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== 宝石和符文公式 ==
== 堆叠 ==
[[File:Stacking.gif|400px|thumb|switching an item to it's stacked form]]
[[File:Stacking2.gif|224px|thumb|combining two stackable items]]
现在无瑕宝石,完美宝石,以及所有符文都可以堆叠放置了。用快捷方式可以转换它们的''可堆叠''和''不可堆叠''形态。 有些其他的物品最近也能堆叠了,可/不可堆叠状态以上面同样的方法转换。
[[File:Unstacking.gif|400px|thumb|unstacking an item]]
[[File:Transmut-flawlessgem.gif|260px|thumb|upgrading stacked items]]
现在无瑕宝石,完美宝石,以及所有符文都可以堆叠放置了。用赫拉迪克方块可以转换它们的可堆叠和不可堆叠形态。 有些其他的物品最近也能堆叠了,可/不可堆叠状态以上面同样的方法转换。宝石和符文是可堆叠状态时,不能镶嵌进装备的镶孔里。


{| class="wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 堆叠/未堆叠物品
! 材料 !! 结果
| 1个未堆叠的宝石/符文 || 堆叠的宝石/符文
| 堆叠在一起的相同的宝石/符文 || 1块未堆叠的宝石/符文 + 本次转化未使用的堆叠的宝石/符文
* ctrl+shift+点击-转换单一物品的堆叠/未堆叠状态
* ctrl+shift+点击-转换单一物品的堆叠/未堆叠状态
* Ctrl+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为堆叠形态
* Ctrl+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为堆叠形态
* ctrl+shift+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为未堆叠形态
* ctrl+shift+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为未堆叠形态

== Gear Modification ==
These recipes modify items - affixes on ingredient items are preserved.

=== 打孔公式 ===
公式打孔只能被使用在本身具有0镶孔,并可以被打孔的物品上,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和不可投掷的武器。These recipes won't work on other items. 物品可获得的最大孔数 [[Item_Bases#Sockets|maximum sockets]] 也是由底材决定的- for example, a Legend Sword will never be able to get more than 3 sockets。

<div id="Larzuk's Puzzlebox"></div>
'''New Items:'''
* 拉苏克迷盒Larzuk's Puzzlebox - 掉落几率与伐克斯Vex(#26)差不多
* Larzuk's Puzzlepiece - 掉落几率与马尔Mal#23差不多
* Larzuk's Malus - 可以在 拉苏克Larzuk 商店购买

{| class="wikitable"
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 合成宝石
! 材料 !! 结果
| <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文(#8) + <span class="d2-orange">安姆Amn</span> 符文(#11) + <span class="d2-purple">完美紫宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 武器 || 给武器打1-6个镶孔
| <span class="d2-orange">塔尔Tal</span> 符文(#7) + <span class="d2-orange">安姆Amn</span> 符文(#11) + <span class="d2-red">完美红宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 盾牌 || 给盾牌打1-4个镶孔
| <span class="d2-orange">塔尔Tal</span> 符文(#7)+ <span class="d2-orange">书尔Thul</span> 符文(#10) + <span class="d2-yellow">完美黄宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 胸甲 || 给胸甲打1-4个镶孔
! 材料 !! 结果
| <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文(#8) + <span class="d2-orange">书尔Thul</span> 符文(#10) + <span class="d2-blue">完美蓝宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 头盔 || 给头盔打1-3个镶孔
| 3个同色的碎裂的宝石 || 同色的有瑕疵的宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">海尔Hel</span> 符文(#15) + 回城卷轴 + 任意已镶嵌的物品 || 洗掉已镶嵌的物品(宝石/符文/宝珠)
| 3个同色的有瑕疵的宝石 || 同色宝石
| Larzuk's Puzzlebox + 物品 || 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器<br>加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
| 3个同色宝石 || 同色无瑕疵的宝石
| Larzuk's Puzzlepiece + 非暗金/非套装的 物品 || 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器<br>加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
| 3个同色无瑕疵的宝石+钥匙 || 同色完美宝石
| 拉苏克的锤子 + 物品 || 给物品打1孔
* The socketing recipes for <span class="d2-white">regular</span> items only work with "standard" items (not superior or inferior) and the [[General_Changes#Bug_Fixes|eth bug]] involving them has been fixed in PD2
* 公式打孔给 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 物品打孔时打出1-6孔数的机会均等。但实际上能打出的孔数还是受限于底材(比如 Grim Helm|残酷头盔 1/6 的几率打1孔,5/6的几率打2孔)
* The recipes utilizing Larzuk's Puzzlebox and Larzuk's Puzzlepiece have equal chances for each resulting number of sockets
作为公式打孔的补充, [[Recipes#Corruptions|腐化]] 也有几率给物品打孔。Note that items which get ''non-socket'' corruption modifiers may still be socketed via these recipes. Corruptions don't prevent them from being modified further.

* <span class="d2-white">一般白字</span> 物品打出最大孔数 [[Item_Bases#Sockets|sockets]] (取决于物品底材和物品等级)
* <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品打出1-2孔 (1孔2孔机会均等)
* 其他物品 (<span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span>/<span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>) 可打1孔

=== 物品升级公式 ===
<span class="d2-green">套装</span> 物品和 <span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 物品现在可以通过合成公式升级了。 <span class="d2-green">套装</span> 物品升级公式与<span class="d2-gold">暗金</span> 物品一样, <span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 物品升级公式与<span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品一样。这些公式可升级物品的[[Item_Bases|基础类型]],且并''不影响''物品词缀。

物品的装备需求也随着基础类型的改变而提升。在原版游戏中,装备需求等级也之提升了 5/7 级(扩展级/精英级)。但在PD2中并非如此。

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 符文升级
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 备注
! 材料 !! 结果
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">El|艾尔</span> Runes (#1) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Eld|艾德</span> Rune (#2) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文(#8)+ <span class="d2-orange">索尔Sol</span> 符文(#12) + <span class="d2-green">完美绿宝石</span> + 普通 <span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span> 武器 || 该武器的扩展级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Eld|艾德</span> Runes (#2) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Tir|特尔</span> Rune (#3) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">塔尔Tal</span> 符文(#7)+ <span class="d2-orange">夏Shael</span> 符文(#13) + <span class="d2-white">完美的钻石</span> + 普通 <span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span> 装甲 || 该装甲的扩展级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Tir|特尔</span> Runes (#3) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Nef|那夫</span> Rune (#4) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">卢姆Lum</span> 符文(#17)+ <span class="d2-orange">普尔Pul</span> 符文(#21) + <span class="d2-green">完美绿宝石</span> + 扩展级 <span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span> 武器 || 该武器的精英级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Nef|那夫</span> Runes (#4) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Eth|爱斯</span> Rune (#5) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">科Ko</span> 符文(#18)+ <span class="d2-orange">蓝姆Lem</span> 符文(#20)+ <span class="d2-white">完美的钻石</span> + 扩展级 <span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span> 装甲 || 该装甲的精英级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Eth|爱斯</span> Runes (#5) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ith|伊司</span> Rune (#6) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">欧特Ort</span> 符文(#9)+ <span class="d2-orange">安姆Amn</span> 符文(#11)+ <span class="d2-blue">完美蓝宝石</span> + 普通 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 武器 || 该武器的扩展级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Ith|伊司</span> Runes (#6) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Tal|塔尔</span> Rune (#7) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文(#8)+ <span class="d2-orange">书尔Thul</span> 符文(#10)+ <span class="d2-purple">完美紫宝石</span> + 普通 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 装甲 || 该装甲的扩展级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Tal|塔尔</span> Runes (#7) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ral|拉尔</span> Rune (#8) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">法尔Fal</span> 符文(#19)+ <span class="d2-orange">乌姆Um</span> 符文(#22)+ <span class="d2-blue">完美蓝宝石</span> + 扩展级 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 武器 || 该武器的精英级版本
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Ral|拉尔</span> Runes (#8) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ort|欧特</span> Rune (#9) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">科Ko</span> 符文(#18)+ <span class="d2-orange">普尔Pul</span> 符文(#21)+ <span class="d2-purple">完美紫宝石</span> + 扩展级 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工制作</span> 装甲 || 该装甲的精英级版本
* 带有增强防御属性的装甲其基础防御值为最大值+1,升级后的带有增强防御属性的装甲的基础防御值会重新随机。
* 升级 <span class="d2-gray">无形</span> 物品不会改变其现有的耐久度,无论其最大耐久度提升多少。其当前耐久度可能会被随机降低一些。
* 与原版游戏不同,升级 头环Circlet 会得到宝冠Coronet,而非扩展级的头环(三重冠Tiara)
=== 其他改动公式 ===
* 轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(七百五十万分之一几率)
* 莉莉丝之镜Lilith's Mirror 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(两千五百万分之一几率)
{| class="wikitable"
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 备注
| <span class="d2-orange">欧特Ort(9#)</span> 符文 + 非无形武器 || 修复/充满聚气 || 以前需要碎裂的宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral(8#)</span> 符文 + 非无形装甲 || 修复/充满聚气 || 以前需要有瑕疵的宝石
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Ort|欧特</span> Runes (#9) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Thul|书尔</span> Rune (#10) ||
| <span class="d2-orange">萨德Zod(33#)</span> 符文 + <span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span> + 物品|| 修复/充满聚气 || <span class="d2-gray">无形</span> 物品有效
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Thul|书尔</span> Runes (#10) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Amn|安姆</span> Rune (#11) || 以前需要碎裂的黄宝石
| 轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong + 物品 || 物品成为无形 || 对无耐久度的物品无效(不可摧毁物品)
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Amn|安姆</span> Runes (#11) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Sol|索尔</span> Rune (#12) || 以前需要碎裂的紫宝石
| 莉莉丝之镜 + 物品 || 复制该物品 || 只能用于 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 装备和<span class="d2-orange">手工</span> 装备<br>该复制物品标记为“已镜像”,并且配色为黑白色,并无法再被用于任何赫拉迪克方块合成公式
=== Corruptions ===
Main article: [[Corruptions]]
'''New Item:''' Worldstone Shard - can drop anywhere
Worldstone shards can be used to corrupt items.
== Gear Creation ==
These recipes create new items - any affixes on ingredient items are not preserved. Also see: [[Recipes#Corruptions|腐化]]
=== 装备创造公式 ===
{| class="wikitable"
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Sol|索尔</span> Runes (#12) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Shael|夏</span> Rune (#13) || 以前需要碎裂的蓝宝石
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 说明
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Shael|夏</span> Runes (#13) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Dol|多尔</span> Rune (#14) || 以前需要碎裂的红宝石
| 蝮蛇护符 [[Amulet of the Viper]] + 国王之杖[[Staff of Kings|Staff of Kings]] || 赫拉迪克法杖 [[Horadric Staff|Horadric Staff]]
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Dol|多尔</span> Runes (#14) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Hel|海尔</span> Rune (#15) || 以前需要碎裂的绿宝石
| 克林姆的眼睛 Khalim's Eye + 克林姆的脑子 Khalim's Brain + 克林姆的心脏 Khalim's Heart + 克林姆的链枷 [[Khalim's Flail]] || 克林姆的意志 [[Khalim's Will]]
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Hel|海尔</span> Runes (#15) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Io|破</span> Rune (#16) || 以前需要碎裂的钻石
| 2 <span class="d2-white">Regular</span> Arrows or 2 <span class="d2-white">Regular</span> Bolts || <span class="d2-white">Regular</span> quiver of the opposite type ||  
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Io|破</span> Runes (#16) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Lum|卢姆</span> Rune (#17) || 以前需要有瑕疵的黄宝石
| 长矛 + || <span class="d2-white">普通</span>标枪
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Lum|卢姆</span> Runes (#17) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ko|科</span> Rune (#18) || 以前需要有瑕疵的紫宝石
| 任意斧子 + 任意匕首 || <span class="d2-white">普通</span>飞斧
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Ko|科</span> Runes (#18) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Fal|法尔</span> Rune (#19) || 以前需要有瑕疵的蓝宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 武器 + 3 碎裂的宝石 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 25
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Fal|法尔</span> Runes (#19) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Lem|蓝姆</span> Rune (#20) || 以前需要有瑕疵的红宝石
| 带镶孔的武器 + 3 普通的宝石 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 30
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Lem|蓝姆</span> Runes (#20) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Pul|普尔</span> Rune (#21) || 以前需要有瑕疵的绿宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 武器 + 3 无暇的宝石 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级)= 30
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Pul|普尔</span> Runes (#21) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Um|乌姆</span> Rune (#22) || 以前需要有瑕疵的钻石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 + <span class="d2-green">完美绿宝石</span> + 解毒剂 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 翡翠的Jade 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''翡翠的Jade'' = 毒素抗性 +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Um|乌姆</span> Runes (#22) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Mal|马尔</span> Rune (#23) || 以前需要黄宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 + <span class="d2-red">完美红宝石</span> + 爆炸药剂 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 深红的Garnet (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''深红的Garnet'' = 火焰抗性 +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Mal|马尔</span> Runes (#23) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ist|伊斯特</span> Rune (#24) || 以前需要紫宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 + <span class="d2-yellow">完美黄宝石</span> + 回复活力药剂 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 珊瑚的Coral 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''珊瑚的Coral'' = 闪电抗性 +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Ist|伊斯特</span> Runes (#24) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Gul|古尔</span> Rune (#25) || 以前需要蓝宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 + <span class="d2-blue">完美蓝宝石</span> + 溶解药剂 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 钴Cobalt 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''钴Cobalt'' = 寒冷抗性 +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Gul|古尔</span> Runes (#25) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Vex|伐克斯</span> Rune (#26) || 以前需要红宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 剑 + 任意 <span class="d2-red">红宝石</span> + 任意4个血瓶 || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 妖巫的of the Leech 剑  (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''妖巫的of the Leech'' = [4-5]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL)
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Vex|伐克斯</span> Runes (#26) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ohm|欧姆</span> Rune (#27) || 以前需要绿宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 盾 + 任意狼牙棒 + 任意 2个 <span class="d2-gray">骷髅</span> || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 长钉of Spikes 盾  (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) || ''长钉of Spikes'' = 攻击者受到[4-6]点伤害
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Ohm|欧姆</span> Runes (#27) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Lo|罗</span> Rune (#28) || 以前需要钻石
| 任意波形刀 + 任意法杖 + 任意腰带 + 任意 <span class="d2-white">钻石</span> || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 野蛮的Savage 长柄武器  (随机类型, ilvl(物品等级) = 50) || ''野蛮的Savage'' = +[66-80]% 增强伤害
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Lo|罗</span> Runes (#28) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Sur|瑟</span> Rune (#29) || 以前需要无瑕疵的黄宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> Amulet + 6 个完美宝石 (除了完美骷髅) || <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 三棱的Prismatic 项链 (ilvl(物品等级) = 50) || ''三棱的Prismatic'' = 所有抗性 +[16-20]
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Sur|瑟</span> Runes (#29) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Ber|贝</span> Rune (#30) || 以前需要无瑕疵的紫宝石
| 3 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 项链 || 1 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75) ||  
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Ber|贝</span> Runes (#30) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Jah|乔</span> Rune (#31) || 以前需要无瑕疵的蓝宝石
| 3 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 戒指 || 1 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 项链 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75) ||  
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Jah|乔</span> Runes (#31) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Cham|查姆</span> Rune (#32) || 以前需要无瑕疵的红宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品 + 3 完美宝石 || 同类<span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品,相同的 ilvl(物品等级)|| 不可用于 <span class="d2-red">腐化过的</span> 物品或地图
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">Cham|查姆</span> Runes (#32) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">Zod|萨德</span> Rune (#33) || 以前需要无瑕疵的绿宝石
| <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品 + 6 <span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span> || 同类型的<span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品,ilvl(物品等级)= clvl(人物等级)*0.4 + ilvl(物品等级)*0.4) || 不可用于 <span class="d2-red">腐化过的</span> 物品或地图
* Bracketed formula ilvl values are rounded down

