This page lists an overview of changes made in PD2 relative to the vanilla game. Topics which are too detailed for this list include links to other pages with additional information. Also see: All Topics


所有技能都经过了审查和平衡(或者在必要时重做) ,以确保每个技能都有一个合适的定位,并且增加了一些新的技能. 技能概述 页面列出了每个技能的变化. 还有一个PD2的 加点模拟器 . 请参阅 所有技能 以获得每个等级的完整列表.








  • 支持宽屏并优化画质
  • 每个账号更多的人物 (最多18个) ,同时账号/人物永不过期
  • Global ladder & interaction, regional servers
  • 大厅游戏房间进展到下一个难度后不再隐藏,房间显示难度,可按名称过滤
  • 房间名称/密码/描述可以自动填充,房间名称自动+1
  • Games now perm in 2 minutes
  • Game servers have rolling resets every ~4 hours (for stability reasons)
  • Announcements are no longer made every time friends join/exit games (reduces spam)
  • Announcements for ladder accomplishments/deaths (can be muted in-game)
  • 每个职业的前3名玩家达到99级或在每个天梯赛季击败Uber的玩家,均可获得光环护符奖励
  • Trade site
  • 支持天梯/非天梯 "" 和单机 (包含符文之语/Ubers挑战)
  • 不支持非资料片(经典)或“”,但是单人角色仍然可以通过创建计算机之间的虚拟 LAN 与 TCP/IP 一起玩
  • Messages that begin with "!" will not appear above the character's head (was an attack vector for crashing servers)
  • 不能容忍欺骗或不公平的做法,如BOT、 maphack、自动拾取或真实货币交易 (see the full list of PD2's rules)


  • 更大的储藏箱 (10x15),赫拉迪克方块 (4x4), 背包 (10x8,下四排10x4 为护身符生效区域)
  • Shared stash pages (9 total per account,1 personal stash page per character)
  • 背包/储藏箱最大金币数量33554431(LV99),338933/等级

  • 角色现在会自动拾取身边的金币(只要它没有被过滤掉)
  • 飞行敌人掉落在无法到达区域上的物品,现在将在最近的地面位置刷新
  • 便利性 物品过滤和掉落提示

  • 所有主动技能均可绑定左键
  • 新的“仅移动”技能,使角色移动到一个选定的位置,而不进行攻击
  • 瞄准敌人已经优化-近身攻击时如果你锁定一个敌人并击杀后,你可以按住鼠标继续攻击其他敌人,而不是击杀后停止所有动作同时再次用鼠标瞄准其他敌人
  • “快速施法”技能(按键盘对应快捷键技能后便可激活该技能,松手后技能图标自动变回按键之前的技能) - 只能右键使用快速施法,左键只能常规使用。

  • 快捷移动物品从背包到储藏箱/盒子/地上 (shift+rightclick, ctrl+shift+rightclick, ctrl+rightclick)
  • 快捷加5点属性/技能点 (ctrl+click) 或 直接加满属性/技能点 (shift+click)
  • 快捷辨识物品 (shift+click)

  • 宝石, 符文, 精髓, uber 钥匙/器官均可堆叠
  • 堆叠/拆解快捷方式 (ctrl+shift+click) 当一个堆叠被拾取时分离单个项目 (ctrl+shift+click, ctrl+click)
  • 现在每本书可以容纳80个卷轴,钥匙可以叠加到50个

  • 便利性 屏幕信息 显示区域等级,并有实时、游戏时间、 ping 等选项
  • 高级人物统计页面(默认: 按8) ,按当雇佣兵窗开启后按8显示雇佣兵统计页面
  • 查看其他人物装备 (默认: 城内点玩家后按0)
  • Options for auto-partying and auto-permitting corpse looting

  • New .roll command to help facilitate sharing loot in parties
  • Messages that begin with .p or .party will only be seen by party members
  • New .dps command to show/hide how much damage per second the character has done recently

  • 物品接近提示功能 可以打开/关闭 并通过按住 ctrl 可以临时显示
  • 物品掉落提示功能 可以打开/关闭

  • 添加赌博刷新按键
  • 牛王被击杀后已经可以开牛门, 任意难度下维特之脚均可开牛门
  • 在击杀尼拉萨克之后,通往安雅红门不关闭
  • 解毒剂,溶解药剂和体力药剂现在拾取后自动进入腰带栏
  • 角色现在可以在背包/储藏箱中持有多个维特之脚和暗金附身符(背包只能有一个生效)
  • 暗金护身符可以从NPC购回(如果意外出售) and several special items can no longer be sold to them to prevent accidents
  • 屏幕晃动效果可以被禁用


