Shockwave Bear Druid Guide:修订间差异

添加22字节 、​ 2024年12月15日 (星期日)
第30行: 第30行:
物理伤害构建没有彩虹刻面, 但相对容易获得抗性穿透 (通过 [[Amplified damge|伤害加深]] 和 [[Battle Cry|战嗥]]), 这意味着他们很容易和廉价构建.
物理伤害构建没有彩虹刻面, 但相对容易获得抗性穿透 (通过 [[Amplified damge|伤害加深]] 和 [[Battle Cry|战嗥]]), 这意味着他们很容易和廉价构建.

notably its damage is NOT scaled by:
* enhanced damage on items (e.g. [[Fortitude (Chest)]])
* 增强伤害的物品 (例如. [[Fortitude (Chest)|刚毅]] Fortitude (护甲))
* weapon damage
* 武器伤害

[[Werebear]] as a caster benefits from:
[[Werebear|熊人变化]] 作为施法者受益于:
* defense
* 防御
* flat life / flat vit via [[Lycanthropy]]
* 固定生命 / 固定体力 通过 [[Lycanthropy|变形术]] Lycanthropy

Note that the increased damage of werebear is wasted on shock wave (it is enhanced damage). Additionally the shock wave projectiles can not shot gun.
注意熊人增加的伤害被浪费在震波上 (它是增强伤害). 此外震波投掷物不能散射.

We can draw a handful of conclusions from his [[Breakpoints]]:
W我们可以从他的 [[Breakpoints|断点]] 中得出一些结论:
* Faster Cast Rate (FCR) going up one frame is about 10% more DPS, which is about the same as +2 skill points. So when in doubt take +1skills over fcr, but aiming for 11 Frames per Animation (fpa) is reasonable. Notable breakpoints: 40/63/99/163
* 快速施法速度 (FCR) 每上升一帧 DPS 就会增加 10%, 相当于 +2 技能点. 所以当你有疑问的时候可以选择 +1 技能而不是 fcr, 但是目标在 11 帧每次动画 (fpa) 是合理的. 理想的断点: 40/63/99/163
* Faster Block Rate (FBR) Breakpoints in werebear form got buffed compared to vanilla, but are still among the worst in the game. Thus i recommend to do what melee druids do and use a 2-hand cast weapon, a stave.
* 快速格挡速度 (FBR) 熊人形态的断点比普通形态得到了加强, 但仍然是游戏中最差的. 因此我建议做近战德鲁伊做的使用双手施法武器, 一个法杖.

= Skills =
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