒Jo Staff 2 3 手杖Walking Stick 2 3
长棍Long Staff 3 六尺棍Quarterstaff 3 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 3
多节棍Gnarled Staff 4 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 4 长老之杖Elder Staff 4
战斗法杖Battle Staff 4 哥德棍Gothic Staff 4 树皮之杖Shillelagh 4
巨战法杖War Staff 5/6/6 符文之棍Rune Staff 5/6/6 执政官之杖Archon Staff 5/6/6
手杖Wand 1 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 1 洗练法杖Polished Wand 2
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 1 净化之杖Petrified Wand 2 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand 2
骨杖Bone Wand 2 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 2 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 2
残酷之杖Grim Wand 2 墓地之杖Grave Wand 2 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 2
权杖Scepter 2 符文权杖Rune Scepter 2 3 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 2 3
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 3 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 3 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 3
巨战权杖War Scepter 3/5/5 神属权杖Divine Scepter 3/5/5 神使之杖Caduceus 3/5/5
拳剑Katar 2 格斗刃Quhab 2/3/3 近身刃Suwayyah 2/3/3
腕刀Wrist Blade 2 腕刺Wrist Spike 2 2/3/3 腕剑Wrist Sword 2/3/3
斧手Hatchet Hands 2 格斗爪Fascia 2 2/3/3 战拳War Fist 2 2/3/3
腰刀Cestus 2 手镰Hand Scythe 2 2/3/3 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 2 2/3/3
爪Claws 2/3/3 巨爪Greater Claws 2/3/3 猛禽爪Feral Claws 2/3/3
刃爪Blade Talons 2/3/3 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 2/3/3 符纹爪Runic Talons 2/3/3
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 2/3/3 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 2/3/3 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 2/3/3
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 2 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 2 天堂之石Heavenly Stone 2
神圣天球Sacred Globe 2 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 2 怪异之球Eldritch Orb 2
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 2 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 2 恶魔之心Demon Heart 2
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 2 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball 2 漩涡球Vortex Orb 2
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 2/3/3 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 2/3/3 次元碎片Dimensional Shard 2/3/3
男性之弓Stag Bow 3/4/5 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 3/4/5 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 3/4/5
反射之弓Reflex Bow 3/4/5 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 3/4/5 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 3/4/5
女士之矛Maiden Spear 3/4/6 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 3/4/6 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 3/4/6
女士长矛Maiden Pike 3/4/6 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 3/4/6 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 3/4/6



  • 扩展级/精英级的死灵法师盾牌最大孔数从2上调到3
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
帽子Cap 2 战帽War Hat 2 军帽Shako 2
骷髅帽Skull Cap 2 轻便头盔Sallet 2 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull 2
头盔Helm 2 无颊头盔Casque 2 活动头盔Armet 2
高级头盔Full Helm 2 轻钢盔Basinet 2 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 2
面具Mask 2/2/3 死亡面具Death Mask 2/2/3 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 2/2/3
白骨头盔Bone Helm 2 残酷头盔Grim Helm 2 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 2/2/3
卓越头盔Great Helm 2/2/3 翼盔Winged Helm 2/2/3 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 2/2/3
皇冠Crown 2/2/3 巨皇冠Grand Crown 2/2/3 头冠Corona 2/2/3
布甲Quilted Armor 2 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 2 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 3/4/4
皮甲Leather Armor 2 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 2 古龙皮Wyrmhide 3/4/4
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 2 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 2 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 3/4/4
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 2 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 2 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 3/4/4
锁环甲Ring Mail 3 连扣战甲Linked Mail 3 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 3/4/4
鳞甲Scale Mail 2 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 3 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 3/4/4
锁子甲Chain Mail 2 织网战甲Mesh Armorl 3 骸骨链甲Boneweave 3/4/4
胸甲Breast Plate 3 护胸甲Cuirass 3 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 3/4/4
板甲Splint Mail 2 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 3 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 3/4/4
铠甲Plate Mail 2 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 3 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 3/4/4
实战铠甲Field Plate 2 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 3 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 3/4/4
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 3/4/4 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 3/4/4 漆甲Lacquered Plate 3/4/4
轻型装甲Light Plate 3 法师铠甲Mage Plate 3 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 3/4/4
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 3/4/4 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 3/4/4 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 3/4/4
古代装甲Ancient Armor 3/4/4 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 3/4/4 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 3/4/4
圆盾Buckler 1 防御盾Defender 1 防寒圆盾Heater 2
小盾牌Small Shield 2 圆型盾Round Shield 2 月精灵护盾Luna 2
大盾牌Large Shield 3 鳞盾Scutum 3 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 3
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 2 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 2 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 3
