第1行: 第1行:
<noinclude>This page lists errors, unintended behavior, and glitches found in PD2. Some major vanilla bugs are also listed.</noinclude>
<noinclude>此页面列出了在PD2中发现的错误、意外行为和小故障。还列出了一些主要的普通bug。This page lists errors, unintended behavior, and glitches found in PD2. Some major vanilla bugs are also listed. Also see: [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/781105003535400991 #known-bugs] discord channel</noinclude>
For help with crashes or other game issues, see the [[Support FAQ]] or the [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/770081262982529064 #tech-support] discord channel.

== Non-Vanilla ==
== Non-Vanilla ==
<span class="emphasis">''Bugs introduced in PD2 due to new features''</span>
PD2中由于新功能而引入的Bug<span class="emphasis">''Bugs introduced in PD2 due to new features''</span>

Note that both attribute ranges and lootfilters are handled by [https://github.com/Project-Diablo-2/BH PD2's open-source version of BH], which anyone may submit improvements for. The discord's [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/771820538502971402 #lootfilter] channel may be a good place to learn more about it if you have questions, since devs and editors often frequent the channel and discuss BH-related changes there.
常规Bug'''General Bugs:'''
* 无瑕疵宝石只能在堆叠状态下提升为完美宝石。[[Recipes#Gem_&_Rune_Recipes|Flawless gems]] can only be promoted to perfect gems while in their ''stacked'' form.
* Sometimes when using the [[Cartographer's Orb]] recipe, the result is a Hand Axe instead of a map of a higher tier.
* The monsters named "skeleton" in act 1 (like those in mausoleum/crypt) don't drop loot.
* Shrieking Terror monsters in maps cause summon AI issues.
* In Character Select screen, some characters are missing heads or appear to have different equipment.
* Some people are crashing with HD text enabled (disable within ctrl+o menu if it's an issue)
* Text/Quantity numbers show through UI elements when using D2GL
* 在某些情况下,在一个配方中,方块中有两个相同类型的物品可能会消耗其中一个物品。In some situations having two items of the same type within the cube during a recipe can consume one of the items
* When attempting to connect while too many players are active, players may be presented with a dialogue box showing their position in a queue. This is misleading since the queue system is not used - players will need to connect manually instead. This may take several attempts, especially if the server they've selected is at its limit and others are also trying to join it. If other servers are acceptable, try using one of them temporarily instead.

* Attribute ranges on tooltips are sometimes incorrect
'''Bugs for Specific Skills or Equipment:'''
** When multiple affixes add the same attribute, only a single affix's attribute range is shown.
* [[Revive|Revives']] own summon/sentry abilities (e.g. hydras cast by revived council members) don't grant player experience or quest progress if they kill enemies.
** The attribute range can often show values for a different affix that adds the same attribute, even if that affix might not be able to roll on that particular item.
* Being in [[Whirlwind]] ([[Blade Dance]]) animation when leveling up on assassin locks up your animation.
** The 50% Damage to Undead automod for blunt weapons isn't included in the attribute's range.
* Hydras spawned from the [[Dragon_(Chest)|Dragon]] runeword (chest) are only staying up for ~1 second before despawning if trigged by whirlwind.
** Runeword tooltips don't account for the stat gained from a rune if the runeword itself adds the same stat. (e.g. [[Chains of Honor]] shows [35-45] all res but is actually 50-60 since Um adds +15)
* Fire Resist aura from [[Flickering Flame]] on merc reduces max res back to 75 on paladin.
** Some corruptions don't display a red indicator next to the corrupted stat.
* Heart of the Wolverine (from [[Wisp Projector]]) despawns when you level up.
** Several additional cases exist for this issue, but are not well documented.
* 不朽之王套装中的一些物品的套装加成显示为蓝色(就像普通属性一样),而不是绿色。Some items in the [[Elite#Immortal_King|Immortal King]] set have their set bonuses displayed in blue (like normal attributes) rather than in green.
* Ethereal versions of [[Elite#Immortal_King's_Stone_Crusher|Immortal King's Stone Crusher]] may display the incorrect damage (missing the set bonus) depending on the order of the set items being equipped.

