
添加5,296字节 、​ 2024年3月30日 (星期六)
第80行: 第80行:
* 6BOSS后3场景代码不再写在D2GS端,现在相关代码工作在单机/PlugY,可以修复6BOSS后3场景在之前赛季的一些bug。
* 6BOSS后3场景代码不再写在D2GS端,现在相关代码工作在单机/PlugY,可以修复6BOSS后3场景在之前赛季的一些bug。
* 崔斯特姆场景卡房子福利取消,玩家和怪物将无法进入房子
* 崔斯特姆场景卡房子福利取消,玩家和怪物将无法进入房子
* Pally Charge now hits non-namelocked monsters; would do a ghost attack that would miss if a monster was not namelocked
* 圣骑士冲锋技能当攻击未标记怪物时会有空挥动作。Pally Charge now hits non-namelocked monsters; would do a ghost attack that would miss if a monster was not namelocked
* 火炬场景崔斯特姆3BOSS不再掉落英雄旗帜道具,改为新3BB场景
* 火炬场景崔斯特姆3BOSS不再掉落英雄旗帜道具,改为新3BB场景

第86行: 第86行:
直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2092631267 (需翻墙)
直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2092631267 (需翻墙)

* Base density of all maps increased 1.5x; reduced density from (non-corruption) affixes by the same amount --> less map rerolling because base density will be higher (higher floor, same ceiling without corruptions, higher ceiling with corruptions)
* 所有地图基础密度增加1.5x;同时密度词缀(非腐化)降低相应的值 --> 减少T图密度重置因为基础密度已经变高了(基础高,非腐化上限一样,腐化后上限更高)。<span style="color:gray;">Base density of all maps increased 1.5x; reduced density from (non-corruption) affixes by the same amount --> less map rerolling because base density will be higher (higher floor, same ceiling without corruptions, higher ceiling with corruptions)</span>
* Added descriptions to map orbs for base game in case you are not running lootfilter
* 对T图物品增加描述,方便没开启过滤器时游玩。<span style="color:gray;">Added descriptions to map orbs for base game in case you are not running lootfilter</span>
* Can filter games by difficulty in game menu
* 加入房间界面可以根据等级过滤房间。<span style="color:gray;">Can filter games by difficulty in game menu</span>
* New UI when creating a game - buttons for selecting game server instead of typing GS in description
* 创建房间界面新的UI - GS服务器直接通过按钮选择(之前是输入手动输入GS 2,不过国服待定)。<span style="color:gray;">New UI when creating a game - buttons for selecting game server instead of typing GS in description</span>
* Can only have one Iron Golem - it is no longer overridden by other golems and always has a separate minion icon/healthbar
* 只能有一只铁魔 - 它不会被其它石魔覆盖并且它有单独的一个头像图标。<span style="color:gray;">Can only have one Iron Golem - it is no longer overridden by other golems and always has a separate minion icon/healthbar</span>
* Blood Golems will have open wounds damage per second
* 血魔带来每秒的OW伤害。<span style="color:gray;">Blood Golems will have open wounds damage per second</span>
* Druid Arctic Blast now causes monsters to "shatter" in cold AoE upon death
* 小德的极地风暴Arctic Blast现在对怪物被冰冻死亡时尸体会“碎裂”(就是不会有怪物尸体)。<span style="color:gray;">Druid Arctic Blast now causes monsters to "shatter" in cold AoE upon death</span>
* Reduced delay to re-enter town portals
* 减少重新进入回城时的延时。<span style="color:gray;">Reduced delay to re-enter town portals</span>
* Removing rune cost requirements for higher tiers of uber fights to improve accessibility; cubing the uber item by itself will cycle between difficulties
* 移除超级BOSS门票难度需要符文的需求以方便高难度的战斗体验;只要把门票难度等级直接在盒子里合成切换。<span style="color:gray;">Removing rune cost requirements for higher tiers of uber fights to improve accessibility; cubing the uber item by itself will cycle between difficulties</span>
* Work in progress: rebalancing defense values on all armors - leaning towards reduction on lighter armors, increase on heavier armors (higher strength requirements will generally mean higher defense)
* 正在进行中:重新平衡所有防具的防御值 - 轻甲降低,重甲增加(更高的力量要求意味着最高的防御值)。<span style="color:gray;">Work in progress: rebalancing defense values on all armors - leaning towards reduction on lighter armors, increase on heavier armors (higher strength requirements will generally mean higher defense)</span>
* Investigating making summon level auto-scale to player skill level to prevent snapshot abuse (still undecided)
* Investigating making summon level auto-scale to player skill level to prevent snapshot abuse (still undecided)
* Evaluating dungeon improvements - want to make more group-oriented and incentivize
* 评估T4地牢图的改进 - 希望给组队带来刷刷刷的动力。<span style="color:gray;">Evaluating dungeon improvements - want to make more group-oriented and incentivize</span>