* 如果想得到一些特别属性,洗点 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品是一个非常好的途径。 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品通常来说无法与其他典型的装备选择相提并论, 但<span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 护身符非常值得去洗点 - 超大型护身符的话,如果洗出+1技能的则特别有用。
* 想得到特别属性的 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品,用<span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span>洗点 <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品个非常不错的选择。ilvl(物品等级)每次洗点都会降低, 所以用高等级的角色和高物品等级的物品来洗是最有效率的 - 对一些几乎没有有用的高级词缀的物品,比如戒指,或者权冠,也非常值得洗。因为它们相对低的物品等级完全抵消了品质等级,和掉落它们的怪物等级。其他物品洗低了物品等级,一些高级的词缀无法出现。但权冠不会,可无限重复低洗,还是可以出现所有的词缀属性。针对其它物品,用98+级的角色洗出来的物品等级可稳定在65ILVL。

== 打孔公式 ==
<div id="Imbue"></div>
公式打孔只能被使用在本身具有0镶孔,并可以被打孔的物品上,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和不可投掷的武器。 物品可获得的最大孔数 [[Item_Bases#Sockets|maximum sockets]] 是由底材决定的。 “标准”的物品指它既不是高级的也不是超强的也不是劣质的。 请注意, <span class="d2-gray">无形的</span> 盔甲 [[General_Changes#Bug_Fixes|bug]] BUG在PD2中已被修正。
'''Imbuing Items'''
: 除了洗点公式,第一幕的第五个任务(铁匠恰西那个任务)提供了另一种生成魔法物品的途径。把赫拉迪克马勒斯[[Horadric Malus]]还给恰西以后,恰西会把一件玩家指定的无镶孔的白字物品进行灌注。灌注后的是一件同类型的黄金物品,并也有具备同级别词缀[[Item_Affixes|affixes]] 的可能(可能性与正常黄金装备一般无二,除非它是维特之腿[[Wirt's Leg]]),虽然在物品生成上还是有一些区别的:
:: <code>生成的物品的 ilvl(物品等级) = clvl(人物等级)+ 4</code> (99级封顶)
:* 如果灌注的是无形物品,灌注后的依然是无形(与其他物品数值不相关)
:* 如果底材可以带有staffmods(加职业技能)的,它也比其他普通物品有更大的机会在灌注后得到加技能点的属性,甚至 +3多技能点
:: 说明: Pointmod(加技能)的几率随着角色等级增加而提升,至多94级。
: 最流行的灌注目标是权冠,适合任何角色,可加职业技能,71级以上角色可用。灌注其他低等级物品也能得到可用的装备,但通常来说得到最好的词缀的可能性非常渺茫。
: 通常被认为不是上策,但腐化 [[Recipes#Corruptions|corruptions]] 也有机会使物品变成黄金物品
If a recipe has stackable gems/runes as ingredients, those ingredients can be stacked ''or'' unstacked, and even stacked in different groups. Here are some examples using the rerolling recipe with a grand charm:
<!--<div style="display:inline-table; padding-right:8px; padding-bottom:8px;">[[File:Rerolling-gc.gif]]</div>--><!-- NOTICE: this image's resolution is too large to animate at 302px (same scale as other gifs on this page) -->
<!--<div style="display:inline-table">[[File:RerollGC-twoStacks.gif]]</div>--><!-- NOTICE: this image's resolution is too large to animate at 400px (same scale as other gifs on this page) -->

=== Crafting ===
Main article: [[Crafting#Changes_in_PD2|Crafting]]

Crafting an item creates a new rare-like item of the same type as the equipment item used in the recipe. Except for ''ethereal'', affixes from the ingredient equipment item are not transferred to the crafted item.
<h3 style="border-bottom:0px;">拉苏克迷盒</h3>
拉苏克迷盒是一个新物品,它能给双手武器增加2-4个镶孔,其他物品1-2个镶孔,孔数变量几率均等。 它的掉落几率与高等级符文差不多 (same [ TC] as <span class="d2-orange">Gul|古尔</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Vex|伐克斯</span>) 它能与世界石碎片 [[Worldstone Shard|Worldstone Shards]]同时作用于一个装备使它既有腐化词条又有多个镶孔,所以相当的有价值。
Crafted items get predetermined affixes and up to 4 additional [[Item Affixes|affixes]]. The affixes they can get depends on their [[Item_Affixes#Other_Info|affix level]], which depends on their item level (ilvl). The ilvl of a crafted item is determined by the crafter's character level (clvl) and the ilvl of the ingredient equipment item used in the recipe. Bracketed values within the formula are rounded down.
: <code>crafted ilvl = [clvl/2] + [ilvl/2]</code>

The amount of additional affixes depends on the ilvl of the crafted item.

