
添加32字节 、​ 2024年12月20日 (星期五)
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== '''(超级崔斯特) 双热丁''' ==
== '''(超级崔斯特) 双热丁''' ==
The Fanazealot was (and in my opinion still is) one of the most powerful melee builds. With decent equip and skill he was able to solo every adventure available in vanilla, from simple DiaBaalruns to Ubertrist and DClone. The main reason for his constant success, especially in UT, was the possibility of a fanazealot/smite-mix and easily available life tap from Dracul’s, as well as from Exile runeword and Last Wish runeword (which is ofc not so easily available due to the required runes: JahMalJahSurJahBer). Further, he was and still is one of the best party chars, I guarantee it, every party will love it if you join a map or just a simple Dia/Baalrun due to the damage and ias-bonus your aura provides to other players.
双热丁曾经是 (在我看来仍然是) 最强大的近战构建之一. 凭借出色的装备和技能他能够独自完成所有的冒险, 从简单的暗黑破坏神巴尔通刷到超级崔斯特和暗黑破坏神克隆体. 他持续成功的主要原因, 特别是在超级崔斯特 UT, 是双热/盾击混合的可能性以及从卓古拉 Dracul 那里轻松获得生命的可能性, 以及从流亡 Exile 符文之语和最后希望 Last Wish 符文之语 (由于需要符文: 乔马尔乔瑟乔贝 JahMalJahSurJahBer) 中获得的可能性. 此外, 他过去是, 现在仍然是最好的团队角色之一, 我保证, 如果你加入一张地图或者只是一个简单的刷暗黑破坏神/巴尔每个团队都会喜欢它因为你的光环给其他玩家带来了伤害和额外加成.
Here in PD2 the availability of life tap was significantly decreased. Life tap was completely removed from Dracul’s and replaced on exile by amplify damage. So the only remaining option left for our Uberzealer is the veeeeeery expensive Last Wish runeword.  
PD2 中偷取生命 life tap 的可用性显著降低. 偷取生命 Life tap 从卓古拉 Dracul 的技能中完全移除在流亡 exile 中则被伤害加深 amplify damage 取代. 所以我们的超级热诚 Uberzealer 唯一剩下的选择就是非常昂贵的最后希望 Last Wish 符文之语了.
However, the version of the Uberzealer I would like to introduce to you in this guide is able to solo Ubertrist without life tap, just requiring a decent level of skill and experience with the D2 mechanics and this build. I try to make it short and simple and to offer a high-end option as well as a mid and low budget option for farming and to get a start.
然而, 我想在这个指南中向你介绍的超级热诚 Uberzealer 版本可以在没有偷取生命 life tap 的情况下单独打超级崔斯特 Ubertrist, 只需要在 D2 机制和这个构建中有像样的等级技能和经验. 我尝试着让游戏变得简短并提供高端选择以及中低预算的养老选择.
This is not the classic fast-loot-diabaalrun-machine like many other builds, but a build for someone who loves a very active (group) gameplay and who wants to rush and crush every enemy without hesitation (you will literally be able to run into hordes of monsters and not even be able to see your char anymore, but will not die).
这并不是像许多其他构建那样的经典快速-战利品-暗黑破坏神巴尔通刷-机器, 而是适合那些喜欢非常活跃的 (团队) 游戏玩法并想要毫不犹豫地冲向并粉碎所有敌人的人 (你将能够遇到成群的怪物甚至无法再看清你的角色, 但不会死亡).

Edit: I would like to thank Goat to be the first player asking me some very specific questions about this gear and in doing so helping me to improve it :)
编辑: 我要感谢 Goat 是第一个问我一些关于这个装备的非常具体的问题并帮助我改进它的玩家 :)

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