Game Mechanics:修订间差异

删除349字节 、​ 2023年1月28日 (星期六)
第153行: 第153行:
* <span class="d2-white">95 - 30 = 65</span>  &emsp;[审判光环不打折减少敌人剩余抗性]
* <span class="d2-white">95 - 30 = 65</span>  &emsp;[审判光环不打折减少敌人剩余抗性]

It's worth stating again, even after the immunity is broken, immunity breaking skills '''still''' only work at 1/2 effectiveness. However this is not the case for -enemy resist on gear, Cold Mastery, and Fire Mastery. While these things are not able to break immunities on their own, they do work at 100% effectiveness after the immunity is broken.

值得再次强调的是,即使破免了,破免技能“仍然”也只有1/2的效果.然而,装备上的减抗属性、支配冰冷和支配火焰的减抗却并非如此.虽然这些减抗属性不能造成敌人破免,但在破免后,这些属性100% 生效不打折.
值得再次强调的是,即使破免了,破免技能“仍然”也只有1/2的效果.然而,装备上的减抗属性、支配冰冷和支配火焰的减抗却并非如此.虽然这些减抗属性不能造成敌人破免,但在破免后,这些属性100% 生效不打折.