* Lootfilter issues:
** The quantity shown with '''%QTY%''' doesn't update correctly sometimes when using cube recipes with stacked gems/runes.
** If the lootfilter attempts to hide stacked gems/runes, they'll usually be loaded regardless and appear with an [[Item_Filtering#Info_Codes|empty name]].
** Magic items without a prefix/suffix will have an extra space in their name where the prefix/suffix name would be, making the overall name appear slightly off-center.
** Some items have their [[Item_Filtering#Colors|default color]] built into '''%NAME%''', so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely.
** The '''GEMLEVEL''' condition doesn't apply to ''unstacked'' flawless/perfect gems like it intuitively should. ([[Item_Filtering#Gems|individual item codes]] can be used instead as a workaround)
** Conditions values get converted to unsigned integers before comparison, which means negative values count backward from the maximum storeable value (a few billion) rather than counting backward from 0 (multiple [[Item_Filtering#Named_Attribute_Codes|workarounds]] exist)
** Notification keywords [[Item_Filtering#Notification_Keywords|bypass]] the normal rule-handling procedure. (BH quirk, no problems if it's known about when editing notifications)
** In some cases, items that are correctly shown (name not hidden) on the ground under normal circumstances can become hidden/unloaded after leaving the area and returning. This should only occur with items that aren't shown (name hidden) under normal circumstances. Presumably, the bug can also occur with items dropped by monsters, which makes it impossible to know how prevalent the bug is since players won't be given any indication something is amiss - being unable to find specific items can reasonably be attributed to poor luck. The cause and scope of the bug is undetermined, but it was reproducible in the few instances that it was noticed by lootfilter authors.
** In some cases where '''MAPID''' is used, items that would normally be correctly hidden can be shown instead when moving from an area where they should be shown to an area where they should be hidden. (such as from town to a map via a portal) In these cases, the items will be re-hidden after walking far enough away in the same area and returning.
** The '''1H''' code doesn't include Hand Axe.
** Items in the multiplayer shared stash incorrectly have the '''EQUIPPED''' flag set if they begin the game there.
** Strange bug involving '''SHOP''':
::: <code>ItemDisplay[NMAG SHOP]: %NAME%</code> <span style="color:gray;">''show shop items''</span>
::: <code>ItemDisplay[NMAG (NORM OR EXC)]:</code> <span style="color:gray;">''hide unwanted items''</span>
::: The first rule breaks the second rule, even though there's no '''''%CONTINUE%''''' involved. Instead of hiding those items, they show up as blank text boxes.

* Other bugs:
<div id="BH"></div>'''BH相关Bug:BH-Related Bugs:'''
** Upgrading an ethereal item may reduce its current durability by a seemingly random amount. This might just mean that it gets rerolled, and that the reroll range is within the vanilla durability range (half the non-ethereal range) instead of the standard PD2 range.
* 工具提示上的属性范围有时不正确Attribute ranges on tooltips are sometimes incorrect
** When some skills that were previously right-click-only are used on left-click, they don't interact with exits/entrances or other objects. As a workaround, rebind to right-click or use weapon swap to quickly switch left-click skills.
** 当多个源添加同一属性时,只显示单个源的属性范围,而不是组合范围。示例:When multiple sources add the same attribute, only a single source's attribute range is shown rather than a combined range. Examples:
*: <span class="omod">''Skills changed to work with left-click (as of S4):'' Lightning Sentry, Mind Blast, Psychic Hammer, Battle Cry, War Cry, Raven, Summon Grizzly, Fissure, Volcano, Amplify Damage, Poison Nova, Meteor, Hydra, Static Field, Telekinesis, Nova, Teleport, Frost Nova, Blizzard ...many more changed in S5</span>
*** 钝器对不死造成的50%伤害不包括在属性范围内。The 50% Damage to Undead automod for blunt weapons isn't included in the attribute's range.
** Dual-wielding attack speed breakpoints are now always based on the faster weapon - this fixes Barbarian attacks, but Assassins have several melee skills which are technically dual-wielding but only the mainhand weapon is used. This results in a new WSM bug where a faster weapon can be equipped in the offhand to bypass the speed of the attacking weapon.
*** 手工制作的物品将显示标准属性范围(例如滚动词缀),而不考虑来自预定词缀的属性范围。Crafted items will display the standard attribute range (e.g. rolled affixes) without taking into account the attribute range from predetermined affixes.
** Some items in the [[Elite#Immortal_King|Immortal King]] set have their set bonuses displayed in blue (like normal attributes) rather than in green.
*** 当符文添加与其符文相同的属性时,属性范围不包括符文中的值。例如:荣誉之链在游戏中显示[35-45]所有res,但实际上是[50-60],因为Um加了+15。When a runeword adds the same attribute as one of its runes, the attribute range doesn't include values from the rune. Example: [[Chains of Honor]] shows [35-45] all res in-game but is actually [50-60] since Um adds +15
**: 属性来源列表:前缀、后缀、自动词缀、高级词缀、预先确定的手工词缀、腐蚀、镶嵌宝石/符文/宝石、pointmods。<span class="omod">List of attribute sources: prefixes, suffixes, automods, superior affixes, predetermined crafting affixes, corruptions, socketed gems/runes/jewels, pointmods</span>
** 当一个物品具有具有多个属性的“混合”词缀时,每个属性范围仍然被单独处理,这可能导致不准确/不明确的比较。例如:When an item has a "hybrid" affix with multiple attributes, each attribute range is still treated separately which can results in inaccurate/ambiguous comparisons. Example:
*** 一个尖锐的小符咒会增加+[1-3]伤害和+[10-20]AR,但AR的属性范围在游戏中显示为[2-36],因为青铜/钢铁词缀可以增加那么多AR(但当然这些词缀不会增加任何伤害)A Fine Small Charm adds +[1-3] damage & +[10-20] AR but the attribute range for AR shows [2-36] in-game since the Bronze/Iron/Steel affixes can add that much AR (but of course those affixes don't add any damage)
** 属性范围可能只引用稀有物品可能使用的词缀,因此一些高级魔法词缀不会有准确的范围The attribute range may only reference affixes which are possible for rare items so some higher magic-only affixes won't have accurate ranges
* 某些物品的默认颜色内置在%NAME%中,因此除非完全重写其名称,否则其颜色不会更改。Some items have their [[Item_Filtering#Colors|default color]] built into '''%NAME%''', so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely.

