Game Mechanics:修订间差异

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=== 敌人抗性低于 0% ===
=== 敌人抗性低于 0% ===
当敌人的抗性低于0% 时,施加1/2的降抗属性惩罚.这也适用于减少敌人抗性的装备或物品.
当敌人的抗性低于0% 时,施加1/2的降抗属性惩罚.这也适用于减少敌人抗性的装备或物品.Although things work a bit differently compared to breaking immunities.

举个例子,向<span class="d2-blue">25</span>冰抗的敌人身上释放20级降低抵抗(-30%),10级审判光环(-30%),and -Enemy Cold Resistance (-12%):
* <span class="d2-white">25 - 25 = 0</span>  &emsp;[首先-25%审判光环100%属性生效]
* <span class="d2-blue">25</span> <span class="d2-white"> - 30 = -5</span>  &emsp;[降低抵抗]
* <span class="d2-white">-5 / 2 = -2</span>  &emsp;[剩余-5%审判光环1/2属性生效]
* <span class="d2-white">-5 - 30 = -35</span>  &emsp;[Conviction]
* <span class="d2-white">-30 / 2 = -15</span>  &emsp;[降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
* <span class="d2-white">-35 - 12 = -47</span>  &emsp;[-Enemy Resist]
* <span class="d2-white">0 - 2 - 15 = -17</span>  &emsp;[最终敌人冰抗]
* <span class="d2-white">-47 / 2 = -23</span>  &emsp;[apply the 1/2 penalty to get the final enemy cold resist]
Or to put it another way: first the '''full''' value of the -resists is applied (<span class="d2-blue">25</span> - 30 - 30 - 12 = -47), and then if the end result is below 0 then the result is reduced by 1/2 (-47 / 2 = -23).

Note: The 1/2 reduction only applies to damage dealt by players and pets. Negative resistance from monsters (i.e. Conviction, curses, etc.) are always at 100% efficiency.

== 物品掉落机制 ==
== 物品掉落机制 ==