Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided:修订间差异

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== 详细纪录 Itemization ==
== 详细纪录 Itemization ==
The largest difference from vanilla, IMO, is the change in items, your not suddenly chasing one specific item because its twice as good as the second best slot. Now, your able to get mana either on kill, or leech from different sources you previously couldn't. Contributing to this item shift, is because the dev team added pierce, Enhanced Damage and Cannot be Frozen to way more items, so now your able to use different rings, and use a different belt.
在我看来与原版最大的不同是物品的变化, 你不会突然追求一个特定的物品因为它比第二好的装备好两倍. 现在, 你可以在杀死敌人时获得法力, 或者从不同的来源吸取法力. 导致这个物品转变的原因是, 开发团队增加了穿刺, 增强伤害和无法冰冻来制造更多的物品, 所以现在你可以使用不同的戒指, 和不同的腰带.

I'm presenting four different endgame bows, and there might even be more, the ability to corrupt and socket uniques, makes faith bow challenged for the BiS now. When you see a unique item in the game, always remember, a lot of hidden power lies in good corrupting + puzzleboxing.
我将呈现四种不同的终配弓, 可能还会有更多, 腐化和镶孔暗金的能力, 现在对 BiS 来说信心是一种挑战. 当你在游戏中看到一个暗金的物品时, 一定要记住, 很多隐藏的力量都存在于优秀的腐化 + 谜盒中.

== 能力变更 Ability changes ==
== 能力变更 Ability changes ==


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