拉苏克迷盒碎片也是新物品并具有同样功效, 但它不能用于暗金和套装物品! 它的稀有度跟符文<span class="d2-orange">Mal|马尔</span>差不多。
* ilvl 1-30: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (20%), 1 affix (40%)
* ilvl 31-50: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (60%)
* ilvl 51-70: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (80%)
* ilvl 71+: 4 affixes (100%)

{{#lsth:Crafting|Changes in PD2}}
'''Crafting Ingredients'''

{| class="wikitable"
The recipe for each craft includes a [[Recipes#Jewel_Fragments|jewel]] and a magic/rare base item as well as the [[Runes|runes/gems]] shown below. Alternatively, a "craft infusion" can be used which doesn't require any other ingredients except the base item.
! 材料 !! 结果
{| class="wikitable" style="width:auto; text-align:center"
! Type !! Blood !! Caster !! Hitpower !! Safety !! Vampiric !! Bountiful !! Brilliant
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral|拉尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Amn|安姆</span> Rune + <span class="d2-purple">完美紫宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 武器 || 给武器打1-6个镶孔
| Amulet
| <span class="d2-orange">Amn</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange"">Ral</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Thul</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Thul</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Dol</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ko</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal|塔尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Amn|安姆</span> Rune + <span class="d2-red">完美红宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 盾牌 || 给盾牌打1-4个镶孔
| Ring
| <span class="d2-orange">Sol</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Amn</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Amn</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Amn</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Hel</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Lum</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Hel</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal|塔尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Thul|书尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-yellow">完美黄宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 胸甲 || 给胸甲打1-4个镶孔
| Belt
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ith</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eld</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">El</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Io</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral|拉尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Thul|书尔</span> Rune + <span class="d2-blue">完美蓝宝石</span> + 标准 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 头盔 || 给头盔打1-3个镶孔
| Gloves
| <span class="d2-orange">Nef</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Io</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Hel</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Shael</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Hel|海尔</span> Rune + 回城卷轴 + 任意已打孔的物品 || 洗掉已镶嵌的宝石|符文|宝珠
| Boots
| <span class="d2-orange">Eth</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Thul</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">El</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Io</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ko</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| 3 <span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan|乔丹之石]] + <span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span> 物品 || 给该物品打1孔
| Helm
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Nef</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ith</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ith</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Lum</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tir</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eld</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| 拉苏克迷盒 + 双手武器 || 打上2-4孔
| Chest
| <span class="d2-orange">Thul</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Nef</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eth</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tir</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eld</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">El</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| 拉苏克迷盒 + 其他物品 || 打上1-2孔
| Shield
| <span class="d2-orange">Ith</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eth</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Eth</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Nef</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Sol</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Dol</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| 拉苏克迷盒碎片 + 非暗金/非套装的 双手武器 || 打上2-4孔
| Weapon
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> + <span class="d2-red">P.Ruby</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tir</span> + <span class="d2-purple">P.Amethyst</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Tir</span> + <span class="d2-blue">P.Sapphire</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Sol</span> + <span class="d2-green">P.Emerald</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Shael</span> + <span class="d2-gray">P.Skull</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Shael</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">P.Topaz</span>
| <span class="d2-orange">Sol</span> + <span class="d2-white">P.Diamond</span>
| 拉苏克迷盒碎片 +  非暗金/非套装的 其他物品 || 打上1-2孔
| Any
| Blood Craft Infusion
| Caster Craft Infusion
| Hitpower Craft Infusion
| Safety Craft Infusion
| Vampiric Craft Infusion
| Bountiful Craft Infusion
| Brilliant Craft Infusion
* 公式打孔给 <span class="d2-white">白字</span> 物品打孔时打出1-6孔数的机会均等。但实际上能打出的孔数还是受限于底材(比如 Grim Helm|残酷头盔 1/6 的几率打1孔,5/6的几率打2孔)

=== 升级公式 ===
[[File:Transmut-flawlessgem.gif|260px|thumb|promoting stacked items]]
作为公式打孔的补充, [[Recipes#Corruptions|corruptions|腐化]] 也有几率给物品打孔。
* <span class="d2-white">一般白字</span> 物品打出最大孔数 [[Item_Bases#Sockets|sockets]] (取决于物品底材和物品等级)
* <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 物品打出1-2孔 (1孔2孔机会均等)
* 其他物品 (<span class="d2-gold">暗金</span>/<span class="d2-green">套装</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">黄金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工</span>) 可打1孔
== Upgrading Recipes ==
<span class="d2-green">Set</span> items and <span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> items can now be upgraded. <span class="d2-green">Set</span> items use the same recipes as <span class="d2-gold">unique</span> items, and <span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> items use the same recipes as <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span> items. These recipes upgrade the item's base and do ''not'' affect item affixes.
Item requirements will be increased according to the item's new base. In vanilla, the required level was also increased further by +5/+7 (exceptional/elite) but this is not the case in PD2.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | Upgrading <span class="d2-gold">Unique</span>/<span class="d2-green">Set</span> Items
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 合成宝石
! Ingredients !! Result
! 材料 !! 结果
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Sol</span> Rune + <span class="d2-green">Perfect Emerald</span> + Normal <span class="d2-gold">Unique</span>/<span class="d2-green">Set</span> Weapon || Exceptional Version of Weapon
| 3个同色的碎裂的宝石 || 同色的有瑕疵的宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">Tal</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Shael</span> Rune + <span class="d2-white">Perfect Diamond</span> + Normal <span class="d2-gold">Unique</span>/<span class="d2-green">Set</span> Armor || Exceptional Version of Armor
| 3个同色的有瑕疵的宝石 || 同色宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">Lum</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Pul</span> Rune + <span class="d2-green">Perfect Emerald</span> + Exceptional <span class="d2-gold">Unique</span>/<span class="d2-green">Set</span> Weapon || Elite Version of Weapon
| 3个同色宝石 || 同色无瑕疵的宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">Ko</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Lem</span> Rune + <span class="d2-white">Perfect Diamond</span> + Exceptional <span class="d2-gold">Unique</span>/<span class="d2-green">Set</span> Armor || Elite Version of Armor
| 3个以上同色无瑕疵的宝石+钥匙 || 1个以上同色完美宝石
* When additional flawless gems are included (up to 48), multiple perfect gems will be produced at the same 3:1 ratio (up to 16)
* Flawless gems can only be promoted if they are in their ''stacked'' form - this may be an [[Bugs|oversight]] and get updated in the future

{| class="wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | Upgrading <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Crafted</span> Items
! Ingredients !! Result
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Amn</span> Rune + <span class="d2-blue">Perfect Sapphire</span> + Normal <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Crafted</span> Weapon || Exceptional Version of Weapon
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Thul</span> Rune + <span class="d2-purple">Perfect Amethyst</span> + Normal <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Crafted</span> Armor || Exceptional Version of Armor
| <span class="d2-orange">Fal</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Um</span> Rune + <span class="d2-blue">Perfect Sapphire</span> + Exceptional <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Crafted</span> Weapon || Elite Version of Weapon
| <span class="d2-orange">Ko</span> Rune + <span class="d2-orange">Pul</span> Rune + <span class="d2-purple">Perfect Amethyst</span> + Exceptional <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">Crafted</span> Armor || Elite Version of Armor
* Although armor with Enhanced Defense normally has base defense set to its maximum value + 1, upgraded armor with Enhanced Defense has its base defense value randomly selected again.
* Upgrading <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> items will not increase their current durability according to however much their maximum durability increases - their current durability may actually be [[Bugs|reduced]] by a seemingly random amount.
* Unlike vanilla, upgrading a Circlet will turn it into a Coronet instead of the exceptional version (Tiara)