  • 提高单人游戏掉率 - 单人游戏NoDrop% 游戏机制#PD2不同之处|近似原版5PP NoDrop%
  • 无瑕疵宝石在普通难度ACT4开始掉落,完美宝石从地狱难度开始掉落
  • 噩梦难度 BOSS 现在掉落赦免令牌的精华
  • 火炬钥匙现在A1血鸟,A2血腥巫师,A4衣卒尔也可掉落
  • KB 5波巴尔仆众刷新时间减少50%
  • 许多zones 区域等级提升至85
  • Act 5 三红门(Abaddon, Pit of Acheron, Infernal Pit) 怪物数量提升 40-50%, 陵墓与地穴提升 9% 
  • Act 2 中的蛆巢和神秘庇护所有更广阔的路径
  • 由于风险/回报不匹配,库拉斯特下层的超级宝箱取消
  • 死于混乱庇护所封印而不是被杀死的怪物将不再掉落物品
  • 跑动时格挡率和防御依然存在
  • 人物/雇佣兵最大抗性从95%降低至90%
  • 刺客开局两把拳剑,野蛮人两把手斧,德鲁伊1把+1火风暴木棒,所有物品均为劣质品质
  • 亚马逊,刺客,野蛮人,圣骑士每级额外获得0.5法力
  • 角色起始耐力大约 +100%
  • 体力神殿现在持续一半的时间,并且增加35% 的移动速度
  • 许多效果(神殿BUFF,战吼,“击中致盲目标”)将不再被诅咒诅覆盖或互相覆盖
  • 冰冷/冻结的减益状态现在也降低了施法速度和跑步/行走速度以及攻击速度
  • 解毒/解冻药剂现在增加25% 的毒/抗寒属性(原版是50%) ,不再增加10% 的最大抗毒/冰属性
  • Full Rejuvenation Potions now restore 65% life/mana (capped at 2000 life/mana per potion)
  • 攻击者受到伤害和反伤机制现在也影响远程攻击和造成伤害当被攻击时(发生在击中之前,所以如果反弹伤害杀死攻击者,攻击不会生效)
  • 远程攻击的吸血效果现在是近战攻击的一半
  • 粉碎性打击将不再生效,当BOSS,暗金怪或精英怪低于65%生命时 游戏机制#粉碎性打击,远程攻击同理
  • 双倍打击CS 和 致命打击DS 数据平衡 每个属性上限100%降低至75% 游戏机制#致命伤害,伤害倍数由2 降低至 1.5
  • 召唤物和投放技能(陷阱,九头蛇)现在受到 +% 的元素技能伤害加持
  • 召唤物(除了火焰石墨)现在受到敌人元素抗性的 -% 影响(半效)
  • 减少怪物抗性的技能被重新平衡,现在在大于 99% 或 低于 0% 游戏机制#敌人减抗 时效果为1/2(原版在99% 以上时效果为1/5)
  • Spells and abilities no longer share cooldowns globally
  • 近战飞溅伤害对移动的目标额外增加1射程


  • 低级物品品质(白装)固定词缀不再有ilvl限制 - 物品可以有任意组合的技能词缀,只要物品有足够高的ilvl
  • 可用的“禁用”技能词缀不再受限制 (神圣之盾, 盾击, 大部分野蛮人战斗技能, 死灵法师盾牌上的毒素打击Poison Strike on Necromancer shields)
  • 增加物品获得技能词缀和更高级技能词缀的几率
    • 旧变更: 30% 无技能词缀, 40% 1 技能词缀, 20% 2 技能词缀, 10% 3 技能词缀; 60% +1技能词缀, 30% +2技能词缀, 10% +3技能词缀
    • 新变更: 10% 无技能词缀, 40% 1 技能词缀, 30% 2 技能词缀, 20% 3 技能词缀; 40% +1技能词缀, 35% +2技能词缀, 25% +3技能词缀
  • 不同稀有度含技能词缀的物品维修费用从 1000,3000,8000,16000,32000,64000 提升到 5000,10000,20000,40000,60000,80000
  • 高级物品的维修费用降低了
  • 一些rune|符文效果已经略微调整
  • 稀有物品(黄金)现在获得至少4个词缀在ilvl 45 + ,5个词缀在ilvl 65 + 和6个词缀在ilvl 85 + (稀有珠宝现在固定4个词缀)
  • 武器耐久度降低一半


  • 无形化属性提升从50%变更至25%(大部分扩展/精英武器重新平衡,使其属性保持不变)
  • 无形物品耐久不再减半
  • 投掷武器和箭矢/十字弓弹的数量是无限的
  • 所有的爪子现在都可以有技能词缀
  • 所有棍棒现在可以拥有德鲁伊技能词缀 (类似德鲁伊专用头盔)
  • 箭矢现在可以是魔法或稀有的
  • 近战武器现在造成splash damage|溅射伤害
  • 法杖有10%/30%/50% 的 FCR 作为一项基础词缀(普通/扩展/精英)
  • 十字弓有10% 的物理穿刺效果作为基础词缀
  • 匕首具有20% 的致命一击作为基础词缀
  • 移除中/重型盔甲和盾牌上对移动速度惩罚
  • 圣骑士护盾基础词缀“所有抗性”范围减少(最大30% 而不是45%)
  • 调整靴子的踢击伤害
  • 力量/敏捷的伤害加成根据几种武器类型进行了调整
  • 普通/扩展/精英武器的基础伤害平均增加4%/~ 42%/~ 24%
  • 亚马逊长矛的攻击速度(WSM)提高了10
  • 许多武器基础属性增加了近战射程
  • 保护盾牌/圣盾的基础防御和格挡几率增加
  • 几个武器基础属性和死灵法师盾牌的最大孔数增加
  • 所有武器的耐久性增加