轻盾Kite Shield 3 龙盾Dragon Shield 3 统治者大盾Monarch 3/3/4
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 2 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 2 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 3
塔盾Tower Shield 3 大盾Pavise 3 圣盾Aegis 3/3/4
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 3 古代之盾Ancient Shield 3 保护盾牌Ward 3/3/4
头环Circlet 1/2/2 三重冠Tiara 1/2/3 权冠Diadem 1/2/3
宝冠Coronet 1/2/2
狼头Wolf Head 2/3/3 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 2/3/3 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 2/3/3
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 2/3/3 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress 2/3/3 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 2/3/3
鹿角Antlers 2/3/3 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 2/3/3 大地之灵Earth Spirit 2/3/3
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 2/3/3 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers 2/3/3 天空之灵Sky Spirit 2/3/3
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 2/3/3 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 2/3/3 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 2/3/3
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 2/3/3 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 2/3/3 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 2/3/3
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 2/3/3 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 2/3/3 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 2/3/3
角盔Horned Helm 2/3/3 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 2/3/3 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 2/3/3
突击盔Assault Helmet 2/3/3 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 2/3/3 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 2/3/3
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 2/3/3 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 2/3/3 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 2/3/3
小盾Targe 3/4/4 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 3/4/4 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 3/4/4
轻圆盾Rondache 3/4/4 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 3/4/4 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 3/4/4
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 3/4/4 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 3/4/4 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 3/4/4
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 3/4/4 饰金盾Gilded Shield 3/4/4 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 3/4/4
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 3/4/4 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 3/4/4 旋风盾Vortex Shield 3/4/4
防腐之首Preserved Head 2 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 2 2/3/3 随待之骨Minion Skull 2 2/3/3
僵尸之首Zombie Head 2 物神印记Fetish Trophy 2 2/3/3 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull 2 2/3/3
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 2 司事印记Sexton Trophy 2 2/3/3 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 2 2/3/3
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 2 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 2 2/3/3 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 2 2/3/3
恶魔之首Demon Head 2 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 2 2/3/3 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 2 2/3/3



  • 所有武器的耐久度都翻倍了。
  • 一些精英级武器享有更高的耐久度
    • 一些剑类上调20耐久度(短剑Falcata,土耳其剑Ataghan,优雅之剑Elegant Blade,九头蛇刃Hydra Edge,征服之剑Conquest Sword)
    • 骸骨小刀上调20耐久度
    • 一些斧类上调20耐久度(斩首斧Decapitator,豪杰斧Champion Axe,荣光之斧Glorious Axe)
    • 其他斧类上调50%耐久度(战钺Tomahawk,弯月斧Small Crescent,双头斧Ettin Axe,战刺War Spike,狂战士斧Berserker Axe,猛禽斧Feral Axe,银刃斧Silver-edged Axe)
    • 一些长矛类上调50%耐久度(亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear,冥河之枪Stygian Pike,刺人枪Mancatcher,鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear,战枪War Pike)
    • 一些法杖上调50%耐久度(手杖Walking Stick,钟乳石之杖Stalagmite,长老之杖Elder Staff,树皮之杖Shillelagh,执政官之杖Archon Staff)
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
小斧Hand Axe 28 56 手斧Hatchet 28 56 战钺Tomahawk 28 84
斧Axe 24 48 切肉刀Cleaver 24 48 弯月斧Small Crescent 24 72
双刃斧Double Axe 24 48 强化双斧Twin Axe 24 48 双头斧Ettin Axe 24 72
军用锹Military Pick 26 52 喙钳Crowbill 26 52 战刺War Spike 26 78
战斧War Axe 26 52 纳卡Naga 26 52 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 26 78
巨斧Large Axe 30 60 军斧Military Axe 30 60 猛禽斧Feral Axe 30 90
阔斧Broad Axe 35 70 钩斧Bearded Axe 35 70 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 35 105
战斗斧Battle Axe 40 80 战袍斧Tabar 40 80 斩首斧Decapitator 40 100
卓越之斧Great Axe 50 100 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 50 100 豪杰斧Champion Axe 50 120
大斧Giant Axe 50 100 古代之斧Ancient Axe 50 100 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 50 120
木棒Club 24 48 棍棒Cudgel 24 48 战仪杖Truncheon 55 110
狼牙棒Spiked Club 36 72 倒钩锤Barbed Club 36 72 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 65 130
钉头锤Mace 60 120 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 60 120 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 60 120
流星锤Morning Star 72 144 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 72 144 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 72 144
链枷Flail 30 60 铁皮鞭Knout 30 60 天罚之锤Scourge 65 130
巨战铁槌War Hammer 55 110 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 55 110 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 65 130
大木棍Maul 60 120 巨战木棍War Club 60 120 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 60 120
卓越巨棍Great Maul 60 120 战槌Martel de Fer 60 120 雷槌Thunder Maul 60 120
短剑Short Sword 24 48 罗马短剑Gladius 24 48 短剑Falcata 24 68
弯刀Scimitar 22 44 微弯剑Cutlass 22 44 土耳其剑Ataghan 22 64
