Patch Notes:修订间差异

添加6,773字节 、​ 2024年4月24日 (星期三)
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This page lists patch notes for each season. The rest of the wiki is dedicated to covering the differences between the vanilla game and Project D2. Also see: [[Recent Patch Notes]]
This page lists patch notes for each season. The rest of the wiki is dedicated to covering the differences between the vanilla game and Project D2. Also see: [[Recent Patch Notes]]

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|+ Table of Contents
|+ Table of Contents
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= Upcoming Spoilers =
= Upcoming Spoilers =
Season 7 begins: TBA

Open Beta: TBA
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|+ Season 9 Spoilers

Closed Beta: TBA

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|+ Season 7 Spoilers
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|+ Season 9 Pre-Beta Spoilers
===Pre-Beta Spoilers from Dev Streams===

====Spoilers from Dev Stream #1====
====Spoilers from Dev Stream #1====
VOD (2023-03-25):

* New D2GL graphical improvement options (in-game menu to enable/disable different features) - Shout out to Bayaraa for making this
* League Name -- Anarchy: April 12 start, open beta April 8-10, closed beta March 30 - April 7
* <span class="d2-blue">加入一个新的D2GL显示模式 - 作者是Bayaraa(私服在S6时已经加入)</span>
* Crafting infusions will be staying, but will be treasure fallen event exclusive item
** 60 fps (visual only, doesn't change breakpoints)
* Treasure fallen loot table changes from crafting season (i.e. can drop higher runes) will stay minus puzzle pieces, but will no longer spawn in LoD
** <span class="d2-blue">60帧率(只是补帧,不会改变d2的BP算法)</span>
* Next Hit Always Misses bug fixed (was common with Zeal and other melee attacks if put into hit recovery, block, etc; Sacrifice self-damage and Holy Sword block would automatically cause this NHAM bug)
** HD text/cursor
* Melee hit checks simplified: will do an initial target range check to move character into hit range, and then the secondary range check is more lenient if monster moves after initial target
** <span class="d2-blue">高清字体和鼠标指针(私服已经支持高清中文字体)</span>
* Reduced volume level of main menu music
** HD minimap in upper right
* Reworked next hit delay to be on a per missile type for caster basis -- this means you can't next hit delay yourself if you use multiple skills to do damage (i.e. Twister and Tornado don't delay each other) and applies to other player's skills in game as well; may result in nerfs for skills that relied on damage increase to cover hit delays and/or additional Monster HP increases per player in multiplayer
** <span class="d2-blue">右上角的高清小地图(私服默认不开启,需手动开启)</span>
* Necro Poison Dagger now has a spread mechanic - if a monster dies while poisoned by Dagger, it will release a cloud upon death
** other options
* Necro Poison Dagger poison cloud larger
** <span class="d2-blue">一些其它选项(私服加了鼠标锁定和中文高清开关)</span>
* Increased maximum sprite limit in game, will no longer have graphics go invisible when too much is on screen (aka Shenk Bug)
* DPS counter can be toggled from the settings menu (persists between games) and the DPS now automatically resets after being outside of combat for long enough
* Added commands for player statistics: .kills of various types ('''.kills all''' - all monsters killed, '''.kills dclone''', '''.kills maps''', etc.), '''.played''' for time played, '''.deaths''' for death count; stats also will function on PlugY for single player
* <span class="d2-blue">DPS计数器(每秒伤害)添加到了游戏内设置界面,现在DPS在一段时间内没有伤害的时候会重置为0</span>
* Top 3 99s, DClone Tier 2, Rathma Tier 2 all get account-wide aura with a lightning effect; all other 99s and DClone/Rathma Tier 2 will get a character-bound aura without lightning (the character-bound auras will also work in singleplayer and carry over to non-ladder)
