
添加12字节 、​ 2025年2月27日 (星期四)
第90行: 第90行:

* 轻歌之瓶 Vial of Lightsong - 能掉落自任何敌人 (1:7.5 百万几率)
* 光之颂歌小瓶 Vial of Lightsong - 能掉落自任何敌人 (1:7.5 百万几率)
* 莉莉丝的镜子 Lilith's Mirror - 能掉落自任何敌人 (1:25 百万几率)
* 莉莉丝的镜子 Lilith's Mirror - 能掉落自任何敌人 (1:25 百万几率)

第102行: 第102行:
| <span class="d2-orange">萨德(33)</span> 符文 + <span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span> + 物品<br><span class="d2-orange">Zod</span> Rune + <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + Item || 修复/补充聚气 物品<br>Repaired/Recharged Item || 对 <span class="d2-gray">无形</span> 物品有效<br>works with <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> items
| <span class="d2-orange">萨德(33)</span> 符文 + <span class="d2-gray">完美骷髅</span> + 物品<br><span class="d2-orange">Zod</span> Rune + <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + Item || 修复/补充聚气 物品<br>Repaired/Recharged Item || 对 <span class="d2-gray">无形</span> 物品有效<br>works with <span class="d2-gray">ethereal</span> items
| 轻歌之瓶 + 物品<br>Vial of Lightsong + Item || 物品变成无形的<br>Item becomes ethereal || 对无耐久度的物品无效 (无法破坏的物品)<br>doesn't work with items that lack durability (indestructible items)
| 光之颂歌小瓶 + 物品<br>Vial of Lightsong + Item || 物品变成无形的<br>Item becomes ethereal || 对无耐久度的物品无效 (无法破坏的物品)<br>doesn't work with items that lack durability (indestructible items)
| 莉莉丝的镜子 + 物品<br>Lilith's Mirror + Item || 复制该物品<br>Item is duplicated || 只能用于 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span>/手工 装备<br>* 这些物品被标记为 "镜像的" 后不能在任何盒子公式中使用<br>* 他们的调色板被改为白色 & 黑色<br>only works with <span class="d2-blue">magic</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> equipment<br>* the items are marked as "mirrored" and cannot be used in any cube recipes<br>* their color palettes are changed to white & black
| 莉莉丝的镜子 + 物品<br>Lilith's Mirror + Item || 复制该物品<br>Item is duplicated || 只能用于 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span>/手工 装备<br>* 这些物品被标记为 "镜像的" 后不能在任何盒子公式中使用<br>* 他们的调色板被改为白色 & 黑色<br>only works with <span class="d2-blue">magic</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> equipment<br>* the items are marked as "mirrored" and cannot be used in any cube recipes<br>* their color palettes are changed to white & black


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