The following bugs were copied from the [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/781105003535400991 #known-bugs] channel on PD2's Discord server:
请注意,属性范围和lootfilter由PD2的开源版本BH处理,任何人都可以提交改进。如果你有问题,discord的#lootfilter频道可能是一个了解更多信息的好地方,因为开发人员和编辑经常访问该频道,并在那里讨论与BH相关的变化。Note that attribute ranges and lootfilters are handled by [https://github.com/Project-Diablo-2/BH PD2's open-source version of BH], which anyone may submit improvements for. The discord's [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/771820538502971402 #lootfilter] channel may be a good place to learn more about it if you have questions, since devs and editors often frequent the channel and discuss BH-related changes there.

* cubing three Bastion Keep Maps or three Horazon's Memory Maps with a cartographers orb becomes a white axe sometimes (happens inconsistently with any t1 maps)
=== 仅限单人玩家的Bug Singleplayer-Only Bugs ===
* leaving uber tristram or dying in uber tristram is causing disconnects
* PlugY: Having too many maps in a stash page can cause crashes if that page is the most recently visited stash page
* barbarians are sometimes disconnecting from whirlwind or leap (happens while using the skill when transitioning into a new area)
*: <span class="omod">Fix: Reduce the number of maps stored per page, or switch to another page before leaving the stash</span>
* some critical strike passives from character skills are not properly applying to the advanced sheet (e.g. Barbarian weapon masteries, Assassin claw/dagger mastery, Amazon javelin/spear mastery, oskills from [[The Gladiator's Bane]]/[[Insight]]/[[Peace]], etc ...everything except the natural Critical Strike skill itself)
* PlugY: Having gold in the shared stash can cause issues such as preventing oskills from working correctly
* cobra strike on shadow warrior and shadow master uses kick instead
*: <span class="omod">Fix: Remove all gold from the shared stash, or disable the shared gold feature in the config file</span>
* PlugY: The "toggle stash" button may be set to the wrong stash upon loading until interacting with the current stash - this happens if the most recent stash interaction prior to saving/exiting involved using a PlugY stash button instead of manipulating an item in the stash
=== Singleplayer-Only Bugs ===
*: <span class="omod">Workaround: Add or remove an item from the stash prior to saving/exiting (this also fixes the button at any time if it's set wrong)</span>
* PlugY: Having too many items in a stash page with many affixes (especially maps) can cause a crash if that page is the most recently visited stash page
* PlugY: Stash navigation may be buggy if the stash pages are empty - the navigation will appear to jump between the wrong pages, but it is actually just displaying the wrong page numbers for all pages between the first page (page 1) and the first index (page 10)
* PlugY: Having gold in the shared stash can cause issues, preventing oskills and other stats from working correctly
*: <span class="omod">Fix: Put an item on page 10 or higher and save/exit</span>
* PlugY: The "toggle stash" button may be set to the wrong stash upon loading until interacting with the current stash - putting an item on a higher page (such as page 200) in whichever stash is loaded first seems to fix it in many cases
* Andariel quest bug (vanilla bug - fixed in multiplayer)
* Andariel quest bug (vanilla bug - fixed in multiplayer)
For all singleplayer differences, see: [[Singleplayer]]