军刀Sabre 32 64 虚伪之刃Shamshir 32 64 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 32 84
弯形大刀Falchion 32 64 圆月弯刀Tulwar 32 64 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 32 84
水晶剑Crystal Sword 20 40 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 20 40 幻化之刃Phase Blade - -
阔剑Broad Sword 32 64 战斗剑Battle Sword 32 64 征服之剑Conquest Sword 32 84
长剑Long Sword 44 88 符文剑Rune Sword 44 88 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 44 88
巨战之剑War Sword 44 88 古代之剑Ancient Sword 44 88 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 44 88
双手剑Two-handed Sword 44 88 斩铁剑Espandon 44 88 传说之剑Legend Sword 44 88
双刃大刀Claymore 50 100 双刃镰Dacian Falx 50 100 高地之剑Highland Blade 50 100
大剑Giant Sword 50 100 长牙剑Tusk Sword 50 100 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 50 100
巨剑Bastard Sword 40 80 哥德剑Gothic Sword 40 80 冠军之剑Champion Sword 40 80
双手饰剑Flamberge 50 100 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 50 100 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 50 100
卓越之剑Great Sword 50 100 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 50 100 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 50 100
匕首Dagger 16 32 锐匕Poignard 16 32 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 26 72
长匕首Dirk 20 40 诗歌匕首Rondel 20 40 秘银小刀Mithril Point 55 110
波形刀Kris 24 48 强波刀Cinquedeas 24 48 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 36 72
短刀Blade 24 48 小剑Stiletto 24 48 传说尖刺Legend Spike 47 94
长矛Spear 30 60 巨战长矛War Spear 30 60 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 30 90
三叉戟Trident 35 70 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 35 70 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 35 105
叉Brandistock 28 56 巨战之叉War Fork 28 56 刺人枪Mancatcher 28 84
大战戟Spetum 28 56 三叉长枪Yari 28 56 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 28 84
矛Pike 25 50 长枪Lance 25 50 战枪War Pike 25 75
大砍刀Bardiche 50 100 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 50 100 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 50 100
钩镰枪Voulge 50 100 比尔长刀Bill 50 100 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 50 100
镰刀Scythe 65 130 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 65 130 锐利之斧Thresher 65 130
长柄战斧Poleaxe 65 130 战戟Partizan 65 130 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 65 130
长戟Halberd 55 110 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 55 110 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 55 110
巨战镰刀War Scythe 55 110 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 55 110 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 55 110
短棍Short Staff 20 40 乔木棒Jo Staff 20 40 手杖Walking Stick 20 80
长棍Long Staff 30 60 六尺棍Quarterstaff 30 60 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 30 90
多节棍Gnarled Staff 35 70 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 35 70 长老之杖Elder Staff 35 105
战斗法杖Battle Staff 40 80 哥德棍Gothic Staff 40 80 树皮之杖Shillelagh 40 120
巨战法杖War Staff 50 100 符文之棍Rune Staff 50 100 执政官之杖Archon Staff 26 78
权杖Scepter 50 100 符文权杖Rune Scepter 50 100 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 50 100
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 60 120 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 60 120 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 60 120
巨战权杖War Scepter 70 140 神属权杖Divine Scepter 70 140 神使之杖Caduceus 70 140
拳剑Katar 48 96 格斗刃Quhab 48 96 近身刃Suwayyah 48 96
腕刀Wrist Blade 52 104 腕刺Wrist Spike 56 112 腕剑Wrist Sword 56 112
斧手Hatchet Hands 56 112 格斗爪Fascia 64 128 战拳War Fist 64 128
腰刀Cestus 72 144 手镰Hand Scythe 72 144 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 72 144
爪Claws 64 128 巨爪Greater Claws 52 104 猛禽爪Feral Claws 52 104
刃爪Blade Talons 69 138 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 69 138 符纹爪Runic Talons 69 138
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 68 136 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 68 136 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 68 136
女士之矛Maiden Spear 28 56 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 28 56 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 28 56
女士长矛Maiden Pike 25 50 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 25 50 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 25 50


物品 (普通) 耐久度 物品 (扩展) 耐久度 物品 (精英) 耐久度
帽子Cap 12 战帽War Hat 12 军帽Shako 12
骷髅帽Skull Cap 18 轻便头盔Sallet 18 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull 18
头盔Helm 24 无颊头盔Casque 24 活动头盔Armet 24
高级头盔Full Helm 30 轻钢盔Basinet 30 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 30
面具Mask 20 死亡面具Death Mask 20 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 20
白骨头盔Bone Helm 40 残酷头盔Grim Helm 40 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 40
卓越头盔Great Helm 40 翼盔Winged Helm 40 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 40
皇冠Crown 50 巨皇冠Grand Crown 50 头冠Corona 50
布甲Quilted Armor 20 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 20 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 20
皮甲Leather Armor 24 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 24 古龙皮Wyrmhide 24
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 28 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 28 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 28
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 32 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 32 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 32
锁环甲Ring Mail 26 连扣战甲Linked Mail 26 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 26
鳞甲Scale Mail 36 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 36 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 36
锁子甲Chain Mail 45 织网战甲Mesh Armorl 45 骸骨链甲Boneweave 45
胸甲Breast Plate 50 护胸甲Cuirass 50 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 50