== Repairing Recipes ==
The repairing recipes have been merged, and now repair ''and'' recharge items without requiring any gems. There's also a new recipe that can be used to repair any item, including ethereal items.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 符文升级
| <span class="d2-orange">Ort</span> Rune + non-<span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> Weapon || Repaired/Recharged Weapon || used to require a Chipped Gem
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 备注
| <span class="d2-orange">Ral</span> Rune + non-<span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> Armor || Repaired/Recharged Armor || used to require a Flawed Gem
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">艾尔El</span> 符文 (#1) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">艾德Eld</span> 符文 (#2) ||  
| <span class="d2-orange">Zod</span> Rune + <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + Item || Repaired/Recharged Item || works with <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> items
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">艾德Eld</span> 符文 (#2) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">特尔Tir</span> 符文 (#3) ||  
== Other Modification Recipes ==
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! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
| Vial of Lightsong + Item || Item becomes ethereal || doesn't work with set items or items that lack durability (indestructible items)
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">特尔Tir</span> 符文 (#3) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">那夫Nef</span> 符文 (#4) ||  
| Lilith's Mirror + Item || Item is duplicated || the items have their color palettes changed to white & black and cannot be used in any cube recipes
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">那夫Nef</span> 符文 (#4) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">爱斯Eth</span> 符文 (#5) ||  
* Vial of Lightsong is a new item that can drop from any enemy (1:7.5 million chance)
* Lilith's Mirror is a new item that can drop from any enemy (1:25 million chance)
== Creation Recipes ==
These recipes create new items - any affixes on ingredient items are not preserved.
If a recipe has stackable gems/runes as ingredients, those ingredients can be stacked ''or'' unstacked, and even stacked in different groups. Here are some examples using the rerolling recipe with a grand charm:
<div style="display:inline-table; padding-right:8px; padding-bottom:8px;">[[File:Rerolling-gc.gif]]</div><!-- NOTICE: this image's resolution is too large to animate at 302px (same scale as other gifs on this page) -->
<div style="display:inline-table">[[File:RerollGC-twoStacks.gif]]</div><!-- NOTICE: this image's resolution is too large to animate at 400px (same scale as other gifs on this page) -->
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Potions</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">Eth爱斯Eth</span> 符文 (#5) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">伊司Ith</span> 符文 (#6) ||
| Strangling Gas Potion + Any health potion || Antidote Potion
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">伊司Ith</span> 符文 (#6) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">塔尔Tal</span> 符文 (#7) ||  
| Any 3 health potions + Any 3 mana potions + Chipped Gem || Rejuvenation Potion
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">塔尔Tal</span> 符文 (#7) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文 (#8) ||  
| Any 3 health potions + Any 3 mana potions + Normal Gem || Full Rejuvenation Potion
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">拉尔Ral</span> 符文 (#8) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">欧特Ort</span> 符文 (#9) ||  
| 3 Rejuvenation Potions || Full Rejuvenation Potion
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">欧特Ort</span> 符文 (#9) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">书尔Thul</span> 符文 (#10) ||
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Ammunition</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">书尔Thul</span> 符文 (#10) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">安姆Amn</span> 符文 (#11) || 以前需要碎裂的黄宝石
| Any spear + Arrows || Javelin
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">安姆Amn</span> 符文 (#11) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">索尔Sol</span> 符文 (#12) || 以前需要碎裂的紫宝石
| Any axe + Any dagger || Throwing Axe
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">索尔Sol</span> 符文 (#12) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">夏Shael</span> 符文 (#13) || 以前需要碎裂的蓝宝石
Recipes for creating regular arrows from multiple bolts and regular bolts from multiple arrows have been removed.
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;"><span class="d2-white">Regular</span> Items</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">夏Shael</span> 符文 (#13) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">多尔Dol</span> 符文 (#14) || 以前需要碎裂的红宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">El</span> Rune + Chipped Gem + Low Quality Armor || Standard Quality Armor of same type (ilvl = 1)
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">多尔Dol</span> 符文 (#14) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">海尔Hel</span> 符文 (#15) || 以前需要碎裂的绿宝石
| <span class="d2-orange">Eld</span> Rune + Chipped Gem + Low Quality Weapon || Standard Quality Weapon of same type (ilvl = 1)
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">海尔Hel</span> 符文 (#15) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">破Io</span> 符文 (#16) || 以前需要碎裂的钻石
* These recipes can be used to guarantee a certain number of sockets in combination with [[Recipes#Socketing_Recipes|Larzuk's quest]]. Unfortunately, few items can get more than 3 [[Item_Bases#Sockets|sockets]] at ilvl 1, so they have limited usefulness.
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;"><span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Items</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">破Io</span> 符文 (#16) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">卢姆Lum</span> 符文 (#17) || 以前需要有瑕疵的黄宝石
| 3 <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Amulets || 1 <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Ring (ilvl = clvl*0.75) ||  
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">卢姆Lum</span> 符文 (#17) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">科Ko</span> 符文 (#18) || 以前需要有瑕疵的紫宝石
| 3 <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Rings || 1 <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Amulet (ilvl = clvl*0.75) ||  
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">科Ko</span> 符文 (#18) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">法尔Fal</span> 符文 (#19) || 以前需要有瑕疵的蓝宝石
| 3 Perfect Gems + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Item || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Item of same type (same ilvl) || cannot be used with <span class="d2-red">corrupted</span> items
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">法尔Fal</span> 符文 (#19) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">蓝姆Lem</span> 符文 (#20) || 以前需要有瑕疵的红宝石
* Rerolling <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> items with perfect gems is a good way to get more opportunities at getting specific <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> items. <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> items aren't typically competitive with other options, but <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> charms have no alternatives so they're a popular choice for rerolling - grand charms are especially useful if they get +1 to a class skill tab.
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;"><span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Items with Sockets</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
| 3 <span class="d2-orange">蓝姆Lem</span> 符文 (#20) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">普尔Pul</span> 符文 (#21) || 以前需要有瑕疵的绿宝石
| 3 Chipped Gems + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Weapon || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Weapon of same type with 1-2 sockets (ilvl = 25)
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">普尔Pul</span> 符文 (#21) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">乌姆Um</span> 符文 (#22) || 以前需要有瑕疵的钻石
| 3 Normal Gems + Socketed Weapon || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Weapon of same type with 1-2 sockets (ilvl = 30)
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">乌姆Um</span> 符文 (#22) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">马尔Mal</span> 符文 (#23) || 以前需要黄宝石
| 3 Flawless Gems + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Weapon || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Weapon of same type with 1-2 sockets (ilvl = 30)
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">马尔Mal</span> 符文 (#23) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">伊斯特Ist</span> 符文 (#24) || 以前需要紫宝石
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;"><span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Items with Other Predetermined Affixes</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">伊斯特Ist</span> 符文 (#24) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">古尔Gul</span> 符文 (#25) || 以前需要蓝宝石
| 6 Perfect Gems (1 of each type except skull) + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Amulet || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Prismatic Amulet (ilvl = 50) || ''Prismatic'' = All Resistances +[16-20]
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">古尔Gul</span> 符文 (#25) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">伐克斯Vex</span> 符文 (#26) || 以前需要红宝石
| <span class="d2-green">Perfect Emerald</span> + Antidote Potion + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Ring || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Jade Ring (ilvl = 30) || ''Jade'' = Poison Resist +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">伐克斯Vex</span> 符文 (#26) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">欧姆Ohm</span> 符文 (#27) || 以前需要绿宝石
| <span class="d2-red">Perfect Ruby</span> + Exploding Potion + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Ring || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Garnet Ring (ilvl = 30) || ''Garnet'' = Fire Resist +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">欧姆Ohm</span> 符文 (#27) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">罗Lo</span> 符文 (#28) || 以前需要钻石
| <span class="d2-yellow">Perfect Topaz</span> + Rejuvenation Potion + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Ring || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Coral Ring (ilvl = 30) || ''Coral'' = Lightning Resist +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">罗Lo</span> 符文 (#28) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">瑟Sur</span> 符文 (#29) || 以前需要无瑕疵的黄宝石
| <span class="d2-blue">Perfect Sapphire</span> + Thawing Potion + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Ring || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Cobalt Ring (ilvl = 30) || ''Cobalt'' = Sapphire Resist +[21-30]%
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">瑟Sur</span> 符文 (#29) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">贝Ber</span> 符文 (#30) || 以前需要无瑕疵的紫宝石
| Any 4 health potions + Any <span class="d2-red">ruby</span> + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Sword || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Sword of the Leech (same type, ilvl = 30) || ''of the Leech'' = [4-5]% Life Stolen per Hit
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">贝Ber</span> 符文 (#30) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">乔Jah</span> 符文 (#31) || 以前需要无瑕疵的蓝宝石
| Any 2 <span class="d2-gray">skulls</span> + <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Shield + Any Spiked Club || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Shield of Spikes (same type, ilvl = 30) || ''of Spikes'' = Attacker Takes Damage of [4-6]
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">乔Jah</span> 符文 (#31) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">查姆Cham</span> 符文 (#32) || 以前需要无瑕疵的红宝石
| Any <span class="d2-white">diamond</span> + Any Kris + Any staff + Any belt || <span class="d2-blue">Magic</span> Savage Polearm (random type, ilvl = 50) || ''Savage'' = +[66-80]% Enhanced Damage
| 2 <span class="d2-orange">查姆Cham</span> 符文 (#32) + 钥匙 || 1 <span class="d2-orange">萨德Zod</span> 符文 (#33) || 以前需要无瑕疵的绿宝石

== Consumables ==
<div id="Jewel Fragments"></div>
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;"><span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Items</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Breakdown Recipes</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
! 材料 !! 结果
| 6 <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skulls</span> + <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item || <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item of same type (ilvl = clvl*0.4 + ilvl*0.4) || cannot be used with <span class="d2-red">corrupted</span> items
| 1-15 个珠宝 + 钥匙 || 1-15 珠宝碎片
| <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan]] + <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item || <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item of same type (ilvl = clvl*0.66 + ilvl*0.66) || cannot be used with <span class="d2-red">corrupted</span> items
| 1-7 [[Hellfire Torch|地狱火炬Hellfire Torches]] + Key || 1-7 火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes
* Rerolling <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span> items with <span class="d2-gray">perfect skulls</span> is a good way to get more opportunities at getting specific <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span> items. The ilvl will be reduced each time, so it's most effective on high level characters with high level items - it's particularly effective with items that have few useful high-level affixes (like rings) or Diadems since their high qlvl/mlvl completely counteracts lower ilvls. With repeated rerolling, the ilvl for can stabilize as high as ilvl 65 with a level 98+ character.

<div id="Imbue"></div>
'''新物品:''' 珠宝碎片Jewel Fragments和火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes
Besides recipes, the fifth quest in Act 1 (Tools of the Trade) offers another way to generate rare items. After returning the [[Horadric Malus]], Charsi will imbue a zero-socket regular item of the player's choice. The imbued item will become a new rare item of the same type and have the same possible [[Item_Affixes|affixes]] (indistinguishable from "typical" rares except if it's [[Wirt's Leg]]), although there are some differences in the item generation:

: <code>imbued ilvl = clvl + 4</code> (capped at 99)
* if an ethereal item is imbued, the resulting item will also be ethereal (no other item stats matter)
* if the item is capable of getting pointmods, it will have ''much'' better chances than usual to get pointmods and for those pointmods to be higher level (+3 to multiple skills)
: Note: Pointmod chances are increased based on the character's level, up to level 94
Popular imbue targets are diadems for characters of any level and pointmod-capable items for level 71+ characters. Imbuing other items at lower levels can result in useable items, but will usually prevent the best affixes from having a chance to appear.
While normally considered a downside, [[Recipes#Corruptions|corruptions]] also have a chance to turn items into rares.

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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Quest Items</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">药剂</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
! 材料 !! 结果
| 普通瓦斯妖姬 + 任意血瓶 || 解毒药剂
| 3个任意血瓶 + 3个任意蓝瓶 + 碎裂的宝石 || 回复活力药剂(小紫)
| [[Amulet of the Viper]] + [[Staff of Kings]] || [[Horadric Staff]]
| 3个任意血瓶+ 3个任意蓝瓶  + 普通宝石 || 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)
| Khalim's Eye + Khalim's Brain + Khalim's Heart + [[Khalim's Flail]] || [[Khalim's Will]]
| 3个回复活力药剂(小紫) || 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)

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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Jewel Fragments</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">各种精髓</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
! 材料 !! 结果
| 1-15 Jewels + Key || 1-15 Jewel Fragments
| 煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering + 憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred + 恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror + 毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction || 赦免令牌 Token of Absolution
Jewel Fragments are new items - they have no affixes and cannot be socketed into equipment, but can stack up to 50 and be used like jewels for recipes.
* '''赦免令牌 Token of Absolution'''  可重置角色技能和数值
** '''煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering'''掉落于安达利尔/都瑞尔(~16.1%/~21.3% 几率)
** '''憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred''' 掉落于墨菲斯托 (~8.3% 几率)
** '''恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror''' 掉落于大菠萝(~8.3% 几率)
** '''毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction''' 掉落于巴尔(~8.3% 几率)

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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Essences</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">传送门</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 备注
| [[Wirt's Leg]]维特之腿 + 回城书 || 打开去奶牛关的传送门 (神秘奶牛关) || 必须有1名角色击败了当前难度的巴尔,身处在罗格营地(第一幕)才能开启
| Twisted Essence of Suffering + Charged Essence of Hatred + Burning Essence of Terror + Festering Essence of Destruction || Token of Absolution
| 恐惧之钥 Key of Terror + 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate + 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction || 打开一个通往迷你混沌区域的传送门  (痛苦熔炉 Furnace of Pain, 主母巢穴 Matron's Den, 遗忘沙漠 Forgotten Sands) || 只能在地狱难度的哈洛加斯(第五幕)才能开启, 打开哪个传送门是随机的,但同一局游戏中不会重复出现
Essences can now drop from bosses in Nightmare difficulty as well as Hell difficulty. (same drop chances)
杀死牛王将不再阻止您打开秘密牛关卡。(<span class="d2-red">无限牛关</span>)
* '''Token of Absolution''' resets character skills/stats
** '''Twisted Essence of Suffering''' drops from Andariel/Duriel (~16.1%/~21.3% chance)
混沌钥匙现在在颜色上稍有不同,便于区分。现在地狱难度的 血鸟 Blood Raven,疯狂血腥女巫 Bloodwitch,和衣卒尔 Izual 也可以掉落了。在特殊地图的 Spire of Darkness 事件中也能掉落
** '''Charged Essence of Hatred''' drops from Mephisto (~8.3% chance)
** '''Burning Essence of Terror''' drops from Diablo (~8.3% chance)
* '''恐惧之钥 Key of Terror''' 掉落于 [[Monsters#The_Countess|The Countess]] 女伯爵 (1:11 几率) ,以及 [[Monsters#Blood_Raven|Blood Raven]] 血鸟(1:9 几率)
** '''Festering Essence of Destruction''' drops from Baal (~8.3% chance)
* '''憎恨之钥 Key of Hate''' 掉落于 [[Monsters#The_Summoner|The Summoner]] 召唤者(1:8 几率) ,以及 [[Monsters#Bloodwith_the_Wild|Bloodwitch]] 疯狂血腥女巫 (1:9 几率)
* '''毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction''' 掉落于 [[Monsters#Nihlathak|Nihlathak]] 尼拉塞克(1:8 几率) ,以及 [[Monsters#Izual|Izual]] 衣卒尔(1:9 几率)

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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Other Items</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">其他物品</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result
! 材料 !! 结果
| Sigil of Madawc + Sigil of Talic + Sigil of Korlic || Relic of the Ancients
| 马道克的印记 Sigil of Madawc + 塔里克的印记 Sigil of Talic + 科里克的印记 Sigil of Korlic || 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients
| Any 3 uber organs (Mephisto's Brain, Diablo's Horn, Baal's Eye) + Key || Pandemonium Talisman
| 任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙 || 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman
| Prime Evil Soul + Black Soulstone + Pure Demonic Essence || Vision of Terror
| 原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul + 黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone + 纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence || 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror
| Trang-Oul's Jawbone + Splinter of the Void + [[Hellfire Torch]] || Voidstone
| 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone + 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void + [[Hellfire Torch]] 地狱火炬 || 虚空石 Voidstone
Relic of the Ancients, Pandemonium Talisman, Vision of Terror, Voidstone, and all their ingredients (except the uber organs and Hellfire Torch) are new items.