Other singleplayer differences:
== 普通模式Vanilla ==
* New endgame content (e.g. Rathma in S4) may be ladder-only during the season it's introduced, so it won't be available in singleplayer during that time (there are no such differences in S5)
普通模式和PD2中发现的Bug<span class="emphasis">''Bugs found in vanilla and PD2''</span>
* The shared stash is not enabled for singleplayer since PlugY already includes its own which has more features suited for offline play
== Vanilla ==
<span class="emphasis">''Bugs found in vanilla and PD2''</span>

* Multiple corpse bug - rejoining a game with more than one corpse will result in only the highest value corpse being carried over and items on all other corpses being lost
* 多重尸体BUG——重新加入一个有多具尸体的游戏,只会导致价值最高的尸体被带走,而所有其他尸体上的物品都会丢失。Multiple corpse bug - rejoining a game with more than one corpse will result in only the highest value corpse being carried over and items on all other corpses being lost
* Corpse limit bug - only ~15 corpses can exist simultaneously, so if a player dies while wearing gear and at the corpse limit, the gear will be lost even without rejoining a game
* 尸体数量BUG——只有15具尸体可以同时存在,所以如果一名玩家在穿戴装备和达到尸体限制时死亡,即使没有重新加入游戏,装备也会丢失Corpse limit bug - only ~15 corpses can exist simultaneously, so if a player dies while wearing gear and at the corpse limit, the gear will be lost even without rejoining a game
* Strength bug - gear not visible to other players; may also contribute to losing items when there are multiple corpses
* 力量BUG—— if stat requirements of equipped items are only met via the stats granted by those items, the gear won't be visible to other players; this may also contribute to losing items when there are multiple corpses or there isn't enough inventory space to store unequippable items when recovering them from a corpse
* Broken-offhand-whirlwind (BOW) bug - when dual-wielding and using whirlwind, if the offhand weapon is broken (0 durability) and has 1 gemmed socket (to prevent it from disappearing), the mainhand weapon is used as both the mainhand ''and'' offhand weapons
: <span class="omod">When recovering items from a corpse, they are re-equipped in the following order: helm, amulet, chest, left weapon/offhand, right weapon/offhand, left ring, right ring, belt, boots, gloves</span>
* Failed-to-Join (FTJ) bug
* 破碎武器旋风斩BUG——当双持和使用旋风时,如果右手武器被打破(0耐久性)并有1个宝石镶嵌(以防止其消失),主武器同时用作主武器和副武器Broken-offhand-whirlwind (BOW) bug - when dual-wielding and using whirlwind, if the offhand weapon is broken (0 durability) and has 1 gemmed socket (to prevent it from disappearing), the mainhand weapon is used as both the mainhand ''and'' offhand weapons
* Next-hit-always-misses (NHAM) bug
* 加入失败BUGFailed-to-Join (FTJ) bug
* 血腥女巫有时不会在死亡大厅里引发[[Monsters#Bloodwitch_the_Wild|Blood Witch]] sometimes doesn't spawn in Halls of the Dead

For a more complete list of vanilla bugs, see wikis dedicated to vanilla. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Diablo_II The Amazon Basin] wiki does an especially good job, with bugs typically written in red in their relevant categories. Another example is this [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/bugproblem-list-for-devs-what-to-fix-for-d2r/30490 list of 200+ bugs] that focuses on what should be fixed for D2: Resurrected.
For a more complete list of vanilla bugs, see wikis dedicated to vanilla. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Diablo_II The Amazon Basin] wiki does an especially good job, with bugs typically written in red in their relevant categories. Another example is this [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/bugproblem-list-for-devs-what-to-fix-for-d2r/30490 list of 200+ bugs] that focuses on what should be fixed for D2: Resurrected.

For bugs fixed in PD2, see [[General_Changes#Bug_Fixes | General Changes]].
For bugs fixed in PD2, see [[General_Changes#Bug_Fixes | General Changes]].

