Melee Splash

Melee splash is an instant AoE, with no Next Hit Delay, that damages all enemies 360° around the target. The main target does not take splash damage.

These are included in the splash:

  • Skill damage
  • Converted damage (Concentrate)
  • Normal attack damage (the values you see when you select the regular attack as your skill)
  • Elemental and physical damage charms and gear
  • Critical Strike and Deadly Strike (still only applies to the physical damage)
  • Life and Mana leech (at 1/2)

These are not included in the splash:

  • Missile damage (such as the Nova portion of Power Strike)
  • Stun
  • Knockback
  • Crushing Blow
  • Open Wounds
  • Any other on-hit effects

Melee Splash Examples

Let's take a look at a couple of examples. First, let's take an Amazon:

  • Lightning Strike for 1-10000 lightning damage and 1-10000 chain lightning damage
  • Normal attack damage of 1000-5000 (900-4900 of that is physical)

The total splash damage would be 1001-15000 damage.

And if they crit then the splash damage would be 1451-17450.

The 1-10000 damage from the Chain Lightning is not applied.

What about a Barbarian:

  • Concentrate (300% ED, 50% conversion)
  • Normal attack damage of 1000-5000 (900-4900 of that is physical)

First the physical portion of the normal attack damage is boosted by Concentrate's ED% bonus: 900-4900 becomes ~1800-9800

Then 50% of the physical damage is converted to magic

The total splash damage would be 1900-9900 [100-100 elemental damage + 900-4900 physical + 900-4900 magic]

And if they crit then the splash damage would be 2800-14800

Splash Radius

The base player melee splash radius is 3.33 yards but this can be extended by certain skills and items. The splash radius will increase every 20%, so there are breakpoints at 20%, 40%, etc.

Increased Splash Radius 0 20 40 60
Tiles 5 6 7 8
Radius (yards) 3.33 4 4.66 5.33

There are also a handful of other things that have melee splash. These are all static and cannot be increased.

  • "Splashing" map modifier: melee splash radius is 3.33 yards
  • Golems: melee splash radius is 2.66 yards
  • Skeletons: melee splash radius is 2 yards
  • Wolves: melee splash radius is 1.33 yards

Melee splash and ranged weapons

There are a few gloves (The Hand of Broc, Bloodfist, and Steelrend) that have melee splash on them and they can be used to give ranged weapons, like bows and crossbows, melee splash.

This allows shapeshifters to use a ranged weapon in place of a melee weapon, while still gaining the benefits of melee splash.

This does not mean that ranged attacks (i.e. shooting with a bow) will have splash damage. Melee splash is always limited to melee attacks.

Critical damage

Critical Strike and Deadly Strike have been rebalanced to improve itemization - they now each cap at 75% instead of 100% and multiply damage by 1.5 instead of 2.

There are 4 different types of 1.5x damage stats:

  • Deadly strike: found exclusively on items.
  • Critical Strike: used in the following skills - Critical Strike, Hunger
  • Crit Mastery (melee): used in the following skills - Javelin and Spear Mastery, Claw Mastery, General Mastery, Polearm and Spear Mastery
  • Crit Mastery (throw): used in the following skills - Javelin and Spear Mastery, Throwing Mastery

(An attack is only able to be melee or thrown, therefore only one Crit Mastery type will be taken into account.)

To calculate the chance that one of these stats rolls a crit:

1 - ((1 - MasteryCrit) * (1 - CS) * (1 - DS))

As an example lets take an Amazon with:

  • 30% Crit Mastery from Javelin and Spear Mastery
  • 52% CS from Critical Strike
  • 25% DS from gear

1 - ((1 - .30) * (1 - .52) * (1 - .25)) = ~75% chance to crit

The theoretical maximum combined crit chance is ~96%


粉碎性打击是一个百分比的几率,以减少目标“当前”生命的一小部分. 这部分取决于目标和攻击类型。粉碎性打击也有100% 的几率上限——任何额外的打击都没有效果.这和原版没有什么不同,但是有一微调.


Attack Type 近战
Default[1] 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8
Super Uniques and Bosses 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/16
Players and Mercenaries 1/20 1/20 1/10 1/20
  1. Applies to pets, normal, minion, Champion, and Unique monsters

There is also now a cap of 65% when fighting against Champions, Uniques, Super Uniques, and Bosses. So as soon as these monsters are at 65% life, then Crushing Blow will no longer do any damage. 现在对抗精英,暗金,超级暗金和BOSS的时候有65%的上限。所以只要这些怪物的生命值达到65% ,那么粉碎性打击属性就不会再有效。




  • 战嗥 (物理)
  • 猛毒花藤 (毒素)
  • 伤害加深 (物理)
  • 衰老 (物理)
  • 降低抵抗 (火焰/冰冷/闪电/毒素)
  • 审判光环 (火焰/冰冷/闪电)
  • 静电立场 (闪电)


  • 装备上的减抗属性
  • 冰冷支配
  • 火焰支配

敌人抗性高于 99% (免疫)

就像原版一样, 当减少敌人抗性施加到免疫敌人身上时,它的效果就会降低. 原版减少 1/5,但在PD2中减少1/2.即使是打破了免疫,破免技能的属性也只有1/2效果.



