
添加455字节 、​ 2024年5月16日 (星期四)
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<noinclude>这个页面列出了PD2中怪物相对于普通游戏的变化。This page lists changes to monsters in PD2 relative to the vanilla game.</noinclude>
<noinclude>这个页面列出了PD2中怪物相对于普通游戏的变化。This page lists changes to monsters in PD2 relative to the vanilla game.</noinclude>

   This page has outdated info (see [[Patch_Notes#UBER_CHANGES_2|Patch Notes]])
   This page has outdated or missing info (from [[Patch_Notes#UBER_CHANGES_2|s5 changes]] and later)

== 普通怪物 ==
== 普通怪物 ==
第64行: 第64行:

=== 安达利尔Andariel ===
=== 安达利尔Andariel ===
* 安达利尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与墨菲斯托从同一个物品库中掉落('''煎熬之扭曲精髓除外''')Andariel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Mephisto (except she still drops [[Twisted Essence of Suffering]])
* 安达利尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与墨菲斯托从同一个物品库中掉落,Mephisto still has better probabilities,('''煎熬之扭曲精髓除外''')Andariel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Mephisto,Mephisto still has better probabilities, (except she still drops [[Twisted Essence of Suffering]])
* 地狱难度安达利尔的近战攻击伤害增加10%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's melee attack damage has been increased by 10%
* 地狱难度安达利尔的近战攻击伤害增加10%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's melee attack damage has been increased by 10%
* 地狱难度安达利尔的血量增加了大约23%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's health has been increased by roughly 23%
* 地狱难度安达利尔的血量增加了大约23%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's health has been increased by roughly 23%
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=== 督瑞尔Duriel ===
=== 督瑞尔Duriel ===
* 督瑞尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与巴尔从同一个物品库中掉落。('''煎熬之扭曲精髓除外''')Duriel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Baal (except he still drops [[Twisted Essence of Suffering]])
* 督瑞尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与巴尔从同一个物品库中掉落, Baal still has better probabilities('''煎熬之扭曲精髓除外''')。Duriel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Baal, Baal still has better probabilities, (except he still drops [[Twisted Essence of Suffering]])
* 塔拉夏古墓的区域级别增加到82。The [[Zones|zone level]] of Tal Rasha's Tomb has been increased to 82
* 塔拉夏古墓的区域级别增加到82。The [[Zones|zone level]] of Tal Rasha's Tomb has been increased to 82

第555行: 第555行:

<h3 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">超级崔斯特瑞姆恶魔首领,Uber Tristram Prime Evils</h3>
<h3 style="border:0px; padding:0px;">超级崔斯特瑞姆恶魔首领,Uber Tristram Prime Evils</h3>
: 当最终的恶魔首领被击败时,他们为每个玩家掉落一个地狱火火炬和一个英雄旗帜。When the final prime evil is defeated, they drop a [[Hellfire Torch]] as well as a [[Standard of Heroes]] for each player.
: 当最终的恶魔首领被击败时,他们会掉落一个地狱火火炬。When the final prime evil is defeated, they drop a [[Hellfire Torch]].

* 超级崔斯特瑞姆现在可以使用群魔殿护符(任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙)进入。Uber Tristram is now accessed with [[Pandemonium Talisman]]
* 超级崔斯特瑞姆现在可以使用群魔殿护符(任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙)进入。Uber Tristram is now accessed with [[Pandemonium Talisman]]
* 当角色进入超级崔斯特瑞姆时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Uber Tristram
* 当角色进入超级崔斯特瑞姆时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Uber Tristram
* 当超级崔斯特瑞姆内存在敌人时,玩家不能再自由进出(当他们全部被击败时,就会创建一个传送门)Players can no longer freely exit/re-enter Uber Tristram while enemies remain within (a portal is created when they're all defeated)
* * Players can no longer freely re-enter Uber Tristram while enemies remain within - when first entering the area, three single-use silver portals are created in town and the area may only be re-entered by using them (players get their original attempt plus three extra attempts)
* 超级墨菲斯托使用20级审判光环(-50%抗性,后面这句没看懂-0-)Uber Mephisto uses level 20 [[Conviction]] (-50% resistances, was -125%)
* 超级墨菲斯托使用20级审判光环(-50%抗性,后面这句没看懂-0-)Uber Mephisto uses level 20 [[Conviction]] (-50% resistances, was -125%)
* 超级巴尔现在会施放自有版本的降低抵抗诅咒(-75%抗性,持续约25秒)Uber Baal now casts his own version of [[Lower Resist]] (-75% resistances, lasts about 25 seconds)
* 超级巴尔现在会施放自有版本的降低抵抗诅咒(-75%抗性,持续约25秒)Uber Baal now casts his own version of [[Lower Resist]] (-75% resistances, lasts about 25 seconds)
* 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有10%更多血量和降低25%的防御。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now have 10% more health and 25% less defense
* 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有10%更多血量和降低25%的防御。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now have 10% more health and 25% less defense
* 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有机会掉落黑色灵魂石(斯拉玛材料之一)。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now also has a chance to drop [[Black Soulstone]]
* 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有机会掉落黑色灵魂石(斯拉玛材料之一)。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now also has a chance to drop [[Black Soulstone]]
* These ubers no longer drop [[Standard of Heroes]]

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第628行: 第629行:
== 古代人超级BOSS Uber Ancients ==
== 古代人超级BOSS Uber Ancients ==
* 超级3BB挑战:以马道克、塔里克和科力克为特色的新场景,可通过古代遗物访问。New encounter featuring uber versions of Madawc, Talic, and Korlic that is accessed with [[Relic of the Ancients]]
* 超级3BB挑战:以马道克、塔里克和科力克为特色的新场景,可通过古代遗物访问。New encounter featuring uber versions of Madawc, Talic, and Korlic that is accessed with [[Relic of the Ancients]]
* Players can choose to fight 1, 2, or all 3 of the ancients by toggling their statues prior to starting the fight
* When defeated, a [[Standard of Heroes]] will drop. If more than one ancient was fought, each additional ancient beyond the first adds a chance for another to drop.