2024年5月11日 (六) 18:57的最新版本

此页面列出了在PD2中发现的错误、意外行为和小故障。还列出了一些主要的普通bug。This page lists errors, unintended behavior, and glitches found in PD2. Some major vanilla bugs are also listed. Also see: #known-bugs discord channel

For help with crashes or other game issues, see the Support FAQ or the #tech-support discord channel.


PD2中由于新功能而引入的BugBugs introduced in PD2 due to new features

常规BugGeneral Bugs:

  • 无瑕疵宝石只能在堆叠状态下提升为完美宝石。Flawless gems can only be promoted to perfect gems while in their stacked form.
  • Sometimes when using the Cartographer's Orb recipe, the result is a Hand Axe instead of a map of a higher tier.
  • The monsters named "skeleton" in act 1 (like those in mausoleum/crypt) don't drop loot.
  • Shrieking Terror monsters in maps cause summon AI issues.
  • In Character Select screen, some characters are missing heads or appear to have different equipment.
  • Some people are crashing with HD text enabled (disable within ctrl+o menu if it's an issue)
  • Text/Quantity numbers show through UI elements when using D2GL
  • 在某些情况下,在一个配方中,方块中有两个相同类型的物品可能会消耗其中一个物品。In some situations having two items of the same type within the cube during a recipe can consume one of the items
  • When attempting to connect while too many players are active, players may be presented with a dialogue box showing their position in a queue. This is misleading since the queue system is not used - players will need to connect manually instead. This may take several attempts, especially if the server they've selected is at its limit and others are also trying to join it. If other servers are acceptable, try using one of them temporarily instead.

Bugs for Specific Skills or Equipment:

  • Revives' own summon/sentry abilities (e.g. hydras cast by revived council members) don't grant player experience or quest progress if they kill enemies.
  • Being in Whirlwind (Blade Dance) animation when leveling up on assassin locks up your animation.
  • Hydras spawned from the Dragon runeword (chest) are only staying up for ~1 second before despawning if trigged by whirlwind.
  • Fire Resist aura from Flickering Flame on merc reduces max res back to 75 on paladin.
  • Heart of the Wolverine (from Wisp Projector) despawns when you level up.
  • 不朽之王套装中的一些物品的套装加成显示为蓝色(就像普通属性一样),而不是绿色。Some items in the Immortal King set have their set bonuses displayed in blue (like normal attributes) rather than in green.
  • Ethereal versions of Immortal King's Stone Crusher may display the incorrect damage (missing the set bonus) depending on the order of the set items being equipped.

BH相关Bug:BH-Related Bugs:

  • 工具提示上的属性范围有时不正确Attribute ranges on tooltips are sometimes incorrect
    • 当多个源添加同一属性时,只显示单个源的属性范围,而不是组合范围。示例:When multiple sources add the same attribute, only a single source's attribute range is shown rather than a combined range. Examples:
      • 钝器对不死造成的50%伤害不包括在属性范围内。The 50% Damage to Undead automod for blunt weapons isn't included in the attribute's range.
      • 手工制作的物品将显示标准属性范围(例如滚动词缀),而不考虑来自预定词缀的属性范围。Crafted items will display the standard attribute range (e.g. rolled affixes) without taking into account the attribute range from predetermined affixes.
      • 当符文添加与其符文相同的属性时,属性范围不包括符文中的值。例如:荣誉之链在游戏中显示[35-45]所有res,但实际上是[50-60],因为Um加了+15。When a runeword adds the same attribute as one of its runes, the attribute range doesn't include values from the rune. Example: Chains of Honor shows [35-45] all res in-game but is actually [50-60] since Um adds +15
      属性来源列表:前缀、后缀、自动词缀、高级词缀、预先确定的手工词缀、腐蚀、镶嵌宝石/符文/宝石、pointmods。List of attribute sources: prefixes, suffixes, automods, superior affixes, predetermined crafting affixes, corruptions, socketed gems/runes/jewels, pointmods
    • 当一个物品具有具有多个属性的“混合”词缀时,每个属性范围仍然被单独处理,这可能导致不准确/不明确的比较。例如:When an item has a "hybrid" affix with multiple attributes, each attribute range is still treated separately which can results in inaccurate/ambiguous comparisons. Example:
      • 一个尖锐的小符咒会增加+[1-3]伤害和+[10-20]AR,但AR的属性范围在游戏中显示为[2-36],因为青铜/钢铁词缀可以增加那么多AR(但当然这些词缀不会增加任何伤害)A Fine Small Charm adds +[1-3] damage & +[10-20] AR but the attribute range for AR shows [2-36] in-game since the Bronze/Iron/Steel affixes can add that much AR (but of course those affixes don't add any damage)
    • 属性范围可能只引用稀有物品可能使用的词缀,因此一些高级魔法词缀不会有准确的范围The attribute range may only reference affixes which are possible for rare items so some higher magic-only affixes won't have accurate ranges
  • 某些物品的默认颜色内置在%NAME%中,因此除非完全重写其名称,否则其颜色不会更改。Some items have their default color built into %NAME%, so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely.

