NHD机制重做,自身多个技能同时造成伤害时将不会产生NHD机制。(比如火山和小旋风技能可以同时造成伤害)Reworked next hit delay to be on a per missile type for caster basis -- this means you can't next hit delay yourself if you use multiple skills to do damage (i.e. Twister and Tornado don't delay each other) and applies to other player's skills in game as well; may result in nerfs for skills that relied on damage increase to cover hit delays and/or additional Monster HP increases per player in multiplayer
光环奖励(仅限美服,国服待定) Top 3 99s, DClone Tier 2, Rathma Tier 2 all get account-wide aura with a lightning effect; all other 99s and DClone/Rathma Tier 2 will get a character-bound aura without lightning (these will also work in singleplayer and carry over to non-ladder as character-bound auras)
所有地图基础密度增加1.5x;同时密度词缀(非腐化)降低相应的值 --> 减少T图密度重置因为基础密度已经变高了(基础高,非腐化上限一样,腐化后上限更高)。Base density of all maps increased 1.5x; reduced density from (non-corruption) affixes by the same amount --> less map rerolling because base density will be higher (higher floor, same ceiling without corruptions, higher ceiling with corruptions)
对T图物品增加描述,方便没开启过滤器时游玩。Added descriptions to map orbs for base game in case you are not running lootfilter
加入房间界面可以根据等级过滤房间。Can filter games by difficulty in game menu
创建房间界面新的UI - GS服务器直接通过按钮选择(之前是输入手动输入GS 2,不过国服待定)。New UI when creating a game - buttons for selecting game server instead of typing GS in description
只能有一只铁魔 - 它不会被其它石魔覆盖并且它有单独的一个头像图标。Can only have one Iron Golem - it is no longer overridden by other golems and always has a separate minion icon/healthbar
血魔带来每秒的OW伤害。Blood Golems will have open wounds damage per second
小德的极地风暴Arctic Blast现在对怪物被冰冻死亡时尸体会“碎裂”(就是不会有怪物尸体)。Druid Arctic Blast now causes monsters to "shatter" in cold AoE upon death
减少重新进入回城时的延时。Reduced delay to re-enter town portals
移除超级BOSS门票难度需要符文的需求以方便高难度的战斗体验;只要把门票难度等级直接在盒子里合成切换。Removing rune cost requirements for higher tiers of uber fights to improve accessibility; cubing the uber item by itself will cycle between difficulties
正在进行中:重新平衡所有防具的防御值 - 轻甲降低,重甲增加(更高的力量要求意味着最高的防御值)。Work in progress: rebalancing defense values on all armors - leaning towards reduction on lighter armors, increase on heavier armors (higher strength requirements will generally mean higher defense)
Investigating making summon level auto-scale to player skill level to prevent snapshot abuse (still undecided)
评估T4地牢图的改进 - 希望给组队带来刷刷刷的动力。Evaluating dungeon improvements - want to make more group-oriented and incentivize
普通级盔甲: Mostly the same, Ancient Armor nerfed to be in line with rest of normal amrors
扩展级盔甲: Mostly the same, Curiass and Mage Plate nerfed to be in line with rest of exceptional armors
精英级盔甲: Big adjustments across the board -- Dusk Shroud, Wyrmhide, Scarab Husk, Wire Fleece, Archon Plate dropping 60-120 base defense; Hellforged Plate, Lacquered Plate, Shadow Plate, Sacred Armor increased 100+ base defense; other Elites in middle range of changes
Shadow Plate strength requirement dropped from 232 to 220 strength to be in line with strength scaling with bases in Normal and Exceptional