Characters can no longer freely exit/re-enter Uber Tristram while enemies remain within, and the same applies to the new Diablo-Clone fight. Note that only 1 uber zone (or map) may be opened per game.
'''新物品:''' 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients, 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman, 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror, 虚空石 Voidstone(以及它们的合成材料,除BOSS器官和地狱火炬外)

* '''Relic of the Ancients''' grants access to [[Monsters#Uber_Ancients|Uber Ancients]] for all players near the blood fountain
The "boss areas" accessible via the following items cannot be freely exited or re-entered while enemies remain within. For Uber Tristram, three single-use silver portals are created upon entry and the area may only be entered by using them; players get their original attempt plus three extra attempts. For each of the other areas, players only get a single attempt.
** '''Sigil of Madawc''' drops from T1 map monsters (1:12k chance)
** '''Sigil of Talic''' drops from T2 map monsters (1:10k chance)
** '''Sigil of Korlic''' drops from T3 map monsters (1:8k chance)

* '''Pandemonium Talisman''' grants access to [[Monsters#Ubers|Uber Tristram]] for all players near the blood fountain (replaces the direct portal that used to be made with 1 of each uber organ)
Only one of these "boss areas" (or a map) may be opened in a single game.
** '''Mephisto's Brain''' drops from Uber Izual in the Furnace of Pain
** '''Diablo's Horn''' drops from Lilith (sometimes referred to as Uber Andariel) in the Matron's Den
** '''Baal's Eye''' drops from Uber Duriel in the Forgotten Sands

* '''Vision of Terror''' grants access to the new [[Monsters#Diablo-Clone|Diablo-Clone]] fight for all players near the blood fountain (DClone no longer randomly appears when [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stones of Jordan]] are sold to merchants)
* '''古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients''' 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 [[Monsters#Uber_Ancients|Uber Ancients]] 超级古代人
** '''Prime Evil Soul''' drops from Diablo/Baal in Hell difficulty (2% chance - unconfirmed)
** 马道克的印记'''Sigil of Madawc''' 掉落于T1地图中的怪物(1:12K几率)
** '''Black Soulstone''' drops from [[Monsters#Ubers|Uber Tristram]] bosses (12% chance per uber boss)
** 塔里克的印记'''Sigil of Talic''' 掉落于T2地图中的怪物(1:10K几率)
** '''Pure Demonic Essence''' drops from [[Maps|Map]] bosses (2% chance - unconfirmed)
** 科里克的印记'''Sigil of Korlic''' 掉落于T3地图中的怪物(1:8K几率)

* '''Voidstone''' grants access to [[Monsters#Rathma|Rathma]]
* '''群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman''' 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 [[Monsters#Ubers|Uber Tristram]] 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 (会取代原有的器官制造的传送门)
** '''Splinter of the Void''' drops from [[Maps|Shadow of Mendeln]] map event (40% chance - unconfirmed)
** '''墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain'''  掉落于痛苦熔炉中的混沌衣卒尔
** '''Trang-Oul's Jawbone''' drops from undead enemies (1:45k chance in Hell, 3x/9x rarer in Nightmare/Normal)
** '''暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn''' 掉落于主母巢穴中的莉莉丝(有时指混沌安达利尔)
** [[Hellfire Torch]]
** '''巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye''' 掉落于遗忘沙漠中的混沌都瑞尔
* '''恐怖异象 Vision of Terror''' 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 [[Monsters#Diablo-Clone|Diablo-Clone]] 的战斗 (克隆大菠萝不再随 [[Rings#乔丹之石|乔丹之石]] 出售给商人而随机出现)
** '''原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul''' 掉落于 地狱难度的 劳模/大菠萝/巴尔(未确定-此前是劳模1:85, 大菠萝1:65, 巴尔1:40)
** '''黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone''' 掉落于 [[Monsters#Ubers|Uber Tristram]] 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 的BOSS(每个BOSS有12%的几率-未确定)
** '''纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence''' 掉落于 [[Maps|Map]] 特殊地图上的BOSS(未确定-此前是2%?)
* '''虚空石 Voidstone''' 可进入 [[Monsters#Rathma|Rathma]] 拉斯玛的战斗
** '''虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void''' 掉落于 [[Maps|Shadow of Mendeln]] 门德利之影 特殊地图事件(40%几率-未确定)
** '''塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone''' 掉落于不死的敌人(地狱难度 1:22.5k 几率掉落)
** '''火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes''' or [[Hellfire Torch|地狱火炬]] (the former is just a stackable ingredient version of the latter)

{| class="wikitable"
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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Portals</h4>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h4 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">Uber Difficulty</h4>
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
! Ingredients !! Result
| [[Wirt's Leg]] + Tome of Town Portal || Opens a portal to the Moo Moo Farm (Secret Cow Level) || Only works in the Rogue Encampment (Act 1 town) with a character that has defeated Baal in the current difficulty
| 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror 或 虚空石 Voidstone || 单独在盒子里可以在难度0、1、2之间切换
| Key of Terror + Key of Hate + Key of Destruction || Opens a portal to one of the mini-uber zones (Furnace of Pain, Matron's Den, Forgotten Sands) || Only works in Harrogath (Act 5 town) in Hell difficulty; which zone the portal opens is random, but they will not repeat if opened in the same game
Killing the Cow King will no longer prevent you from opening the Secret Cow Level.

Uber Keys now have slightly different colors to help differentiate them, and are now also dropped by Blood Raven, Bloodwitch, and Izual in Hell difficulty. They can also be dropped during the Spire of Darkness event in maps.
Difficulty levels 1 and 2 provide a chance of getting [[New_Equipment#Exclusive_Uniques|exclusive unique items]] from Diablo-Clone or Rathma when defeating them, with difficulty level 2 providing a greater chance. Difficulty level 1 is roughly the same difficulty as earlier seasons when there weren't multiple difficulty levels.

* '''Key of Terror''' drops from [[Monsters#The_Countess|The Countess]] (1:11 chance) and [[Monsters#Blood_Raven|Blood Raven]] (1:9 chance)
=== Maps ===
* '''Key of Hate''' drops from [[Monsters#The_Summoner|The Summoner]] (1:8 chance) and [[Monsters#Bloodwith_the_Wild|Bloodwitch]] (1:9 chance)
Main article: [[Maps#Modification|Maps]]
* '''Key of Destruction''' drops from [[Monsters#Nihlathak|Nihlathak]] (1:8 chance) and [[Monsters#Izual|Izual]] (1:9 chance)

'''New Items:''' All of the following items except Standard of Heroes
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<div id="Legacy"></div>
<div id="Legacy"></div>
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|+ Legacy Recipes
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <h3 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">过期公式</h4>
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ingredients !! Result
! Ingredients !! Result
| 2 Ancient Bone Fragments + [[Hellfire Torch]] || Trang-Oul's Jawbone
| 3 <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skulls</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan]] + <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item || Adds 1 socket to the Item
Ancient Bone Fragments were added to the game during the third week of Season 4 as a stopgap measure to increase the supply of Trang-Oul's Jawbone. As of Season 5, they are no longer spawnable.
While still available in the game, this recipe is included here instead of the main [[Recipes#Socket_Recipes|Socket Recipes]] section due to its irrelevance. It was introduced prior to the LoD expansion as an item sink for duped SoJs and later became mostly obsolete with the introduction of Larzuk's quest in the expansion. The recipe is even less useful in PD2 since there is a new recipe with the same result that uses a new item (Larzuk's Malus) which is nearly trivial to obtain, along with the extreme rarity of SoJs due to the practice of item duping never taking hold here.

== Crafting ==
<small>Main article: [[Crafting]]</small>

* Crafting recipes are no longer limited to specific item bases (such as Helm/Casque/Armet for Blood Helms)
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** Circlets (and quivers) are the exception, and cannot be crafted with
** Safety Weapon crafts are restricted to Bows and Crossbows
! Ingredients !! Result !! Notes
* Using an <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> item to craft will cause the resulting item to be <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span>
* Crafted items no longer have higher level requirements than their <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span> equivalents (was +10 with an additional +3 per affix, up to +22)
| <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item + <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan]] || <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item of same type (ilvl = [clvl*0.66] + [ilvl*0.66]) || cannot be used with <span class="d2-red">corrupted</span> items<br>not worth using in PD2 since SoJs aren't common
* Crafted items can now be upgraded (same [[Recipes#Upgrading_Recipes | recipes]] as upgrading rares)
* Rare items can now be used in crafting recipes
This recipe is still in the game and actually does something that no other recipe does exactly, but it's still irrelevant due to the rarity of SoJs in PD2.
* The predetermined affixes for many crafts have been adjusted, and new Vampiric/Bountiful crafting recipes have been added

== Corruptions ==
{| class="wikitable"
<small>Main article: [[Corruptions]]</small>
! 材料 !! 结果
| 2个 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments + 地狱火炬 [[Hellfire Torch]] || 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone

Worldstone Shards can be used to corrupt equipment and maps, either adding a corruption modifier or sockets (if applicable), or turning the item into a random <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span> of the same type. Maps always gain a corruption modifier when corrupted. Corrupted items cannot be corrupted again, but they can be modified by other recipes.
Lilith's Mirror was introduced in Season 5 and worked with items of all rarities. As of season 6, it can no longer be used with crafted, set, or unique items. As of season 9, it can no longer be used with jewels but ''can'' be used with crafted items. The following

* ''<span class="d2-white">Regular</span>/<span class="d2-gray">Ethereal</span> Equipment''
Legacy mirrored jewels apply their "mirrored" status to any item they're inserted into - the targeted item cannot be used in cube recipes. Mirrored jewels retain their original color palette, but will modify the color palette of the item they're inserted into as follows:
** 50% chance to gain sockets (up to the maximum amount of [[Item_Bases#Sockets|sockets]])
* upper jewel: white
** 50% chance to turn into a random <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>
* lower jewel: black
* 2 lower jewels: red
* 3 lower jewels: green
* 4 lower jewels: gold
* upper jewel with any number of additional upper/lower jewels: silver

