
删除252字节 、​ 2024年11月2日 (星期六)
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* <span class="d2-red">''Darkness itself wanders these lands...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''Darkness itself wanders these lands...''</span>
: '''黑暗流浪者Dark Wanderer''' 会出现,并化身为一个随机BOSS或者伤害/血量都提升的固定精英怪,杀死它能掉落大量世界石碎片 [[Worldstone Shard|世界之石碎片(wss)]] ,每次地图会出现3个黑暗流浪者。
: A '''Dark Wanderer''' appears and transforms into a random boss or super unique monster that has increased damage/health and drops extra [[Worldstone Shard|Worldstone Shards]] when killed. Up to 3 dark wanderers may appear per map event.
* <span class="d2-red">''Evil beckons you from the Void...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''Evil beckons you from the Void...''</span>
: '''门德利之影事件Shadow of Mendeln''' 会出现和召唤数波不死系的怪物,后面的波次中有很多头目和精英怪物。- 它们有机率掉落 [[Splinter of the Void|虚空石碎片]].
: The '''Shadow of Mendeln''' appears and summons waves of undead, with later waves having many champion/elite enemies - they have a chance to drop [[Splinter of the Void]].
* <span class="d2-red">''An alternate dimension radiates dark energy...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''An alternate dimension radiates dark energy...''</span>
: '''赫拉森Horazon''' 会出现,杀死他以后他会创造出一个通往新地图区域的传送门(为同梯度地图,或高一梯度,最高T3),这个新地图不会再出现特殊事件。
: '''Horazon''' appears and creates a portal to a new map zone when defeated. The new map will be the same tier or 1 tier higher (up to T3) than the current map and will have the same map modifiers. The new map won't have additional events.
* <span class="d2-red">''A shrieking, mischievious laughter pierces your ears...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''A shrieking, mischievious laughter pierces your ears...''</span>
: 会出现能逃避攻击的'''财富使者Treasure Fallen''',攻击他会掉落宝石、符文(Um #22以下),地图物品,法珠和手工模组。每次地图会出现3个财富使者。
: A '''Treasure Fallen''' appears and flees from attacks, dropping some of their treasures each time they take significant damage. They can drop gems, runes (Um and below), maps, map orbs, and crafting infusions. Up to 3 treasure fallen may appear per map event.
* <span class="d2-red">''A faint humming keeps the darkness at bay...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''A faint humming keeps the darkness at bay...''</span>
: 会出现'''黑暗尖塔''',使当前区域陷入黑暗 - 未探索的黑暗区域内会刷出敌人,有几率掉落混沌钥匙 [[Recipes#Portals|uber keys]] 黑暗尖塔多会出现在地图入口附近。每次地图最多掉落6把钥匙, and the duration of the event is inversely correlated with how much of the map has been explored.
: A '''Spire of Darkness''' appears and plunges the zone into darkness when clicked - shadow enemies spawn in unexplored areas and have a chance to drop [[Recipes#Portals|uber keys]]. The spire will appear relatively close to the entrance. The number of keys is capped at a maximum of 6 per map event, and the duration of the event is inversely correlated with how much of the map has been explored.
* <span class="d2-red">''You hear coins being counted nearby...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''You hear coins being counted nearby...''</span>
: 基德出现并以每件100万亮金的价格出售5件身份不明的独特物品。购买时,这些物品可能会转变为暗金或金色。(暗金概率挺大的)'''Gheed''' appears and sells 5 unidentified unique items for 1 million gold each. The items may transform into their exceptional or elite versions when purchased.
: '''Gheed''' appears and sells 5 unidentified unique items for 1 million gold each. The items may transform into their exceptional or elite versions when purchased.
* <span class="d2-red">''A mysterious altar vibrates with potential...''</span>
* <span class="d2-red">''A mysterious altar vibrates with potential...''</span>
: 催化剂祭坛出现并在点击时在附近产生一个boss怪物-击败怪物将允许祭坛用于创建催化剂碎片。(催化剂碎片:增加地图一个特殊事件)An '''Altar of the Catalyst''' appears and spawns a boss monster nearby when clicked - defeating the monster will allow the altar to be used to create [[Maps#Modification|Catalyst Shards]].
: An '''Altar of the Catalyst''' appears and spawns a boss monster nearby when clicked - defeating the monster will allow the altar to be used to create [[Maps#Modification|Catalyst Shards]].

=== 修改 Modification ===
=== 修改 Modification ===


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