====S9开发者直播 #3====
====S9开发者直播 #3====
直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2099267501 (需翻墙)

* 储藏箱金币储存上限500万提升至800万(游戏最大支持金额)--国服是3000w+
* 所有角色背包初始金币容量直接100万,不再基于角色等级而增加。--国服是最高99级3000w+,到时候看也能不能跟等级无关直接3000w+
* 如果装备上有两个“冰冻时间减半”属性,等同于获得“无法冰冻”属性
* 完美钻石加入手工公式:基础属性如下
** 项链:7#+完美钻石 --> +5-10%所有抗性,+100-150 远程防御, +4-8 所有属性
** 戒指:15#+完美钻石 --> +3-5% 所有抗性 +50-100远程防御,冰冻时间减半
** 腰带:16#+完美钻石--> +5-10% 增加攻速, 冰冻时间减半, +25-50% 增强防御
** 手套:13#+完美钻石--> +5-10% 增加攻速, +10-20% 准确率, +25-50% 增强防御
** 鞋子:18#+完美钻石-->+10% 移动速度, +100-150 远程防御, 冰冻时间减半
** 头盔:2#+完美钻石-->+5-10% 增加攻速, +25-50% 增强防御, 冰冻时间减半
** 盔甲:1#+完美钻石--> +5-10% 所有抗性, +10-20% 增加格挡几率, +25-50% 增强防御
** 盾牌:9#+完美钻石-->+5-10% 所有抗性, +10-20% 增加格挡几率, 冰冻时间减半
** 武器:17#+完美钻石-->+20% 增加攻速, +20-40% 增强伤害, +50-100 准确率
* 经验值20级到25级之间的收益惩罚减少,以减少在A5等级不足时的经验获取难度
* 地狱之火技能重做:随技能等级提升而提高火焰喷射效果范围
* 地狱之火和极地风暴初始施放速度为3帧(更加快速)
* 添加诅咒CTC技能作为魔法词缀到双手法杖(伤害加深,降低抵抗)
* 添加降低抵抗CTC技能作为魔法词缀到武器
* 新增适用于所有武器的元素伤害词缀;同时提高魔法后缀的变量范围,使其更贴近前缀的变量范围
* 增加火炬后三boss场景一次性传送次数由1次改为3次,包含死亡后开门。
* 制作中:以上情况将同样适用于T4 MAP
* 盔甲基础防御重做完成。大体情况就是力量需求低的盔甲防御值更低,反之力量需求高的盔甲防御将更高
** 普通级盔甲: Mostly the same, Ancient Armor nerfed to be in line with rest of normal amrors
** 扩展级盔甲: Mostly the same, Curiass and Mage Plate nerfed to be in line with rest of exceptional armors
** 精英级盔甲: Big adjustments across the board -- Dusk Shroud, Wyrmhide, Scarab Husk, Wire Fleece, Archon Plate dropping 60-120 base defense; Hellforged Plate, Lacquered Plate, Shadow Plate, Sacred Armor increased 100+ base defense; other Elites in middle range of changes
** Shadow Plate strength requirement dropped from 232 to 220 strength to be in line with strength scaling with bases in Normal and Exceptional
* 钢铁石墨可以解除召唤,同时可以重新拾取变身物品。
* 圣骑士圣光技能重做:如果对敌人施放,对目标造成魔法伤害,并对目标周围范围的队伍施加 50% 的治疗效果;如果对队伍施放,对队伍施放完全治疗,并对目标周围范围内的怪物造成 50% 伤害
* 为之前因错误而被禁用的精英怪物带回了完整的调色板(?) Brought back full palette of colors to elite monsters that were previously disabled due to bug
* 准确率上限从95%提高至100%--同时也适用于忽略目标防御
* 法师传送BUFF:伤害减少惩罚从65%降低至50%,16级之前软技能点每级减少2%,17级及之后每级减少1%。
* 法师能量护盾变更:不再有心灵传动协同加成,法力吸收从85%提高至90%(S8已实装)最大上限提升同样适用于暗金武器灵魂之矛
* 套装物品可以出现无形化属性,将影响后续的一些平衡性调整