* ''Other Equipment (Socketable)''
Note: "upper" and "lower" refer to where the jewels appeared in the cube after being mirrored, and are often used interchangeably with "white" and "black", respectively.
** 25% chance to gain sockets (1-3 for armor, 1-4 for one-handed weapons, 1-6 for two-handed weapons)
** 50% chance to gain a modifier
** 25% chance to turn into a random <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>

* ''Other Equipment (Unsocketable)''
** 75% chance to gain a modifier
** 25% chance to turn into a random <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>

Previously, items could be stacked and unstacked via cumbersome cube recipes. These are no longer available:

Tainted Worldstone Shards are dropped by [[Monsters#Rathma|Rathma]] and can be used to corrupt [[Annihilus]], either adding a corruption modifier, or turning the item into a random magic small charm with a red color palette.
{| class="wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | Stacking/Unstacking Items
! Ingredients !! Result
| 1 unstacked Gem/Rune || <span class="omod">stacked Gem/Rune</span>
| Stacked Gems/Runes of same type || <span class="omod">1 unstacked Gem/Rune + remaining Stacked Gems/Runes</span>

== Maps ==
<small>Main article: [[Maps]]</small>
Maps can be modified with several items via the Horadric Cube.
* Arcane Orb (upgrades <span class="d2-white">regular</span> to <span class="d2-blue">magic</span>)
* Zakarum Orb (upgrades <span class="d2-white">regular</span> to <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>)
* Angelic Orb (upgrades <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> to <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>)
* Orb of Destruction (downgrades to <span class="d2-white">regular</span>)
* Horadrim Orb (rerolls <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>)
* Cartographer's Orb (combines 3 into a higher tier)
* Horadrim Scarab (turns a T3 into a dungeon)
* Standard of Heroes (adds heroic bonuses)

2024年7月9日 (二) 08:31的最新版本



现在无瑕宝石,完美宝石,以及所有符文都可以堆叠放置了。用快捷方式可以转换它们的可堆叠不可堆叠形态。 有些其他的物品最近也能堆叠了,可/不可堆叠状态以上面同样的方法转换。



  • ctrl+shift+点击-转换单一物品的堆叠/未堆叠状态
  • Ctrl+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为堆叠形态
  • ctrl+shift+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为未堆叠形态

Gear Modification

These recipes modify items - affixes on ingredient items are preserved.


公式打孔只能被使用在本身具有0镶孔,并可以被打孔的物品上,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和不可投掷的武器。These recipes won't work on other items. 物品可获得的最大孔数 maximum sockets 也是由底材决定的- for example, a Legend Sword will never be able to get more than 3 sockets。

New Items:

  • 拉苏克迷盒Larzuk's Puzzlebox - 掉落几率与伐克斯Vex(#26)差不多
  • Larzuk's Puzzlepiece - 掉落几率与马尔Mal#23差不多
  • Larzuk's Malus - 可以在 拉苏克Larzuk 商店购买
材料 结果
拉尔Ral 符文(#8) + 安姆Amn 符文(#11) + 完美紫宝石 + 标准 白字 武器 给武器打1-6个镶孔
塔尔Tal 符文(#7) + 安姆Amn 符文(#11) + 完美红宝石 + 标准 白字 盾牌 给盾牌打1-4个镶孔
塔尔Tal 符文(#7)+ 书尔Thul 符文(#10) + 完美黄宝石 + 标准 白字 胸甲 给胸甲打1-4个镶孔
拉尔Ral 符文(#8) + 书尔Thul 符文(#10) + 完美蓝宝石 + 标准 白字 头盔 给头盔打1-3个镶孔
海尔Hel 符文(#15) + 回城卷轴 + 任意已镶嵌的物品 洗掉已镶嵌的物品(宝石/符文/宝珠)
Larzuk's Puzzlebox + 物品 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器
加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
Larzuk's Puzzlepiece + 非暗金/非套装的 物品 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器
加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
拉苏克的锤子 + 物品 给物品打1孔
  • The socketing recipes for regular items only work with "standard" items (not superior or inferior) and the eth bug involving them has been fixed in PD2
  • 公式打孔给 白字 物品打孔时打出1-6孔数的机会均等。但实际上能打出的孔数还是受限于底材(比如 Grim Helm|残酷头盔 1/6 的几率打1孔,5/6的几率打2孔)
  • The recipes utilizing Larzuk's Puzzlebox and Larzuk's Puzzlepiece have equal chances for each resulting number of sockets

作为公式打孔的补充, 腐化 也有几率给物品打孔。Note that items which get non-socket corruption modifiers may still be socketed via these recipes. Corruptions don't prevent them from being modified further.

除了公式打孔,第五幕的第一个任务(哈洛加斯围城战)提供了另一个打孔的方法。 拉苏克会奖励玩家给一个物品打孔:

  • 一般白字 物品打出最大孔数 sockets (取决于物品底材和物品等级)
  • 魔法 物品打出1-2孔 (1孔2孔机会均等)
  • 其他物品 (黄金/手工/套装/暗金) 可打1孔


套装 物品和 手工制作 物品现在可以通过合成公式升级了。 套装 物品升级公式与暗金 物品一样, 手工制作 物品升级公式与黄金 物品一样。这些公式可升级物品的基础类型,且并不影响物品词缀。

物品的装备需求也随着基础类型的改变而提升。在原版游戏中,装备需求等级也之提升了 5/7 级(扩展级/精英级)。但在PD2中并非如此。

材料 结果
拉尔Ral 符文(#8)+ 索尔Sol 符文(#12) + 完美绿宝石 + 普通 暗金/套装 武器 该武器的扩展级版本
塔尔Tal 符文(#7)+ 夏Shael 符文(#13) + 完美的钻石 + 普通 暗金/套装 装甲 该装甲的扩展级版本
卢姆Lum 符文(#17)+ 普尔Pul 符文(#21) + 完美绿宝石 + 扩展级 暗金/套装 武器 该武器的精英级版本
科Ko 符文(#18)+ 蓝姆Lem 符文(#20)+ 完美的钻石 + 扩展级 暗金/套装 装甲 该装甲的精英级版本
欧特Ort 符文(#9)+ 安姆Amn 符文(#11)+ 完美蓝宝石 + 普通 黄金/手工制作 武器 该武器的扩展级版本
拉尔Ral 符文(#8)+ 书尔Thul 符文(#10)+ 完美紫宝石 + 普通 黄金/手工制作 装甲 该装甲的扩展级版本
法尔Fal 符文(#19)+ 乌姆Um 符文(#22)+ 完美蓝宝石 + 扩展级 黄金/手工制作 武器 该武器的精英级版本
科Ko 符文(#18)+ 普尔Pul 符文(#21)+ 完美紫宝石 + 扩展级 黄金/手工制作 装甲 该装甲的精英级版本
  • 带有增强防御属性的装甲其基础防御值为最大值+1,升级后的带有增强防御属性的装甲的基础防御值会重新随机。
  • 升级 无形 物品不会改变其现有的耐久度,无论其最大耐久度提升多少。其当前耐久度可能会被随机降低一些。
  • 与原版游戏不同,升级 头环Circlet 会得到宝冠Coronet,而非扩展级的头环(三重冠Tiara)




  • 轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(七百五十万分之一几率)
  • 莉莉丝之镜Lilith's Mirror 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(两千五百万分之一几率)
材料 结果 备注
欧特Ort(9#) 符文 + 非无形武器 修复/充满聚气 以前需要碎裂的宝石
拉尔Ral(8#) 符文 + 非无形装甲 修复/充满聚气 以前需要有瑕疵的宝石
萨德Zod(33#) 符文 + 完美骷髅 + 物品 修复/充满聚气 无形 物品有效
轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong + 物品 物品成为无形 对无耐久度的物品无效(不可摧毁物品)
莉莉丝之镜 + 物品 复制该物品 只能用于 魔法/黄金 装备和手工 装备


Main article: Corruptions

New Item: Worldstone Shard - can drop anywhere

Worldstone shards can be used to corrupt items.


白字 物品无法得到腐化词条,但可以做出镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数),或者将其转化成同类型随机属性的 黄金物品。符文之语装备本身已经有镶孔了,无法获得腐化词条。腐化一个白字装备与用 socketing recipe 公式打孔该装备非常相似。无论劣质还是超强的装备都可以完成。 如果一件白字物品,它无法被打孔,但又被腐化了,它还是会有50%的几率成为一个同类型随机属性的黄金装备,另外50%的几率它会没有变化。

Runewords are regular items which already have sockets, so they can't have other corruption modifiers. Runewords with the "corrupted" tag were simply made with corrupted regular items.

If the corrupted item becomes a random rare, it will be corrupted with either sockets or a corruption modifier in addition to its normal attributes. If the original item was ethereal, the item it becomes will also be ethereal. Corrupted items cannot be corrupted again, but they can be modified by nearly all other recipes.

腐化打孔的前提是装备必须是无镶孔的,并且可以被打孔,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和非投掷类型的武器。装备可获得的 maximum sockets 最大孔数永远被被底材所限制。比如说,一个未升级的 Vampire Gaze 吸血鬼的凝视 不会打出高于2个的镶孔,因为残酷头盔最多就只能有2个孔。

  • 白字 装备
    • 50% 的几率得到镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数) sockets)
    • 50% 的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (可打孔的)
    • 25%的几率打孔(装甲打1-3个孔,单手武器打1-4个孔,双手武器打1-6个孔)
    • 50%的几率获得词条(24%的几率获得低稀有率词条,16%的几率获得中稀有率词条,10%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (不可打孔的)
    • 75%的几率获得词条(36%的几率获得低稀有率词条,24%的几率获得中稀有率词条,15%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备


  • 装甲(头盔,胸甲,盾牌)= 1-3孔 = 1-3 sockets (1孔 72% 几率, 2孔 20% 几率, 3孔 8% 几率)
  • 武器 (单手) = 1-4 孔 (1孔 40% 几率, 2孔 32%几率,3孔 16% 几率, 4孔 12%几率)
  • 武器 (双手) = 1-6 孔 (1孔 24%几率,2孔 22%几率,3孔 18%几率,4孔 16% 几率,5孔 12%几率,6孔 8% 几率)

如果可打孔物品通过腐化并未获得孔数,也可以通过 Larzuk's Puzzlebox拉苏克迷盒 这一相当程度上不常见的方法进行更进一步的改进,它能给双手武器增加2-4孔,给其他物品增加1-2孔。Larzuk's Puzzlepiece拉苏克迷盒碎片 使用方法相同,更常用,但不能对暗金/套装物品使用。

在理想情况下,玩家可以既期待最大额度打孔的腐化法,也可以对拉苏克迷盒打孔过的物品进行腐化,获得高稀有率词条。高稀有率腐化词条一般来说略强于 非武器打两孔或装甲1孔,因此这是可设想的最优解。镶孔越多,可发挥的余地越大。