* Regular (white) maps can now be stacked
* TBA changes to Dungeon Boss farming
* <span class="d2-blue">普通(白色)T图现在可以堆叠</span>
* Skills no longer have a cooldown when in town - summon QoL when starting a run
* Ohm Rune now gives +45% enhanced damage (was 40% in s6)
* All permanent summons will carryover through games (i.e. not Ravens or Revives); Valks will reroll new armor between games; Iron Golem still undetermined on how that will function
* <span class="d2-blue">Ohm符文(27#)现在给予 +45%增强伤害(s6是40%) </span>
* Uber Tristram is no longer in D2GS code, now part of game -- will natively work in single player/PlugY, and can now fix bugs when seen in Tristram
* Stacked materials should be able to have innate descriptions now (may mean lootfilters need to be adjusted)
* Uber Tristram house cheese is gone, players and monsters can no longer go in the houses
* <span class="d2-blue">堆叠的材料现在有了自带的描述(所以过滤文件里面写的描述基本上可以取消了)</span>
* Pally Charge now hits non-namelocked monsters; would do a ghost attack that would miss if a monster was not namelocked
* Blessed Aim now provides slightly less attack rating, but also provides deadly strike (5% base DS, +1% DS per 2 levels)
* Standard of Heroes now only dropped from Uber Ancients, no longer drops in Uber Tristram (leaning toward 1 guaranteed and a chance of +1 per additional Ancient defeated)
* <span class="d2-blue">祝福瞄准Blessed Aim现在稍微降低命中(AR),但新增加了致命攻击(DS) (5%基础DS,每2等级+1%DS)</span>
* Poison Strike now has Bone Armor as a synergy instead of Poison Nova
* <span class="d2-blue">死灵的淬毒攻击Poison Strike现在与白骨装甲Bone Armor协同而不是剧毒新星Poison Nova</span>
* Fixed "increased melee splash radius" (e.g. Tiger Strike, Frenzy, Werebear, Humongous)
* <span class="d2-blue">修复“不正确的近战溅射范围”(比如:虎击Tiger Strike, 狂乱Frenzy, 变熊Werebear, 巨大无比Humongous)</span>
* Charge now gains up to 60% increased melee splash radius based on charging distance
* <span class="d2-blue">冲锋Charge 现在被赋予最多60%的近战溅射,基于冲锋的距离</span>
* Charge now hits correctly instead of being replaced by a basic attack when in melee range (charge bug should also be fixed)
* <span class="d2-blue">冲锋Charge 技能攻击可以正确地命中,而不是被普攻替代(冲锋BUG也同时被修复了)</span>
* Leap Attack will no longer reduce durability, will have slightly more aoe, and will do less damage
* <span class="d2-blue">BAR的跳跃攻击不再减少耐久,稍微添加攻击范围,稍微降低伤害</span>
* PvP merchants now sell "Dueling Mana Potions" which work normally in PvP arenas and cost very little gold
* <span class="d2-blue">PvP 商人现在卖“战场魔法药剂”,它只能用于PvP地图,而且只用花少量的金币就可以获得</span>
* Other potions no longer work in PvP arenas
* <span class="d2-blue">其它的药剂在PvP地图无效</span>
* New map events
* <span class="d2-blue">新T图事件</span>
** Gheed appears and sells 5 random uniques for 1 million gold each (can be affected by "reduced vendor prices", any unique can appear and the chance for each unique is customized independently of normal gambling chances - currently, each base is weighted by the number of uniques it has, and then if a base has multiple possible uniques, normal weighting applies)
** <span class="d2-blue">基德会出现并且随机卖5件暗金装备,每件100w。(这些赌博物品的底材升级机制和普通赌博的升级机制一致)</span>
** A special altar will appear that will have some kind of in-map quest (currently a work-in-progress) and reward a new item which can be cubed with map items to give them "map contains a random event"
** <span class="d2-blue">一个特殊的祭坛会出现,触发它会有某个地图任务(目前还在规划中),完成后会获得一个新的物品,这个物品可以让地图获得一个词缀“地图包含随机事件”</span>
* All trading should be centralized on the tradesite now that it's working well - discord trading channels will be disabled and the old tradesite will be taken down
* <span class="d2-blue">所有的交易现在新的交易网上运作地很不错 - discord论坛上的交易频道将会关闭以及旧的交易网站也会关掉</span>