板甲Splint Mail 30 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 30 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 30
铠甲Plate Mail 60 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 60 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 60
实战铠甲Field Plate 48 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 48 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 48
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 55 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 55 漆甲Lacquered Plate 55
轻型装甲Light Plate 60 法师铠甲Mage Plate 60 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 60
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 70 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 70 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 70
古代装甲Ancient Armor 60 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 60 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 60
圆盾Buckler 12 防御盾Defender 68 防寒圆盾Heater 88
小盾牌Small Shield 16 圆型盾Round Shield 64 月精灵护盾Luna 84
大盾牌Large Shield 24 鳞盾Scutum 62 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 82
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 40 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 55 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 83
轻盾Kite Shield 30 龙盾Dragon Shield 76 统治者大盾Monarch 86
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 40 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 70 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 74
塔盾Tower Shield 60 大盾Pavise 72 圣盾Aegis 92
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 40 古代之盾Ancient Shield 80 保护盾牌Ward 100
皮手套Leather Gloves 12 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 12 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 12
重手套Heavy Gloves 14 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 14 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 14
锁链手套Chain Gloves 16 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 16 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 16
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 18 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 18 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 18
铁手套Gauntlets 24 巨战手套War Gauntlets 24 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 24
皮靴Boots 12 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 12 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 12
重靴Heavy Boots 14 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 14 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 14
锁链靴Chain Boots 16 织网之靴Mesh Boots 16 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 16
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 18 战场之靴Battle Boots 18 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots 18
护胫Greaves 24 巨战之靴War Boots 24 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves 24
饰带Sash 12 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash 12 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 12
轻扣带Light Belt 14 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 14 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 14
扣带Belt 16 织网腰带Mesh Belt 16 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 16
重扣带Heavy Belt 18 战场腰带Battle Belt 18 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 18
金属扣带Plated Belt 24 巨战腰带War Belt 24 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 24
头环Circlet 35 三重冠Tiara 25 权冠Diadem 20
宝冠Coronet 30
狼头Wolf Head 20 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 20 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 20
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 20 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress 20 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 20
鹿角Antlers 20 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 20 大地之灵Earth Spirit 20
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 20 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers 20 天空之灵Sky Spirit 20
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 20 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 20 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 20
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 25 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 25 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 25
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 35 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 35 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 35
角盔Horned Helm 45 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 45 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 45
突击盔Assault Helmet 50 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 50 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 50
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 55 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 55 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 55
小盾Targe 20 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 20 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 45
轻圆盾Rondache 30 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 30 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 68
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 40 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 40 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 55
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 50 饰金盾Gilded Shield 50 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 65
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 60 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 60 旋风盾Vortex Shield 90
防腐之首Preserved Head 20 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 20 随待之骨Minion Skull 20