对比拉苏克迷盒和世界石碎片的价值,还是对物品先腐化再用迷盒打孔比较好。先用了迷盒会的话,会导致有更高的几率(75%几率,而非50%)腐化时获得腐化词条,但是把装备干废的几率仍然是25%,一旦发生,迷盒 就浪费了。

Gear Creation

These recipes create new items - any affixes on ingredient items are not preserved. Also see: 腐化


材料 结果 说明
蝮蛇护符 Amulet of the Viper + 国王之杖Staff of Kings 赫拉迪克法杖 Horadric Staff
克林姆的眼睛 Khalim's Eye + 克林姆的脑子 Khalim's Brain + 克林姆的心脏 Khalim's Heart + 克林姆的链枷 Khalim's Flail 克林姆的意志 Khalim's Will
2 Regular Arrows or 2 Regular Bolts Regular quiver of the opposite type
长矛 + 箭 普通标枪
任意斧子 + 任意匕首 普通飞斧
魔法 武器 + 3 碎裂的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 25
带镶孔的武器 + 3 普通的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 30
魔法 武器 + 3 无暇的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级)= 30
魔法 戒指 + 完美绿宝石 + 解毒剂 魔法 翡翠的Jade 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 翡翠的Jade = 毒素抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美红宝石 + 爆炸药剂 魔法 深红的Garnet (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 深红的Garnet = 火焰抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美黄宝石 + 回复活力药剂 魔法 珊瑚的Coral 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 珊瑚的Coral = 闪电抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美蓝宝石 + 溶解药剂 魔法 钴Cobalt 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 钴Cobalt = 寒冷抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 剑 + 任意 红宝石 + 任意4个血瓶 魔法 妖巫的of the Leech 剑 (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 妖巫的of the Leech = [4-5]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL)
魔法 盾 + 任意狼牙棒 + 任意 2个 骷髅 魔法 长钉of Spikes 盾 (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 长钉of Spikes = 攻击者受到[4-6]点伤害
任意波形刀 + 任意法杖 + 任意腰带 + 任意 钻石 魔法 野蛮的Savage 长柄武器 (随机类型, ilvl(物品等级) = 50) 野蛮的Savage = +[66-80]% 增强伤害
魔法 Amulet + 6 个完美宝石 (除了完美骷髅) 魔法 三棱的Prismatic 项链 (ilvl(物品等级) = 50) 三棱的Prismatic = 所有抗性 +[16-20]
3 魔法 项链 1 魔法 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75)
3 魔法 戒指 1 魔法 项链 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75)
魔法 物品 + 3 完美宝石 同类魔法 物品,相同的 ilvl(物品等级) 不可用于 腐化过的 物品或地图
黄金 物品 + 6 完美骷髅 同类型的黄金 物品,ilvl(物品等级)= clvl(人物等级)*0.4 + ilvl(物品等级)*0.4) 不可用于 腐化过的 物品或地图
  • Bracketed formula ilvl values are rounded down


  • 如果想得到一些特别属性,洗点 魔法 物品是一个非常好的途径。 魔法 物品通常来说无法与其他典型的装备选择相提并论, 但魔法 护身符非常值得去洗点 - 超大型护身符的话,如果洗出+1技能的则特别有用。
  • 想得到特别属性的 黄金 物品,用完美骷髅洗点 黄金 物品个非常不错的选择。ilvl(物品等级)每次洗点都会降低, 所以用高等级的角色和高物品等级的物品来洗是最有效率的 - 对一些几乎没有有用的高级词缀的物品,比如戒指,或者权冠,也非常值得洗。因为它们相对低的物品等级完全抵消了品质等级,和掉落它们的怪物等级。其他物品洗低了物品等级,一些高级的词缀无法出现。但权冠不会,可无限重复低洗,还是可以出现所有的词缀属性。针对其它物品,用98+级的角色洗出来的物品等级可稳定在65ILVL。

Imbuing Items

除了洗点公式,第一幕的第五个任务(铁匠恰西那个任务)提供了另一种生成魔法物品的途径。把赫拉迪克马勒斯Horadric Malus还给恰西以后,恰西会把一件玩家指定的无镶孔的白字物品进行灌注。灌注后的是一件同类型的黄金物品,并也有具备同级别词缀affixes 的可能(可能性与正常黄金装备一般无二,除非它是维特之腿Wirt's Leg),虽然在物品生成上还是有一些区别的:
生成的物品的 ilvl(物品等级) = clvl(人物等级)+ 4 (99级封顶)
  • 如果灌注的是无形物品,灌注后的依然是无形(与其他物品数值不相关)
  • 如果底材可以带有staffmods(加职业技能)的,它也比其他普通物品有更大的机会在灌注后得到加技能点的属性,甚至 +3多技能点
说明: Pointmod(加技能)的几率随着角色等级增加而提升,至多94级。
通常被认为不是上策,但腐化 corruptions 也有机会使物品变成黄金物品


Main article: Crafting

Crafting an item creates a new rare-like item of the same type as the equipment item used in the recipe. Except for ethereal, affixes from the ingredient equipment item are not transferred to the crafted item.

Crafted items get predetermined affixes and up to 4 additional affixes. The affixes they can get depends on their affix level, which depends on their item level (ilvl). The ilvl of a crafted item is determined by the crafter's character level (clvl) and the ilvl of the ingredient equipment item used in the recipe. Bracketed values within the formula are rounded down.

crafted ilvl = [clvl/2] + [ilvl/2]

The amount of additional affixes depends on the ilvl of the crafted item.

  • ilvl 1-30: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (20%), 1 affix (40%)
  • ilvl 31-50: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (60%)
  • ilvl 51-70: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (80%)
  • ilvl 71+: 4 affixes (100%)


Crafting Ingredients

The recipe for each craft includes a jewel and a magic/rare base item as well as the runes/gems shown below. Alternatively, a "craft infusion" can be used which doesn't require any other ingredients except the base item.

Type Blood Caster Hitpower Safety Vampiric Bountiful Brilliant
Amulet Amn + P.Ruby Ral + P.Amethyst Thul + P.Sapphire Thul + P.Emerald Dol + P.Skull Ko + P.Topaz Tal + P.Diamond
Ring Sol + P.Ruby Amn + P.Amethyst Amn + P.Sapphire Amn + P.Emerald Hel + P.Skull Lum + P.Topaz Hel + P.Diamond
Belt Tal + P.Ruby Ith + P.Amethyst Tal + P.Sapphire Tal + P.Emerald Eld + P.Skull El + P.Topaz Io + P.Diamond
Gloves Nef + P.Ruby Ort + P.Amethyst Ort + P.Sapphire Ral + P.Emerald Io + P.Skull Hel + P.Topaz Shael + P.Diamond
Boots Eth + P.Ruby Thul + P.Amethyst Ral + P.Sapphire Ort + P.Emerald El + P.Skull Io + P.Topaz Ko + P.Diamond
Helm Ral + P.Ruby Nef + P.Amethyst Ith + P.Sapphire Ith + P.Emerald Lum + P.Skull Tir + P.Topaz Eld + P.Diamond
Chest Thul + P.Ruby Tal + P.Amethyst Nef + P.Sapphire Eth + P.Emerald Tir + P.Skull Eld + P.Topaz El + P.Diamond
Shield Ith + P.Ruby Eth + P.Amethyst Eth + P.Sapphire Nef + P.Emerald Sol + P.Skull Dol + P.Topaz Ort + P.Diamond
Weapon Ort + P.Ruby Tir + P.Amethyst Tir + P.Sapphire Sol + P.Emerald Shael + P.Skull Shael + P.Topaz Sol + P.Diamond
Any Blood Craft Infusion Caster Craft Infusion Hitpower Craft Infusion Safety Craft Infusion Vampiric Craft Infusion Bountiful Craft Infusion Brilliant Craft Infusion


promoting stacked items


材料 结果
3个同色的碎裂的宝石 同色的有瑕疵的宝石
3个同色的有瑕疵的宝石 同色宝石
3个同色宝石 同色无瑕疵的宝石
3个以上同色无瑕疵的宝石+钥匙 1个以上同色完美宝石
  • When additional flawless gems are included (up to 48), multiple perfect gems will be produced at the same 3:1 ratio (up to 16)
  • Flawless gems can only be promoted if they are in their stacked form - this may be an oversight and get updated in the future


材料 结果 备注
3 艾尔El 符文 (#1) + 钥匙 1 艾德Eld 符文 (#2)
3 艾德Eld 符文 (#2) + 钥匙 1 特尔Tir 符文 (#3)
3 特尔Tir 符文 (#3) + 钥匙 1 那夫Nef 符文 (#4)
3 那夫Nef 符文 (#4) + 钥匙 1 爱斯Eth 符文 (#5)
3 Eth爱斯Eth 符文 (#5) + 钥匙 1 伊司Ith 符文 (#6)
3 伊司Ith 符文 (#6) + 钥匙 1 塔尔Tal 符文 (#7)
3 塔尔Tal 符文 (#7) + 钥匙 1 拉尔Ral 符文 (#8)
3 拉尔Ral 符文 (#8) + 钥匙 1 欧特Ort 符文 (#9)
3 欧特Ort 符文 (#9) + 钥匙 1 书尔Thul 符文 (#10)
3 书尔Thul 符文 (#10) + 钥匙 1 安姆Amn 符文 (#11) 以前需要碎裂的黄宝石
3 安姆Amn 符文 (#11) + 钥匙 1 索尔Sol 符文 (#12) 以前需要碎裂的紫宝石
3 索尔Sol 符文 (#12) + 钥匙 1 夏Shael 符文 (#13) 以前需要碎裂的蓝宝石
3 夏Shael 符文 (#13) + 钥匙 1 多尔Dol 符文 (#14) 以前需要碎裂的红宝石
3 多尔Dol 符文 (#14) + 钥匙 1 海尔Hel 符文 (#15) 以前需要碎裂的绿宝石
3 海尔Hel 符文 (#15) + 钥匙 1 破Io 符文 (#16) 以前需要碎裂的钻石
3 破Io 符文 (#16) + 钥匙 1 卢姆Lum 符文 (#17) 以前需要有瑕疵的黄宝石
3 卢姆Lum 符文 (#17) + 钥匙 1 科Ko 符文 (#18) 以前需要有瑕疵的紫宝石
3 科Ko 符文 (#18) + 钥匙 1 法尔Fal 符文 (#19) 以前需要有瑕疵的蓝宝石
3 法尔Fal 符文 (#19) + 钥匙 1 蓝姆Lem 符文 (#20) 以前需要有瑕疵的红宝石
3 蓝姆Lem 符文 (#20) + 钥匙 1 普尔Pul 符文 (#21) 以前需要有瑕疵的绿宝石
2 普尔Pul 符文 (#21) + 钥匙 1 乌姆Um 符文 (#22) 以前需要有瑕疵的钻石
2 乌姆Um 符文 (#22) + 钥匙 1 马尔Mal 符文 (#23) 以前需要黄宝石
2 马尔Mal 符文 (#23) + 钥匙 1 伊斯特Ist 符文 (#24) 以前需要紫宝石
2 伊斯特Ist 符文 (#24) + 钥匙 1 古尔Gul 符文 (#25) 以前需要蓝宝石
2 古尔Gul 符文 (#25) + 钥匙 1 伐克斯Vex 符文 (#26) 以前需要红宝石
2 伐克斯Vex 符文 (#26) + 钥匙 1 欧姆Ohm 符文 (#27) 以前需要绿宝石
2 欧姆Ohm 符文 (#27) + 钥匙 1 罗Lo 符文 (#28) 以前需要钻石
2 罗Lo 符文 (#28) + 钥匙 1 瑟Sur 符文 (#29) 以前需要无瑕疵的黄宝石
2 瑟Sur 符文 (#29) + 钥匙 1 贝Ber 符文 (#30) 以前需要无瑕疵的紫宝石
2 贝Ber 符文 (#30) + 钥匙 1 乔Jah 符文 (#31) 以前需要无瑕疵的蓝宝石
2 乔Jah 符文 (#31) + 钥匙 1 查姆Cham 符文 (#32) 以前需要无瑕疵的红宝石
2 查姆Cham 符文 (#32) + 钥匙 1 萨德Zod 符文 (#33) 以前需要无瑕疵的绿宝石