====Spoilers from Dev Stream #2====
====Spoilers from Dev Stream #2====
* Base density of all maps increased 50%; reduced density from (non-corruption) affixes by the same amount --> less map rerolling because base density will be higher (higher floor, same ceiling without corruptions, higher ceiling with corruptions)
* Added descriptions to map orbs for base game in case you are not running lootfilter
* Can filter games by difficulty in game menu
* New UI when creating a game - buttons for selecting game server instead of typing GS in description
* Can only have one Iron Golem - it is no longer overridden by other golems and always has a separate minion icon/healthbar
* Blood Golems will have open wounds damage per second
* Druid Arctic Blast now causes monsters to "shatter" in cold AoE upon death
* Reduced delay to re-enter town portals
* Removing rune cost requirements for higher tiers of uber fights to improve accessibility; cubing the uber item by itself will cycle between difficulties
* Work in progress: rebalancing defense values on all armors - leaning towards reduction on lighter armors, increase on heavier armors (higher strength requirements will generally mean higher defense)
* Investigating making summon level auto-scale to player skill level to prevent snapshot abuse (still undecided)
* Evaluating dungeon improvements - want to make more group-oriented and incentivize
====Spoilers from Dev Stream #3====

===Closed Beta Spoilers===
* Gold capacity in stash from 5 million to 8 million (max game can support)
* All characters will always be able to hold 1 million gold - no longer based on character level
* If you have two sources of Half Freeze Duration on your gear, it counts as Cannot Be Frozen
* Diamonds are now crafting gems -- Prismatic Craft. Tenative values below:
** Ammy: Tal + Diamond --> +5-10% all res, +100-150 defense vs missile, +4-8 all attributes
** Ring: Hel + Diamond --> +3-5% all res, +50-100 defense vs missile, half freeze duration
** Belt: Io + Diamond --> +5-10% increased attack speed, half freeze duration, +25-50% enhanced defense
** Gloves: Shael + Diamond --> +5-10% increased attache speed, +10-20% attack rating, +25-50% enhanced defense
** Boots: Ko + Diamond --> +10% movement speed, +100-150 defense vs missile, half freeze duration
** Helm: Eld + Diamond --> +5-10% increased attack speed, +25-50% enhanced defense, half freeze duration
** Chest: El + Diamond --> +5-10% all res, +10-20% increased chance of blocking, +25-50% enhanced defense
** Shield: Ort + Diamond --> +5-10% all res, +10-20% increased chance of blocking, half freeze duration
** Weapon: Lum + Diamond --> +20% increased attack speed, +20-40% enhanced damage, +50-100 attack rating
* XP Gain penalties between level 20 to 25 reduced to lessen need to drop back and progress if underleveled in A5
* Inferno skill rework: Now scales the area of effect of the flamethrower with skill level
* Inferno and Arctic Blast initial cast speed is now 3 frames (much faster)
* Added curse procs onto staffs as potential mods (Amp Damage, Lower Resist)
* Added Lower Resist proc onto weapons as potential mod
* Increased elemental damage mods that can spawn on weapons; also increasing suffix value ranges to be closer to prefix ranges
* Added portals to Uber Trist that are one-time use portals - can exit and enter up to three times, including after death
* Work in progress: May add these consumable portals into dungeons as part of rework
* Armor base rework completed -- in general, low strength armors will have nerfed defense, high strengths armor will have increased defense
** Normal armors: Mostly the same, Ancient Armor nerfed to be in line with rest of normal amrors
** Exceptional armors: Mostly the same, Curiass and Mage Plate nerfed to be in line with rest of exceptional armors
** Elite armors: Big adjustments across the board -- Dusk Shroud, Wyrmhide, Scarab Husk, Wire Fleece, Archon Plate dropping 60-120 base defense; Hellforged Plate, Lacquered Plate, Shadow Plate, Sacred Armor increased 100+ base defense; other Elites in middle range of changes
** Shadow Plate strength requirement dropped from 232 to 220 strength to be in line with strength scaling with bases in Normal and Exceptional
* Unsummoning Iron Golem will make the item used re-drop to be picked up
* Pally Holy Light reworked: If cast on enemy, does magic damage to target and 50% heal to party in AoE around target; If cast on party, does full heal to party and 50% damage to monsters in AoE around target
* Brought back full palette of colors to elite monsters that were previously disabled due to bug
* Attack Rating Cap is changed from 95% to 100% -- applied to Ignore Target Defense as well
* Sorc Teleport buffed: Damage penalty reduced from 65% to 50% base, reduces by 2% per soft point skill level up to lvl 16 skill, reduces by 1% per level for lvl 17+ skill
* Sorc Energy Shield change: No longer has a Telekinesis synergy, can max scale through skill points, now caps at 90% damage taken to mana instead of 85% -- the max cap also applies to Uldyssian's Awakening unique Ghost Spear
* Set items can now roll ethereal, will result in some TBD balance changes

