Summoning Skills (Druid):修订间差异

删除102字节 、​ 2024年9月20日 (星期五)
第124行: 第124行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Synergies are now properly applying damage (they weren't working at all in previous seasons) and are set at 14% each
* 协同现在可以正确地施加伤害了 (他们在前几个赛季根本不起作用),并且每个都设置为 14%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) rebalanced
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 重新平衡
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) -% enemy poison resist caps at -40% instead of -50%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 敌人的减毒抗上限从 -50% 变为 -40%
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) synergies increased from 22% to 30%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 协同效应从 22% 增加到 30%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) poison resistance debuff now caps at -50% poison resist
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 减毒抗增益现在上限为 -50% 毒抗
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) movement speed increased by roughly 600%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 移动速度提高大约 600%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) ai delay reduced by 20%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) AI 延迟减少20%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) now attacks poison immune monsters (this allows it to apply its negative poison resist debuff which can break poison immunities)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 现在攻击毒免疫的怪物 (这允许应用它的降毒抗增益,可以打破毒素免疫)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 不能再被怪物攻击或受到伤害
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) now gains +100% life per level from +25%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 现在每级增加 100% 生命值,原来为 +25%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) now reduces enemies poison resist by -5% at level 1 and gains 1% per soft point (can remove immunities)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 现在在 1 级降低敌人的毒抗 -5%,每额外点数增加 1% (可破免)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) level 1-8 scaling reduced from 4-4 per level to 1-1 (bitrate)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 等级 1-8 缩放伤害从每级 4-4 减少到 1-1 (比率)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) level 1-16 scaling reduced from 10-10 per level to 2-2 (bitrate)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 等级 1-16 缩放伤害从每级 10-10 减少到 2-2 (比率)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) level 16-22 scaling reduced from 18-18 to 8-8 (bitrate)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 等级 16-22 缩放伤害从 18-18 减少到 8-8 (比率)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) level 22-28 scaling reduced from 28-28 to 16-16 (bitrate)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 等级 22-28 缩放伤害从 28-28 减少到 16-16 (比率)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) level 28+ scaling reduced from 38-38 to 32-32 (bitrate)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 等级 28+ 缩放伤害从 38-38 减少到 32-32 (比率)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) synergies increased from 20% to 22%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 协同效应从 20% 增加到 22%
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) now gains an additional 50% base health per difficulty
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 现在每个难度额外获得 50% 的基础生命值
* You may now summon an additional 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) every 10 base levels
* 你现在可以每 10 个基础级召唤一个额外的 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper)
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) will now display how many you have in the icon
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 现在将在图标上显示数量
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) no longer counts towards the 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 和 太阳藤 (Solar Creeper) vine limit
* 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 不再被计算在 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 和 太阳藤 (Solar Creeper) 的限制中
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* 伤害比例重新平衡并增加
* 伤害比例重新平衡并增加
第188行: 第188行:
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Heart of the wolverine is now providing its proper values
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) 现在赋予了正确的数值
* Now provides its proper 10% enhanced 伤害依等级 (was incorrectly providing 7%)
* 现在每级提供正确的 10% 增强伤害 (之前错误地提供 7%)
* Now provides its proper base 25% enhanced damage (was incorrectly providing 20%)
* 现在提供了正确的 25% 的基础增强伤害 (之前错误地提供了 20%)
* Heart of the wolverine attack rating per level increased from 7% to 10%  
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) 每级攻击准确率从 7% 提高到 10%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Heart of the wolverine can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) 不能再被怪物攻击或受到伤害
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) base damage bonus increased from 20% to 25%
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) 基础伤害加成从 20% 增加到 25%
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) now grants 10% 伤害依等级 from 7%
* 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine) 现在每级伤害从 7% 增加到 10%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 6 (was 18)
* 移动技能树位置,需要等级 6 (以前是18)
* prerequisites reduced from 1 to 0 (no longer requires Oak Sage)
* 先决条件从 1 降低到 0 (不再需要 橡木智者 (Oak Sage))
* life buffed
* 生命增益
* starting mana cost reduced to 10 (was 20)
* 起始法力消耗降至 10 (之前是 20)
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
第258行: 第258行:
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Spirit wolves now have melee splash
* 灵狼现在有近战溅射
* Spirit wolves base run speed increased by 10%
* 灵狼的基础跑动速度提高 10%
* Spirit wolf werebear -9% damage synergy removed
* 灵狼的 熊人变化 (Werebear) -9% 伤害协同移除
* Spirit wolf will now display its proper defense values
* 灵狼现在将显示正确的防御值
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 12 (was 6)
* 移动技能树位置,需要等级 12 (原来是 6)
* prerequisites increased from 1 to 2 (now also requires Heart of Wolverine)
* 先决条件从 1 增加到 2 (现在还需要 狼獾之心 (Heart of Wolverine))
* can now be summoned alongside Dire Wolf & Grizzly
* 现在 恐狼 & 灰熊 可以一起召唤了
* now has multiple damage synergies instead of just Summon Grizzly
* 现在有多种伤害协同而不是只有 召唤灰熊 (Summon Grizzly)
* attack bonus nerfed
* 攻击准确率加成被削弱
* defense bonus nerfed
* 防御加成被削弱
* life buffed, now gains life per level, no longer has life synergy from Summon Dire Wolf
* 生命增益,现在每升一级获得生命,不再有 召唤狂狼 (Summon Dire Wolf) 的生命协同效果
* damage buffed
* 伤害增益
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
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第304行: 第304行:
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) movement speed increased by roughly 600%
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 移动速度提高大约 600%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) ai delay reduced by 20%
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) AI 延迟减少20%
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) will now consume corpses even if the player is at full mana
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 现在即使玩家法力值满了也会消耗尸体
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) can now be summoned at the same time solar creeper
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 现在可以同时召唤 太阳藤 (Solar Creeper) 了
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 不能再被怪物攻击或受到伤害
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) now gains +52% life per level from +25%
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 现在每级 +52% 生命值,原为 +25%
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) now gains an additional 50% base health per difficulty
* 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 现在每个难度额外获得 50% 的基础生命值
* Can now be summoned alongside Poison Creepers
* 现在可以和 猛毒花藤 (Poison Creeper) 一起召唤了
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* now recovers a flat amount of life instead of a percentage
* 现在恢复一个固定数量的生命而不是一个百分比
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
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第349行: 第349行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Synergy increased from 5% to 7%
* 协同效果从 5% 提升至 7%
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Now has a 5% synergy with Carrion Vine
* 现在与 食尸藤 (Carrion Vine) 有5%的协同效果
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) 不能再被怪物攻击或受到伤害
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) level 16-22 伤害依等级 increased from 28 to 32
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) 等级 16-22 伤害每等级从 28 增加到 32
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) level 22-28 伤害依等级 increased from 44 to 48
* 棘灵 (Spirit of Barbs) 等级 22-28 伤害每等级从 44 增加到 48
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 18 (was 30)
* 移动技能树位置,需要等级18 (原来是 30)
* prerequisites reduced from 2 to 1 (no longer requires Oak Sage)
* 先决条件从 2 降低到 1 (不再需要 橡木智者 (Oak Sage))
* life buffed
* 生命增益
* now deals a flat amount of damage to attackers instead of reflecting a percentage
* 现在对攻击者造成固定数量的伤害,而不是一个百分比
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<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>


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