Breakdown Recipes

材料 结果
1-15 个珠宝 + 钥匙 1-15 珠宝碎片
1-7 地狱火炬Hellfire Torches + Key 1-7 火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes

新物品: 珠宝碎片Jewel Fragments和火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes



材料 结果
普通瓦斯妖姬 + 任意血瓶 解毒药剂
3个任意血瓶 + 3个任意蓝瓶 + 碎裂的宝石 回复活力药剂(小紫)
3个任意血瓶+ 3个任意蓝瓶 + 普通宝石 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)
3个回复活力药剂(小紫) 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)


材料 结果
煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering + 憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred + 恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror + 毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction 赦免令牌 Token of Absolution


  • 赦免令牌 Token of Absolution 可重置角色技能和数值
    • 煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering掉落于安达利尔/都瑞尔(~16.1%/~21.3% 几率)
    • 憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred 掉落于墨菲斯托 (~8.3% 几率)
    • 恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror 掉落于大菠萝(~8.3% 几率)
    • 毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction 掉落于巴尔(~8.3% 几率)


材料 结果 备注
Wirt's Leg维特之腿 + 回城书 打开去奶牛关的传送门 (神秘奶牛关) 必须有1名角色击败了当前难度的巴尔,身处在罗格营地(第一幕)才能开启
恐惧之钥 Key of Terror + 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate + 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction 打开一个通往迷你混沌区域的传送门 (痛苦熔炉 Furnace of Pain, 主母巢穴 Matron's Den, 遗忘沙漠 Forgotten Sands) 只能在地狱难度的哈洛加斯(第五幕)才能开启, 打开哪个传送门是随机的,但同一局游戏中不会重复出现


混沌钥匙现在在颜色上稍有不同,便于区分。现在地狱难度的 血鸟 Blood Raven,疯狂血腥女巫 Bloodwitch,和衣卒尔 Izual 也可以掉落了。在特殊地图的 Spire of Darkness 事件中也能掉落

  • 恐惧之钥 Key of Terror 掉落于 The Countess 女伯爵 (1:11 几率) ,以及 Blood Raven 血鸟(1:9 几率)
  • 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate 掉落于 The Summoner 召唤者(1:8 几率) ,以及 Bloodwitch 疯狂血腥女巫 (1:9 几率)
  • 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction 掉落于 Nihlathak 尼拉塞克(1:8 几率) ,以及 Izual 衣卒尔(1:9 几率)


材料 结果
马道克的印记 Sigil of Madawc + 塔里克的印记 Sigil of Talic + 科里克的印记 Sigil of Korlic 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients
任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman
原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul + 黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone + 纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror
塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone + 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void + Hellfire Torch 地狱火炬 虚空石 Voidstone

新物品: 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients, 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman, 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror, 虚空石 Voidstone(以及它们的合成材料,除BOSS器官和地狱火炬外) 。

The "boss areas" accessible via the following items cannot be freely exited or re-entered while enemies remain within. For Uber Tristram, three single-use silver portals are created upon entry and the area may only be entered by using them; players get their original attempt plus three extra attempts. For each of the other areas, players only get a single attempt.

Only one of these "boss areas" (or a map) may be opened in a single game.

  • 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Uber Ancients 超级古代人
    • 马道克的印记Sigil of Madawc 掉落于T1地图中的怪物(1:12K几率)
    • 塔里克的印记Sigil of Talic 掉落于T2地图中的怪物(1:10K几率)
    • 科里克的印记Sigil of Korlic 掉落于T3地图中的怪物(1:8K几率)
  • 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Uber Tristram 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 (会取代原有的器官制造的传送门)
    • 墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain 掉落于痛苦熔炉中的混沌衣卒尔
    • 暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn 掉落于主母巢穴中的莉莉丝(有时指混沌安达利尔)
    • 巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye 掉落于遗忘沙漠中的混沌都瑞尔
  • 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Diablo-Clone 的战斗 (克隆大菠萝不再随 乔丹之石 出售给商人而随机出现)
    • 原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul 掉落于 地狱难度的 劳模/大菠萝/巴尔(未确定-此前是劳模1:85, 大菠萝1:65, 巴尔1:40)
    • 黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone 掉落于 Uber Tristram 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 的BOSS(每个BOSS有12%的几率-未确定)
    • 纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence 掉落于 Map 特殊地图上的BOSS(未确定-此前是2%?)
  • 虚空石 Voidstone 可进入 Rathma 拉斯玛的战斗
    • 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void 掉落于 Shadow of Mendeln 门德利之影 特殊地图事件(40%几率-未确定)
    • 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone 掉落于不死的敌人(地狱难度 1:22.5k 几率掉落)
    • 火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes or 地狱火炬 (the former is just a stackable ingredient version of the latter)

Uber Difficulty

Ingredients Result
恐怖异象 Vision of Terror 或 虚空石 Voidstone 单独在盒子里可以在难度0、1、2之间切换

Difficulty levels 1 and 2 provide a chance of getting exclusive unique items from Diablo-Clone or Rathma when defeating them, with difficulty level 2 providing a greater chance. Difficulty level 1 is roughly the same difficulty as earlier seasons when there weren't multiple difficulty levels.


Main article: Maps

New Items: All of the following items except Standard of Heroes

在赫拉迪克方块中可以使用特定物品来改变地图属性。除了在地狱难度可以从安雅处购买的法球以外,从特殊地图的BOSS处可罕见掉落赫拉迪姆的圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab, Catalyst Shard drops from a map event,新3BB可掉落英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes。特殊地图也可以用随处可得的世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 进行污染。

图标 物品 其他材料 效果
赫拉迪姆法珠Horadrim Orb 黄金地图, 完美的宝石, 符文 重新随机地图
Infused Horadrim Orb Rare Map
天使法珠Angelic Orb 魔法级地图, 完美骷髅, 符文 升级地图 (魔法级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Angelic Orb Magic Map
萨卡兰姆法珠Zakarum Orb 普通地图, 珠宝, 符文 升级地图 (普通级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Zakarum Orb Regular Map
奥术法珠Arcane Orb 普通地图, 珠宝 升级地图 (普通级 -> 魔法级)
Infused Arcane Orb Regular Map
毁灭之法珠Orb of Destruction 魔法/黄金 地图 降级地图 (至普通级)
强化之球Orb of Fortification 魔法/稀有 地图 地图怪物数量减半,从中获得的战利品/经验翻倍-这些强化怪物的生命增加了一倍,并造成20%的额外伤害(不影响地图BOSS或事件怪物)halves number of map monsters and doubles loot/experience gained from them - these Fortified monsters have doubled life and deal 20% extra damage (does not affect map bosses or event monsters)
制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 3 T1/T2 的地图 将3个相同梯度地图合成为1个高一梯度的地图
赫拉迪姆圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab T3 地图 将T3地图转换为一个随机的黄金级地牢
催化剂碎片Catalyst Shard 魔法/黄金 地图 为地图增加一个额外的随机事件adds "Area contains a random event"
英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes 魔法+ 地图/地牢 增加英雄奖励:+10%经验获取,+20%怪群密度,+20%魔法物品和金币获取
世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 魔法/稀有 地图/地牢 腐化corruption
  • 制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 公式现在有BUG bugged ,有时对T1地图会失灵。
Ingredients Result
Horadrim Orb + Perfect Gem + Rune Infused Horadrim Orb
Angelic Orb + Perfect Skull + Rune Infused Angelic Orb
Zakarum Orb + Jewel + Rune Infused Zakarum Orb
Arcane Orb + Jewel Infused Arcane Orb
3 Maps of same tier (any rarity) Random map of same tier (regular)
3 Dungeons Random dungeon (rare)


Ingredients Result
3 Perfect Skulls + Stone of Jordan + Rare Item Adds 1 socket to the Item

While still available in the game, this recipe is included here instead of the main Socket Recipes section due to its irrelevance. It was introduced prior to the LoD expansion as an item sink for duped SoJs and later became mostly obsolete with the introduction of Larzuk's quest in the expansion. The recipe is even less useful in PD2 since there is a new recipe with the same result that uses a new item (Larzuk's Malus) which is nearly trivial to obtain, along with the extreme rarity of SoJs due to the practice of item duping never taking hold here.

Ingredients Result Notes
Rare Item + Perfect Skull + Stone of Jordan Rare Item of same type (ilvl = [clvl*0.66] + [ilvl*0.66]) cannot be used with corrupted items
not worth using in PD2 since SoJs aren't common

This recipe is still in the game and actually does something that no other recipe does exactly, but it's still irrelevant due to the rarity of SoJs in PD2.

材料 结果
2个 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments + 地狱火炬 Hellfire Torch 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone


Lilith's Mirror was introduced in Season 5 and worked with items of all rarities. As of season 6, it can no longer be used with crafted, set, or unique items. As of season 9, it can no longer be used with jewels but can be used with crafted items. The following

Legacy mirrored jewels apply their "mirrored" status to any item they're inserted into - the targeted item cannot be used in cube recipes. Mirrored jewels retain their original color palette, but will modify the color palette of the item they're inserted into as follows:

  • upper jewel: white
  • lower jewel: black
  • 2 lower jewels: red
  • 3 lower jewels: green
  • 4 lower jewels: gold
  • upper jewel with any number of additional upper/lower jewels: silver

Note: "upper" and "lower" refer to where the jewels appeared in the cube after being mirrored, and are often used interchangeably with "white" and "black", respectively.

Previously, items could be stacked and unstacked via cumbersome cube recipes. These are no longer available:

Stacking/Unstacking Items
Ingredients Result
1 unstacked Gem/Rune stacked Gem/Rune
Stacked Gems/Runes of same type 1 unstacked Gem/Rune + remaining Stacked Gems/Runes