僵尸之首Zombie Head 20 物神印记Fetish Trophy 20 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull 20
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 20 司事印记Sexton Trophy 20 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 20
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 20 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 20 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 20
恶魔之首Demon Head 20 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 20 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 20


级需求和品质等级并没有变化。To see a list of all item bases and their corresponding unique/set items, see Item Codes.


物品 (普通) Level 物品 (扩展) Level 物品 (精英) Level
小斧Hand Axe 手斧Hatchet 19 战钺Tomahawk 40
斧Axe 切肉刀Cleaver 22 弯月斧Small Crescent 45
双刃斧Double Axe 强化双斧Twin Axe 25 双头斧Ettin Axe 52
军用锹Military Pick 喙钳Crowbill 25 战刺War Spike 59
战斧War Axe 纳卡Naga 25 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 64
巨斧Large Axe 军斧Military Axe 22 猛禽斧Feral Axe 42
阔斧Broad Axe 钩斧Bearded Axe 25 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 48
战斗斧Battle Axe 战袍斧Tabar 25 斩首斧Decapitator 54
卓越之斧Great Axe 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 25 豪杰斧Champion Axe 61
大斧Giant Axe 古代之斧Ancient Axe 25 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 66
木棒Club 棍棒Cudgel 18 战仪杖Truncheon 39
狼牙棒Spiked Club 倒钩锤Barbed Club 20 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 42
钉头锤Mace 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 23 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 47
流星锤Morning Star 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 25 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 52
链枷Flail 铁皮鞭Knout 25 天罚之锤Scourge 57
巨战铁槌War Hammer 战斗铁槌Battle Hammer 25 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 61
大木棍Maul 巨战木棍War Club 25 食人魔之槌Ogre Maul 51
卓越巨棍Great Maul 战槌Martel de Fer 25 雷槌Thunder Maul 65
短剑Short Sword 罗马短剑Gladius 18 短剑Falcata 42
弯刀Scimitar 微弯剑Cutlass 25 土耳其剑Ataghan 45
军刀Sabre 虚伪之刃Shamshir 23 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 47
弯形大刀Falchion 圆月弯刀Tulwar 25 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 51
水晶剑Crystal Sword 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 25 幻化之刃Phase Blade 54
阔剑Broad Sword 战斗剑Battle Sword 25 征服之剑Conquest Sword 58
长剑Long Sword 符文剑Rune Sword 25 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 61
巨战之剑War Sword 古代之剑Ancient Sword 25 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 66
双手剑Two-handed Sword 斩铁剑Espandon 25 传说之剑Legend Sword 44
双刃大刀Claymore 双刃镰Dacian Falx 25 高地之剑Highland Blade 49
大剑Giant Sword 长牙剑Tusk Sword 25 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 53
巨剑Bastard Sword 哥德剑Gothic Sword 25 冠军之剑Champion Sword 57
双手饰剑Flamberge 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 25 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 60
卓越之剑Great Sword 死刑之剑Executioner's Sword 25 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 63
匕首Dagger 锐匕Poignard 19 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 43
长匕首Dirk 诗歌匕首Rondel 24 秘银小刀Mithril Point 52
波形刀Kris 强波刀Cinquedeas 25 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 62
短刀Blade 小剑Stiletto 25 传说尖刺Legend Spike 66
飞刀Throwing Knife 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 19 飞刀Flying Knife 48
飞斧Throwing Axe 法兰飞斧Francisca 22 飞斧Flying Axe 42
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 巨战飞镖War Dart 25 翼刀Winged Knife 57
平衡斧Balanced Axe 短战戟Hurlbat 25 翼斧Winged Axe 60
标枪Javelin 巨战标枪War Javelin 18 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 40
短标枪Pilum 卓越标枪Great Pilum 25 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 46
短矛Short Spear 锐矛Simbilan 25 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 53
大长刀Glaive 阔针长矛Spiculum 25 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 59
飞矛Throwing Spear 鱼叉Harpoon 25 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 65
长矛Spear 巨战长矛War Spear 21 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 43
三叉戟Trident 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 24 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 49
叉Brandistock 巨战之叉War Fork 25 刺人枪Mancatcher 55
大战戟Spetum 三叉长枪Yari 25 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 62
矛Pike 长枪Lance 25 战枪War Pike 66
大砍刀Bardiche 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 21 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 45
钩镰枪Voulge 比尔长刀Bill 25 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 48
镰刀Scythe 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 25 锐利之斧Thresher 53
长柄战斧Poleaxe 战戟Partizan 23 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 59
长戟Halberd 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 25 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 63
巨战镰刀War Scythe 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 25 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 66
短弓Short Bow 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 18 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 41
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 21 刀锋弓Blade Bow 45
长弓Long Bow 杉木弓Cedar Bow 23 阴影弓Shadow Bow 47
组合弓Composite Bow 双弓Double Bow 25 巨弓Great Bow 51
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 25 钻石弓Diamond Bow 54
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 25 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 57
短巨战弓Short War Bow 符文之弓Rune Bow 25 庇护之弓Ward Bow 60
长巨战弓Long War Bow 哥德弓Gothic Bow 25 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 63
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 石弓Arbalest 22 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 42
十字弓Crossbow 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 25 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 50