  • -30 / 2 = -15  [降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
  • -30 / 2 = -15  [审判光环1/2属性生效]
  • 110 - 15 - 15 = 80  [最终敌人受到的减抗后的数值]


  • -30 / 2 = -15  [降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
  • 110 - 15 = 95  [降低抵抗后敌人破免]
  • 95 - 30 = 65  [审判光环不打折减少敌人剩余抗性]

值得再次强调的是,即使破免了,破免技能“仍然”也只有1/2的效果.然而,装备上的减抗属性、支配冰冷和支配火焰的减抗却并非如此.虽然这些减抗属性不能造成敌人破免,但在破免后,这些属性100% 生效不打折.

敌人抗性在 0% 到 99%之间



敌人抗性低于 0%

当敌人的抗性低于0% 时,施加1/2的降抗属性惩罚.这也适用于减少敌人抗性的装备或物品.


  • 25 - 25 = 0  [首先-25%审判光环100%属性生效]
  • -5 / 2 = -2  [剩余-5%审判光环1/2属性生效]
  • -30 / 2 = -15  [降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
  • 0 - 2 - 15 = -17  [最终敌人冰抗]





墨菲斯托被击杀了! 游戏怎么决定你的奖励?

  1. 计算掉落物品数量(最大 6个)
  2. 选择物品类型
  3. 选择物品染色
  4. 选择物品是暗金还是套装(当可适用时)
  5. 选择物品属性(当可适用时)

玩家数量只影响项目 # 1,潜在掉落的数量。它对掉落物品染色没有影响(这是MF发挥作用的地方)。现在的问题是,玩家的数量如何影响掉落的物品数量?

Any time you do something that drops loot (opening a chest, killing a monster, etc.) the game selects from a list of treasure classes (TC) that will decide what kind of items will drop. Each TC has a list of items (or other TCs) that can drop, as well as a probability that that given item will drop. There is also a number of "picks" for each TC that decides how many potential items can drop. The last piece of the puzzle is "NoDrop", which is a probability that a pick will drop no items. NoDrop is the only parameter that player count affects.

There's a lot that goes into how the new NoDrop value is calculated when more players join the game, but the short version is: the higher the player count, the lower the NoDrop chance (potentially reaching 0 with enough players).

There are some TCs that start with NoDrop at 0. These are not affected by player count, since 0 is the lowest possible value.

What's different in PD2?

The baseline drop rate in PD2 is roughly equivalent to vanilla's p5/5 (5 partied players in a game) for solo play, and scales up per player until it's slightly above the equivalent of vanilla's p8/8 when there is a full game of 8 players. This means that overall NoDrop for all TCs is significantly lower, and it becomes easier to reach a NoDrop of 0 with fewer players.

You still get loot increases from more players like vanilla, but the difference between a solo player and a group of 8 is overall much smaller.

Rune TCs are also the same as in vanilla, so rune drop rates are the same. Miniscule differences may exist in some cases due to new valuable items such as Larzuk's Puzzlebox being able to drop.

如何比较 PD2 与 LoD?

很难直接比较两者,因为有数百个 TC,而 PD2甚至比 LoD 还要多(主要是因为地图) ,但是我们可以比较来自 LoD 的 TC 和来自 PD2的 TC,看看 NoDrop 几率是如何变化的。

让我们看看名为Swarm 2 (H)的 TC。在这个例子中,第一个数字是游戏中的玩家数量,第二个数字是团队中的玩家数量。所以 p3/2意味着在游戏中有3个玩家,但在你的队伍中只有2个。如果在单人游戏中使用 /players 8 命令,那么等效于 p8/1。

Chance for NoDrop to be selected by the "pick" (i.e. the chance that no item drops):


  • p1/1, p2/1 = 83.33%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 69.14%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 57.63%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 47.92%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 39.02%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 32.43%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 26.47%
  • p8/8 = 21.88%


  • p1/1, p2/1 = 40.85%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 16.64%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 6.68%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 2.75%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 0.99%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 0.33%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 0.17%
  • p8/8 = 0%



P1和 p2-p8之间的区别很小,所以组队打钥匙没有必要了。

Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
血鸟 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
女伯爵 9.45% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46%
血腥巫师 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
召唤者 12.83% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88%
衣卒尔 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
尼拉塞克 12.00% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02%
女伯爵 (LoD) 7.14% 9.08% 9.61% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80%
召唤者 (LoD) 8.62% 11.61% 12.48% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80%
尼拉塞克 (LoD) 7.93% 10.41% 11.10% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35%