===Open Beta Spoilers===
Tentative Patch Notes:
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|+ <h3 style="display:inline; border:0px; padding:0px;">Lootfilter-Related Notes</h3>
* New %CL% keyword (short for "conditional line") which works the same as %NL% except is ignored if it's the first or last part of a name/description; also, if multiple %CL% keywords are adjacent to each other, only 1 new line will be created
* New %LBRACE% and %RBRACE% keywords for "{" and "}" symbols so they can be used in descriptions
* <span class="nmod">Pointmod-capable regular (white/gray) items can now use one %NL% in their name</span>
* Several bug fixes and other minor changes (see '''Loot Filter''' section of patch notes)
* New diamond-based (Brilliant) crafts:
** Amulet: Tal + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Ring: Hel + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Belt: Io + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Gloves: Shael + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Boots: Ko + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Helm: Eld + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Chest: El + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Shield: Ort + P.Diamond + Jewel
** Weapon: <span class="nmod">Sol</span> + P.Diamond + Jewel <span class="nmod">(was originally introduced as using Lum instead of Sol)</span>
** Brilliant Craft Infusion item code: crfp
* Item level and Affix level will now only show on relevant items
* Glide specific colors will now use their non-glide counterparts when in ddraw mode (previously these would have all been grey)
* Added recipe tooltips to map crafting items (orbs)
* Added flavor text to uber crafting materials
* Cubing a Vision of Terror or Voidstone by itself will cycle between difficulty tiers
* <s>Most SUFFIX IDs seem to have shifted upward by 4 due to 4 new elemental damage suffixes</s> <span class="nmod">(new affixes are now at the bottom so old affixes are unchanged)</span>
* <s>PREFIX IDs may have been shifted as well</s>
* [ Map tiers and monster immunities shuffled] [ (exact values from closed beta)]
* Lilith's Mirror no longer works on jewels, but does work on crafted items
* Equipment Changes:
** Set items can now roll ethereal
** [ Updated defense values for chests] (also Shadow Plate's strength requirement changed from 230 to 220)
** Daggers can now roll the following pointmods: Poison Strike, all martial arts skills which can be used with daggers - Tiger Strike, Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder, Blades of Ice, Cobra Strike, Phoenix Strike, Dragon Talon, Dragon Tail, Dragon Flight
** Immortal King’s Stone Crusher - Indestructible replaced with repairs 1 durability every 4 seconds (so it can be eth)
** Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian - +20% deadly strike removed, +50% enhanced damage (2 items) set bonus replaced with +20% deadly strike
* <span class="nmod">Map recipes can now use any rune instead of just Thul or higher</span>
* <span class="nmod">Safety weapon crafts now work with all weapon types instead of just bows</span>
* <span class="nmod">Predetermined attributes for crafting recipes changed for: caster boots/chest/shield, hitpower ring/boots/chest, safety amulet/chest/shield/weapon, vampiric weapon, bountiful ring</span>