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 弩弓Ballista 25 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 56
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 25 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 63
短棍Short Staff 乔木棒Jo Staff 18 手杖Walking Stick 43
长棍Long Staff 六尺棍Quarterstaff 23 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 49
多节棍Gnarled Staff 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 25 长老之杖Elder Staff 55
战斗法杖Battle Staff 哥德棍Gothic Staff 25 树皮之杖Shillelagh 62
巨战法杖War Staff 符文之棍Rune Staff 25 执政官之杖Archon Staff 66
手杖Wand 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 19 洗练法杖Polished Wand 41
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 净化之杖Petrified Wand 25 鬼魂之杖Ghost Wand 48
骨杖Bone Wand 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 25 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 56
残酷之杖Grim Wand 墓地之杖Grave Wand 25 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 64
权杖Scepter 符文权杖Rune Scepter 19 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 46
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 25 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 57
巨战权杖War Scepter 神属权杖Divine Scepter 25 神使之杖Caduceus 66
拳剑Katar 格斗刃Quhab 21 近身刃Suwayyah 44
腕刀Wrist Blade 腕刺Wrist Spike 24 腕剑Wrist Sword 46
斧手Hatchet Hands 格斗爪Fascia 27 战拳War Fist 51
腰刀Cestus 手镰Hand Scythe 30 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 54
爪Claws 巨爪Greater Claws 33 猛禽爪Feral Claws 58
刃爪Blade Talons 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 37 符纹爪Runic Talons 60
剪咬刀Scissors Katar 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 40 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 64
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 24 天堂之石Heavenly Stone 44
神圣天球Sacred Globe 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 27 怪异之球Eldritch Orb 50
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 8 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 30 恶魔之心Demon Heart 56
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 13 闪耀之珠Sparkling Ball 34 漩涡球Vortex Orb 63
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 18 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 37 次元碎片Dimensional Shard 66
男性之弓Stag Bow 14 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 29 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 39
反射之弓Reflex Bow 20 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 35 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 58
女士之矛Maiden Spear 14 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 32 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 45
女士长矛Maiden Pike 20 祭典长矛Ceremonial Pike 38 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 60
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 17 祭典标枪Ceremonial Javelin 26 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 48
物品 (普通) Level 物品 (扩展) Level 物品 (精英) Level
帽子Cap 战帽War Hat 22 军帽Shako 43
骷髅帽Skull Cap 轻便头盔Sallet 25 九头蛇头盖骨圆Hydraskull 47
头盔Helm 无颊头盔Casque 25 活动头盔Armet 51
高级头盔Full Helm 轻钢盔Basinet 25 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 40
面具Mask 死亡面具Death Mask 25 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 55
白骨头盔Bone Helm 残酷头盔Grim Helm 25 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 63
卓越头盔Great Helm 翼盔Winged Helm 25 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 59
皇冠Crown 巨皇冠Grand Crown 25 头冠Corona 66
布甲Quilted Armor 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 22 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 49
皮甲Leather Armor 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 24 古龙皮Wyrmhide 50
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 25 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 51
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 25 羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 53
锁环甲Ring Mail 连扣战甲Linked Mail 25 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 54
鳞甲Scale Mail 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 25 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 55
锁子甲Chain Mail 织网战甲Mesh Armorl 25 骸骨链甲Boneweave 47
胸甲Breast Plate 护胸甲Cuirass 25 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 56
板甲Splint Mail 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 25 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 57
铠甲Plate Mail 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 25 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 59
实战铠甲Field Plate 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 25 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 61
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 25 漆甲Lacquered Plate 62
轻型装甲Light Plate 法师铠甲Mage Plate 25 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 63
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 25 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 64
古代装甲Ancient Armor 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 25 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 66
圆盾Buckler 防御盾Defender 22 防寒圆盾Heater 43
小盾牌Small Shield 圆型盾Round Shield 25 月精灵护盾Luna 45
大盾牌Large Shield 鳞盾Scutum 25 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 48
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 25 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 51
轻盾Kite Shield 龙盾Dragon Shield 25 统治者大盾Monarch 54
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 25 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 57
塔盾Tower Shield 大盾Pavise 25 圣盾Aegis 59
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 古代之盾Ancient Shield 25 保护盾牌Ward 63
皮手套Leather Gloves 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 21 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 42
重手套Heavy Gloves 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 25 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 47
