General Changes:修订间差异

删除60字节 、​ 2023年1月25日 (星期三)
第182行: 第182行:
* 新增物品对应新的或修改过的公式
* 新增物品对应新的或修改过的公式

=== Non-Player Characters ===
=== NPC ===
* Jerhyn and his guards now always stand outside of the Palace in Lut Gholein
* 杰海因和他的卫兵现在总是站在宫殿外面
* Deckard Cain now wanders at the top of the stairs in Harrogath near Malah
* 凯恩在哈洛加斯靠近马拉的楼梯顶上踱步
* Anya will give a regular tier 1 map in Hell in addition to her normal reward
* 安雅除了她的正常奖励之外,还会在地狱难度中给一张T1白图
* Ormus will give a corrupted ring as a reward for returning the Gidbinn
* 奥玛斯会给你一枚已腐化的戒指作为归还吉得宾的奖励
* Healing NPCs now remove chill in addition to other ailments
* 治疗NPC现在额外驱除被冰冻状态

* Mercenaries have better AI
* 雇佣兵拥有更高的AI
* Mercenaries from all acts grant auras
* 所有章节的雇佣兵均有光环
* Mercenaries use new skills
* 雇佣兵使用新技能
* Mercenaries can now equip gloves, boots, and belts
* 雇佣兵现在可以装备手套、靴子和腰带
* Rogue Scout mercenaries can equip any bow/crossbow & quivers, Iron Wolf mercenaries can equip Paladin shields, scepters, tipped maces, wands, knives, & Sorceress orbs, Barbarian mercenaries can equip axes, tipped maces, & hammers
* A1雇佣兵可以装备任何弓/弩和箭筒,铁狼雇佣兵可以装备圣骑士盾牌,权杖,尖头狼牙棒,魔杖,匕首,& 女巫球,野蛮雇佣兵可以装备斧头,狼牙棒,& 锤子
* Open Wounds now deals ¼ damage to mercenaries and pets, and can be further reduced by Physical Damage Reduction
* 撕开伤口现在对雇佣兵和召唤物造成1/4的伤害,并且可以通过物理伤害减少属性进一步减少伤害
* Mercenaries now have the same stats regardless of which difficulty they're hired from
* 现在不管雇佣兵来自哪个难度,他们都有相同的属性
* Old mercenaries drop their equipped items when a new one is hired
* 雇佣新兵时,老雇佣兵会丢掉身上所有装备

* Monsters can now spawn with Concentration, Vigor, or Holy Shock auras
* 怪物现在可拥有专心,活力,神圣冲击光环
* Dolls have a small delay before exploding when killed, their explosion has a smaller radius, and it deals less damage
* 娃娃死亡后爆炸前有一个小的延迟,它们的爆炸半径更小,造成的伤害也更小
* Mephisto can now float over the blood moat in Durance of Hate, and the council members in Durance of Hate are closer to Mephisto
* 墨菲斯托现在可以无视护城河阻挡过河,场景内的议会成员全部在墨菲斯托附近
* Andariel and Duriel in Hell difficulty now use the same loot tables as Mephisto and Baal, respectively
* 地狱难度下安达利尔和督瑞尔分别使用与墨菲斯托和巴尔相同的掉落(不用再BUG击杀)
* Uber Key Holders (Countess, Summoner, Nihlathak, Blood Raven, Bloodwitch, Izual) are stronger
* 6BOSS钥匙持有者(A1伯爵夫人,A2召唤师,A5尼拉塞克,A1血鸟,A2女猎人-赫拉迪克方块附近,A4衣卒尔)更加强力
* Uber Ancients have been added
* 新增远古3BB红门
* Diablo-Clone is ''much'' harder and is now accessed with the new Vision of Terror item instead of selling Stones of Jordan
* Diablo-Clone 是一个新增的更加强力的超级BOSS 击败它才能掉落DC,触发DC而不再是售出SOJ
* Rathma is a new uber boss
* Rathma 是一个最有难度的超级BOSS,最为MOD的终极挑战而存在

=== Player versus Player ===
=== Player versus Player ===