物品词缀 已经收到了一些变化,特别是对于稀有物品(黄装)。一些值得注意的例子:

  • 元素伤害附加附身符根据护身符大小和元素类型,伤害增加
  • +2-4% 毒火冰电元素伤害至大型护身符
  • 稀有盔甲,盾牌,武器3孔
  • 5-20% PDR for chests, shields; 5-10% PDR for belts
  • 盔甲,盾牌+10-20% FCR; 手套,腰带 +10% FCR
  • 盔甲,护盾+10-200% 增加伤害
  • 盔甲,护盾,头盔+1 所有技能
  • 大部分武器+5-30%致命攻击, 粉碎性打击, 撕开伤口
  • 伤害提高301-400%对一些使用次数较少的武器和弓


Crafting|手工 全面改革:

  • Any base (except circlets/quivers) may be used for crafting
  • Crafting with ethereal items causes the resulting item to be ethereal
  • Crafted items no longer have higher level requirements than their rare equivalents
  • Crafted items and set items can now be upgraded
  • Rare items can now be used in crafting recipes


  • Some recipes have been simplified
  • New repair recipe that uses Zod and works with ethereal/broken items
  • Other new & modified recipes corresponding to new items

Non-Player Characters

  • Jerhyn and his guards now always stand outside of the Palace in Lut Gholein
  • Deckard Cain now wanders at the top of the stairs in Harrogath near Malah
  • Anya will give a regular tier 1 map in Hell in addition to her normal reward
  • Ormus will give a corrupted ring as a reward for returning the Gidbinn
  • Healing NPCs now remove chill in addition to other ailments


  • Mercenaries have better AI
  • Mercenaries from all acts grant auras
  • Mercenaries use new skills
  • Mercenaries can now equip gloves, boots, and belts
  • Rogue Scout mercenaries can equip any bow/crossbow & quivers, Iron Wolf mercenaries can equip Paladin shields, scepters, tipped maces, wands, knives, & Sorceress orbs, Barbarian mercenaries can equip axes, tipped maces, & hammers
  • Open Wounds now deals ¼ damage to mercenaries and pets, and can be further reduced by Physical Damage Reduction
  • Mercenaries now have the same stats regardless of which difficulty they're hired from
  • Old mercenaries drop their equipped items when a new one is hired


  • Monsters can now spawn with Concentration, Vigor, or Holy Shock auras
  • Dolls have a small delay before exploding when killed, their explosion has a smaller radius, and it deals less damage
  • Mephisto can now float over the blood moat in Durance of Hate, and the council members in Durance of Hate are closer to Mephisto
  • Andariel and Duriel in Hell difficulty now use the same loot tables as Mephisto and Baal, respectively
  • Uber Key Holders (Countess, Summoner, Nihlathak, Blood Raven, Bloodwitch, Izual) are stronger
  • Uber Ancients have been added
  • Diablo-Clone is much harder and is now accessed with the new Vision of Terror item instead of selling Stones of Jordan
  • Rathma is a new uber boss

Player versus Player

PvP Changes:

  • Skill PvP damage has been rebalanced
  • New dueling arenas accessible via items which can be purchased from Anya
    • Spectator mode can be toggled by typing .spec or .spectate within the non-combat part of an arena
    • After dying in these arenas, characters revive without needing to retrieve their corpse
Note: Hardcore characters revive in the same way - HC dueling can be done inside PvP arenas without risking characters, but character death is still permanent everywhere else
  • Slow, Knockback (from items), Flat Elemental Absorb, and Attackers Take Damage are disabled in PvP arenas
  • Life replenish is capped at +30 in PvP arenas
  • Stuns in PvP can no longer be reapplied to players who are already stunned, and attacks/hits/spells against stunned players will reduce the stun duration by 2 frames each
  • Regenerating charges (e.g. Blink on Enigma) regenerate 200% faster in PvP arenas

Bug Fixes

  • Andariel quest bug fixed (multiplayer only)
  • Ethereal armor bug (ebug) from socketing recipe fixed
  • Council hydra damage against mercenaries/summons fixed (tied to PvP damage)
  • Trap bug fixed (traps no longer decrease the number of unique/champion packs that may spawn nearby)
  • Act 2 mercenaries no longer crash the game due to Delirium (CtC Delirium was removed from Delirium runeword, so they can't jab enemies as a fetish)
  • Mana burn bug fixed
  • Jewels with enhanced damage or min/max damage will now work correctly
  • Paladin Charge desync bug fixed
  • Cloak of Shadows will no longer crash the game at the ancients
  • All missile skills now properly benefit from skill attack rating bonuses
  • Quest items can no longer be upgraded into Hand Axes (upgrading recipe is disabled for them)
  • Lilith can no longer spawn outside the map
  • Fixed a bug which caused excess MDR to apply to physical damage if the target's Magic/elemental Damage Reduction was higher than the attack's magic/elemental damage
  • Dual-wielding attack speed breakpoints are now always based on the faster weapon (WSM bug removed)
Also see: Bugs