锁链手套Chain Gloves 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 25 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 51
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 25 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 57
铁手套Gauntlets 巨战手套War Gauntlets 25 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 64
皮靴Boots 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 24 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 45
重靴Heavy Boots 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 25 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 49
锁链靴Chain Boots 织网之靴Mesh Boots 25 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 54
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 战场之靴Battle Boots 25 镜化靴Mirroredttle Boots 60
护胫Greaves 巨战之靴War Boots 25 急速靴Myrmidon Greaves 65
饰带Sash 魔皮腰带Demonhide Sash 24 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 46
轻扣带Light Belt 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 25 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 51
扣带Belt 织网腰带Mesh Belt 25 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 56
重扣带Heavy Belt 战场腰带Battle Belt 25 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 62
金属扣带Plated Belt 巨战腰带War Belt 25 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 67
头环Circlet 16 三重冠Tiara 52 权冠Diadem 64
宝冠Coronet 39
狼头Wolf Head 3 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 26 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 46
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 6 狮鹫兽头盔Griffon Headress 30 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 51
鹿角Antlers 12 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 29 大地之灵Earth Spirit 57
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 15 神圣羽毛饰带Sacred Feathers 32 天空之灵Sky Spirit 62
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 18 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 41 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 66
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 3 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 25 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 45
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 6 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 29 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 49
角盔Horned Helm 12 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 29 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 54
突击盔Assault Helmet 15 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 32 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 60
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 18 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 40 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 65
小盾Targe 3 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 26 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 47
轻圆盾Rondache 6 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 30 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 52
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 12 防守者盾牌Protector Shield 34 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 55
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 15 饰金盾Gilded Shield 38 撒卡兰坶盾Zakarum Shield 61
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 18 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 41 旋风盾Vortex Shield 66
防腐之首Preserved Head 3 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 24 随待之骨Minion Skull 44
僵尸之首Zombie Head 6 物神印记Fetish Trophy 29 地狱爪之骨Hellspawn Skull 50
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 12 司事印记Sexton Trophy 33 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 49
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 15 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 36 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 60
恶魔之首Demon Head 18 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 40 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 65


Weapon qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Hand Axe 3 Hatchet 31 Tomahawk 54
Axe 7 Cleaver 34 Small Crescent 61
Double Axe 13 Twin Axe 39 Ettin Axe 70
Military Pick 19 Crowbill 43 War Spike 79
War Axe 25 Naga 48 Berserker Axe 85
Large Axe 6 Military Axe 34 Feral Axe 57
Broad Axe 12 Bearded Axe 38 Silver-edged Axe 65
Battle Axe 17 Tabar 42 Decapitator 73
Great Axe 23 Gothic Axe 46 Champion Axe 82
Giant Axe 27 Ancient Axe 51 Glorious Axe 85
Club 1 Cudgel 30 Truncheon 52
Spiked Club 4 Barbed Club 32 Tyrant Club 57
Mace 8 Flanged Mace 35 Reinforced Mace 63
Morning Star 13 Jagged Star 39 Devil Star 70
Flail 19 Knout 43 Scourge 76
War Hammer 25 Battle Hammer 48 Legendary Mallet 82
Maul 21 War Club 45 Ogre Maul 69
Great Maul 32 Martel de Fer 53 Thunder Maul 85
Short Sword 1 Gladius 30 Falcata 56
Scimitar 5 Cutlass 43 Ataghan 61
Sabre 8 Shamshir 35 Elegant Blade 63
Falchion 11 Tulwar 37 Hydra Edge 69
Crystal Sword 11 Dimensional Blade 37 Phase Blade 73
Broad Sword 15 Battle Sword 40 Conquest Sword 78
Long Sword 20 Rune Sword 44 Cryptic Sword 82
War Sword 27 Ancient Sword 49 Mythical Sword 85
Two-handed Sword 10 Espandon 37 Legend Sword 59
Claymore 17 Dacian Falx 42 Highland Blade 66
Giant Sword 21 Tusk Sword 45 Balrog Blade 71
Bastard Sword 24 Gothic Sword 48 Champion Sword 77
Flamberge 27 Zweihander 49 Colossus Sword 80
Great Sword 33 Executioner's Sword 54 Colossus Blade 85
Dagger 3 Poignard 31 Bone Knife 58
Dirk 9 Rondel 36 Mithril Point 70
Kris 17 Cinquedeas 42 Fanged Knife 83
Blade 23 Stiletto 46 Legend Spike 85
Throwing Knife 2 Battle Dart 31 Flying Knife 64
Throwing Axe 7 Francisca 34 Flying Axe 56
Balanced Knife 13 War Dart 39 Winged Knife 77
Balanced Axe 16 Hurlbat 41 Winged Axe 80