== 镜像大菠萝(大黑毛)Diablo-Clone ==
== 镜像大菠萝(大黑毛)Diablo-Clone ==
* 大黑毛现在可以通过恐怖异象(原罪之魂+ 黑色灵魂石+ 纯粹的恶魔精髓合成)进入。Diablo-Clone is now accessed with [[Vision of Terror]]
* 大黑毛现在可以通过恐怖异象(原罪之魂+ 黑色灵魂石+ 纯粹的恶魔精髓合成)进入。Diablo-Clone is now accessed with [[Vision of Terror]]
* 除了毁灭小护符,大黑毛有1/270的几率掉落一件专属物品(大君面甲、黑暗深渊、伊瑟瑞尔的途径、哈德尔之手、艾登的伤痕) If the Vision of Terror is [[Recipes#Uber_Difficulty|empowered]] with a high rune, the fight will be more difficult and Diablo-Clone will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item ([[Overlord's Helm]], [[Dark Abyss]], [[Itherael's Path]], [[Hadriel's Hand]], [[Aidan's Scar]])
* 除了毁灭小护符,大黑毛有1/220或1/100的几率掉落一件专属物品(大君面甲、黑暗深渊、伊瑟瑞尔的途径、哈德尔之手、艾登的伤痕) If the Vision of Terror is [[Recipes#Uber_Difficulty|empowered]] to difficulty 1 or 2, the fight will be more difficult and Diablo-Clone will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item ([[Overlord's Helm]], [[Dark Abyss]], [[Itherael's Path]], [[Hadriel's Hand]], [[Aidan's Scar]])
* 大黑毛要强大得多,与他战斗是截然不同的Diablo-Clone is much stronger, and fighting him is substantially different
* 大黑毛要强大得多,与他战斗是截然不同的Diablo-Clone is much stronger, and fighting him is substantially different
** 当角色进入大黑毛的竞技场时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Diablo-Clone's arena
** 当角色进入大黑毛的竞技场时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Diablo-Clone's arena
第710行: 第713行:
* 拉斯玛是一个新的毕业BOSS,可以通过虚空石(塔格奥的下颌骨+ 虚空碎片+地狱火炬合成)进入。Rathma is a new endgame boss that can be accessed with [[Voidstone]].
* 拉斯玛是一个新的毕业BOSS,可以通过虚空石(塔格奥的下颌骨+ 虚空碎片+地狱火炬合成)进入。Rathma is a new endgame boss that can be accessed with [[Voidstone]].
* 拉斯玛掉落一块被污染的世界石碎片,可以用来腐化毁灭小护符。Rathma drops a [[Tainted Worldstone Shard]] when slain which can be used to corrupt [[Annihilus]].
* 拉斯玛掉落一块被污染的世界石碎片,可以用来腐化毁灭小护符。Rathma drops a [[Tainted Worldstone Shard]] when slain which can be used to corrupt [[Annihilus]].
* 除了碎片外,拉斯玛还有1/200的几率掉落一件专属物品(第三只眼,骷髅授带,无垢者牢笼)和有1/66的机会掉落一本独家书籍(赫拉迪姆引导(无限回城),赫拉迪姆编年史(无限鉴定)) If the Voidstone is [[Recipes#Uber_Difficulty|empowered]] with a high rune, the fight will be more difficult and Rathma will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item ([[The Third Eye]], [[Band of Skulls]], [[Cage of the Unsullied]]) and also have a 1/50, 1/48, 1/46 chance to drop either [[Horadric Navigator]] , [[Horadric Almanac]], or [[Skeleton Key]].
* 除了碎片外,拉斯玛还有1/200的几率掉落一件专属物品(第三只眼,骷髅授带,无垢者牢笼)和有1/66的机会掉落一本独家书籍(赫拉迪姆引导(无限回城),赫拉迪姆编年史(无限鉴定)) If the Voidstone is [[Recipes#Uber_Difficulty|empowered]] to difficulty 1 or 2, the fight will be more difficult and Rathma will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item ([[The Third Eye]], [[Band of Skulls]], [[Cage of the Unsullied]]) and also have a 1/50, 1/48, 1/46 chance to drop either [[Horadric Navigator]] , [[Horadric Almanac]], or [[Skeleton Key]].
* [[Lower Resist]] from Mendeln (in both phase 1 and 3) scales per tier, starting at -25 at T0, -29 T1, and -33 at T2.
* [[Lower Resist]] from Mendeln (in both phase 1 and 3) scales per tier, starting at -25 at T0, -29 T1, and -33 at T2.