请注意,属性范围和lootfilter由PD2的开源版本BH处理,任何人都可以提交改进。如果你有问题,discord的#lootfilter频道可能是一个了解更多信息的好地方,因为开发人员和编辑经常访问该频道,并在那里讨论与BH相关的变化。Note that attribute ranges and lootfilters are handled by PD2's open-source version of BH, which anyone may submit improvements for. The discord's #lootfilter channel may be a good place to learn more about it if you have questions, since devs and editors often frequent the channel and discuss BH-related changes there.

仅限单人玩家的Bug Singleplayer-Only Bugs

  • PlugY: Having too many maps in a stash page can cause crashes if that page is the most recently visited stash page
    Fix: Reduce the number of maps stored per page, or switch to another page before leaving the stash
  • PlugY: Having gold in the shared stash can cause issues such as preventing oskills from working correctly
    Fix: Remove all gold from the shared stash, or disable the shared gold feature in the config file
  • PlugY: The "toggle stash" button may be set to the wrong stash upon loading until interacting with the current stash - this happens if the most recent stash interaction prior to saving/exiting involved using a PlugY stash button instead of manipulating an item in the stash
    Workaround: Add or remove an item from the stash prior to saving/exiting (this also fixes the button at any time if it's set wrong)
  • PlugY: Stash navigation may be buggy if the stash pages are empty - the navigation will appear to jump between the wrong pages, but it is actually just displaying the wrong page numbers for all pages between the first page (page 1) and the first index (page 10)
    Fix: Put an item on page 10 or higher and save/exit
  • Andariel quest bug (vanilla bug - fixed in multiplayer)

For all singleplayer differences, see: Singleplayer


普通模式和PD2中发现的BugBugs found in vanilla and PD2

  • 多重尸体BUG——重新加入一个有多具尸体的游戏,只会导致价值最高的尸体被带走,而所有其他尸体上的物品都会丢失。Multiple corpse bug - rejoining a game with more than one corpse will result in only the highest value corpse being carried over and items on all other corpses being lost
  • 尸体数量BUG——只有15具尸体可以同时存在,所以如果一名玩家在穿戴装备和达到尸体限制时死亡,即使没有重新加入游戏,装备也会丢失Corpse limit bug - only ~15 corpses can exist simultaneously, so if a player dies while wearing gear and at the corpse limit, the gear will be lost even without rejoining a game
  • 力量BUG—— if stat requirements of equipped items are only met via the stats granted by those items, the gear won't be visible to other players; this may also contribute to losing items when there are multiple corpses or there isn't enough inventory space to store unequippable items when recovering them from a corpse
When recovering items from a corpse, they are re-equipped in the following order: helm, amulet, chest, left weapon/offhand, right weapon/offhand, left ring, right ring, belt, boots, gloves
  • 破碎武器旋风斩BUG——当双持和使用旋风时,如果右手武器被打破(0耐久性)并有1个宝石镶嵌(以防止其消失),主武器同时用作主武器和副武器Broken-offhand-whirlwind (BOW) bug - when dual-wielding and using whirlwind, if the offhand weapon is broken (0 durability) and has 1 gemmed socket (to prevent it from disappearing), the mainhand weapon is used as both the mainhand and offhand weapons
  • 加入失败BUGFailed-to-Join (FTJ) bug
  • 血腥女巫有时不会在死亡大厅里引发Blood Witch sometimes doesn't spawn in Halls of the Dead

For a more complete list of vanilla bugs, see wikis dedicated to vanilla. The Amazon Basin wiki does an especially good job, with bugs typically written in red in their relevant categories. Another example is this list of 200+ bugs that focuses on what should be fixed for D2: Resurrected.

For bugs fixed in PD2, see General Changes.