Javelin 1 War Javelin 30 Hyperion Javelin 54
Pilum 10 Great Pilum 37 Stygian Pilum 62
Short Spear 15 Simbilan 40 Balrog Spear 71
Glaive 23 Spiculum 46 Ghost Glaive 79
Throwing Spear 29 Harpoon 51 Winged Harpoon 85
Spear 5 War Spear 33 Hyperion Spear 58
Trident 9 Fuscina 36 Stygian Pike 66
Brandistock 16 War Fork 41 Mancatcher 74
Spetum 20 Yari 44 Ghost Spear 83
Pike 24 Lance 47 War Pike 85
Bardiche 5 Lochaber Axe 33 Ogre Axe 60
Voulge 11 Bill 37 Colossus Voulge 64
Scythe 15 Battle Scythe 40 Thresher 71
Poleaxe 21 Partizan 35 Cryptic Axe 79
Halberd 29 Bec-de-Corbin 51 Great Poleaxe 84
War Scythe 34 Grim Scythe 55 Giant Thresher 85
Short Bow 1 Edge Bow 30 Spider Bow 55
Hunter’s Bow 5 Razor Bow 33 Blade Bow 60
Long Bow 8 Cedar Bow 35 Shadow Bow 63
Composite Bow 12 Double Bow 39 Great Bow 68
Short Battle Bow 18 Short Siege Bow 43 Diamond Bow 72
Long Battle Bow 23 Large Siege Bow 46 Crusader Bow 77
Short War Bow 27 Rune Bow 49 Ward Bow 80
Long War Bow 31 Gothic Bow 52 Hydra Bow 85
Light Crossbow 6 Arbalest 34 Pellet Bow 57
Crossbow 15 Siege Crossbow 40 Gorgon Crossbow 67
Heavy Crossbow 24 Ballista 47 Colossus Crossbow 75
Repeating Crossbow 33 Chu-Ko-Nu 54 Demon Crossbow 84
Short Staff 1 Jo Staff 30 Walking Stick 58
Long Staff 8 Quarterstaff 35 Stalagmite 66
Gnarled Staff 12 Cedar Staff 38 Elder Staff 74
Battle Staff 17 Gothic Staff 42 Shillelagh 83
War Staff 24 Rune Staff 47 Archon Staff 85
Wand 2 Burnt Wand 31 Polished Wand 55
Yew Wand 12 Petrified Wand 38 Ghost Wand 65
Bone Wand 18 Tomb Wand 43 Lich Wand 75
Grim Wand 26 Grave Wand 49 Unearthed Wand 86
Scepter 3 Rune Scepter 31 Mighty Scepter 62
Grand Scepter 15 Holy Water Sprinkler 40 Seraph Rod 76
War Scepter 21 Divine Scepter 45 Caduceus 85
Katar 1 Quhab 28 Suwayyah 59
Wrist Blade 9 Wrist Spike 32 Wrist Sword 62
Hatchet Hands 12 Fascia 36 War Fist 68
Cestus 15 Hand Scythe 41 Battle Cestus 73
Claws 18 Greater Claws 45 Feral Claws 78
Blade Talons 21 Greater Talons 50 Runic Talons 81
Scissors Katar 24 Scissors Quhab 54 Scissors Suwayyah 85
Eagle Orb 1 Glowing Orb 32 Heavenly Stone 59
Sacred Globe 8 Crystalline Globe 37 Eldritch Orb 67
Smoked Sphere 12 Cloudy Sphere 41 Demon Heart 75
Clasped Orb 17 Sparkling Ball 46 Vortex Orb 84
Jared's Stone 24 Swirling Crystal 50 Dimensional Shard 85
Stag Bow 18 Ashwood Bow 39 Matriarchal Bow 53
Reflex Bow 27 Ceremonial Bow 47 Grand Matron Bow 78
Maiden Spear 18 Ceremonial Spear 43 Matriarchal Spear 61
Maiden Pike 27 Ceremonial Pike 51 Matriarchal Pike 81
Maiden Javelin 23 Ceremonial Javelin 35 Matriarchal Javelin 65
Armor qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Cap 1 War Hat 34 Shako 58
Skull Cap 5 Sallet 37 Hydraskull 63
Helm 11 Casque 42 Armet 68
Full Helm 15 Basinet 45 Giant Conch 54
Mask 19 Death Mask 48 Demonhead 74
Bone Helm 22 Grim Helm 50 Bone Visage 84
Great Helm 23 Winged Helm 51 Spired Helm 79
Crown 29 Grand Crown 55 Corona 85
Quilted Armor 1 Ghost Armor 34 Dusk Shroud 65
Leather Armor 3 Serpentskin Armor 36 Wyrmhide 67
Hard Leather Armor 5 Demonhide Armor 37 Scarab Husk 68
Studded Leather 8 Trellised Armor 40 Wire Fleece 70
Ring Mail 11 Linked Mail 42 Diamond Mail 72
Scale Mail 13 Tigulated Mail 43 Loricated Mail 73
Chain Mail 15 Mesh Armor 45 Boneweave 62
Breast Plate 18 Cuirass 47 Great Hauberk 75
Splint Mail 20 Russet Armor 49 Balrog Skin 76
Plate Mail 24 Templar Coat 52 Hellforge Plate 78
Field Plate 28 Sharktooth Armor 55 Kraken Shell 81
Gothic Plate 32 Embossed Plate 58 Lacquered Plate 82
Light Plate 35 Mage Plate 60 Archon Plate 84
Full Plate Mail 37 Chaos Armor 61 Shadow Plate 83
Ancient Armor 40 Ornate Plate 64 Sacred Armor 85
Buckler 1 Defender 34 Heater 58
Small Shield 5 Round Shield 37 Luna 61
Large Shield 11 Scutum 42 Hyperion 64
Spiked Shield 11 Barbed Shield 42 Blade Barrier 68
Kite Shield 15 Dragon Shield 45 Monarch 72
Bone Shield 19 Grim Shield 48 Troll Nest 76
Tower Shield 22 Pavise 50 Aegis 79
Gothic Shield 30 Ancient Shield 56 Ward 84
Leather Gloves 3 Demonhide Gloves 33 Bramble Mitts 57
Heavy Gloves 7 Sharkskin Gloves 39 Vampirebone Gloves 63
Chain Gloves 12 Heavy Bracers 43 Vambraces 69
Light Gauntlets 20 Battle Gauntlets 49 Crusader Gauntlets 76
Gauntlets 27 War Gauntlets 54 Ogre Gauntlets 85
Boots 3 Demonhide Boots 36 Wyrmhide Boots 60
Heavy Boots 7 Sharkskin Boots 39 Scarabshell Boots 66
Chain Boots 12 Mesh Boots 43 Boneweave Boots 72
Light Plated Boots 20 Battle Boots 49 Mirrored Boots 81
Greaves 27 War Boots 54 Myrmidon Greaves 85
Sash 3 Demonhide Sash 36 Spiderweb Sash 61
Light Belt 7 Sharkskin Belt 39 Vampirefang Belt 68
Belt 12 Mesh Belt 43 Mithril Coil 75
Heavy Belt 20 Battle Belt 49 Troll Belt 82
Plated Belt 27 War Belt 54 Colossus Girdle 85
Circlet 24 Tiara 70 Diadem 85
Coronet 52
Wolf Head 4 Alpha Helm 35 Blood Spirit 62
Hawk Helm 8 Griffon Headress 40 Sun Spirit 69
Antlers 16 Hunter's Guise 46 Earth Spirit 76
Falcon Mask 20 Sacred Feathers 50 Sky Spirit 83
Spirit Mask 24 Totemic Mask 55 Dream Spirit 85
Jawbone Cap 4 Jawbone Visor 33 Carnage Helm 60
Fanged Helm 8 Lion Helm 38 Fury Visor 66
Horned Helm 16 Rage Mask 44 Destroyer Helm 73
Assault Helmet 20 Savage Helmet 49 Conqueror Crown 80
Avenger Guard 24 Slayer Guard 54 Guardian Crown 85
Targe 4 Akaran Targe 35 Sacred Targe 63
Rondache 8 Akaran Rondache 40 Sacred Rondache 70
Heraldic Shield 16 Protector Shield 46 Kurast Shield 74
Aerin Shield 20 Gilded Shield 51 Zakarum Shield 82
Crown Shield 24 Royal Shield 55 Vortex Shield 85
Preserved Head 4 Mummified Trophy 33 Minion Skull 59
Zombie Head 8 Fetish Trophy 39 Hellspawn Skull 67
Unraveller Head 16 Sexton Trophy 45 Overseer Skull 66
Gargoyle Head 20 Cantor Trophy 49 Succubus Skull 81
Demon Head 24 Hierophant Trophy 54 Bloodlord Skull 85
Other qlvls
Item qlvl
Amulet 1
Ring 1
Quiver 1
Jewel 1
Grand Charm 1
Large Charm 14
Small Charm 28